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Sci Total Environ ; 949: 175195, 2024 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39094665


Floodplains contribute significantly to terrestrial ecosystem service provision but are also among the most vulnerable and degraded ecosystems worldwide. Heterogeneity in floodplain properties arises from variations in river-specific flood regimes, watershed characteristics, and valley morphology, influencing seasonally flooded forests' taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity. This study addresses persisting knowledge gaps in floodplain ecology, focusing on the seasonally dry tropics. We explore the relationships between flood regime, environmental conditions, vegetation composition, functional and phylogenetic diversity, and the impact of environmental variables on above-ground biomass (AGB) and ecological strategies. The study spans six rivers in southeastern Brazil's main river basins: Rio Grande and São Francisco. We identified five eco-units in each floodplain based on flooding regimes and surveyed six plots per eco-unit. We measured trees with DBH > 5 cm and collected functional traits, along with detailed soil, climate, and water level data. We calculated plot-level floristic composition, taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity, wood density, and AGB. Functional and phylogenetic dissimilarity were analyzed, and the effects of climate, soil, and hydrological variables were quantified using generalized linear mixed models. We show how flood frequency and duration affect floristic composition across the floodplains. Taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity responded to climate, soil, and hydrological variables, while functional diversity responded primarily to hydrological variables, emphasizing the role of environmental filtering. Hydrological seasonality, soil fertility, and flood regime emerged as key factors shaping community structure and ecological strategies in the studied seasonally flooded tropical forests. Plot-level AGB responded to phosphorus but not to climate or hydrological variables. The study also highlights functional and phylogenetic dissimilarities among eco-units and basins, indicating potential climate change impacts.

Biodiversidad , Inundaciones , Bosques , Filogenia , Brasil , Clima Tropical , Estaciones del Año , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Ecosistema
Sci Total Environ ; 882: 163503, 2023 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37076012


Tropical montane forests (TMF) of the threatened Atlantic Forest hotspot play an important role in providing essential ecosystem services associated with hydrological regime and biodiversity conservation. However, important ecological patterns such as those related to the woody carbon biogeochemical cycle are not yet known for these forests, especially those located at high elevations (> 1500 m. a.s.l.). Herein, we used a dataset of 60 plots (2.4 ha) of old-growth TMF sampled along a high-elevation gradient (1500-2100 m a.s.l.) and monitored in two inventories (2011 and 2016) to better understand the patterns of carbon stock and uptake of these high-elevation forests and the related environmental (soil) and elevation controls. We found differences in the carbon stock along different elevation levels (120.36-170.4C.ton.ha-1) and a carbon accumulation trend over the period along the entire gradient. Thus, forest carbon gain (3.82-5.14 ton.ha.year-1) was greater than the carbon loss (2.1-3.4 ton.ha.year-1) and resulted in a positive productivity net. In other words, the TMF acted as a carbon sink, removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in woody tissues. Soil variables also exert significant influences on carbon stock and uptake (significative effects of phosphorus on carbon stock and of cation exchange capacity on carbon loss), driving such patterns in isolation or in interaction with elevation. Considering the high conservation degree of the TMF monitored, our results may be indicative of a similar trend in other similar forests, but which have gone through disturbances in the more recent past. These TMF fragments have a wide occurrence in the Atlantic Forest hotspot and may also be acting or will soon act as carbon sinks in improved conservation scenarios. Thus, these forests can play an essential role in conserving ecosystem services in the region and in mitigating climate changes.

Carbono , Ecosistema , Bosques , Madera , Secuestro de Carbono , Suelo , Clima Tropical , Árboles , Biomasa
Bot Stud ; 55(1): 41, 2014 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28510932


BACKGROUND: Drimys brasiliensis Miers is native to Brazil, where it is mainly found in montane forests and flooded areas in the South and Southeast regions of the country. The objectives of the present study were to compare the leaf anatomy and the chemical constitution of the essential oils from D. brasiliensis present in two altitude levels (1900 and 2100 m), in a Montane Cloud Forest, in Itamonte, MG, Brazil. RESULTS: A higher number of sclereids was observed in the mesophyll of the leaves at 1900 m altitude. At 2100 m, the formation of papillae was observed on the abaxial surface of the leaves, as well as an increase in the stomatal density and index, a reduction in leaf tissue thickness, an increase in the abundance of intercellular spaces in the mesophyll and an increase in stomatal conductance and in carbon accumulation in the leaves. Fifty-nine constituents have been identified in the oils, with the predominance of sesquiterpenes. Two trends could be inferred for the species in relation to its secondary metabolism and the altitude. The biosyntheses of sesquiterpene alcohols at 1900 m, and phenylpropanoids and epi-cyclocolorenone at 2100 m, were favored. CONCLUSIONS: D. brasiliensis presented a high phenotypic plasticity at the altitude levels studied. In relation to its leaf anatomy, the species showed adaptive characteristics, which can maximize the absorption of CO2 at 2100 m altitude, where a reduction in the partial pressure of this atmospheric gas occurs. Its essential oils presented promising compounds for the future evaluation of biological potentialities.