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Ann Oper Res ; 319(2): 1689-1716, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36448049


Multiple and usually conflicting objectives subject to data uncertainty are main features in many real-world problems. Consequently, in practice, decision-makers need to understand the trade-off between the objectives, considering different levels of uncertainty in order to choose a suitable solution. In this paper, we consider a two-stage bi-objective single source capacitated model as a base formulation for designing a last-mile network in disaster relief where one of the objectives is subject to demand uncertainty. We analyze scenario-based two-stage risk-neutral stochastic programming, adaptive (two-stage) robust optimization, and a two-stage risk-averse stochastic approach using conditional value-at-risk (CVaR). To cope with the bi-objective nature of the problem, we embed these concepts into two criterion space search frameworks, the ϵ -constraint method and the balanced box method, to determine the Pareto frontier. Additionally, a matheuristic technique is developed to obtain high-quality approximations of the Pareto frontier for large-size instances. In an extensive computational experiment, we evaluate and compare the performance of the applied approaches based on real-world data from a Thies drought case, Senegal.

OR Spectr ; 44(2): 307-348, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35673525


The aim of the bi-objective multimodal car-sharing problem (BiO-MMCP) is to determine the optimal mode of transport assignment for trips and to schedule the routes of available cars and users whilst minimizing cost and maximizing user satisfaction. We investigate the BiO-MMCP from a user-centred point of view. As user satisfaction is a crucial aspect in shared mobility systems, we consider user preferences in a second objective. Users may choose and rank their preferred modes of transport for different times of the day. In this way, we account for, e.g., different traffic conditions throughout the planning horizon. We study different variants of the problem. In the base problem, the sequence of tasks a user has to fulfil is fixed in advance and travel times as well as preferences are constant over the planning horizon. In variant 2, time-dependent travel times and preferences are introduced. In variant 3, we examine the challenges when allowing additional routing decisions. Variant 4 integrates variants 2 and 3. For this last variant, we develop a branch-and-cut algorithm which is embedded in two bi-objective frameworks, namely the ϵ -constraint method and a weighting binary search method. Computational experiments show that the branch-and cut algorithm outperforms the MIP formulation and we discuss changing solutions along the Pareto frontier.

OR Spectr ; 44(2): 419-459, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35673526


In many real-world optimization problems, more than one objective plays a role and input parameters are subject to uncertainty. In this paper, motivated by applications in disaster relief and public facility location, we model and solve a bi-objective stochastic facility location problem. The considered objectives are cost and covered demand, where the demand at the different population centers is uncertain but its probability distribution is known. The latter information is used to produce a set of scenarios. In order to solve the underlying optimization problem, we apply a Benders' type decomposition approach which is known as the L-shaped method for stochastic programming and we embed it into a recently developed branch-and-bound framework for bi-objective integer optimization. We analyze and compare different cut generation schemes and we show how they affect lower bound set computations, so as to identify the best performing approach. Finally, we compare the branch-and-Benders-cut approach to a straight-forward branch-and-bound implementation based on the deterministic equivalent formulation.

Data Brief ; 33: 106568, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33304965


Meta-analysis, a systematic statistical examination that combines the results of several independent studies, has the potential of obtaining problem- and implementation-independent knowledge and understanding of metaheuristic algorithms, but has not yet been applied in the domain of operations research. To illustrate the procedure, we carried out a meta-analysis of the adaptive layer in adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS). Although ALNS has been widely used to solve a broad range of problems, it has not yet been established whether or not adaptiveness actually contributes to the performance of an ALNS algorithm. A total of 134 studies were identified through Google Scholar or personal e-mail correspondence with researchers in the domain, 63 of which fit a set of predefined eligibility criteria. The results for 25 different implementations of ALNS solving a variety of problems were collected and analyzed using a random effects model. This dataset contains a detailed comparison of ALNS with the non-adaptive variant per study and per instance, together with the meta-analysis summary results. The data enable to replicate the analysis, to evaluate the algorithms using other metrics, to revisit the importance of ALNS adaptive layer if results from more studies become available, or to simply consult the ready-to-use formulas in the summary file to carry out a meta-analysis of any research question. The individual studies, the meta-analysis and its results are described and interpreted in detail in Renata Turkes, Kenneth Sörensen, Lars Magnus Hvattum, Meta-analysis of Metaheuristics: Quantifying the Effect of Adaptiveness in Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search, in the European Journal of Operational Research.

Cent Eur J Oper Res ; 26(2): 443-464, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29773968


Pairwise route synchronization constraints are commonly encountered in the field of service technician routing and scheduling and in the area of mobile care. Pairwise route synchronization refers to constraints that require that two technicians or home care workers visit the same location at exactly the same time. We consider constraints of this type in the context of the well-known vehicle routing problem with time windows and a generic service technician routing and scheduling problem. Different approaches for dealing with the problem of pairwise route synchronization are compared and several ways of integrating a synchronization component into a metaheuristic algorithm tailored to the original problems are analyzed. When applied to benchmark instances from the literature, our algorithm matches almost all available optimal values and it produces several new best results for the remaining instances.

Networks (N Y) ; 65(2): 180-203, 2015 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28163329


In this article, we study the school bus routing and scheduling problem with transfers arising in the field of nonperiodic public transportation systems. It deals with the transportation of pupils from home to their school in the morning taking the possibility that pupils may change buses into account. Allowing transfers has several consequences. On the one hand, it allows more flexibility in the bus network structure and can, therefore, help to reduce operating costs. On the other hand, transfers have an impact on the service level: the perceived service quality is lower due to the existence of transfers; however, at the same time, user ride times may be reduced and, thus, transfers may also have a positive impact on service quality. The main objective is the minimization of the total operating costs. We develop a heuristic solution framework to solve this problem and compare it with two solution concepts that do not consider transfers. The impact of transfers on the service level in terms of time loss (or user ride time) and the number of transfers is analyzed. Our results show that allowing transfers reduces total operating costs significantly while average and maximum user ride times are comparable to solutions without transfers. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. NETWORKS, Vol. 65(2), 180-203 2015.

Comput Oper Res ; 40(1): 490-497, 2013 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23471127


Demographic change towards an ever aging population entails an increasing demand for specialized transportation systems to complement the traditional public means of transportation. Typically, users place transportation requests, specifying a pickup and a drop off location and a fleet of minibuses or taxis is used to serve these requests. The underlying optimization problem can be modeled as a dial-a-ride problem. In the dial-a-ride problem considered in this paper, total routing costs are minimized while respecting time window, maximum user ride time, maximum route duration, and vehicle capacity restrictions. We propose a hybrid column generation and large neighborhood search algorithm and compare different hybridization strategies on a set of benchmark instances from the literature.

Transp Res Part C Emerg Technol ; 19(5): 912-930, 2011 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24511211


Dial-a-ride problems deal with the transportation of people between pickup and delivery locations. Given the fact that people are subject to transportation, constraints related to quality of service are usually present, such as time windows and maximum user ride time limits. In many real world applications, different types of users exist. In the field of patient and disabled people transportation, up to four different transportation modes can be distinguished. In this article we consider staff seats, patient seats, stretchers and wheelchair places. Furthermore, most companies involved in the transportation of the disabled or ill dispose of different types of vehicles. We introduce both aspects into state-of-the-art formulations and branch-and-cut algorithms for the standard dial-a-ride problem. Also a recent metaheuristic method is adapted to this new problem. In addition, a further service quality related issue is analyzed: vehicle waiting time with passengers aboard. Instances with up to 40 requests are solved to optimality. High quality solutions are obtained with the heuristic method.