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Psicol Reflex Crit ; 34(1): 16, 2021 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34131838


A scoping review, based on the RE-AIM framework, was conducted to analyze evidence of reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance of the Strengthening Families Program (10-14), a preventive family-based substance abuse program for adolescents. Sixty-five articles were included. The results disclosed that effectiveness, implementation, and maintenance at the individual-level were the most evaluated aspects, while reach, maintenance at the setting-level, and adoption were the least investigated aspects. Positive effects on drug abuse prevention and protective parenting factors were found in the U.S. studies. Likewise, Latin American studies have shown the improvement of parenting practices. However, European studies have produced mixed results, with predominantly null effects on substance abuse. The implementation quality was high. There is no available evidence of adoption and maintenance at the setting-level by the organizations that implemented it. New studies must examine the reach, adoption, and sustainability of the program to lay foundations for its future use as an instrument of public policies.

Pensando fam ; 24(1): 207-223, jan.-jun. 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1135471


Esta revisão narrativa visa discutir como a Teoria Familiar Sistêmica (TFS) pode contribuir para a prevenção ao envolvimento em comportamentos de risco na adolescência. A alternativa proposta baseia-se na promoção de fatores como limites e afeto, acolhimento aos sentimentos e às necessidades dos membros da família; estabelecimento de fronteiras nítidas que permitam o desenvolvimento de autonomia e pertencimento; e presença de uma comunicação familiar efetiva e de valores familiares pró-sociais. Para tanto, diferentes técnicas podem ser usadas, tais como a reestruturação, o genograma, as técnicas narrativas, a linha do tempo, as metáforas e a escultura familiar. Este estudo apontou a viabilidade do uso da TFS como teoria que embasa o desenvolvimento de intervenções familiares preventivas e oferece ferramentas para familiares e profissionais. Estudos futuros devem examinar mecanismos de mudança em intervenções preventivas familiares e a avaliação empírica do uso das técnicas apresentadas.

This narrative review aims to discuss how Systemic Family Theory (STF) can contribute to prevent involvement in risky behavior in adolescence. The proposal presented here is based on the promotion of factors such as limits and affection, welcoming the feelings and needs of family members; the establishment of clear boundaries that allow the development of autonomy and belonging; and the presence of effective family communication and pro-social family values. For this, different techniques can be used, such as restructuring, genogram, narrative techniques, timeline, metaphors and family sculpture. This study pointed out the feasibility of using STF as a theory that underlies the development of preventive family interventions and offers tools for family members and professionals. Future studies should examine mechanisms of change in family preventive interventions and the empirical assessment of the use of the techniques presented.