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Int J Surg Case Rep ; 122: 110066, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39096651


INTRODUCTION: Gout is an inflammatory arthritis that causes acute pain due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals. Hyperuricemia primarily causes it, resulting in the deposition of monosodium urate crystals in and around joints. Gout can affect joints such as the metatarsophalangeal joint and the foot's talus bone. Treatment involves addressing hyperuricemia and managing symptoms with medications like febuxostat. Surgical treatment is crucial, especially in cases of chronic tophaceous gout or severe joint damage, including arthroscopic debridement, ankle arthrodesis, or total ankle arthroplasty. CASE PRESENTATION: A 32-year-old male with a history of hyperuricemia experienced pain in his left ankle for a year. The ankle was swollen and prone to pain when he walked. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests revealed the thickening and irregular shape of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), suggesting a rupture. The arthroscopic operation revealed a crystal deposit, leading to the diagnosis of gout arthritis and subsequent debridement for the patient. Following the surgery, the patient experienced minimal pain, an improved range of motion, and a significant improvement in swelling within a week. The patient was able to walk with minimal assistance and without aid. DISCUSSION: Gout arthritis and ATFL injuries share common clinical features, including joint swelling, limited motion, and joint deformity. The presence of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals and inflammation in both conditions complicates diagnosis. Performing arthroscopic debridement surgery in gout arthritis presents challenges due to tophi and inflammation, as well as the risk of articular cartilage damage. Expertise is crucial for successful arthroscopic debridement, with patient selection, preoperative planning, and thorough removal of MSU crystals being key factors. CONCLUSION: Thorough evaluation, patient selection, preoperative planning, joint identification, removal of MSU crystals, and comprehensive postoperative care are crucial for successful arthroscopic debridement for gout arthritis of the ankle.

Orthop Res Rev ; 16: 163-170, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38882468


Introduction: Ankle arthrodesis is one of the treatments of choice, particularly in late-stage and unstable diabetic Charcot arthropathy. Unfortunately, poor healing capacity might play a role in the high nonunion rate (10-40%). The advancement in regenerative medicine opens a new horizon for enhancing fusion after ankle arthrodesis in patients with poor healing capacity. However, a suitable small animal model is warranted to study the effectivity of these regenerative medicine approaches. Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes models and adjuvant-induced arthritis models with complete Freund's adjuvant are two established models. However, no study has combined those two models to make a diabetic arthritic model that more closely resembles the condition in Charcot arthropathy. Methods: Twenty male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned into five groups, consisting of one control group, and four diabetic groups which were induced by STZ injection and a high-fat diet. Among these diabetic rats, two groups received complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) injections to the left ankle of the hind limb. The control group, one of the diabetic-only groups, and one of the arthritic-diabetic-induced groups were euthanized at 4 weeks after STZ induction, and the remainder were euthanized 6 weeks after STZ induction. Clinical, radiological, and histological examinations were then compared in all five groups. Results: Diabetic status was successfully achieved in the model, which was maintained until the completion of the study. The CFA-induced ankles were significantly larger than the contralateral ankles in all groups (p<0.05). Histopathological evaluation confirmed arthritic changes in the CFA-induced group with less variability after 4 weeks of arthritis induction. Conclusion: This rat model of arthritic diabetic mimics the progressive and chronic nature of Charcot arthropathy in humans. This model can be further use to study treatments that might enhance the fusion rate in ankle arthrodesis in healing-defective patients such as those with diabetes. Level of Clinical Evidence: 5.

Stem Cells Int ; 2021: 9928379, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34475959


BACKGROUND: Vertebral bone defect represents one of the most commonly found skeletal problems in the spine. Progressive increase of vertebral involvement of skeletal tuberculosis (TB) is reported as the main cause, especially in developed countries. Conventional spinal fusion using bone graft has been associated with donor-site morbidity and complications. We reported the utilization of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) combined with hydroxyapatite (HA) based scaffolds in treating vertebral bone defect due to spondylitis tuberculosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three patients with tuberculous spondylitis in the thoracic, thoracolumbar, or lumbar region with vertebral body collapse of more than 50 percent were included. The patient underwent a 2-stage surgical procedure, consisting of debridement, decompression, and posterior stabilization in the first stage followed by anterior fusion using the lumbotomy approach at the second stage. Twenty million UC-MSCs combined with HA granules in 2 cc of saline were transplanted to fill the vertebral bone defect. Postoperative alkaline phosphatase level, quality of life, and radiological healing were evaluated at one-month, three-month, and six-month follow-up. RESULTS: The initial mean ALP level at one-month follow-up was 48.33 ± 8.50 U/L. This value increased at the three-month follow-up but decreased at the six-month follow-up time, 97 ± 8.19 U/L and 90.33 ± 4.16 U/L, respectively. Bone formation of 50-75% of the defect site with minimal fracture line was found. Increased bone formation comprising 75-100% of the total bone area was reported six months postoperation. A total score of the SF-36 questionnaire showed better progression in all 8 domains during the follow-up with the mean total score at six months of 2912.5 ± 116.67 from all patients. CONCLUSION: Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells combined with hydroxyapatite-based scaffold utilization represent a prospective alternative therapy for bone formation and regeneration of vertebral bone defect due to spondylitis tuberculosis. Further clinical investigations are needed to evaluate this new alternative.

Ann Med Surg (Lond) ; 68: 102645, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34401130


INTRODUCTION: Patients with open fracture Gustillo-Anderson grade 3 had undergone several surgical procedures, but still ended up with expose long dead bone or infected. Illizarov method was used to address long bone and soft tissue defect after re-debridement with radical resection of long dead bone or infected segment. METHODS: We included 14 patients (mean age: 30.86 ± 11.49) with non-union tibial fracture with long dead and infected bone segment who had undergone several debridement, bone grafting or spacer and soft tissue closure procedure due to open fracture of tibia grade 3. The subjects underwent re-debridement with radical resection of dead or infected bone segment followed by Illizarov method to perform bone transport procedure for bone defect filling and simultaneously restore severe soft tissue loss and bone lengthening procedure. RESULTS: All subjects had achieved satisfactory results with mean docking period of bone transport 3.78 ± 0.54 months, union time at the docking side 7 (5.5-9) months. Soft tissue was covered and no recurrence of infection. Three subjects had Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD) of 1 cm, whereas the remaining had zero discrepancy. No significant pain was observed at final follow-up and 4 patients had ankle joint stiffness. CONCLUSION: The Illizarov method can effectively address long bone and soft tissue defects by distraction osteogenesis through bone transport procedure that filling the defect gradually without bone graft and simultaneously enhancing soft tissue closure without tertiary soft tissue procedure subsequently followed with bone lengthening procedure to correct the limb length discrepancy.

Int J Surg Case Rep ; 66: 304-308, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31901558


INTRODUCTION: Vertebral body defects (VBDs) are one of the most frequent orthopaedic disorders. Such defects often require bone grafts or fusion procedures; however, both procedures often fail due to various factors. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been used as a potential therapy to fill bone voids in bone defects, and they may be a potential treatment for VBDs. We reported VBDs treated with MSCs combined with hydroxyapatite scaffolds. PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 27-year-old female presented with recurrent back pain. She had a history of decompression and stabilization procedure one year ago after diagnosed with spinal tuberculosis. Initially, she felt back pain that intensifies with activity and relieved with rest. She noticed that the pain begun when once she heard a crack sound on her back while trying to get up from sitting position. There was no history of numbness or tingling sensation. There were no walking problems. Other functions, including micturition and defecation, were within normal limits. The patient firstly underwent lumbotomy procedure, and the images were all confirmed with fluoroscopy X-ray. The vertebrae went debridement, and finally, the bone defect was filled with 20 millions of umbilical cord-mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) combined with hydroxyapatite in 2 cc of saline. DISCUSSION: At three months postoperative, the patient could walk and had no pain. At six months of follow-up, no complications occurred. We also did not see any signs of neoplasm formation, which is consistent with previous studies that used MSCs for orthopaedic treatment. Moreover, no significant bone deformation or spinal cord compression was observed, which suggested the safety of the transplantation procedure. CONCLUSIONS: We found that MSCs combined with hydroxyapatite represents a potential therapy for bone regeneration in VBD. Further clinical studies are required to investigate the safety and efficacy of this combination of therapy in VBDs.

Int J Surg Case Rep ; 65: 20-26, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31678695


INTRODUCTION: Ankle fractures are common, with the incidence of up to 174 cases per 100,000 adults per year. The talus, the second largest tarsal bone, has distinctive imaging characteristics and injury patterns. The combination of talar body fracture in sagittal plane along with medial malleolus fracture is an unusual pattern of injury and rarely reported in the literature. PRESENTATION OF CASE: We presented a case of nineteen-year old male with pain on the right ankle as a result from motorcycle accident twelve hours before admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. After the patient underwent close reduction and immobilization using back slab, patient then underwent open reduction surgery of the right ankle then fixated using plate and screw combined by tension band wiring (TBW) at the right medial malleolus. DISCUSSION: Talar and Medial malleolus fracture was initially evaluated by physical examination and radiographic imaging and classified by Sneppen classification. After the diagnosis was established the patient underwent ORIF plate, screw and tension band wiring. In post-operative x-ray examination, there was a significant improvement in talocrural angle and medial clear space but same result in tibiofibular overlap and tibiofibular. CONCLUSION: Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) plate and screw combined by tension band wiring (TBW) is the right surgical treatment for patient with closed fracture of right talar body Sneppen 2 with associated medial malleolus fracture. The outcome of the treatment is excellent because the patient presented was able to fully recover to normal activity.