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J Chem Phys ; 161(5)2024 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39105550


This article follows earlier studies on the physical origin of magnetic anisotropy and the means of controlling it in polynuclear transition metal complexes. The difficulties encountered when focusing a magnetic field on a molecular object have led to consider the electric field as a more appropriate control tool. It is therefore fundamental to understand what governs the sensitivity of magnetic properties to the application of an electric field. We have already studied the impact of the electric field on the isotropic exchange coupling and on the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). Here, we focus on the symmetric exchange anisotropy tensor. In order to obtain significant values of anisotropic interactions, we have carried out this study on a model complex that exhibits first-order spin-orbit coupling. We will show that (i) large values of the axial parameter of symmetric exchange can be reached when close to the first-order spin-orbit coupling regime, (ii) both correlated energies and wave functions must be used to achieve accurate values of the symmetric tensor components when the DMI is non-zero, and (iii) finally, an interferential effect between the DMI and the axial parameter of symmetric exchange occurs for a certain orientation of the electric field, i.e., the latter decreases in magnitude as the former increases. While DMI is often invoked as being involved in magneto-electric coupling, isotropic exchange and the symmetrical anisotropic tensor also contribute. Finally, we provide a recipe for generating significant anisotropic interactions and a significant change in magnetic properties under an electric field.

J Chem Phys ; 157(20): 204308, 2022 Nov 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36456220


One may obviously think that the best way to control magnetic properties relies on using a magnetic field. However, it is not convenient to focus a magnetic field on a small object, whereas it is much easier to do so with an electric field. Magnetoelectric coupling allows one to control the magnetization with the electric field and the polarization with the magnetic field and could therefore provide a solution to this problem. This paper aims at quantifying the impact of the electric field on both the isotropic magnetic exchange and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the case of a binuclear system of S = 1/2 spins. This study follows previous studies that showed that very high Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, i.e., the antisymmetric exchange, can be generated when close to first order spin orbit coupling. We will, therefore, explore this regime in a model Cu(II) complex that exhibits a quasi-degeneracy of the dx2-y2 and dxy orbitals. This situation is indeed the one that allows us to obtain the largest spin orbit couplings in transition metal complexes. We will show that both the magnetic exchange and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction are very sensitive to the electric field and that it would therefore be possible to modulate and control magnetic properties by the electric field. Finally, rationalizations of the obtained results will be proposed.

J Chem Phys ; 155(4): 044109, 2021 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34340379


This work provides a self-consistent extension of the recently proposed density-based basis-set correction method for wave function electronic-structure calculations [E. Giner et al., J. Chem. Phys. 149, 194301 (2018)]. In contrast to the previously used approximation where the basis-set correction density functional was a posteriori added to the energy from a wave-function calculation, here the energy minimization is performed including the basis-set correction. Compared to the non-self-consistent approximation, this allows one to lower the total energy and change the wave function under the effect of the basis-set correction. This work addresses two main questions: (i) What is the change in total energy compared to the non-self-consistent approximation and (ii) can we obtain better properties, namely, dipole moments, with the basis-set corrected wave functions. We implement the present formalism with two different basis-set correction functionals and test it on different molecular systems. The main results of the study are that (i) the total energy lowering obtained by the self-consistent approach is extremely small, which justifies the use of the non-self-consistent approximation, and (ii) the dipole moments obtained from the basis-set corrected wave functions are improved, being already close to their complete basis-set values with triple-zeta basis sets. Thus, the present study further confirms the soundness of the density-based basis-set correction scheme.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 16(2): 1018-1028, 2020 Feb 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31891503


Similar to other electron correlation methods, many-body perturbation theory methods based on Green's functions, such as the so-called GW approximation, suffer from the usual slow convergence of energetic properties with respect to the size of the one-electron basis set. This displeasing feature is due to the lack of explicit electron-electron terms modeling the infamous Kato electron-electron cusp and the correlation Coulomb hole around it. Here, we propose a computationally efficient density-based basis-set correction based on short-range correlation density functionals which significantly speeds up the convergence of energetics toward the complete basis set limit. The performance of this density-based correction is illustrated by computing the ionization potentials of the 20 smallest atoms and molecules of the GW100 test set at the perturbative GW (or G0W0) level using increasingly large basis sets. We also compute the ionization potentials of the five canonical nucleobases (adenine, cytosine, thymine, guanine, and uracil) and show that, here again, a significant improvement is obtained.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(11): 2931-2937, 2019 Jun 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31090432


We report a universal density-based basis-set incompleteness correction that can be applied to any wave function method. This correction, which appropriately vanishes in the complete basis-set (CBS) limit, relies on short-range correlation density functionals (with multideterminant reference) from range-separated density-functional theory (RS-DFT) to estimate the basis-set incompleteness error. Contrary to conventional RS-DFT schemes that require an ad hoc range-separation parameter µ, the key ingredient here is a range-separation function µ(r) that automatically adapts to the spatial nonhomogeneity of the basis-set incompleteness error. As illustrative examples, we show how this density-based correction allows us to obtain CCSD(T) atomization and correlation energies near the CBS limit for the G2 set of molecules with compact Gaussian basis sets.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 15(6): 3591-3609, 2019 Jun 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31082265


Quantum chemistry is a discipline which relies heavily on very expensive numerical computations. The scaling of correlated wave function methods lies, in their standard implementation, between O(N5) and O(eN) , where N is proportional to the system size. Therefore, performing accurate calculations on chemically meaningful systems requires (i) approximations that can lower the computational scaling and (ii) efficient implementations that take advantage of modern massively parallel architectures. Quantum Package is an open-source programming environment for quantum chemistry specially designed for wave function methods. Its main goal is the development of determinant-driven selected configuration interaction (sCI) methods and multireference second-order perturbation theory (PT2). The determinant-driven framework allows the programmer to include any arbitrary set of determinants in the reference space, hence providing greater methodological freedom. The sCI method implemented in Quantum Package is based on the CIPSI (Configuration Interaction using a Perturbative Selection made Iteratively) algorithm which complements the variational sCI energy with a PT2 correction. Additional external plugins have been recently added to perform calculations with multireference coupled cluster theory and range-separated density-functional theory. All the programs are developed with the IRPF90 code generator, which simplifies collaborative work and the development of new features. Quantum Package strives to allow easy implementation and experimentation of new methods, while making parallel computation as simple and efficient as possible on modern supercomputer architectures. Currently, the code enables, routinely, to realize runs on roughly 2 000 CPU cores, with tens of millions of determinants in the reference space. Moreover, we have been able to push up to 12 288 cores in order to test its parallel efficiency. In the present manuscript, we also introduce some key new developments: (i) a renormalized second-order perturbative correction for efficient extrapolation to the full CI limit and (ii) a stochastic version of the CIPSI selection performed simultaneously to the PT2 calculation at no extra cost.

J Chem Phys ; 149(19): 194301, 2018 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30466264


The present work proposes to use density-functional theory (DFT) to correct for the basis-set error of wave-function theory (WFT). One of the key ideas developed here is to define a range-separation parameter which automatically adapts to a given basis set. The derivation of the exact equations are based on the Levy-Lieb formulation of DFT, which helps us to define a complementary functional which corrects uniquely for the basis-set error of WFT. The coupling of DFT and WFT is done through the definition of a real-space representation of the electron-electron Coulomb operator projected on a one-particle basis set. Such an effective interaction has the particularity to coincide with the exact electron-electron interaction in the limit of a complete basis set, and to be finite at the electron-electron coalescence point when the basis set is incomplete. The non-diverging character of the effective interaction allows one to define a mapping with the long-range interaction used in the context of range-separated DFT and to design practical approximations for the unknown complementary functional. Here, a local-density approximation is proposed for both full-configuration-interaction (FCI) and selected configuration-interaction approaches. Our theory is numerically tested to compute total energies and ionization potentials for a series of atomic systems. The results clearly show that the DFT correction drastically improves the basis-set convergence of both the total energies and the energy differences. For instance, a sub kcal/mol accuracy is obtained from the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set with the method proposed here when an aug-cc-pV5Z basis set barely reaches such a level of accuracy at the near FCI level.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(21): 5207-17, 2015 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25474414


The intermediate effective Hamiltonians are designed to provide M exact energies and the components of the corresponding eigenvectors in the N-dimensional model space, with N > M. The effective Hamiltonian is not entirely defined by these N × M conditions, and several dressings of the Hamiltonian matrix in the model space are possible. Some of them lead to unreliable N - M roots associated with the intermediate model space. This defect appears dramatically when one refers to the weak separability property, namely, the fact that in a noninteracting A···B problem where the model space only involves excitations on A, the consideration of the excitations on B should not affect the spectrum of A. We suggest variants that should maintain the physical meaning of the intermediate roots. Numerical comparisons illustrate the relevance of this proposal.