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J Chem Phys ; 160(17)2024 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38748023


The ability to distinguish between stochastic systems based on their trajectories is crucial in thermodynamics, chemistry, and biophysics. The Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, DKLAB(0,τ), quantifies the distinguishability between the two ensembles of length-τ trajectories from Markov processes A and B. However, evaluating DKLAB(0,τ) from histograms of trajectories faces sufficient sampling difficulties, and no theory explicitly reveals what dynamical features contribute to the distinguishability. This work provides a general formula that decomposes DKLAB(0,τ) in space and time for any Markov processes, arbitrarily far from equilibrium or steady state. It circumvents the sampling difficulty of evaluating DKLAB(0,τ). Furthermore, it explicitly connects trajectory KL divergence with individual transition events and their waiting time statistics. The results provide insights into understanding distinguishability between Markov processes, leading to new theoretical frameworks for designing biological sensors and optimizing signal transduction.

Phys Rev E ; 100(5-1): 052124, 2019 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31869946


In this paper, motivated by a general interest in the stochastic thermodynamics of small systems, we derive an exact expression-via path integrals-for the conditional probability density of a two-dimensional harmonically confined Brownian particle acted on by linear mixed flow. This expression is a generalization of the expression derived earlier by Foister and Van De Ven [J. Fluid Mech. 96, 105 (1980)10.1017/S0022112080002042] for the case of the corresponding free Brownian particle, and reduces to it in the appropriate unconfined limit. By considering the long-time limit of our calculated probability density function, we show that the flow-driven Brownian oscillator attains a well-defined steady state. We also show that, during the course of a transition from an initial flow-free thermal equilibrium state to the flow-driven steady state, the integral fluctuation theorem, the Jarzynski equality, and the Bochkov-Kuzovlev relation are all rigorously satisfied. Additionally, for the special cases of pure rotational flow we derive an exact expression for the distribution of the heat dissipated by the particle into the medium, and for the special case of pure elongational flow we derive an exact expression for the distribution of the total entropy change. Finally, by examining the system's stochastic thermodynamics along a reverse trajectory, we also demonstrate that in elongational flow the total entropy change satisfies a detailed fluctuation theorem.