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PeerJ ; 9: e11948, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447633


BACKGROUND: Measuring mammals' bite force in laboratory conditions is not a simple task, let alone on wild medium-sized mammals in the field. Thus, morphometric-proxies are usually used to infer morphofunctional properties of musculoskeletal features. For instance, the study of bite force-indexes suggests that different capacities to crack food items reduce the competition between coexistent collared and white-lipped peccaries (Pecari tajacu and Tayassu pecari). The presence of exotic feral hogs (Sus scrofa) in peccaries' endemic areas gives rise to new ecological interactions between them. An example is the Brazilian Pantanal wetland, where ecomorphological mechanisms may play a role in their ecological relations. Taking this scenario as a case of study, we aimed to verify if the morphometric-proxies are de facto reliable tools, by comparing bite forces-indexes with the in vivo bite forces of these species. METHODS: We captured 21 collared and white-lipped peccaries and feral hogs in the Brazilian Pantanal to assess their bite force at first molar. The Bite Force Measuring Tube (BiTu) is a robust and simple mechanical device designed to be used in field conditions. Only 11 individuals successfully bit the BiTu before being released. Their body measurements were compared and correlated with their bite force. The in vivo bite forces were compared with bite force-indexes of two papers based on independent morphometric methods and datasets: Sicuro & Oliveira (2002) used classic morphometrics to infer the bite forces of these three species in the Brazilian Pantanal, and Hendges et al. (2019) used geometric morphometrics to compare bite forces-indexes and feeding habits of the extant peccary species. The results of all species were standardized (Z-curves) according to each method. Doing so, we obtained comparable dimensionless comparable values but maintaining the differences between them. RESULTS: The morphometric-proxies-based studies presented similar results: collared peccaries present weaker bites than white-lipped peccaries and feral hogs, while these two species presented no significant differences in their bite force-indexes. The in vivo bite force results suggest the same relations predicted by the morphometric models, including the high variation among the feral hogs. We found a significant correlation between the individuals' weight (kg) and their actual bite force (N) but no significant correlations with the head length. CONCLUSIONS: The BiTu proved to be a functional and low-cost tool to measure bite force in field conditions. The in vivo results presented a good correspondence with the predictions based on morphometric-proxies by Sicuro & Oliveira (2002) and Hendges et al. (2019). The results denote that these studies succeed in capturing the biomechanical signal of the three species' skull-jaw systems. This empirical validation confirms that these morphometric-proxies analyses are reliable methods to ecomorphological and evolutionary inferences.

PeerJ ; 6: e4200, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29340234


This paper focuses on a rare case of natural disappearance of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in an extensive area without using traditional methods of eradication programs. The study was conducted both in the Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (PRNH) Sesc Pantanal and in an adjacent traditional private cattle ranch. In 1998, feral pigs were abundant and widely distributed in the PRNH. However, the feral pigs gradually disappeared from the area and currently, the absence of pigs in the PRNH contrasts with the adjacent cattle ranch where the species is abundant. To understand the current distribution of the species in the region we partitioned the effects of variation of feral pigs' presence considering the habitat structure (local), landscape composition and the occurrence of potential predators. Additionally, we modeled the distributions of the species in Northern Pantanal, projecting into the past using the classes of vegetation cover before the PRNH implementation (year 1988). Our results show areas with more suitability for feral pigs in regions where the landscape is dominated by pastures and permeated by patches of Seasonal Dry Forest. The species tends to avoid predominantly forested areas. Additionally, we recorded that the environmental suitability decreases exponentially as the distance from water bodies increases. The disappearance of feral pigs in the PRNH area seems to be associated with changes in the landscape and vegetation structure after the removal of the cattle. In the Brazilian Pantanal, the feral pigs' occurrence seems strongly conditioned to environmental changes associated to livestock activity.

PeerJ ; 4: e2456, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27672509


The development of species distribution models (SDMs) can help conservation efforts by generating potential distributions and identifying areas of high environmental suitability for protection. Our study presents a distribution and habitat map for lowland tapir in South America. We also describe the potential habitat suitability of various geographical regions and habitat loss, inside and outside of protected areas network. Two different SDM approaches, MAXENT and ENFA, produced relative different Habitat Suitability Maps for the lowland tapir. While MAXENT was efficient at identifying areas as suitable or unsuitable, it was less efficient (when compared to the results by ENFA) at identifying the gradient of habitat suitability. MAXENT is a more multifaceted technique that establishes more complex relationships between dependent and independent variables. Our results demonstrate that for at least one species, the lowland tapir, the use of a simple consensual approach (average of ENFA and MAXENT models outputs) better reflected its current distribution patterns. The Brazilian ecoregions have the highest habitat loss for the tapir. Cerrado and Atlantic Forest account for nearly half (48.19%) of the total area lost. The Amazon region contains the largest area under protection, and the most extensive remaining habitat for the tapir, but also showed high levels of habitat loss outside protected areas, which increases the importance of support for proper management.

PeerJ ; 3: e1309, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26500818


The leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis (Kerr, 1792), is one of the most widespread Asian cats, occurring in continental eastern and southeastern Asia. Since 1929, several studies have focused on the morphology, ecology, and taxonomy of leopard cats. Nevertheless, hitherto there has been no agreement on basic aspects of leopard cat biology, such as the presence or absence of sexual dimorphism, morphological skull and body differences between the eleven recognized subspecies, and the biogeography of the different morphotypes. Twenty measurements on 25 adult leopard cat skulls from different Asian localities were analyzed through univariate and multivariate statistical approaches. Skull and external body measurements from studies over the last 77 years were assembled and organized in two categories: full data and summary data. Most of this database comprises small samples, which have never been statistically tested and compared with each other. Full data sets were tested with univariate and multivariate statistical analyses; summary data sets (i.e., means, SDs, and ranges) were analyzed through suitable univariate approaches. The independent analyses of the data from these works confirmed our original results and improved the overview of sexual dimorphism and geographical morphological variation among subspecies. Continental leopard cats have larger skulls and body dimensions. Skulls of Indochinese morphotypes have broader and higher features than those of continental morphotypes, while individuals from the Sunda Islands have skulls with comparatively narrow and low profiles. Cranial sexual dimorphism is present in different degrees among subspecies. Most display subtle sex-related variations in a few skull features. However, in some cases, sexual dimorphism in skull morphology is absent, such as in P. b. sumatranus and P. b. borneoensis. External body measurement comparisons also indicate the low degree of sexual dimorphism. Apart from the gonads, the longer hind foot of male leopard cats is the main feature of sexual dimorphism among P. b. bengalensis (and probably among P. b. horsfieldii too). External body measurements also indicated the absence of sexual dimorphism among individuals of P. b. borneoensis. Inter-subspecific skull comparisons provided a morphometric basis for differentiating some subspecies. Prionailurus b. horsfieldii and P. b. bengalensis were distinguished only by a subtle difference in PM(4) size, indicating that overall skull morphology does not appear to support their separate taxonomical status, in spite of the marked differences reported in their coat patterns. Geological events affecting the Sunda Shelf connection between the Sunda Islands and the mainland during the Last Glacial Maximum seem to have influenced directly the morphological pattern shown by leopard cat subspecies nowadays.

J Hered ; 100(3): 322-8, 2009.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19066316


Northern South America presents a diverse array of nonforest or savanna-like ecosystems that are patchily distributed. The distribution of these open habitats has been quite dynamic during Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles; yet, the relevance of climatically driven vicariance events to the diversification of nonforest Amazonian vertebrates remains poorly known. We analyzed karyologic and mitochondrial DNA sequence data of the genus Zygodontomys, a small cricetid rodent distributed throughout nonforest habitats of northern Amazonia. Samples analyzed represented 4 Brazilian Amazonian localities and 2 French Guiana localities. Karyologic variation among Amazonian Brazilian Zygodontomys populations is high, with, at least, 3 karyomorphotypes. Molecular phylogenetic analyses recovered 3 major clades congruent with known karyotypes, a finding that suggests the existence of 3 species, 2 of which currently undescribed. The French Guiana and Surumú clade, identified as Zygodontomys brevicauda microtinus, is characterized by 2n = 86 and is sister to the clade formed by the 2 nondescribed forms. The Rio Negro-Rio Branco form is characterized by 2n = 82, and the Ferreira Gomes-Itapoá form is characterized by 2n = 84. The distribution of the 3 Zygodontomys lineages identified is in accordance with the geography of the open vegetation patches in Northern Amazonia, and divergence time estimates relate speciation events to the middle-upper Pleistocene, supporting the prominent role of Quaternary climatically driven vicariance events in the diversification of the genus.

Variación Genética , Sigmodontinae/genética , Animales , ADN Mitocondrial , Evolución Molecular , Femenino , Geografía , Masculino , Filogenia , Cromosomas Sexuales , América del Sur