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Front Nutr ; 11: 1358968, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38638291


Introduction: The fruit of Saba senegalensis plays an important role in household nutrition. It is an important source of sweet carbohydrates, minerals, vitamin C, provitamin A and has many biological properties. It is also of economical importance and employment for rural populations, through the processing of fruit. Unfortunately, the lack of exhaustive data on the composition and properties of the fruit and its derivatives limits processing and marketing. The species is widespread in different climatic zones. Methods: Therefore, its composition and biological properties may vary, offering a variety of processing products to meet the specific nutritional needs. This study aimed to characterize the bioactive potential and antioxidant properties of fruit pulps of S. senegalensis in order to increase its value-added processing. Pulp samples of fruits were sampled from five regions of Burkina Faso, namely the Cascades, Sud-Ouest, Boucle du Mouhoun, Nord and Centre-Sud regions. Results and Discussion: Qualitative analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids and steroids, anthocyanins and tannins. Quantitative analyses showed a significant variation in phenolics, tannins, lycopene, vitamin C, ß-carotene and antioxidant activity among samples. However, this variation was not region-dependent. Indeed, some fruits from same region showed both the highest and lowest values for the assessed parameters. Fruits from regions of Centre-Sud and Sud-Ouest and displayed the highest and lowest levels of total phenolics (877.48 and 1142.33 mg GAE/100 g) and tannins (42.38 and 55.64 mg TAE/100 g), respectively. The high potential of S. senegalensis fruits pulp in nutritional and bioactive compounds, and antioxidant properties recorded in this study suggests that they can be used as a dietary supplement or in the formulation of energy foods and nutraceutical containing foods.

Front Nutr ; 10: 1127926, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37377483


Sesame (Sesanum indicum L.) is one of the primary annual oilseeds grown in Africa and Asia. Sesame seed oil (SSO) is of great economic and human nutrition interest worldwide. Due to its composition in phytochemical antioxidants and profile in unsaturated fatty acids, sesame is used as a biological source of essential fatty acids. It contains bioactive compounds such as lignans (sesamin, sesamol, sesamolin), tocopherols and phytosterols. The oleic/linoleic fatty acids ratio of sesame makes it important for human health. SSO has bioactive compounds that can help prevent certain cardiovascular, metabolized and coronary diseases. The ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids in SSO are precursors to eicosanoids that regulate the immune system and inflammatory functions. The essential fatty acids contained in this oil are essential for cell construction and highly recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy. The consumption of SSO allows both a decrease in the LDL-cholesterol complex and an increase in the HDL-cholesterol complex. It regulates blood sugar and may have favorable effects on people with liver cancer and those developing fatty liver disease. In this review, the nutritional value, antioxidant properties, and health benefits of SSO have been compiled to provide collective information of nutritional and medical interest.

PAMJ - One Health ; 9(NA): 1-10, 2022. tables
Artículo en Francés | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1425843


Introduction: la qualité des farines infantiles utilisées pendant la période de diversification alimentaire est d´une grande importance. Malheureusement, les processus de transformation occasionnent des pratiques d'hygiène insuffisantes. L´objectif de cette étude était d´évaluer la qualité physico-chimique et microbiologique des farines infantiles locales vendues à Ouagadougou. Méthodes: les paramètres physico-chimiques et microbiologiques ont été déterminés selon les méthodes standards. Les données ont été traitées sur Excel 2016 et les moyennes comparées sur XLSTAT 2016. Résultats: sur 102 unités de 20 marques de farines infantiles locales analysées, les matières premières de base étaient constituées par les céréales locales, les légumineuses, les enzymes, les minéraux et les vitamines. La teneur en eau variait de 1,92±0,01% à 5,51±0,03% tandis que le pH variait de 5,55±0,01 à 6,36±0,00. La flore totale variait de 2,4.102 UFC/g à 1,1.104 UFC/g, les coliformes totaux de 0 à 2,8.103 UFC/g, les coliformes fécaux de 0 à 5,3.102UFC/g et les levures et moisissures de 4 UFC/g à 1,1.103UFC/g. Aucune colonie confirmée de salmonelles et d´Escherichia coli n´a été détectée. Concernant l´évaluation microbiologique, toutes les farines à cuire ont présenté une flore aérobie totale, des Escherichia coli et des salmonella satisfaisantes, 64,71% ont présenté des coliformes fécaux satisfaisantes et 94,12% ont présenté des levures et moisissures satisfaisantes. Toutes les farines instantanées ont présenté des charges microbiologiques satisfaisantes. Conclusion: globalement, les farines infantiles locales vendues à Ouagadougou sont de qualité physico-chimiques et microbiologiques satisfaisantes à l´exception de quelques farines à cuire.

Introduction: the quality of infant flours used to support dietary diversification is of great importance. Unfortunately, transformation processes result in poor hygiene practices. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and microbiological quality of local infant flours sold in Ouagadougou. Methods: physicochemical and microbiological parameters were determined according to standard methods. Data were processed on Excel 2016 and the averages were compared using XLSTAT 2016. Results: out of the 102 units of 20 local infant flour brands analyzed, the basic raw materials consisted of local cereals, legumes, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Water content ranged from 1.92±0.01% to 5.51±0.03%, while pH ranged from 5.55±0.01 to 6.36±0.00. Total flora ranged from 2,4.102 CFU/g to 1,1.104 CFU/g, total coliforms from 0 to 2,8.103 CFU/g, fecal coliforms from 0 to 5,3.102 CFU/g, and yeasts and moulds from 4 CFU/g to 1,1.103 CFU/g. No confirmed Salmonella and Escherichia coli colonies were detected. With respect to the microbiological evaluation, all the cooking flours showed satisfactory total aerobic flora, Escherichia ncoli and Salmonella, 64.71% showed satisfactory faecal coliforms and 94.12% showed satisfactory yeasts and moulds. All instant flours had satisfactory microbiological loads. Conclusion: overall, local infant flours sold in Ouagadougou are of satisfactory physicochemical and microbiological quality, with the exception of some cooking flours.

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Preescolar , Ciencias de la Nutrición del Niño , Harina , Nutrición, Alimentación y Dieta , Valor Nutritivo