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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38877191


Salinity, resulting from various contaminants, is a major concern to global crop cultivation. Soil salinity results in increased osmotic stress, oxidative stress, specific ion toxicity, nutrient deficiency in plants, groundwater contamination, and negative impacts on biogeochemical cycles. Leaching, the prevailing remediation method, is expensive, energy-intensive, demands more fresh water, and also causes nutrient loss which leads to infertile cropland and eutrophication of water bodies. Moreover, in soils co-contaminated with persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, and textile dyes, leaching techniques may not be effective. It promotes the adoption of microbial remediation as an effective and eco-friendly method. Common microbes such as Pseudomonas, Trichoderma, and Bacillus often struggle to survive in high-saline conditions due to osmotic stress, ion imbalance, and protein denaturation. Halophiles, capable of withstanding high-saline conditions, exhibit a remarkable ability to utilize a broad spectrum of organic pollutants as carbon sources and restore the polluted environment. Furthermore, halophiles can enhance plant growth under stress conditions and produce vital bio-enzymes. Halophilic microorganisms can contribute to increasing soil microbial diversity, pollutant degradation, stabilizing soil structure, participating in nutrient dynamics, bio-geochemical cycles, enhancing soil fertility, and crop growth. This review provides an in-depth analysis of pollutant degradation, salt-tolerating mechanisms, and plant-soil-microbe interaction and offers a holistic perspective on their potential for soil restoration.