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Sci Rep ; 10(1): 16475, 2020 Sep 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32999334


An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 18245, 2020 Oct 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33106504


We present how chamber background pressure affects energetic proton acceleration from an ultra-intense laser incident on a thin liquid target. A high-repetition-rate (100 Hz), 3.5 mJ laser with peak intensity of [Formula: see text] impinged on a 450 nm sheet of flowing liquid ethylene glycol. For these parameters, we experimentally demonstrate a threshold in laser-to-proton conversion efficiency at background pressures [Formula: see text], wherein the overall energy in ions [Formula: see text] increases by an order of magnitude. Proton acceleration becomes increasingly efficient at lower background pressures and laser-to-proton conversion efficiency approaches a constant as the vacuum pressure decreases. We present two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations and a charge neutralization model to support our experimental findings. Our experiment demonstrates that high vacuum is not required for energetic ion acceleration, which relaxes target debris requirements and facilitates applications of high-repetition rate laser-based proton accelerators.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 9872, 2020 Jun 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32555513


Super-intense laser plasma interaction has shown great promise as a platform for next generation particle accelerators and sources for electron, x-rays, ions and neutrons. In particular, when a relativistic intense laser focus interacts with a thin solid density target, ionized electrons are accelerated to near the speed of light (c) within an optical cycle and are pushed in the forward and transverse directions away from focus, carrying a significant portion of the laser energy. These relativistic electrons are effectively collisionless, and their interactions with the ions and surrounding cold electrons are predominantly mediated by collective electromagnetic effects of the resulting currents and charge separation. Thus, a deeper understanding of subsequent high energy ions generated from various mechanisms and their optimization requires knowledge of the relativistic electron dynamics and the fields they produce. In addition to producing MV/m quasi-static fields, accelerating the ions and confining the majority of the electrons near the bulk of the laser target, these relativistic electron currents are subject to plasma instabilities like the Weibel instability as they propagate through the thermal population in the bulk target. In this work, we present high temporal (100 fs) and spatial (1 µm) resolution shadowgraphy video capturing relativistic radial ionization front expansion and the appearance of filamentation radiating from the laser spot within a sub-micron thick liquid sheet target. Filamentation within the region persists for several picoseconds and seeds the eventual recombination and heating dynamics on the nanosecond timescale. A large scale three-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation of the interaction revealed the presence of strong magnetic fields characteristic of Weibel Instability, and corroborated the relativistic radial expansion of the ionization front, whose speed was determined to be 0.77c. Both the experimental and simulation results strongly point towards the target field ionization and the outward expanding hot electron current as the cause of the radial expansion.

Opt Express ; 25(16): 18736-18750, 2017 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29041068


We report observation of kHz-pulsed-laser-accelerated electron energies up to 3 MeV in the -klaser (backward) direction from a 3 mJ laser interacting at normal incidence with a solid density, flowing-liquid target. The electrons/MeV/s.r. >1 MeV recorded here using a mJ-class laser exceeds or equals that of prior super-ponderomotive electron studies employing lasers at lower repetition-rates and oblique incidence. Focal intensity of the 40-fs-duration laser is 1.5 · 1018 W cm-2, corresponding to only ∼80 keV electron ponderomotive energy. Varying laser intensity confirms electron energies in the laser-reflection direction well above what might be expected from ponderomotive scaling in normal-incidence laser-target geometry. This direct, normal-incidence energy spectrum measurement is made possible by modifying the final focusing off-axis-paraboloid (OAP) mirror with a central hole that allows electrons to pass, and restoring laser intensity through adaptive optics. A Lanex-based, optics-free high-acquisition rate (>100 Hz) magnetic electron-spectrometer was developed for this study to enable shot-to-shot statistical analysis and real-time feedback, which was leveraged in finding optimal pre-plasma conditions. 3D Particle-in-cell simulations of the interaction show qualitative super-ponderomotive spectral agreement with experiment. The demonstration of a high-repetition-rate, high-flux source containing >MeV electrons from a few-mJ, 40 fs laser and a simple liquid target encourages development of future ≥kHz-repetition, fs-duration electron-beam applications.