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Odontol. pediatr. (Lima) ; 14(1): 67-75, ene.-jul.2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-790458


La maloclusión pseudoclase III es caracterizada par un desequilibrio funcional que, por lo general, resulta de contactos oclusales prematuros que causan un desplazamiento funcional anterior de la mandíbula. Estos casos, si no son tratados en una etapa inicial de desarrollo, pueden generar interferencias en el crecimiento normal de las bases óseas y resultar en una deformidad facial. Este papel conlleva a la selecci6n de un aparato apropiado, tomando cuenta opciones actuales, para una intervenci6n temprana en el desarrollo de maloclusiones de clase III. El uso del aparato progenico en este tipo de maloclusión, permite la correcci6n dental en pocos meses y una estabilidad terapéutica de la mandíbula mesio-posicionada fomentando un crecimiento esquelético favorable en una niña de 5,6 años de edad que acude a la clínica de postgrado del Instituto Latino Americano de Investigaci6n y Enseñanza Odontológica (ILAPEO) en Curitiba, Brasil...

Pseudo Class III malocclusion is a functional imbalance that generally results from premature occlusal contacts that causes a functional anterior displacement of the mandible. These cases, if not treated at an early stage of development, may interfere in normal growth of bone bases, resulting in facial deformity. This paper suggests the selection of an adequate appliance considering the available possibilities for early intervention of Class III malocclusion. The use of the progenic appliance in such dental malocclusion allows correction in a few months and therapeutic stability mesio-positioned mandible encouraging favorable skeletal growth in a child of 5.6 years of age who came to the Postgraduate Clinic of the Latin American Institute of Dental Research and Education (ILAPEO) in Curitiba, Brazil...

Humanos , Femenino , Preescolar , Maloclusión de Angle Clase III , Ortodoncia Correctiva , Brasil
Hip Int ; 16(4): 287-92, 2006.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19219807


Our aim was to evaluate the outcome in patients with bilateral non-simultaneous hip fracture treated with hemiarthroplasty at our institution between 1997 and 2003. We looked for any important modification factor that could change the devastating functional and social results. Twenty-two patients with a mean age of 79 at the initial fracture and 82 at the subsequent fracture were evaluated; all were Garden grade III-IV. The second fracture happened a mean of 28 months after the first one. The outcome measurement was the incidence of hip pain, recovery of pre-injury level of ambulation and activities of daily living at a minimum follow-up of one year. Following the first hemiarthroplasty patients deteriorated in their walking capacity and other activities of daily life, and this happened to an even greater extent after the second operation. With respect to walking ability (measured in metres) we concluded that it improved if a modular hemiarthroplasty was used after both fractures (p<0.05) and that worse functional outcomes were observed when different kinds of hemiarthroplasties were used in the same patient.;