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Digit Health ; 10: 20552076241241244, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38638406


Objective: Sleep quality is a crucial concern, particularly among youth. The integration of health coaching with question-answering (QA) systems presents the potential to foster behavioural changes and enhance health outcomes. This study proposes a novel human-AI sleep coaching model, combining health coaching by peers and a QA system, and assesses its feasibility and efficacy in improving university students' sleep quality. Methods: In a four-week unblinded pilot randomised controlled trial, 59 university students (mean age: 21.9; 64% males) were randomly assigned to the intervention (health coaching and QA system; n = 30) or the control conditions (QA system; n = 29). Outcomes included efficacy of the intervention on sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; PSQI), objective and self-reported sleep measures (obtained from Fitbit and sleep diaries) and feasibility of the study procedures and the intervention. Results: Analysis revealed no significant differences in sleep quality (PSQI) between intervention and control groups (adjusted mean difference = -0.51, 95% CI: [-1.55-0.77], p = 0.40). The intervention group demonstrated significant improvements in Fitbit measures of total sleep time (adjusted mean difference = 32.5, 95% CI: [5.9-59.1], p = 0.02) and time in bed (adjusted mean difference = 32.3, 95% CI: [2.7-61.9], p = 0.03) compared to the control group, although other sleep measures were insignificant. Adherence was high, with the majority of the intervention group attending all health coaching sessions. Most participants completed baseline and post-intervention self-report measures, all diary entries, and consistently wore Fitbits during sleep. Conclusions: The proposed model showed improvements in specific sleep measures for university students and the feasibility of the study procedures and intervention. Future research may extend the intervention period to see substantive sleep quality improvements.

Interacciones ; 4(2): 71-79, 01 de mayo de 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-947026


The aim of this research is to analyze which factors can explain why some girls in foster group homes become adolescent mothers and others do not, exploring the contraception use, life and motherhood expectations and their family models. The study also analyzes how teen mothers in foster group homes experience motherhood and analyze the experience of becoming mothers in their lives while in care. A total of 36 girls from foster group homes (18 mothers and 18 non-mother girls) were interviewed. The results show that the need to fill their emotional emptiness, their lack of professional life expectations, their unrealistic expectations about parenthood and the role of their partner, and the undervalue of the conditions necessary to raise their children are the main factors involved. Most of the girls in the mother group were teen mothers who were sent to foster homes because of their premature motherhood. This shows that the educative work done by caseworkers can help girls to be more conscious about getting the suitable conditions before becoming mothers. The role of foster parents, social educators, social workers and mentoring programs with the purpose to empower mothers to prevent children neglect is discussed.

El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar qué factores pueden explicar el por qué algunas jóvenes tuteladas se convierten en madres adolescentes y otras no. Explorando en ellas las temáticas relacionadas con el uso de anticonceptivos, sus expectativas de vida, la maternidad y sus modelos familiares. El estudio también analiza lo que implica una maternidad adolescente y estar tutelada. Se entrevistaron a 36 chicas tuteladas (18 eran madres y 18 no lo eran). Los resultados muestran que la maternidad adolescente a veces refleja la necesidad de llenar su vacío emocional, la falta de un proyecto de vida profesional, de expectativas poco realistas sobre la paternidad, el papel de su pareja, y la infravaloración de las condiciones necesarias para criar a sus hijos. La mayoría de madres adolescentes, fueron tuteladas a partir de su embarazo. Esto refleja que el trabajo educativo realizado por los educadores sociales, es de vital importancia para ayudar a las chicas a ser más conscientes sobre las condiciones adecuadas que se ha de tener antes de ser madre, y la necesidad de empoderarlas para prevenir posibles maltratos.

Liberabit ; 12(12): 107-112, 2006.
Artículo en Español | LIPECS | ID: biblio-1109077


Es importante señalar que la política es un concepto que ha evolucionado a través de la historia de la humanidad, siendo uno de sus principales pensadores que profundizaron acerca de la misma los filósofos griegos como Aristóteles y Platón. Además, la Psicología Política es la disciplina científica que trata de describir y explicar el comportamiento político, estudiando los factores, psicológicos, sociales y ambientales que influyen en él. De otro lado, para toda persona sería apropiado tener un mayor conocimiento de las cuestiones políticas desde la óptica de la Psicología Política, lo que le permitiría mejorar su participación política tanto si es pasiva como si es activa, ya que tendría una mayor comprensión de los procesos subyacentes a los hechos políticos que acontecen en su vida cotidiana, es decir enfatizar la relevancia de este aspecto, para así lograr toma de decisiones y elecciones más apropiadas, y no como en los últimos años nos hemos percatado de elecciones carentes de sentido común y realismo. Una Psicología Política que sirva para defender los intereses y el bienestar de las comunidades, asimismo para que ayude a la resolución pacífica de los conflictos en las comunidades y entre comunidades.

It is important to indicate that the policy is a concept that has evolved through the history of the humanity, being one of its main thinkers who deepened about same the Greek philosophers like Aristotle and Plato. In addition, Political Psychology is the scientific discipline that tries to describe and to explain the political behavior, studying the factors, psychological, social and environmental that influences in him. Of other side, for all person would be appropriate to have greater knowledge of questions political from optics of Psychology Political, which would allow him to improve his participation political as much if it is passive as if it is active, since it would have a greater understanding of the underlying processes to the political facts that they occur in his daily life, is to say to emphasize the relevance of this aspect, thus to obtain more appropriate election and decision making, and not as in the last years we have noticed of devoid elections of common sense and realism. A Political Psychology that serves to defend the interests and the well-being of the communities, also so that it helps to the pacific resolution of the conflicts in the communities and between communities.

Política , Psicología