An indirect ELISA test was optimised in which B meningoccocus outer membrane proteins included in the Cuban Vaccine known as VA-MENGOC-BC were used as capture antigents. Specific antibodies in serum samples from vaccinated individuals were detected using a human anti-IgG conjugate, i.e. alklayne phosphatase, thus the reaction developed with a specific substrate called p-nitrophenilphophate. Standard serum was obtained from a reference standard, the gage curve range was 625 to 20,000/mL. The control serum was selected from the most interesting areas for the samples, hence, assay characteristics were determined. Intra-assay, inter-assay and total inaccuracies were lower than 10% in the most linear area of the curve. Detectability was 700/mL. Recovery, paralelism and linearity studies showed an under 10% inaccuracy.