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JACS Au ; 4(6): 2228-2245, 2024 Jun 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38938816


Computational study of the effect of drug candidates on intrinsically disordered biomolecules is challenging due to their vast and complex conformational space. Here, we developed a comparative Markov state analysis (CoVAMPnet) framework to quantify changes in the conformational distribution and dynamics of a disordered biomolecule in the presence and absence of small organic drug candidate molecules. First, molecular dynamics trajectories are generated using enhanced sampling, in the presence and absence of small molecule drug candidates, and ensembles of soft Markov state models (MSMs) are learned for each system using unsupervised machine learning. Second, these ensembles of learned MSMs are aligned across different systems based on a solution to an optimal transport problem. Third, the directional importance of inter-residue distances for the assignment to different conformational states is assessed by a discriminative analysis of aggregated neural network gradients. This final step provides interpretability and biophysical context to the learned MSMs. We applied this novel computational framework to assess the effects of ongoing phase 3 therapeutics tramiprosate (TMP) and its metabolite 3-sulfopropanoic acid (SPA) on the disordered Aß42 peptide involved in Alzheimer's disease. Based on adaptive sampling molecular dynamics and CoVAMPnet analysis, we observed that both TMP and SPA preserved more structured conformations of Aß42 by interacting nonspecifically with charged residues. SPA impacted Aß42 more than TMP, protecting α-helices and suppressing the formation of aggregation-prone ß-strands. Experimental biophysical analyses showed only mild effects of TMP/SPA on Aß42 and activity enhancement by the endogenous metabolization of TMP into SPA. Our data suggest that TMP/SPA may also target biomolecules other than Aß peptides. The CoVAMPnet method is broadly applicable to study the effects of drug candidates on the conformational behavior of intrinsically disordered biomolecules.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(6): 7870-7884, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37819794


We present a method for solving two minimal problems for relative camera pose estimation from three views, which are based on three view correspondences of (i) three points and one line and the novel case of (ii) three points and two lines through two of the points. These problems are too difficult to be efficiently solved by the state of the art Gröbner basis methods. Our method is based on a new efficient homotopy continuation (HC) solver framework MINUS, which dramatically speeds up previous HC solving by specializing hc methods to generic cases of our problems. We characterize their number of solutions and show with simulated experiments that our solvers are numerically robust and stable under image noise, a key contribution given the borderline intractable degree of nonlinearity of trinocular constraints. We show in real experiments that (i) sift feature location and orientation provide good enough point-and-line correspondences for three-view reconstruction and (ii) that we can solve difficult cases with too few or too noisy tentative matches, where the state of the art structure from motion initialization fails.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37610916


We present an approach to solving hard geometric optimization problems in the RANSAC framework. The hard minimal problems arise from relaxing the original geometric optimization problem into a minimal problem with many spurious solutions. Our approach avoids computing large numbers of spurious solutions. We design a learning strategy for selecting a starting problem-solution pair that can be numerically continued to the problem and the solution of interest. We demonstrate our approach by developing a RANSAC solver for the problem of computing the relative pose of three calibrated cameras, via a minimal relaxation using four points in each view. On average, we can solve a single problem in under 70 µs. We also benchmark and study our engineering choices on the very familiar problem of computing the relative pose of two calibrated cameras, via the minimal case of five points in two views.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36215371


In the structure from motion, the viewing graph is a graph where the vertices correspond to cameras (or images) and the edges represent the fundamental matrices. We provide a new formulation and an algorithm for determining whether a viewing graph is solvable, i.e., uniquely determines a set of projective cameras. The known theoretical conditions either do not fully characterize the solvability of all viewing graphs, or are extremely difficult to compute because they involve solving a system of polynomial equations with a large number of unknowns. The main result of this paper is a method to reduce the number of unknowns by exploiting cycle consistency. We advance the understanding of solvability by (i) finishing the classification of all minimal graphs up to 9 nodes, (ii) extending the practical verification of solvability to minimal graphs with up to 90 nodes, (iii) finally answering an open research question by showing that finite solvability is not equivalent to solvability, and (iv) formally drawing the connection with the calibrated case (i.e., parallel rigidity). Finally, we present an experiment on real data that shows that unsolvable graphs may appear in practice.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(4): 2074-2088, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33074802


Visual localization enables autonomous vehicles to navigate in their surroundings and augmented reality applications to link virtual to real worlds. Practical visual localization approaches need to be robust to a wide variety of viewing conditions, including day-night changes, as well as weather and seasonal variations, while providing highly accurate six degree-of-freedom (6DOF) camera pose estimates. In this paper, we extend three publicly available datasets containing images captured under a wide variety of viewing conditions, but lacking camera pose information, with ground truth pose information, making evaluation of the impact of various factors on 6DOF camera pose estimation accuracy possible. We also discuss the performance of state-of-the-art localization approaches on these datasets. Additionally, we release around half of the poses for all conditions, and keep the remaining half private as a test set, in the hopes that this will stimulate research on long-term visual localization, learned local image features, and related research areas. Our datasets are available at, where we are also hosting a benchmarking server for automatic evaluation of results on the test set. The presented state-of-the-art results are to a large degree based on submissions to our server.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(2): 1020-1034, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32795965


We address the problem of finding reliable dense correspondences between a pair of images. This is a challenging task due to strong appearance differences between the corresponding scene elements and ambiguities generated by repetitive patterns. The contributions of this work are threefold. First, inspired by the classic idea of disambiguating feature matches using semi-local constraints, we develop an end-to-end trainable convolutional neural network architecture that identifies sets of spatially consistent matches by analyzing neighbourhood consensus patterns in the 4D space of all possible correspondences between a pair of images without the need for a global geometric model. Second, we demonstrate that the model can be trained effectively from weak supervision in the form of matching and non-matching image pairs without the need for costly manual annotation of point to point correspondences. Third, we show the proposed neighbourhood consensus network can be applied to a range of matching tasks including both category- and instance-level matching, obtaining the state-of-the-art results on the PF, TSS, InLoc, and HPatches benchmarks.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 43(4): 1293-1307, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31722474


We seek to predict the 6 degree-of-freedom (6DoF) pose of a query photograph with respect to a large indoor 3D map. The contributions of this work are three-fold. First, we develop a new large-scale visual localization method targeted for indoor spaces. The method proceeds along three steps: (i) efficient retrieval of candidate poses that scales to large-scale environments, (ii) pose estimation using dense matching rather than sparse local features to deal with weakly textured indoor scenes, and (iii) pose verification by virtual view synthesis that is robust to significant changes in viewpoint, scene layout, and occlusion. Second, we release a new dataset with reference 6DoF poses for large-scale indoor localization. Query photographs are captured by mobile phones at a different time than the reference 3D map, thus presenting a realistic indoor localization scenario. Third, we demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art indoor localization approaches on this new challenging data. Code and data are publicly available.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 43(3): 814-829, 2021 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31535984


Accurate visual localization is a key technology for autonomous navigation. 3D structure-based methods employ 3D models of the scene to estimate the full 6 degree-of-freedom (DOF) pose of a camera very accurately. However, constructing (and extending) large-scale 3D models is still a significant challenge. In contrast, 2D image retrieval-based methods only require a database of geo-tagged images, which is trivial to construct and to maintain. They are often considered inaccurate since they only approximate the positions of the cameras. Yet, the exact camera pose can theoretically be recovered when enough relevant database images are retrieved. In this paper, we demonstrate experimentally that large-scale 3D models are not strictly necessary for accurate visual localization. We create reference poses for a large and challenging urban dataset. Using these poses, we show that combining image-based methods with local reconstructions results in a higher pose accuracy compared to state-of-the-art structure-based methods, albeight at higher run-time costs. We show that some of these run-time costs can be alleviated by exploiting known database image poses. Our results suggest that we might want to reconsider the need for large-scale 3D models in favor of more local models, but also that further research is necessary to accelerate the local reconstruction process.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 42(6): 1439-1452, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30676945


We present minimal, non-iterative solutions to the absolute pose problem for images from rolling shutter cameras. The absolute pose problem is a key problem in computer vision and rolling shutter is present in a vast majority of today's digital cameras. We discuss several camera motion models and propose two feasible rolling shutter camera models for a polynomial solver. In previous work a linearized camera model was used that required an initial estimate of the camera orientation. We show how to simplify the system of equations and make this solver faster. Furthermore, we present a first solution of the non-linearized camera orientation model using the Cayley parameterization. The new solver does not require any initial camera orientation estimate and therefore serves as a standalone solution to the rolling shutter camera pose problem from six 2D-to-3D correspondences. We show that our algorithms outperform P3P followed by a non-linear refinement using a rolling shutter model.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 40(2): 257-271, 2018 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28207385


We address the problem of large-scale visual place recognition for situations where the scene undergoes a major change in appearance, for example, due to illumination (day/night), change of seasons, aging, or structural modifications over time such as buildings being built or destroyed. Such situations represent a major challenge for current large-scale place recognition methods. This work has the following three principal contributions. First, we demonstrate that matching across large changes in the scene appearance becomes much easier when both the query image and the database image depict the scene from approximately the same viewpoint. Second, based on this observation, we develop a new place recognition approach that combines (i) an efficient synthesis of novel views with (ii) a compact indexable image representation. Third, we introduce a new challenging dataset of 1,125 camera-phone query images of Tokyo that contain major changes in illumination (day, sunset, night) as well as structural changes in the scene. We demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms other large-scale place recognition techniques on this challenging data.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 40(6): 1437-1451, 2018 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28622667


We tackle the problem of large scale visual place recognition, where the task is to quickly and accurately recognize the location of a given query photograph. We present the following four principal contributions. First, we develop a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture that is trainable in an end-to-end manner directly for the place recognition task. The main component of this architecture, NetVLAD, is a new generalized VLAD layer, inspired by the "Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors" image representation commonly used in image retrieval. The layer is readily pluggable into any CNN architecture and amenable to training via backpropagation. Second, we create a new weakly supervised ranking loss, which enables end-to-end learning of the architecture's parameters from images depicting the same places over time downloaded from Google Street View Time Machine. Third, we develop an efficient training procedure which can be applied on very large-scale weakly labelled tasks. Finally, we show that the proposed architecture and training procedure significantly outperform non-learnt image representations and off-the-shelf CNN descriptors on challenging place recognition and image retrieval benchmarks.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 38(5): 1027-33, 2016 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26353364


This paper introduces a novel solution to the hand-eye calibration problem. It uses camera measurements directly and, at the same time, requires neither prior knowledge of the external camera calibrations nor a known calibration target. Our algorithm uses branch-and-bound approach to minimize an objective function based on the epipolar constraint. Further, it employs Linear Programming to decide the bounding step of the algorithm.Our technique is able to recover both the unknown rotation and translation simultaneously and the solution is guaranteed to be globally optimal with respect to the L∞-norm.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 37(11): 2346-59, 2015 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26440272


Repeated structures such as building facades, fences or road markings often represent a significant challenge for place recognition. Repeated structures are notoriously hard for establishing correspondences using multi-view geometry. They violate the feature independence assumed in the bag-of-visual-words representation which often leads to over-counting evidence and significant degradation of retrieval performance. In this work we show that repeated structures are not a nuisance but, when appropriately represented, they form an important distinguishing feature for many places. We describe a representation of repeated structures suitable for scalable retrieval and geometric verification. The retrieval is based on robust detection of repeated image structures and a suitable modification of weights in the bag-of-visual-word model. We also demonstrate that the explicit detection of repeated patterns is beneficial for robust visual word matching for geometric verification. Place recognition results are shown on datasets of street-level imagery from Pittsburgh and San Francisco demonstrating significant gains in recognition performance compared to the standard bag-of-visual-words baseline as well as the more recently proposed burstiness weighting and Fisher vector encoding.

Int Sch Res Notices ; 2014: 798595, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27437454


We present a novel method for 3D surface reconstruction from an input cloud of 3D points augmented with visibility information. We observe that it is possible to reconstruct surfaces that do not contain input points. Instead of modeling the surface from input points, we model free space from visibility information of the input points. The complement of the modeled free space is considered full space. The surface occurs at interface between the free and the full space. We show that under certain conditions a part of the full space surrounded by the free space must contain a real object also when the real object does not contain any input points; that is, an occluder reveals itself through occlusion. Our key contribution is the proposal of a new interface classifier that can also detect the occluder interface just from the visibility of input points. We use the interface classifier to modify the state-of-the-art surface reconstruction method so that it gains the ability to reconstruct weakly supported surfaces. We evaluate proposed method on datasets augmented with different levels of noise, undersampling, and amount of outliers. We show that the proposed method outperforms other methods in accuracy and ability to reconstruct weakly supported surfaces.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 34(10): 1886-901, 2012 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22213766


Unexpected stimuli are a challenge to any machine learning algorithm. Here, we identify distinct types of unexpected events when general-level and specific-level classifiers give conflicting predictions. We define a formal framework for the representation and processing of incongruent events: Starting from the notion of label hierarchy, we show how partial order on labels can be deduced from such hierarchies. For each event, we compute its probability in different ways, based on adjacent levels in the label hierarchy. An incongruent event is an event where the probability computed based on some more specific level is much smaller than the probability computed based on some more general level, leading to conflicting predictions. Algorithms are derived to detect incongruent events from different types of hierarchies, different applications, and a variety of data types. We present promising results for the detection of novel visual and audio objects, and new patterns of motion in video. We also discuss the detection of Out-Of- Vocabulary words in speech recognition, and the detection of incongruent events in a multimodal audiovisual scenario.

Algoritmos , Inteligencia Artificial , Modelos Estadísticos , Reconocimiento de Normas Patrones Automatizadas/métodos , Humanos , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/métodos , Movimiento (Física) , Procesamiento de Señales Asistido por Computador , Software de Reconocimiento del Habla , Grabación en Video
IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 34(7): 1381-93, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22144525


We present a method for solving systems of polynomial equations appearing in computer vision. This method is based on polynomial eigenvalue solvers and is more straightforward and easier to implement than the state-of-the-art Gröbner basis method since eigenvalue problems are well studied, easy to understand, and efficient and robust algorithms for solving these problems are available. We provide a characterization of problems that can be efficiently solved as polynomial eigenvalue problems (PEPs) and present a resultant-based method for transforming a system of polynomial equations to a polynomial eigenvalue problem. We propose techniques that can be used to reduce the size of the computed polynomial eigenvalue problems. To show the applicability of the proposed polynomial eigenvalue method, we present the polynomial eigenvalue solutions to several important minimal relative pose problems.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 33(12): 2410-22, 2011 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21576743


Simultaneous estimation of radial distortion, epipolar geometry, and relative camera pose can be formulated as a minimal problem and solved from a minimal number of image points. Finding the solution to this problem leads to solving a system of algebraic equations. In this paper, we provide two different solutions to the problem of estimating radial distortion and epipolar geometry from eight point correspondences in two images. Unlike previous algorithms which were able to solve the problem from nine correspondences only, we enforce the determinant of the fundamental matrix be zero. This leads to a system of eight quadratic and one cubic equation in nine variables. We first simplify this system by eliminating six of these variables and then solve the system by two alternative techniques. The first one is based on the Gröbner basis method and the second one on the polynomial eigenvalue computation. We demonstrate that our solutions are efficient, robust, and practical by experiments on synthetic and real data.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 28(7): 1135-49, 2006 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16792102


This paper presents a method for fully automatic and robust estimation of two-view geometry, autocalibration, and 3D metric reconstruction from point correspondences in images taken by cameras with wide circular field of view. We focus on cameras which have more than 180 degrees field of view and for which the standard perspective camera model is not sufficient, e.g., the cameras equipped with circular fish-eye lenses Nikon FC-E8 (183 degrees), Sigma 8mm-f4-EX (180 degrees), or with curved conical mirrors. We assume a circular field of view and axially symmetric image projection to autocalibrate the cameras. Many wide field of view cameras can still be modeled by the central projection followed by a nonlinear image mapping. Examples are the above-mentioned fish-eye lenses and properly assembled catadioptric cameras with conical mirrors. We show that epipolar geometry of these cameras can be estimated from a small number of correspondences by solving a polynomial eigenvalue problem. This allows the use of efficient RANSAC robust estimation to find the image projection model, the epipolar geometry, and the selection of true point correspondences from tentative correspondences contaminated by mismatches. Real catadioptric cameras are often slightly noncentral. We show that the proposed autocalibration with approximate central models is usually good enough to get correct point correspondences which can be used with accurate noncentral models in a bundle adjustment to obtain accurate 3D scene reconstruction. Noncentral camera models are dealt with and results are shown for catadioptric cameras with parabolic and spherical mirrors.

Algoritmos , Inteligencia Artificial , Aumento de la Imagen/métodos , Interpretación de Imagen Asistida por Computador/métodos , Almacenamiento y Recuperación de la Información/métodos , Fotogrametría/métodos , Fotograbar/instrumentación , Fotograbar/métodos , Movimiento (Física) , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Sensibilidad y Especificidad