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Equine Vet J ; 2024 Jun 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38934765


BACKGROUND: Disease outbreaks present a significant challenge to horse health and welfare and the economic stability of horse industries internationally. This is a particular concern in Ontario, Canada, where there have been frequent outbreaks of respiratory infectious diseases among horses. Despite these risks, there has been limited research on whether Ontario horse owners engage in biosecurity measures sufficient to mitigate risk of equine diseases, and whether current events such as the COVID-19 pandemic influence attitudes towards equine biosecurity practices. OBJECTIVE: To explore Ontario horse owners' perceptions, attitudes and experiences relating to on-farm biosecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic. STUDY DESIGN: Qualitative study using virtual semi-structured interviews. METHODS: Participants (horse owners, frequent horse riders and part boarders) were recruited using social media snowball sampling where advertisements were shared by equine and veterinary organisations. Interviews were conducted virtually between June and September 2022 and were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. RESULTS: Three key themes relating to biosecurity perceptions among the 14 participants were identified. Participants relied on minimal preventative measures (such as vaccines) where perceived risk of disease was low, but implemented additional measures including quarantine and handwashing when perceived risk of disease was high. Participants' choice of biosecurity practices often mirrored those recommended by the barn manager. Moreover, participants felt that responsibility for biosecurity was not shared equally across horse owners, with more emphasis placed on those engaging in high-risk situations for disease spread. Despite experiencing biosecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic, horse owners were not consistently applying these practices to their horse care routines. MAIN LIMITATIONS: The perspectives reported here are from a small sample of horse owners and may not be generalisable to all populations. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that horse owners need improved access to and engagement with educational initiatives that emphasise the importance and purpose of all biosecurity measures.

Can Vet J ; 65(1): 42-48, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38164378


Animal and objective: The objectives of this study were to produce hematological reference intervals for late-pregnancy sows and to assess whether there were associations between sow hematological end points and the number of stillborn pigs. Procedure: Whole blood was collected from 272 healthy pregnant sows ~1 wk before farrowing, and complete blood (cell) counts and hemoglobin determinations were obtained. Sows were monitored during farrowing, and litter characteristics, including number of stillborn piglets, were recorded. Results and conclusion: Values for red blood cells, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular concentration, platelets, and white blood cells were significantly higher in Parity 1 sows compared to older sows. The mean (± SD) litter size was 14.5 ± 3.4 pigs, with 1.5 ± 2.0 stillborn pigs per litter. There was no significant association between any hematological end point (except white blood cell counts) and the likelihood of a stillborn piglet in a litter. There was a relationship between parity and stillbirth (P < 0.05), with higher-parity sows being more likely than younger sows to produce a stillborn piglet. Although it had been reported that anemic sows were more likely to have stillbirths, perhaps the relatively high mean hemoglobin concentration of sows in this study resulted in the lack of a relationship.

Paramètres hématologiques des truies en fin de gestation et enquête visant à déterminer si ces paramètres sont des prédicteurs de mortinatalités dans un troupeau de truies canadien. Animal et objectif: Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de produire des intervalles de référence hématologiques pour les truies en fin de gestation et d'évaluer s'il existait des associations entre les paramètres hématologiques des truies et le nombre de porcelets mort-nés. Procédure: Du sang total a été collecté auprès de 272 truies gravides en bonne santé environ 1 semaine avant la mise bas, et une numération cellulaire complète et des déterminations d'hémoglobine ont été obtenues. Les truies ont été surveillées pendant la mise bas et les caractéristiques de la portée, y compris le nombre de porcelets mort-nés, ont été enregistrées. Résultats et conclusion: Les valeurs des globules rouges, de l'hémoglobine, du volume corpusculaire moyen, de l'hémoglobine corpusculaire moyenne, de la concentration corpusculaire moyenne, des plaquettes et des globules blancs étaient significativement plus élevées chez les truies de parité 1 que chez les truies plus âgées. La taille moyenne (± ET) des portées était de 14,5 ± 3,4 porcs, avec 1,5 ± 2,0 porcs mort-nés par portée. Il n'y avait aucune association significative entre un quelconque paramètre hématologique (à l'exception du nombre de globules blancs) et la probabilité d'avoir un porcelet mort-né dans une portée. Il y avait une relation entre la parité et la mortinatalité (P < 0,05), les truies ayant une parité plus élevée étant plus susceptibles que les truies plus jeunes de produire un porcelet mort-né. Bien qu'il ait été rapporté que les truies anémiques étaient plus susceptibles d'avoir des mortinatalités, la concentration moyenne d'hémoglobine relativement élevée des truies dans cette étude a peut-être entraîné l'absence de relation.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).

Hemoglobinas , Mortinato , Embarazo , Porcinos , Animales , Femenino , Mortinato/epidemiología , Mortinato/veterinaria , Canadá , Tamaño de la Camada , Paridad , Lactancia
Animals (Basel) ; 13(19)2023 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37835692


It is unclear if piglets benefit from vaccination of sows against influenza. For the first time, methods of evidence-based medicine were applied to answer the question: "Does vaccine-induced maternally-derived immunity (MDI) protect swine offspring against influenza A viruses?". Challenge trials were reviewed that were published from 1990 to April 2021 and measured at least one of six outcomes in MDI-positive versus MDI-negative offspring (hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titers, virus titers, time to begin and time to stop shedding, risk of infection, average daily gain (ADG), and coughing) (n = 15). Screening and extraction of study characteristics was conducted in duplicate by two reviewers, with data extraction and assessment for risk of bias performed by one. Homology was defined by the antigenic match of vaccine and challenge virus hemagglutinin epitopes. Results: Homologous, but not heterologous MDI, reduced virus titers in piglets. There was no difference, calculated as relative risks (RR), in infection incidence risk over the entire study period; however, infection hazard (instantaneous risk) was decreased in pigs with MDI (log HR = -0.64, 95% CI: -1.13, -0.15). Overall, pigs with MDI took about a ½ day longer to begin shedding virus post-challenge (MD = 0.51, 95% CI: 0.03, 0.99) but the hazard of infected pigs ceasing to shed was not different (log HR = 0.32, 95% CI: -0.29, 0.93). HI titers were synthesized qualitatively and although data on ADG and coughing was extracted, details were insufficient for conducting meta-analyses. Conclusion: Homology of vaccine strains with challenge viruses is an important consideration when assessing vaccine effectiveness. Herd viral dynamics are complex and may include concurrent or sequential exposures in the field. The practical significance of reduced weaned pig virus titers is, therefore, not known and evidence from challenge trials is insufficient to make inferences on the effects of MDI on incidence risk, time to begin or to cease shedding virus, coughing, and ADG. The applicability of evidence from single-strain challenge trials to field practices is limited. Despite the synthesis of six outcomes, challenge trial evidence does not support or refute vaccination of sows against influenza to protect piglets. Additional research is needed; controlled trials with multi-strain concurrent or sequential heterologous challenges have not been conducted, and sequential homologous exposure trials were rare. Consensus is also warranted on (1) the selection of core outcomes, (2) the sizing of trial populations to be reflective of field populations, (3) the reporting of antigenic characterization of vaccines, challenge viruses, and sow exposure history, and (4) on the collection of non-aggregated individual pig data.

PLoS One ; 18(7): e0288339, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37428780


Researchers have begun studying the impact of human opioid and cannabinoid use on dog populations. These studies have used data from an animal poison control center (APCC) and there are concerns that due to the illicit nature and social stigma concerning the use of these drugs, owners may not always be forthcoming with veterinarians or APCC staff regarding pet exposures to these toxicants. As a result, models derived from APCC data that examine the predictability of opioid and cannabinoid dog poisonings using pet demographic and health disorder information may help veterinarians or APCC staff more reliably identify these toxicants when examining or responding to a call concerning a dog poisoned by an unknown toxicant. The fitting of epidemiologically informed statistical models has been useful for identifying factors associated with various health conditions and as predictive tools. However, machine learning, including lasso regression, has many useful features as predictive tools, including the ability to incorporate large numbers of independent variables. Consequently, the objectives of our study were: 1) identify pet demographic and health disorders associated with opioid and cannabinoid dog poisonings using ordinary and mixed logistic regression models; and 2) compare the predictive performance of these models to analogous lasso logistic regression models. Data were obtained from reports of dog poisoning events collected by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' (ASPCA) Animal Poisoning Control Center, from 2005-2014. We used ordinary and mixed logistic regression models as well as lasso logistic regression models with and without controlling for autocorrelation at the state level to train our models on half the dataset and test their predictive performance on the remainder. Although epidemiologically informed logistic regression models may require substantial knowledge of the disease systems being investigated, they had the same predictive abilities as lasso logistic regression models. All models had relatively high predictive parameters except for positive predictive values, due to the rare nature of calls concerning opioid and cannabinoid poisonings. Ordinary and mixed logistic regression models were also substantially more parsimonious than their lasso equivalents while still allowing for the epidemiological interpretation of model coefficients. Controlling for autocorrelation had little effect on the predictive performance of all models, but it did reduce the number of variables included in lasso models. Several disorder variables were associated with opioid and cannabinoid calls that were consistent with the acute effects of these toxicants. These models may help build diagnostic evidence concerning dog exposure to opioids and cannabinoids, saving time and resources when investigating these cases.

Analgésicos Opioides , Intoxicación , Animales , Perros , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Modelos Logísticos , Centros de Control de Intoxicaciones , Sustancias Peligrosas , Demografía , Intoxicación/veterinaria
Can Vet J ; 64(5): 474-478, 2023 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37138716


Objective: Describe concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) detectable in piglet sera before and after road transport, and evaluate the correlation of serum BDNF with other physiological parameters used to assess swine welfare. Animals: Commercial crosses of piglets that underwent weaning and transport at approximately 3 wk of age. Procedure: Sixteen piglets were randomly selected from a larger study for complete blood counts, serum biochemistry testing, cortisol assays, and BDNF assays. Samples were collected 1 d before transport and immediately after transport (> 30 h) under commercial conditions. We assessed the change in serum BDNF concentration; and the correlations between serum BDNF and serum cortisol, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratios (N:L), glucose, and hematological indicators of muscle fatigue. Results: Serum BDNF concentrations increased after transport (P < 0.05) and changed inversely compared to cortisol and N:L. Consistent correlations between BDNF and other physiological parameters were not observed. High inter-pig variation in serum BDNF was present at both sample times. Conclusions: Serum BDNF may be used as an additional indicator of swine welfare. Further research characterizing piglet BDNF concentrations in response to conditions promoting positive or negative affective states would be valuable. Clinical relevance: This communication discusses common hematological parameters used to quantify changes in pig welfare and introduces BDNF, which is a parameter of interest in human cognitive functioning research that may be useful for evaluating the effect of exposure to beneficial or aversive stimuli in animals. The implications of variation in sample collection, handling, and storage procedures for BDNF detection are highlighted.

Concentrations sériques du facteur neurotrophique dérivé du cerveau en tant que biomarqueur potentiel du bien-être des porcs. Objectif: Décrire les concentrations de facteur neurotrophique dérivé du cerveau (BDNF) détectables dans les sérums de porcelets avant et après le transport routier, et évaluer la corrélation du BDNF sérique avec d'autres paramètres physiologiques utilisés pour évaluer le bien-être des porcs. Animaux: Croisements commerciaux de porcelets qui ont été sevrés et transportés à l'âge d'environ 3 semaines. Procédure: Seize porcelets ont été sélectionnés au hasard dans une étude plus vaste pour une numération globulaire complète, des tests de biochimie sérique, des dosages de cortisol et des dosages de BDNF. Les échantillons ont été prélevés 1 jour avant le transport et immédiatement après le transport (> 30 h) dans des conditions commerciales. Nous avons évalué la variation de la concentration sérique de BDNF; et les corrélations entre le BDNF sérique et le cortisol sérique, les rapports neutrophiles/lymphocytes (N:L), le glucose et les indicateurs hématologiques de la fatigue musculaire. Résultats: Les concentrations sériques de BDNF ont augmenté après le transport (P < 0,05) et ont changé inversement par rapport au cortisol et à N:L. Des corrélations cohérentes entre le BDNF et d'autres paramètres physiologiques n'ont pas été observées. Une forte variation inter-porcs du BDNF sérique était présente aux deux moments d'échantillonnage. Conclusions: Le BDNF sérique peut être utilisé comme indicateur supplémentaire du bien-être des porcs. Des recherches supplémentaires caractérisant les concentrations de BDNF chez les porcelets en réponse à des conditions favorisant des états affectifs positifs ou négatifs seraient utiles. Pertinence clinique: Cette communication traite des paramètres hématologiques courants utilisés pour quantifier les changements dans le bien-être des porcs et présente le BDNF, qui est un paramètre d'intérêt dans la recherche sur le fonctionnement cognitif humain qui peut être utile pour évaluer l'effet de l'exposition à des stimuli bénéfiques ou aversifs chez les animaux. Les implications pour la détection par le BDNF des variations dans les procédures de collecte, de manipulation et de stockage des échantillons sont mises en évidence.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).

Factor Neurotrófico Derivado del Encéfalo , Hidrocortisona , Animales , Porcinos
PLoS One ; 18(2): e0279299, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36812265


Health assessments via phone call or tele-triage have become very popular. Tele-triage in the veterinary field and North American context is available since the early 2000s. However, there is little knowledge of how caller type influences the distribution of calls. The objectives of this study were to examine the distribution of calls to the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) by caller type in space, time, and space-time. Data regarding caller location were obtained from the APCC by American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). The data were analysed using the spatial scan statistic to identify clusters of higher-than-expected proportion of veterinarian or public calls in space, time, and space-time. Statistically significant spatial clusters of increased call frequencies by veterinarians were identified in some western, midwestern, and southwestern states for each year of the study period. Furthermore, annual clusters of increased call frequencies by the general public were identified from some northeastern states. Based on yearly scans, we identified statistically significant temporal clusters of higher-than-expected public calls during Christmas/winter holidays. During space-time scans of the entire study period, we identified a statistically significant cluster of higher-than-expected proportion of veterinarian calls at the beginning of the study period in the western, central, and southeastern states followed by a significant cluster of excess public calls near the end of the study period on the northeast. Our results suggest that user patterns of the APCC vary by region and both season and calendar time.

Centrales de Llamados , Venenos , Veterinarios , Animales , Estados Unidos , Humanos , Centros de Control de Intoxicaciones , Bases de Datos Factuales , América del Norte
Vet Rec ; 192(3): e1979, 2023 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36073659


BACKGROUND: Owner behaviour change in relation to management is critical for successful pet weight loss. The stages of change (SOC) can be used to conceptualise the process of intentional behaviour change. Clients may be more likely to make successful changes when practitioners use communication techniques appropriate for a client's current stage. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to assess pet owners' SOC in relation to managing the weight of their overweight or obese pet. METHODS: An online questionnaire targeting dog and cat owners was distributed via snowball sampling. A total of 532 questionnaires were included in the analysis. Of these, 153 participants (28.8%) self-identified their pet's body condition score (BCS) as greater than 5 (on a nine-point scale). An adapted University of Rhode Island Change Assessment scale was completed by 119 of these participants (77.8%) to assess their readiness to change related to managing their overweight or obese pet. RESULTS: Most participants were scored in the precontemplation (52.1%) and contemplation (42%) stages, where readiness to change is low. Owner assessments likely resulted in underestimation of pets' BCS. CONCLUSION: The results offer preliminary insight into the SOC of owners who identify their pets as overweight or obese. Developing tools to assess and understand owners' readiness to change may be useful in informing veterinary professionals' communication approaches when engaging in weight management conversations.

Enfermedades de los Gatos , Enfermedades de los Perros , Animales , Perros , Gatos , Mascotas , Sobrepeso/prevención & control , Sobrepeso/veterinaria , Estudios Transversales , Obesidad/prevención & control , Obesidad/veterinaria , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Propiedad
Vet Rec ; 192(4): e1973, 2023 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35915963


BACKGROUND: Pet obesity is commonly encountered by veterinary professionals, yet little is known about their perception of communicating about pet weight. The objective of this study was to explore veterinary professionals' perception of discussing pet obesity with clients. METHODS: An online survey targeting veterinary professionals was distributed via social media and veterinary organisation newsletters. Topics included respondents' perceptions of weight-related communication, factors related to approaching weight conversations and implicit weight bias. RESULTS: A total of 102 respondents to the survey were included in the final analysis. Avoidance of discussing pet obesity with certain clients was common (53.9%; 55/102). The most endorsed term for describing pets with excess weight to clients was 'overweight' (97.1%; 99/102). The pet's body condition score was rated the most important factor to consider when deciding how to approach a weight discussion with clients. Although only 29 participants completed the implicit association test (IAT), most of these participants were identified as having an unconscious preference for thin people. The small sample size limited the vignette analysis to descriptive only, and the IAT results should be interpreted cautiously. CONCLUSION: This exploratory, cross-sectional study provides early insight into veterinary professionals' perceptions of pet obesity-related communication and suggests the presence of weight bias in the profession that warrants further investigation.

Mascotas , Veterinarios , Animales , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Comunicación , Obesidad/veterinaria
PLoS One ; 17(12): e0277100, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36480561


The 2007 melamine pet food contamination incident highlighted the need for enhanced reporting of toxicological exposures and development of a national quantitative disease surveillance system for companion animals. Data from poison control centers, such as the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), may be useful for conducting real-time surveillance in this population. In this study, we explored the suitability of APCC call data for early warning of toxicological incidents in companion animal populations by using a-priori knowledge of the melamine-related nephrotoxicosis outbreak. Patient and household-level information regarding possible toxicological exposures in dogs and cats reported to the APCC from 2005 to 2007, inclusive, were extracted from the APCC's AnTox database. These data were used to examine the impact of surveillance outcome, statistical methodology, analysis level, and call source on the ability to detect the outbreak prior to the voluntary recall issued by the pet food manufacturer. Retrospective Poisson temporal scan tests were applied for each combination of outcome, method, level, and call source. The results showed that month-adjusted scans using syndromic data may have been able to help detect the outbreak up to two months prior to the voluntary recall although the success of these methods varied across call sources. We also demonstrated covariate month-adjustment can lead to vastly different results based on the surveillance outcome and call source to which it is applied. This illustrates care should be taken prior to arbitrarily selecting a surveillance outcome and statistical model for surveillance efforts and warns against ignoring the impacts of call source or key covariates when applying quantitative surveillance methods to APCC call data since these factors can lead to very different results. This study provides further evidence that APCC call data may be useful for conducting surveillance in the US companion animal population and further exploratory analyses and validation studies are warranted.

Enfermedades de los Gatos , Enfermedades de los Perros , Gatos , Animales , Perros , Centros de Control de Intoxicaciones , Estudios Retrospectivos , Enfermedades de los Perros/inducido químicamente , Enfermedades de los Perros/diagnóstico por imagen , Enfermedades de los Perros/epidemiología , Contaminación de Alimentos , América del Norte
PLoS One ; 17(11): e0276959, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36383510


Tele-triage, a subset of telehealth services, is becoming increasingly common, they offer users the ability to receive credible health advice from licensed professionals in the comfort of their own home. In the field of veterinary medicine, tele-triage services have been employed since the early 2000s, but there has been little examination of how these services are used by callers. The objectives of this study were to explore how the use of an animal poison control center (APCC) tele-triage service varied between veterinarians and the public in terms of toxicant type, animal demographics, availability of veterinary services, as well as seasonal and secular trends. Data regarding dog poisoning events were obtained from the APCC of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' (ASPCA). We fitted a mixed logistic regression model with random intercepts for county and state and identified associations between caller type and the following: animal characteristics (i.e., age, weight, breed-class), type of toxicant, season, year, and access to veterinary services (i.e., veterinarians per capita in the county of the caller). The model included interaction effects between season and both plant and pesticide toxicants. There was also an interaction between year and access to veterinary care. Further investigations are needed to understand how the novelty of a toxicant and the severity of clinical signs associated with a toxicant predict the type of caller, if pet demographics are associated with the caller based on medical issues or owner attitudes, and how access to veterinary care influences the use of this tele-triage service.

Centrales de Llamados , Venenos , Veterinarios , Humanos , Perros , Animales , Centros de Control de Intoxicaciones , América del Norte
J Vet Med Educ ; : e20210152, 2022 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36107721


An important outcome for veterinary education is ensuring that graduates can provide an appropriate level of care to patients and clients by demonstrating core competencies such as communication skills. In addition, accreditation requirements dictate the need to assess learning outcomes and may drive the motivation to incorporate relevant and appropriate methods of entry assessments for incoming students. Predicting the success of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) students based on entry assessment performance has been scantly investigated and can be challenging. Specifically, no research presently exists on predicting DVM students' first-year performance in relation to communication skills at the time of program entry. Objectives of this exploratory study were to investigate (a) the relationship between communication skills outcomes from multiple mini-interview (MMI) data and first-year academic performance related to communication and (b) the relationship between communication skills outcomes from MMI data and self-reported first-year communication reflections. A retrospective single-class study was conducted. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation statistics, regression models, and paired t-tests to identify relationships among variables. Paired t-tests showed that students felt more prepared to meet second-year expectations over first-year expectations. Spearman's correlation revealed an association between MMI communication scores and one pre-year 1 survey question related to professionalism. Noo relationships were observed between MMI communication scores and marks from a self-reflection assignment in a communications course, or grades from a clinical medicine course that included clinical communication. The merit for further exploration of the relationship between communication competencies and student performance is discussed.

Can Vet J ; 63(8): 835-840, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35919461


This case study describes a severe tail-biting event on a multi-site swine operation in Ontario and outlines the management strategies implemented in an attempt to control the problem. An established social order was clearly present before the tail-biting event occurred. Over 40% of tail-docked pigs in 3 of 8 grower-finisher barns were severely affected, leading to higher mortality and increased numbers of pigs re-housed in hospital pens. Environmental factors, management practices, and animal health in the barns experiencing the tail-biting event are described, including detection of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in corn at > 2 ppm. Changes implemented in response to tail-biting included altering the phase-feeding schedule, adding enrichment devices, and increasing surveillance. The subsequent cohort of pigs was followed through the finisher barns and did not engage in the same severity or prevalence of tail-biting as the previous cohort of pigs which experienced the tail-biting event. Key clinical message: No single factor was identified as the initiating cause for the severe tail-biting event. The subsequent cohort of pigs in 4 barns of the same operation were monitored for tail-biting from entry until market, and the incidence of tail-biting was very low.

Un cas de caudophagie dans une exploitation porcine à sites multiples en Ontario. Cette étude de cas décrit un cas grave de caudophagie dans une exploitation porcine à sites multiples en Ontario et décrit les stratégies de gestion mises en oeuvre pour tenter de limiter le problème. Un ordre social établi était clairement présent avant que l'événement de mordillage de queue ne se produise. Plus de 40 % des porcs à la queue coupée dans trois des huit élevages de type croissance-finition ont été gravement touchés, ce qui a entraîné une mortalité plus élevée et un nombre accru de porcs relogés dans des enclos hospitaliers. Les facteurs environnementaux, les pratiques de gestion et la santé animale dans les porcheries où sévissaient la caudophagie sont décrits, y compris la détection de la mycotoxine désoxynivalénol dans le maïs à > 2 ppm. Les changements mis en oeuvre en réponse à la caudophagie comprenaient la modification du calendrier d'alimentation par phases, l'ajout de dispositifs d'enrichissement et l'augmentation de la surveillance. La cohorte suivante de porcs a été suivie dans les porcheries de finition et n'a pas eu la même gravité ou prévalence de caudophagie que la cohorte précédente de porcs qui ont subi l'événement de caudophagie.Message clinique clé :Aucun facteur unique n'a été identifié comme la cause initiale de l'événement grave de caudophagie. La cohorte suivante de porcs dans quatre porcheries de la même exploitation a été surveillée pour la caudophagie depuis l'entrée jusqu'au marché, et l'incidence de la caudophagie était très faible.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).

Mordeduras y Picaduras , Enfermedades de los Porcinos , Crianza de Animales Domésticos , Bienestar del Animal , Animales , Conducta Animal , Mordeduras y Picaduras/veterinaria , Humanos , Incidencia , Ontario , Porcinos , Cola (estructura animal)/cirugía
Can Vet J ; 63(7): 727-734, 2022 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35784780


Objective: The objective was to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of compounding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) meloxicam or flunixin meglumine with iron dextran (ID) in piglets. Animal: Forty piglets (8 d of age) were randomly allocated into 5 groups (8 piglets/group) and received 1 intramuscular injection in the neck of the following treatments: flunixin meglumine (2.2 mg/kg) administered alone (F) or mixed with ID (F+ID); or meloxicam (0.4 mg/kg) administered alone (M) or mixed with ID (M+ID); or ID alone. Procedure: Blood samples were collected via indwelling jugular catheters at pre-dose, and 10, 20, 30, 45, and 60 min, and 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 h post-treatment to determine plasma NSAIDs concentrations using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Pharmacokinetic parameters for plasma meloxicam and flunixin meglumine concentration-time profiles were determined for each piglet using noncompartmental analysis approaches. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS software with significance set at P < 0.05. Results: The AUC0-tlast, AUC0-∞, Cmax, and relative bioavailability values in the M+ID and F+ID groups were lower than corresponding M and F groups. The M+ID group elimination half-life was lower, whereas λz and tmax values were greater than the corresponding M group. Conclusion: Relative bioavailability of meloxicam and flunixin meglumine were reduced when compounded with ID in the same bottle and administered to piglets. Clinical relevance: Further research is warranted to evaluate if decreased NSAID exposure when compounded with ID alters analgesic efficacy or drug residue depletion.

Objectif: L'objectif était d'évaluer la pharmacocinétique de la combinaison d'anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens (NSAID) méloxicam ou flunixine méglumine avec du fer dextran (ID) chez les porcelets. Animal: Quarante porcelets (âgés de 8 jours) ont été répartis au hasard en cinq groupes (8 porcelets/groupe) et ont reçu une injection intramusculaire dans le cou des traitements suivants : flunixine méglumine (2,2 mg/kg) administrée seule (F) ou mélangée avec ID (F+ID); soit du méloxicam (0,4 mg/kg) administré seul (M) ou en mélange avec ID (M+ID); ou du ID seul. Procédure: Des échantillons de sang ont été prélevés via des cathéters jugulaires à demeure à la pré-dose, et 10, 20, 30, 45 et 60 min, et 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48 et 72 h après le traitement pour déterminer la concentration plasmatique de NSAID par chromatographie liquide-spectrométrie de masse en tandem. Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques des profils concentration-temps du méloxicam et de la flunixine méglumine plasmatiques ont été déterminés pour chaque porcelet à l'aide d'approches d'analyse non compartimentale. Les analyses statistiques ont été effectuées à l'aide du logiciel SAS avec un seuil de signification fixé à P < 0,05. Résultats: Les valeurs AUC0­tlast, AUC0­∞, Cmax et de biodisponibilité relative dans les groupes M+ID et F+ID étaient inférieures à celles des groupes M et F correspondants. La demi-vie d'élimination du groupe M+ID était plus faible, tandis que les valeurs λz et tmax étaient supérieures à celles du groupe M correspondant. Conclusion: La biodisponibilité relative du méloxicam et de la méglumine de flunixine était réduite lorsqu'ils étaient combinés avec ID dans le même flacon et administrés aux porcelets. Pertinence clinique: Des recherches supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour évaluer si une diminution de l'exposition aux NSAID lorsqu'elle est associée à une ID modifie l'efficacité analgésique ou l'épuisement des résidus de médicaments.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).

Antiinflamatorios no Esteroideos , Dextranos , Animales , Clonixina/análogos & derivados , Hierro , Meloxicam , Porcinos
Animals (Basel) ; 12(14)2022 Jul 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35883343


The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to identify the benefits and possible adverse side effects of oxytocin use during farrowing. Randomized controlled trials that were published in English within the last 50 years were eligible for inclusion. Eligible research needed to contain the PICO elements: population (P)-sows at farrowing; intervention (I):-oxytocin given to sows-comparator (C): sows at farrowing not given oxytocin, as well as sows given different dosages and/or different timing of administration; and outcomes (O):-stillbirths, sow mortality, and piglet viability. Four bibliographic databases were used: PubMed, CAB Direct, Web of Science Core Collection, and ProQuest Dissertations, and Theses Global. In addition, we performed a manual search of the table of contents in the American Association of Swine Veterinarians database for relevant conference proceedings and reports. To assess the risk of bias at the study level, a modified version of the Cochrane 2.0 ROB was used. Meta-analyses were performed to examine the average stillbirth rate, farrowing duration, and birth interval between piglets using random-effect standardized mean difference (SMD) models. To explore heterogeneity, a sub-group analysis was performed on the objectives of the study, dose, time, and route of administration. Of the 46 studies eligible for meta-analyses, only 25 had sufficient information. The pooled analyses of the random effect model demonstrated that the average number of stillborn pigs was lower in the comparator group (SMD = 0.23; CI95% = 0.1, 0.36), and both the farrowing duration (SMD = -8.4; CI95% = -1.1, -0.60) and the birth interval between piglets (SMD = -1.41; CI95% = -1.86, -0.97) were shorter in the oxytocin group. The majority of the studies had an overall risk of bias of 'some concerns'. It was concluded that the use of oxytocin increases the overall number of stillborn piglets, but decreases the farrowing duration and time interval between piglets. However, future studies should focus on the effect of oxytocin on the experience of dystocia among sows.

J Am Vet Med Assoc ; 260(13): 1697-1703, 2022 06 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35905163


OBJECTIVE: To compare pet owners' and veterinarians' perceptions of veterinarian-client conversations concerning pet weight and identify challenges related to communication about weight. SAMPLE POPULATION: Veterinarians (n = 24) and pet owners (27) in southern Ontario, Canada. PROCEDURES: 3 veterinarian and 5 pet owner focus groups were conducted with a semistructured interview format. Thematic analysis of verbatim transcripts was conducted. RESULTS: Pet owners valued weight as an important health indicator for pets yet did not expect to discuss weight extensively at every appointment. Owners expected veterinarians to provide options and tailor recommendations when discussing weight management. Owners appeared more concerned with underweight animals, whereas veterinarians focused on obese animals. Veterinarians identified communication challenges, including the perception that owners are uninterested in discussing weight and conversations can become adversarial. Veterinarians reported various benefits and challenges of using humor to address pet weight and emphasized that weight-related conversations often depend on the existing veterinarian-client relationship. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Some perceptions of pet owner expectations expressed by veterinarians in this study align with owner preferences, yet several opportunities exist for changes to veterinarians' approaches to weight-related communication with clients.

Veterinarios , Animales , Humanos , Mascotas , Comunicación , Grupos Focales , Ontario , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Front Vet Sci ; 9: 849970, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35720838


Body lesions, resulting from tail-biting and ear-biting, can result in decreased health and welfare in pigs. Tryptophan, an indispensable amino acid, is needed to support protein deposition, and the synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is important to mood, sleep-wake and eating patterns and might play a role in aggression and abnormal behavior. Two randomized block design studies were conducted to assess the influence of varying dietary tryptophan levels on aggression and abnormal behavior in 8-week-old pigs. Six diets were formulated which met or exceeded all nutrient requirements yet differed according to the dietary tryptophan content. The first study included control (100% standardized ileal digestible tryptophan), supplemented (175% standardized ileal digestible tryptophan), and supplement-plus (250% standardized ileal digestible tryptophan) experimental diets, while the second study included deficient (80% standardized ileal digestible tryptophan), adequate control (105% standardized ileal digestible tryptophan), and extra-tryptophan (130% standardized ileal digestible tryptophan) experimental diets. Concentrations of plasma tryptophan and large neutral amino acids (tyrosine, isoleucine, leucine, valine, and phenylalanine) were analyzed using ultra-performance liquid chromatography and the tryptophan to large neutral amino acid ratio was calculated. Analysis for time active, lying, and engaging in aggressive interactions was carried out using 10-min scan samples to determine behavioral time budgets of the pigs on different experimental diets. Pigs fed diets with supplemented tryptophan had higher concentrations of both plasma tryptophan and tryptophan to large neutral amino acid ratio compared to the pigs fed the control diet (P < 0.05) in the first study, while no significant differences were detected for plasma tryptophan or the tryptophan to large neutral amino acid ratio in the second study. Diet did not have an effect (P > 0.05) on weight, feed intake or behavior throughout the studies. The results suggest that an increase in dietary tryptophan relative to large neutral amino acids, fed for 29 days, impacts circulating plasma tryptophan and therefore, serotonin concentrations in the pig. Despite an increase in circulating plasma tryptophan in response to an increase in dietary tryptophan in the first study, we failed to see an impact of the dietary treatment on body, tail and ear-biting behavior under the conditions studied.

PLoS One ; 17(4): e0266883, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35482776


While a substantial amount of research has focused on the abuse of opioids and cannabinoids in human populations, few studies have investigated accidental poisoning events in pet populations. The objective of this study was to identify whether poisoning events involving opioids and cannabinoids clustered in space, time, and space-time, and compare the locations of clusters between the two toxicants. Data were obtained concerning reports of dog poisoning events from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' (ASPCA) Animal Poisoning Control Center (APCC), from 2005-2014. The spatial scan statistic was used to identify clusters with a high proportion of these poisoning events. Our analyses show that opioid and cannabinoid poisoning events clustered in space, time, and space-time. The cluster patterns identified for each toxicant were distinct, but both shared some similarities with human use data. This study may help increase awareness to the public, public health, and veterinary communities about where and when dogs were most affected by opioid and cannabinoid poisonings. This study highlights the need to educate dog owners about safeguarding opioid and cannabinoid products from vulnerable populations.

Cannabinoides , Cannabis , Analgésicos Opioides , Animales , Perros , Centros de Control de Intoxicaciones , Salud Pública , Estados Unidos/epidemiología
J Am Vet Med Assoc ; 260(9): 1076-1085, 2022 04 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35429375


OBJECTIVE: Pet weight may be difficult for veterinary professionals to address with clients, particularly when pets are overweight or obese. The objective of this study was to characterize the communication processes and content of weight-related conversations occurring between veterinary professionals and clients. SAMPLE: Audio-video recordings of 917 veterinarian-client-patient interactions involving a random sample of 60 veterinarians and a convenience sample of clients. PROCEDURES: Companion animal veterinarians in southern Ontario, Canada, were randomly recruited, and interactions with their clients were audio-video recorded. Interactions were reviewed for mentions of weight, then further analyzed by means of a researcher-generated coding framework to provide a comprehensive assessment of communication specific to weight-related interactions. RESULTS: 463 of 917 (50.5%) veterinary-client-patient interactions contained an exchange involving the mention of a single patient's (dog or cat) weight and were included in final analysis. Of the 463 interactions, 150 (32.4%) involved a discussion of obesity for a single patient. Of these, 43.3% (65/150) included a weight management recommendation from the veterinary team, and 28% (42/150) provided clients with a reason for pursuing weight management. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Findings illustrate opportunities to optimize obesity communication to improve the health and wellbeing of veterinary patients.

Enfermedades de los Perros , Veterinarios , Animales , Comunicación , Perros , Humanos , Obesidad/veterinaria , Ontario , Sobrepeso/veterinaria , Mascotas
J Agromedicine ; 27(2): 113-123, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33618614


Working in agriculture has been associated with an increased prevalence of psychological distress and mental health concerns. Farmers are also less likely than non-farmers to seek-help for their mental health. Previous research examining help-seeking among farmers has focused predominantly on male farmers, and has not included many of the Canadian agricultural commodity groups or provinces. The goal of this study was to explore perceptions of farmer help-seeking for mental health amongst farmers and people who work with farmers. The study objectives were to characterize the motivations and barriers to help-seeking behaviours. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 75 farmers and individuals who work with farmers in Ontario, Canada, between 2017 and 2018. Interviews were conducted in person, and by telephone when needed. Topics of discussion included farming stresses and their impacts; personal well-being; agricultural crises and mental health help-seeking; use of mental health supports; motivators and barriers to help-seeking; and perceived ideals for mental health supports. Thematic analysis was conducted collaboratively by three authors using inductive and deductive coding. Our analysis resulted in five themes around help-seeking motivations and barriers: 1) Accessibility of mental health supports and services; 2) Stigma around mental health in the agricultural community; 3) Anonymity and/or lack of anonymity in seeking support; 4) Farm credibility; and 5) Recommendations for implementing mental health services for the agricultural community. This study provides insights around how farming culture and the accessibility and delivery of services may influence help-seeking for mental health, and proposes strategies to break down barriers to help-seeking in this population.

Agricultores , Salud Mental , Emociones , Humanos , Masculino , Motivación , Ontario
Can Vet J ; 62(11): 1211-1218, 2021 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34728849


In Canada, piglets receive analgesia to control pain after surgical castration. There is interest in examining the potential to mix non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with iron dextran prior to injection to minimize piglet handling and labor. The objective of this study was to compare pharmacokinetics and the relative bioavailability of ketoprofen given alone (3.0 mg/kg IM) versus the same dose of ketoprofen mixed with iron dextran (52.8 mg/kg IM) (ketoprofen + iron dextran) before injection in piglets. Piglets 8 to 11 d old were allocated into 2 treatment groups (n = 8/group). Plasma drug concentrations were measured using mass spectrometry at 13 time points after injection. No significant differences were detected between the 2 groups when examining pharmacokinetic parameters (e.g., Cmax, Tmax, AUC) or relative bioavailability for either S- or R-ketoprofen enantiomers (P > 0.05). However, pain control efficacy and food safety studies of these formulations are required to further examine this practice.

Pharmacocinétique et biodisponibilité du kétoprofène lorsque mélangé avec du fer dextran pour utilisation chez les porcelets allaitants. Au Canada, les porcelets reçoivent une analgésie pour diminuer la douleur après une castration chirurgicale. Il y a un intérêt à examiner la possibilité de mélanger des anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens avec du fer dextran avant l'injection afin de minimiser la manipulation des porcelets et le travail. L'objectif de cette étude était de comparer la pharmacocinétique et la biodisponibilité relative du kétoprofène administré seul (3,0 mg/kg IM) par rapport à la même dose de kétoprofène mélangé à du fer dextran (52,8 mg/kg IM) (kétoprofène + fer dextran) avant l'injection des porcelets. Des porcelets âgés de 8 à 11 jours ont été répartis en deux groupes de traitement (n = 8/groupe). Les concentrations plasmatiques de médicament ont été mesurées par spectrométrie de masse à 13 moments dans le temps après l'injection. Aucune différence significative n'a été détectée entre les deux groupes lors de l'examen des paramètres pharmacocinétiques (par ex., Cmax, Tmax, AUC) ou de la biodisponibilité relative pour les énantiomères S- ou R-kétoprofène (P > 0,05). Cependant, des études sur l'efficacité de la diminution de la douleur et la sécurité alimentaire de ces formulations sont nécessaires pour examiner de manière plus approfondie cette pratique.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).

Cetoprofeno , Animales , Antiinflamatorios no Esteroideos/uso terapéutico , Disponibilidad Biológica , Dextranos , Hierro , Porcinos