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Rev. esp. med. nucl. imagen mol. (Ed. impr.) ; 43(2): 91-99, Mar-Abr. 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231818


IntroducciónAnte el aumento constante de la demanda asistencial de exploraciones relacionadas con cirugía radioguiada (CRG), nuestro hospital adoptó incluir en el equipo de CRG nuevos perfiles profesionales con el fin de reducir parcialmente el tiempo de dedicación de los médicos nucleares a esta tarea.Objetivos: Analizar el proceso de incorporación de los perfiles de Técnico Superior en Imagen para el Diagnóstico (TSID) y Enfermera Referente de Ganglio Centinela (ERGC), evaluando su despliegue en los procedimientos ligados a la técnica. Material y métodos: Análisis de la actividad de CRG durante el periodo 2018-2022, centrándolo en los procedimientos prequirúrgicos y quirúrgicos relativos a cáncer de mama (CaM) y melanoma maligno (MM), por ser aquellas patologías en las que se concentró la transferencia de competencias asistenciales. Evolución cronológica de las competencias asumidas por los diferentes perfiles durante su integración en el equipo de CRG. Resultados: La actividad asistencial de CRG durante el periodo analizado experimentó un incremento del 109%. CaM y MM son las patologías que aglutinaron con diferencia una mayor demanda asistencial. La transferencia de competencias en estas dos patologías se ha producido de manera progresiva, asumiendo en 2022 el 74% (460/622) de la fase de administración el ERGC y el 64% (333/519) de las cirugías el TSID. Conclusiones: La creación de un equipo multidisciplinar de CRG, que incluye distintos perfiles profesionales (MN, ERGC y TSID), es una eficaz estrategia para dar respuesta al incremento de la complejidad y número de todos los procedimientos relacionados con la CRG.(AU)

Introduction: Given the constant increase in the healthcare demand for examinations related to radio-guided surgery (RGS), our hospital adopted new professional profiles in the RGS team, in order to partially reduce the time spent by nuclear medicine physicians on this task. Aim: To analyze the process of incorporating the profiles of Superior Diagnostic Imaging Technician (TSID) and Sentinel Node Referent Nurse (ERGC), evaluating their deployment in the procedures linked to the technique. Material and methods: Analysis of RGS activity during the period 2018-2022, focusing on pre-surgical and surgical procedures related to breast cancer (BC) and malignant melanoma (MM), as they are those pathologies on which the transfer of care competencies was concentrated. Chronological evolution of the competencies assumed by the different profiles during their integration into the RGS team. Results: RGS's healthcare activity during the analyzed period experienced an increase of 109%. BC and MM were the pathologies that accounted for by far the greatest demand for care. The transfer of competencies in these two pathologies occurred in a progressive and staggered manner, with 74% (460/622) of the administration phase being carried out by the ERGC and 64% (333/519) of the surgeries by the TSID in 2022. Conclusions: The creation of a multidisciplinary RGS team that includes different professional profiles (NM, ERGC and TSID) is an effective strategy to respond to the increase in the complexity and number of all procedures related to RGS.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Linfocintigrafia , Ganglio Linfático Centinela/diagnóstico por imagen , Biopsia del Ganglio Linfático Centinela , Neoplasias de la Mama/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias de la Mama/cirugía , Cirugía Asistida por Computador , Medicina Nuclear , Imagen Molecular , Estudios Retrospectivos
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38387785


INTRODUCTION: Given the constant increase in the healthcare demand for examinations related to radio-guided surgery (RGS), our hospital adopted new professional profiles in the RGS team, in order to partially reduce the time spent by nuclear medicine physicians on this task. AIM: To analyze the process of incorporating the profiles of Diagnostic Imaging Technician (DIT) and Sentinel Node Referent Nurse (SNRN), evaluating their deployment in the procedures linked to the technique. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of RGS activity during the period 2018-2022, focusing on pre-surgical and surgical procedures related to breast cancer (BC) and malignant melanoma (MM), as they are those pathologies on which the transfer of care competencies was concentrated. Chronological evolution of the competencies assumed by the different profiles during their integration into the RGS team. RESULTS: RGS's healthcare activity during the analyzed period experienced an increase of 109%. BC and MM were the pathologies that accounted for by far the greatest demand for care. The transfer of competencies in these two pathologies occurred in a progressive and staggered manner, with 74% (460/622) of the administration phase being carried out by the SNRN and 64% (333/519) of the surgeries by the DIT in 2022. CONCLUSIONS: The creation of a multidisciplinary RGS team that includes different professional profiles (nuclear medicine physician [MN], ERGC and TSID) is an effective strategy to respond to the increase in the complexity and number of all procedures related to RGS.

Neoplasias de la Mama , Melanoma , Ganglio Linfático Centinela , Neoplasias Cutáneas , Cirugía Asistida por Computador , Humanos , Femenino , Biopsia del Ganglio Linfático Centinela/métodos , Neoplasias de la Mama/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias de la Mama/radioterapia , Neoplasias de la Mama/cirugía , Ganglio Linfático Centinela/patología , Melanoma/patología , Neoplasias Cutáneas/patología
Rev. esp. med. nucl. imagen mol. (Ed. impr.) ; 41(6): 350-359, nov. - dic. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-212060


Introducción En 2019 se genera la oportunidad de integrar un enfermero en el equipo de cirugía radioguiada (CRG), adaptando el modelo de enfermera referente a las exploraciones de ganglio centinela (GC). Objetivos Describir el procedimiento adoptado para definir el perfil enfermera referente de ganglio centinela (ERGC), validar su aplicación práctica y establecer su implementación asistencial. Material y métodos Metodología de análisis y mejora continua en gestión de procesos (ciclo PDCA): definición y planificación de las funciones de ERGC en el protocolo de cáncer de mama, realización prueba piloto con 20 pacientes y análisis de los datos de cara a validar el circuito y establecer su implementación asistencial. Resultados Se elaboraron flujos del procedimiento, integrando la figura de ERGC. En la prueba piloto, un 15% de las mujeres presentaron un resultado positivo de ansiedad frente a un 60% de valoración subjetiva positiva de ansiedad. Tras las intervenciones enfermeras realizadas, se obtuvo una reducción del 58,3% en valoración subjetiva de ansiedad, un 100% de conocimiento de la prueba y una valoración del dolor en la administración del radiotrazador aceptable en las pacientes. En el nivel de calidad técnica, 8/10 ítems valorados consiguieron el objetivo previamente establecido por el equipo de CRG. Conclusiones La creciente complejidad de la técnica de biopsia de GC ha creado la oportunidad de implementar cuidados enfermeros en el procedimiento de localización prequirúrgica del GC. El perfil ERGC es el idóneo para llevarlo a cabo y ha conllevado mejoras objetivas en los diagnósticos enfermeros e ítems evaluados (AU)

Introduction In 2019 the opportunity to add a nurse within the radioguided surgery (RGS) team was generated. The referent nurse model was adapted to, the sentinel node (SN) preoperative approaches. Objectives To describe the process performed to define the sentinel node referentnurse (SNRN) profile, to validate its practical application and to establish its clinical implementation. Material and methods Methodology of analysis and continuous improvement in the management of processes (cycle PDCA): Definition and planning of the SNRN functions in the breast cancer protocol, performance of a pilot test with 20 patients and analysis of the data in order to validate the circuit and establish its final clinical implementation. Results New procedure flows-charts were elaborated, adding the figure of the SNRN, its function and nursing interventions during the process. In the pilot test a 58.3% reduction in subjective anxiety, a 75% decrease of the overall anxiety level, a 100% knowledge of the test and an acceptable patient perception of pain's level during the radiotracer administration were obtained. Regarding technical quality, 8/10 items assessed reached the level previously established by the RGS team. Conclusions The increasing complexity of the SN biopsy technique has created the opportunity to implement nursing care in the presurgical SN localization process. The profile of the SNRN is ideal for carrying it out and has led to improvements in the nursing diagnoses and assessed items (AU)

Humanos , Biopsia del Ganglio Linfático Centinela/enfermería , Ganglio Linfático Centinela/patología , Atención de Enfermería , Medicina Nuclear , Calidad de la Atención de Salud
Rev. esp. med. nucl. imagen mol. (Ed. impr.) ; 41(2): 100-107, mar.-abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-205156


El diagnóstico cada vez más precoz de la enfermedad mamaria y el uso más extendido del tratamiento sistémico primario conlleva en la práctica clínica un creciente número de cirugías de lesiones mamarias no palpables (LMNP).La cirugía conservadora de la mama requiere a menudo la utilización de un procedimiento de localización preoperatorio guiado por imagen, en el cual se coloca un dispositivo en el interior de la lesión a extirpar para guiar al cirujano durante la cirugía. Se trata de pacientes con tumores pequeños, no palpables, detectados en la mamografía de cribado poblacional, casos con significativa reducción de la lesión tras la quimioterapia neoadyuvante e incluso en ocasiones es necesario el marcaje de adenopatías axilares previo al tratamiento sistémico.Durante décadas, la localización con arpón ha sido el estándar para el marcaje preoperatorio en cáncer de mama. Debido al componente externo del arpón, se debe extremar el cuidado de no alterar su posición antes de la cirugía, por lo que se coloca horas antes de la cirugía y conlleva una compleja y limitada flexibilidad de programación quirúrgica.La ecografía intraoperatoria subsana este inconveniente, pero tiene la limitación de que únicamente va a poder realizarse en aquellas LMNP que tienen traducción ecográfica. La técnica Radioguided Ocult Lesión Localization (ROLL), si bien es otra alternativa adoptada por muchas instituciones, no está exenta de complicaciones, entre las que destaca la posibilidad de difusión del radiotrazador hacia el tejido sano.Para solventar estos inconvenientes, más recientemente, se comenzaron a utilizar las semillas radiactivas de 125I. Posteriormente, gracias a los avances tecnológicos, han surgido alternativas de semillas no radiactivas como los reflectores de radar, las semillas magnéticas y los marcadores por radiofrecuencia. Estos dispositivos de localización se pueden colocar días antes de la cirugía

The increasingly early diagnosis of breast disease and the more widespread use of primary systemic therapy leads to an increasing number of surgeries for non-palpable breast lesions (NPL) in clinical practice.Breast-conserving surgery often requires the use of an image-guided preoperative localization procedure, in which a device is placed within the lesion to be removed to guide the surgeon during surgery. These are patients with small, non-palpable tumors detected in the population screening mammogram, cases with significant reduction of the lesion after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and sometimes it is even necessary to mark axillary lymphadenopathies prior to systemic treatment.For decades, wire localization has been the standard for preoperative marking in breast cancer. Due to the external component of this device, extreme care must be taken not to alter its position before surgery, which is why it is placed hours before surgery and entails complex and limited flexibility in surgical programming.Intraoperative ultrasound improves this drawback but has the limitation that it can only be performed in those NPLs that have ultrasound translation. The Radioguided Occult Lesion Localization (ROLL) technique, although it is another alternative adopted by many institutions, is not without complications, among which the possibility of diffusion of the radiotracer into healthy tissue stands out.To overcome these problems, more recently, 125I radioactive seeds began to be used. Subsequently, thanks to technological advances, non-radioactive seed alternatives such as radar reflectors, magnetic seeds and radio frequency markers have emerged. These locating devices can be placed days before surgery, avoiding wire-related problems and complications. They are introduced percutaneously and identified intraoperatively using a detector device.There is no perfect intraoperative localization method for NPL excision, but fortunately, we have multiple techniques

Humanos , Femenino , Neoplasias de la Mama/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias de la Mama/cirugía , Mamografía , Detección Precoz del Cáncer , Mastectomía Segmentaria , Ultrasonografía
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35260376


INTRODUCTION: In 2019 the opportunity to add a nurse within the radioguided surgery (RGS) team was generated. The referent nurse model was adapted to, the sentinel node (SN) preoperative approaches. OBJECTIVES: To describe the process performed to define the sentinel node referent nurse (SNRN) profile, to validate its practical application and to establish its clinical implementation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Methodology of analysis and continuous improvement in the management of processes (cycle PDCA): definition and planning of the SNRN functions in the breast cancer protocol, performance of a pilot test with 20 patients and analysis of the data in order to validate the circuit and establish its final clinical implementation. RESULTS: New procedure flows-charts were elaborated, adding the figure of the SNRN, its function and nursing interventions during the process. In the pilot test a 58.3% reduction in subjective anxiety, a 75% decrease of the overall anxiety level, a 100% knowledge of the test and an acceptable patient perception of pain's level during the radiotracer administration were obtained. Regarding technical quality, 8/10 items assessed reached the level previously established by the RGS team. CONCLUSIONS: The increasing complexity of the SN biopsy technique has created the opportunity to implement nursing care in the presurgical SN localization process. The profile of the SNRN is ideal for carrying it out and has led to improvements in the nursing diagnoses and assessed items.

Neoplasias de la Mama , Ganglio Linfático Centinela , Humanos , Femenino , Ganglio Linfático Centinela/diagnóstico por imagen , Ganglio Linfático Centinela/cirugía , Ganglio Linfático Centinela/patología , Biopsia del Ganglio Linfático Centinela/métodos , Neoplasias de la Mama/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias de la Mama/cirugía , Neoplasias de la Mama/patología
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35193816


The increasingly early diagnosis of breast disease and the more widespread use of primary systemic therapy leads to an increasing number of surgeries for non-palpable breast lesions (NPL) in clinical practice. Breast-conserving surgery often requires the use of an image-guided preoperative localization procedure, in which a device is placed within the lesion to be removed to guide the surgeon during surgery. These are patients with small, non-palpable tumors detected in the population screening mammogram, cases with significant reduction of the lesion after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and sometimes it is even necessary to mark axillary lymphadenopathies prior to systemic treatment. For decades, wire localization has been the standard for preoperative marking in breast cancer. Due to the external component of this device, extreme care must be taken not to alter its position before surgery, which is why it is placed hours before surgery and entails complex and limited flexibility in surgical programming. Intraoperative ultrasound improves this drawback but has the limitation that it can only be performed in those NPLs that have ultrasound translation. The Radioguided Occult Lesion Localization (ROLL) technique, although it is another alternative adopted by many institutions, is not without complications, among which the possibility of diffusion of the radiotracer into healthy tissue stands out. To overcome these problems, more recently, 125I radioactive seeds began to be used. Subsequently, thanks to technological advances, non-radioactive seed alternatives such as radar reflectors, magnetic seeds and radio frequency markers have emerged. These locating devices can be placed days before surgery, avoiding wire-related problems and complications. They are introduced percutaneously and identified intraoperatively using a detector device. There is no perfect intraoperative localization method for NPL excision, but fortunately, we have multiple techniques with different advantages and disadvantages that must be assessed and adapted to the center's own resources, the type of surgery, and always to the benefit of the patient.

Neoplasias de la Mama , Mamografía , Neoplasias de la Mama/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias de la Mama/radioterapia , Neoplasias de la Mama/cirugía , Detección Precoz del Cáncer , Femenino , Humanos , Mastectomía Segmentaria , Ultrasonografía
Curr Opin Infect Dis ; 34(6): 728-736, 2021 12 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34751186


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Current evidence on cardiovascular infections in Gram-negative blood stream infections (GNBSI) with focus on the use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose - positron emission tomography/Computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) in the diagnostic workup. RECENT FINDINGS: Most evidence focuses on characteristics of diagnosed cardiovascular infections and the proportion caused by GNBSI. These proportions are low (1-5%) when it comes to native and prosthetic valve endocarditis as well as cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) infections whereas the proportion of vascular graft infections caused by GNBSI seems substantially higher (30-40%). Information on the prevalence of cardiovascular infection in patients with GNBSI is limited to a few studies finding around 3% endocarditis in patients with GNBSI and a prosthetic heart valve and 4-16% device-related infection in patients with CIED and GNBSI. SUMMARY: Patients with GNBSI and native or prosthetic valves should only undergo work-up for endocarditis (TEE and FDG-PET/CT) if they present GNBSI relapse or signs suggestive of endocarditis. CIED patients with GNBSI with Pseudomonas or Serratia spp. should undergo TEE and PET/CT because of the high prevalence of device-related infection. In other GNBs without IE suggestive signs, normal BSI treatment is reasonable and only cases with relapse need work-up. GNBSI in patients with vascular grafts should lead to consideration of PET/CT.

Bacteriemia , Endocarditis Bacteriana , Endocarditis , Prótesis Valvulares Cardíacas , Infecciones Relacionadas con Prótesis , Bacteriemia/epidemiología , Ecocardiografía , Endocarditis/diagnóstico por imagen , Endocarditis/epidemiología , Endocarditis Bacteriana/diagnóstico por imagen , Endocarditis Bacteriana/epidemiología , Fluorodesoxiglucosa F18 , Prótesis Valvulares Cardíacas/efectos adversos , Humanos , Tomografía Computarizada por Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones , Infecciones Relacionadas con Prótesis/diagnóstico , Infecciones Relacionadas con Prótesis/epidemiología , Radiofármacos
Rev. esp. med. nucl. imagen mol. (Ed. impr.) ; 38(5): 312-315, sept.-oct. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-189259


La neuroimagen funcional de la PET con 18F-FDG y la SPECT de perfusión son exploraciones cada vez más imprescindibles para la localización prequirúrgica del foco epileptógeno. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 18 años con crisis epilépticas refractarias a tratamiento antiepiléptico. La RM mostró displasia en córtex insular posterior derecho. El SISCOM detectó un aumento focal de captación en cíngulo frontoparietal izquierdo y en la PET-FDG se visualizaba una distribución normal del radiotrazador. Se realizó resección insular posterior derecha, cuyo resultado anatomopatológico fue ganglioglioma grado I de la clasificación de la OMS. El paciente mostró una evolución posquirúrgica favorable, encontrándose libre de crisis desde hace 5 años (Engel I). Un análisis retrospectivo de este caso con 2 nuevos métodos de procesamiento de imágenes: PET-Analysis y PISCOM, permitió localizar correctamente el foco epileptógeno en córtex insular posterior derecho

Functional neuroimaging with positron emission tomography with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (PET-18F-FDG) and perfusion single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) are increasingly more essential for presurgically locating the epileptogenic focus. We present the case of an 18-year-old male with epileptic seizures refractory to antiepileptic treatment. Magnetic resonance (MR) showed dysplasia in the posterior right insular cortex. Subtraction of ictal SPECT co-registered to MR (SICOM) detected a focal increase of uptake in the left fronto-parietal cingulate and PET-FDG showed normal distribution of the radiotracer. The posterior right insula was resected with histopathological results of grade I ganglioglioma according to the World Health Organization classification. The patient made favourable post-surgical progress, and remains seizure-free after 5 years (Engel I). Retrospective analysis of this case with two new image processing methods (PET analysis and PET interictal subtracted ictal SPECT coregistered with MR [PISCOM]) correctly localized the epileptogenic focus in the posterior right insular cortex

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Cerebro/diagnóstico por imagen , Epilepsia/diagnóstico por imagen , Neuroimagen/métodos , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones/métodos , Tomografía Computarizada de Emisión de Fotón Único/métodos
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30827940


Functional neuroimaging with positron emission tomography with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (PET-18F-FDG) and perfusion single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) are increasingly more essential for presurgically locating the epileptogenic focus. We present the case of an 18-year-old male with epileptic seizures refractory to antiepileptic treatment. Magnetic resonance (MR) showed dysplasia in the posterior right insular cortex. Subtraction of ictal SPECT co-registered to MR (SICOM) detected a focal increase of uptake in the left fronto-parietal cingulate and PET-FDG showed normal distribution of the radiotracer. The posterior right insula was resected with histopathological results of grade I ganglioglioma according to the World Health Organization classification. The patient made favourable post-surgical progress, and remains seizure-free after 5 years (Engel I). Retrospective analysis of this case with two new image processing methods (PET analysis and PET interictal subtracted ictal SPECT coregistered with MR [PISCOM]) correctly localized the epileptogenic focus in the posterior right insular cortex.

Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagen , Epilepsia/diagnóstico por imagen , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/métodos , Neuroimagen/métodos , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones/métodos , Tomografía Computarizada de Emisión de Fotón Único/métodos , Adolescente , Humanos , Masculino
Eur J Neurol ; 26(8): 1098-1104, 2019 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30793432


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Several diagnostic biomarkers are currently available for clinical use in early-onset cognitive impairment. The decision on which biomarker is used in each patient depends on several factors such as its predictive value or tolerability. METHODS: There were a total of 40 subjects with early-onset cognitive complaints (<65 years of age): 26 with Alzheimer's disease (AD), five with frontotemporal dementia and nine with diagnostic suspicion of non-neurodegenerative disorder. Clinical and neuropsychological evaluation, lumbar puncture for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) AD core biochemical marker determination, medial temporal atrophy evaluation on magnetic resonance imaging, amyloid-positron emission tomography (PET) and 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET were performed. Neurologists provided pre- and post-biomarker diagnosis, together with diagnostic confidence and clinical/therapeutic management. Patients scored the tolerability of each procedure. RESULTS: Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers and amyloid-PET increased diagnostic confidence in AD (77.4%-86.2% after CSF, 92.4% after amyloid-PET, P < 0.01) and non-neurodegenerative conditions (53.6%-75% after CSF, 95% after amyloid-PET, P < 0.05). Biomarker results led to diagnostic (32.5%) and treatment (32.5%) changes. All tests were well tolerated. CONCLUSIONS: Biomarker procedures are well tolerated and have an important diagnostic/therapeutic impact on early-onset cognitive impairment.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer/diagnóstico , Disfunción Cognitiva/diagnóstico , Demencia Frontotemporal/diagnóstico , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/líquido cefalorraquídeo , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/diagnóstico por imagen , Péptidos beta-Amiloides/líquido cefalorraquídeo , Biomarcadores/líquido cefalorraquídeo , Disfunción Cognitiva/líquido cefalorraquídeo , Disfunción Cognitiva/diagnóstico por imagen , Femenino , Demencia Frontotemporal/líquido cefalorraquídeo , Demencia Frontotemporal/diagnóstico por imagen , Humanos , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones/métodos
J Oncol Pharm Pract ; 25(2): 279-288, 2019 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28950805


PURPOSE: Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant recipients undergo myelosuppressive chemotherapy to allow engraftment of stem cells and are at particularly high risk for bacterial infections and adverse outcomes. Patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplant are at increased risk for healthcare-associated infections, including infections with multidrug-resistant pathogens. Cefepime is a commonly prescribed antibiotic for empiric therapy in hematopoietic cell transplant patients, but there is minimal data describing cefepime resistance rates, risk factors for resistance, and clinical outcomes associated with cefepime-resistant infections. METHODS: Adult (≥18 years old) allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant recipients with a culture positive for a gram-negative rod between January 2010 and January 2016 were spilt into two groups: cefepime susceptible and cefepime nonsusceptible . The primary objective of this study was to identify risk factors for cefepime nonsusceptible through multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 107 patients were included (27 cefepime nonsusceptible, 80 cefepime-susceptible), yielding a 25.2% nonsusceptibility rate. Multivariable analysis yielded age >60 years old, Klebsiella spp. infection, Acinetobacter spp. infection, healthcare exposures within 90 days, acute gastrointestinal graft-vs-host-disease, and chronic graft-vs-host-disease at multiple locations as significant risk factors for cefepime nonsusceptible. The receiver operating characteristic area under the curve of the model was 0.851. Thirty-day all-cause mortality (29.6% versus 16.3%, p = 0.13) and length of hospitalization (19 versus 12.5 days, p = 0.0650) were numerically higher in the cefepime nonsusceptible group. CONCLUSIONS: Hematopoietic cell transplant patients with acute gastrointestinal graft versus host disease, extensive chronic graft-vs-host-disease, advanced age, previous healthcare exposures, or infections with Klebsiella and Acinetobacter are at increased risk for cefepime nonsusceptible. Patients infected with cefepime nonsusceptible pathogens may have higher rates of mortality and length of hospitalization.

Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico , Cefepima/uso terapéutico , Infecciones por Bacterias Gramnegativas/etiología , Trasplante de Células Madre Hematopoyéticas/efectos adversos , Anciano , Femenino , Enfermedad Injerto contra Huésped/etiología , Infecciones por Bacterias Gramnegativas/tratamiento farmacológico , Humanos , Modelos Logísticos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Trasplante Homólogo
Rev. esp. med. nucl. imagen mol. (Ed. impr.) ; 32(6): 387-389, nov.-dic. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-116455


La papilomatosis pulmonar recurrente juvenil (PPRJ) es una enfermedad infecciosa que provoca el crecimiento de papilomas en la vía respiratoria en la que hasta en un 4% de los casos degeneran hacia un carcinoma de células escamosas. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 17 años con PPRJ en la que se valora la utilidad de la 18F-FDG-PET/TC ante la sospecha de malignización de las lesiones papilomatosas. Las técnicas de imagen morfometabólicas, la TC y la PET/TC fueron sugestivas de malignidad. Sin embargo, esta no fue confirmada en el análisis anatomopatológico tras su resección. La FDG-PET/TC no parece una herramienta útil para la detección precoz de malignidad en la PPRJ, aunque sí aumenta la rentabilidad diagnóstica de la biopsia al identificar las lesiones más activas y, por lo tanto, con mayor posibilidad de ser malignas (AU)

Juvenile recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (JRRP) is an infectious disease caused by the growth of papillomas in the airway. Up to 4% of these cases degenerate into squamous cell carcinoma. We present the case of a 17-year-old female patient with JRRP in which the utility of 18F-FDG-PET/CT in the characterization of suspicious papillomatous lesions of malignancy is evaluated. Morphometabolic techniques, CT scan and PET/CT scans were suggestive of malignancy. However, this was not confirmed in the histopathological analysis after its resection. The 18F-FDG-PET/CT does not seem to be a useful tool for early detection of malignancy in JRRP. However, it does increase the diagnostic accuracy of the biopsy as it identifies the most active lesions and, therefore, those most likely to be malignant (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones/instrumentación , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones/métodos , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones , Fluorodesoxiglucosa F18/análisis , Fluorodesoxiglucosa F18/aislamiento & purificación , Papiloma/complicaciones , Papiloma , Medicina Nuclear/métodos , Medicina Nuclear/tendencias , Diagnóstico Precoz , Traqueotomía/métodos , Traqueotomía
Rev Esp Med Nucl Imagen Mol ; 32(6): 387-9, 2013.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23491504


Juvenile recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (JRRP) is an infectious disease caused by the growth of papillomas in the airway. Up to 4% of these cases degenerate into squamous cell carcinoma. We present the case of a 17-year-old female patient with JRRP in which the utility of (18)F-FDG-PET/CT in the characterization of suspicious papillomatous lesions of malignancy is evaluated. Morphometabolic techniques, CT scan and PET/CT scans were suggestive of malignancy. However, this was not confirmed in the histopathological analysis after its resection. The (18)F-FDG-PET/CT does not seem to be a useful tool for early detection of malignancy in JRRP. However, it does increase the diagnostic accuracy of the biopsy as it identifies the most active lesions and, therefore, those most likely to be malignant.

Fluorodesoxiglucosa F18 , Infecciones por Papillomavirus/diagnóstico por imagen , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones , Radiofármacos , Infecciones del Sistema Respiratorio/diagnóstico por imagen , Adolescente , Femenino , Humanos
Gynecol Oncol ; 129(1): 42-8, 2013 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23376806


OBJECTIVE: To assess the usefulness of adding SPECT/CT to planar images for pre-surgical sentinel lymph node (SLN) identification in endometrial cancer (EC), a technique that could have an important clinical impact on the staging, treatment, and prognosis of EC patients. METHODS: We compared the planar and SPECT/CT lymphoscintigraphic images of 44 patients with high-risk EC who underwent sentinel lymph node procedure (SLN) using an injection technique recently developed at our center known as TUMIR (Transvaginal Ultrasound Myometrial Injection of Radiotracer). 148 MBq (4 mCi) of 99mTc-nanocolloid were injected, guided by transvaginal ultrasound imaging. Planar and SPECT/CT images were performed in all 44 patients. RESULTS: SLNs were seen on planar images in 32 cases (73%) and in 34 cases (77%) using SPECT/CT. A total of 88 SLNs were depicted by planar lymphoscintigraphy while SPECT/CT visualized a total of 110 SLNs. SPECT/CT changed the assessment of the SLNs visualized in planar lymphoscintigraphy in 26 cases, either by modifying the number and/or the location of the SLNs detected. External iliac chain was the most frequent location of SLN detection (71%) in the 34 cases. Fifteen of these patients (44%) showed para-aortic SLNs. One case had exclusive para-aortic drainage (3%) that was only visualized by SPECT/CT. In another case, SPECT/CT was able to localize the only pelvic metastatic lymph node not visualized by planar images. CONCLUSIONS: SPECT/CT combined with planar imaging improves preoperative SLN detection and provides valuable anatomic information that enhances the presurgical stage of the SLN technique in endometrial cancer.

Neoplasias Endometriales/diagnóstico por imagen , Linfocintigrafia , Imagen Multimodal , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones , Biopsia del Ganglio Linfático Centinela/métodos , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Humanos , Metástasis Linfática , Persona de Mediana Edad , Ultrasonografía Intervencional
Rev. esp. med. nucl. imagen mol. (Ed. impr.) ; 31(3): 111-116, mayo-jun. 2012.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-99901


Objetivo. Analizar el potencial de la PET/TC usando imagen tardía del hígado en pacientes con sospecha de recidiva de cáncer colorrectal. Material y métodos. Se han incluido prospectivamente 71 pacientes (22 mujeres, 49 hombres) con edad de 65±11 años y sospecha clínica, analítica o radiológica de recurrencia. Se realizó PET/TC después de la inyección de 4,07MBq/kg de 18F-FDG con imagen de cuerpo entero a los 60min (imagen estándar) y hepática a las 2h (imagen tardía). Se efectuó análisis visual y cuantitativo mediante SUV de los hallazgos de la PET/TC. Se obtuvo confirmación de las lesiones por estudio histopatológico y/o seguimiento mínimo de 6 meses. Resultados. Se diagnosticaron metástasis hepáticas en 37/71 pacientes (79 metástasis). Un total de 38/71 pacientes mostraban enfermedad extra-hepática en forma de recidiva local (10), adenopatías abdominopélvicas (3) o mediastínicas (3), metástasis óseas (1) o pulmonares (16) y carcinomatosis (10). Se calculó la sensibilidad y especificidad para el diagnóstico de metástasis hepáticas en base a cada paciente para la imagen estándar (81 y 91%) y la imagen tardía (95 y 97%). El número de metástasis hepáticas diagnosticadas fue mayor con la imagen tardía (66/79) que con la imagen estándar (57/79). La sensibilidad y especificidad de la PET/TC en lesiones extra-hepáticas fue de 84 y 70%, contribuyendo al diagnóstico no sospechado de 5 tumores sincrónicos. Conclusiones. La PET/TC es recomendable para descartar enfermedad extra-hepática en sospecha de recidiva de cáncer colorrectal. La realización de imagen tardía mejora la sensibilidad de la PET/TC en el diagnóstico de metástasis hepáticas(AU)

Aim. To analyze the potential improvement of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT using additional delayed images of the liver in operated colorectal cancer. Material and Methods. The study prospectively included 71 patients (22 women, 49 men) with mean age of 65±11 years with clinical, analytic or radiological suspicion of current disease. A whole body PET/CT scan was performed at 60min. (standard images) and after 2 hr (delayed images) post-injection of 4.07 MBq/Kg of 18F-FDG. Visual and quantitative SUV analysis of PET/CT findings was done. All findings were confirmed by histopathology and/or at least 6 months follow-up. Results. Thirty-seven out of 71 patients were diagnosed of liver metastases (79 metastases). In 38/71 cases there was extra-hepatic disease in the form of local recurrence (10), abdominopelvic (3) or mediastinal (3) lymph nodes, bone (1) or lung metastases (16) and carcinomatosis (10). Sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of liver metastases in a patient-by-patient basis in standard (81% and 91%) and in delayed images (95% y 97%) was calculated. The number of lesions detected in delayed images was significantly higher (66/79) than in standard images (57/79). Sensitivity and specificity for PET/CT in the diagnosis of extra-hepatic disease was 84% and 70%, contributing to the detection of synchronous tumors in 5 patients. Conclusions. PET/CT may be useful in the diagnosis of extra-hepatic disease in suspected recurrence of colorectal cancer. Delayed images on PET/CT may increase the sensitivity to identify liver metastases(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Fluorodesoxiglucosa F18 , Neoplasias Colorrectales/diagnóstico , Carcinoma/complicaciones , Carcinoma/diagnóstico , Fluorodesoxiglucosa F18/metabolismo , Neoplasias Colorrectales/fisiopatología , Neoplasias Colorrectales , Estudios Prospectivos , Metástasis de la Neoplasia/diagnóstico , Metástasis de la Neoplasia/ultraestructura , Sensibilidad y Especificidad
Rev Esp Med Nucl Imagen Mol ; 31(3): 111-6, 2012.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22154291


AIM: To analyze the potential improvement of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT using additional delayed images of the liver in operated colorectal cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study prospectively included 71 patients (22 women, 49 men) with mean age of 65 ± 11 years with clinical, analytic or radiological suspicion of current disease. A whole body PET/CT scan was performed at 60 min. (standard images) and after 2 hr (delayed images) post-injection of 4.07 MBq/Kg of (18)F-FDG. Visual and quantitative SUV analysis of PET/CT findings was done. All findings were confirmed by histopathology and/or at least 6 months follow-up. RESULTS: Thirty-seven out of 71 patients were diagnosed of liver metastases (79 metastases). In 38/71 cases there was extra-hepatic disease in the form of local recurrence (10), abdominopelvic (3) or mediastinal (3) lymph nodes, bone (1) or lung metastases (16) and carcinomatosis (10). Sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of liver metastases in a patient-by-patient basis in standard (81% and 91%) and in delayed images (95% y 97%) was calculated. The number of lesions detected in delayed images was significantly higher (66/79) than in standard images (57/79). Sensitivity and specificity for PET/CT in the diagnosis of extra-hepatic disease was 84% and 70%, contributing to the detection of synchronous tumors in 5 patients. CONCLUSIONS: PET/CT may be useful in the diagnosis of extra-hepatic disease in suspected recurrence of colorectal cancer. Delayed images on PET/CT may increase the sensitivity to identify liver metastases.

Adenocarcinoma/secundario , Neoplasias Colorrectales/patología , Neoplasias Hepáticas/secundario , Hígado/diagnóstico por imagen , Metástasis Linfática/diagnóstico por imagen , Imagen Multimodal/métodos , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Adenocarcinoma/diagnóstico por imagen , Adenocarcinoma/terapia , Anciano , Neoplasias Óseas/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias Óseas/secundario , Neoplasias Colorrectales/terapia , Femenino , Radioisótopos de Flúor , Fluorodesoxiglucosa F18 , Humanos , Neoplasias Hepáticas/diagnóstico por imagen , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Neoplasias Pélvicas/diagnóstico por imagen , Neoplasias Pélvicas/secundario , Estudios Prospectivos , Radiofármacos , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Factores de Tiempo