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Phys Rev Lett ; 119(3): 030403, 2017 Jul 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28777599


We present a scanning probe microscopy technique for spatially resolving transport in cold atomic gases, in close analogy with scanning gate microscopy in semiconductor physics. The conductance of a quantum point contact connected to two atomic reservoirs is measured in the presence of a tightly focused laser beam acting as a local perturbation that can be precisely positioned in space. By scanning its position and recording the subsequent variations of conductance, we retrieve a high-resolution map of transport through a quantum point contact. We demonstrate a spatial resolution comparable to the extent of the transverse wave function of the atoms inside the channel and a position sensitivity below 10 nm. Our measurements agree well with an analytical model and ab initio numerical simulations, allowing us to identify a regime in transport where tunneling dominates over thermal effects. Our technique opens new perspectives for the high-resolution observation and manipulation of cold atomic gases.

Sci Adv ; 3(12): e1701513, 2017 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29291246


Dissipation is ubiquitous in nature and plays a crucial role in quantum systems such as causing decoherence of quantum states. Recently, much attention has been paid to an intriguing possibility of dissipation as an efficient tool for the preparation and manipulation of quantum states. We report the realization of successful demonstration of a novel role of dissipation in a quantum phase transition using cold atoms. We realize an engineered dissipative Bose-Hubbard system by introducing a controllable strength of two-body inelastic collision via photoassociation for ultracold bosons in a three-dimensional optical lattice. In the dynamics subjected to a slow ramp-down of the optical lattice, we find that strong on-site dissipation favors the Mott insulating state: The melting of the Mott insulator is delayed, and the growth of the phase coherence is suppressed. The controllability of the dissipation is highlighted by quenching the dissipation, providing a novel method for investigating a quantum many-body state and its nonequilibrium dynamics.

Sci Adv ; 1(10): e1500854, 2015 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26665167


Although kinetic energy of a massive particle generally has quadratic dependence on its momentum, a flat, dispersionless energy band is realized in crystals with specific lattice structures. Such macroscopic degeneracy causes the emergence of localized eigenstates and has been a key concept in the context of itinerant ferromagnetism. We report the realization of a "Lieb lattice" configuration with an optical lattice, which has a flat energy band as the first excited state. Our optical lattice potential has various degrees of freedom in its manipulation, which enables coherent transfer of a Bose-Einstein condensate into the flat band. In addition to measuring lifetime of the flat band population for different tight-binding parameters, we investigate the inter-sublattice dynamics of the system by projecting the sublattice population onto the band population. This measurement clearly shows the formation of the localized state with the specific sublattice decoupled in the flat band, and even detects the presence of flat-band breaking perturbations, resulting in the delocalization. Our results will open up the possibilities of exploring the physics of flat bands with a highly controllable quantum system.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(14): 143201, 2011 Apr 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21561189


The binding energy of an Efimov trimer state was precisely determined via radio-frequency association. It is found that the measurement results shift significantly with temperature, but that the shift becomes negligible at the lowest temperature in our experiment. The shift-free part of the trimer binding energy reveals a significant deviation from the nonuniversal theory prediction based on a three-body parameter with a monotonic binding-energy dependence.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(2): 023201, 2010 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867707


We observed an enhanced atom-dimer loss due to the existence of Efimov states in a three-component mixture of 6Li atoms. We measured the magnetic-field dependence of the atom-dimer loss in the mixture of atoms in state |1> and dimers formed in states |2> and |3>, and found two peaks corresponding to the degeneracy points of the energy levels of |23> dimers and the ground and first excited Efimov trimers. We found that the locations of these peaks disagree with universal theory predictions, in a way that cannot be explained by nonuniversal two-body properties. We constructed theoretical models that characterize the nonuniversal three-body physics of three-component 6Li atoms in the low-energy domain.

Science ; 327(5964): 442-5, 2010 Jan 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20093468


Thermodynamic properties of matter generally depend on the details of interactions between its constituent parts. However, in a unitary Fermi gas where the scattering length diverges, thermodynamics is determined through universal functions that depend only on the particle density and temperature. By using only the general form of the equation of state and the equation of force balance, we measured the local internal energy of the trapped gas as a function of these parameters. Other universal functions, such as those corresponding to the Helmholtz free energy, chemical potential, and entropy, were calculated through general thermodynamic relations. The critical parameters were also determined at the superfluid transition temperature. These results apply to all strongly interacting fermionic systems, including neutron stars and nuclear matter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(18): 180406, 2008 Oct 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18999802


We report on measurements of the critical temperature and the temperature dependence of the condensate fraction for a fermion pair condensate of 6Li atoms. Bragg spectroscopy is employed to determine the critical temperature and the condensate fraction after a fast magnetic field ramp to the molecular side of the Feshbach resonance. Our measurements reveal evidence of level off of the critical temperature and limiting behavior of condensate fraction near the unitarity limit.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(10): 100401, 2008 Sep 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18851195


We have observed p-wave Feshbach molecules for all three combinations of the two lowest hyperfine spin states of 6Li. By creating a pure molecular sample in an optical trap, we measured the inelastic collision rates of p-wave molecules. We have also measured the elastic collision rate from the thermalization rate of a breathing mode which was excited spontaneously upon molecular formation.