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Front Oncol ; 13: 1171887, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37342183


In colorectal cancer (CRC) energy metabolism research, the precancerous stage of polyp has remained rather unexplored. By now, it has been shown that CRC has not fully obtained the glycolytic phenotype proposed by O. Warburg and rather depends on mitochondrial respiration. However, the pattern of metabolic adaptations during tumorigenesis is still unknown. Understanding the interplay between genetic and metabolic changes that initiate tumor development could provide biomarkers for diagnosing cancer early and targets for new cancer therapeutics. We used human CRC and polyp tissue material and performed high-resolution respirometry and qRT-PCR to detect changes on molecular and functional level with the goal of generally describing metabolic reprogramming during CRC development. Colon polyps were found to have a more glycolytic bioenergetic phenotype than tumors and normal tissues. This was supported by a greater GLUT1, HK, LDHA, and MCT expression. Despite the increased glycolytic activity, cells in polyps were still able to maintain a highly functional OXPHOS system. The mechanisms of OXPHOS regulation and the preferred substrates are currently unclear and would require further investigation. During polyp formation, intracellular energy transfer pathways become rearranged mainly by increasing the expression of mitochondrial adenylate kinase (AK) and creatine kinase (CK) isoforms. Decreased glycolysis and maintenance of OXPHOS activity, together with the downregulation of the CK system and the most common AK isoforms (AK1 and AK2), seem to play a relevant role in CRC development.

Front Oncol ; 12: 892195, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35712500


Changes in dynamics of ATP γ- and ß-phosphoryl turnover and metabolic flux through phosphotransfer pathways in cancer cells are still unknown. Using 18O phosphometabolite tagging technology, we have discovered phosphotransfer dynamics in three breast cancer cell lines: MCF7 (non-aggressive), MDA-MB-231 (aggressive), and MCF10A (control). Contrary to high intracellular ATP levels, the 18O labeling method revealed a decreased γ- and ß-ATP turnover in both breast cancer cells, compared to control. Lower ß-ATP[18O] turnover indicates decreased adenylate kinase (AK) flux. Aggressive cancer cells had also reduced fluxes through hexokinase (HK) G-6-P[18O], creatine kinase (CK) [CrP[18O], and mitochondrial G-3-P[18O] substrate shuttle. Decreased CK metabolic flux was linked to the downregulation of mitochondrial MTCK1A in breast cancer cells. Despite the decreased overall phosphoryl flux, overexpression of HK2, AK2, and AK6 isoforms within cell compartments could promote aggressive breast cancer growth.

Front Oncol ; 11: 698951, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34381722


Metabolic plasticity is the ability of the cell to adjust its metabolism to changes in environmental conditions. Increased metabolic plasticity is a defining characteristic of cancer cells, which gives them the advantage of survival and a higher proliferative capacity. Here we review some functional features of metabolic plasticity of colorectal cancer cells (CRC). Metabolic plasticity is characterized by changes in adenine nucleotide transport across the outer mitochondrial membrane. Voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) is the main protein involved in the transport of adenine nucleotides, and its regulation is impaired in CRC cells. Apparent affinity for ADP is a functional parameter that characterizes VDAC permeability and provides an integrated assessment of cell metabolic state. VDAC permeability can be adjusted via its interactions with other proteins, such as hexokinase and tubulin. Also, the redox conditions inside a cancer cell may alter VDAC function, resulting in enhanced metabolic plasticity. In addition, a cancer cell shows reprogrammed energy transfer circuits such as adenylate kinase (AK) and creatine kinase (CK) pathway. Knowledge of the mechanism of metabolic plasticity will improve our understanding of colorectal carcinogenesis.

Front Oncol ; 10: 660, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32509571


A hallmark of cancer cells is the ability to rewire their bioenergetics and metabolic signaling circuits to fuel their uncontrolled proliferation and metastasis. Adenylate kinase (AK) is the critical enzyme in the metabolic monitoring of cellular adenine nucleotide homeostasis. It also directs AK→ AMP→ AMPK signaling controlling cell cycle and proliferation, and ATP energy transfer from mitochondria to distribute energy among cellular processes. The significance of AK isoform network in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes, which include cell differentiation and motility, is rapidly growing. Adenylate kinase 2 (AK2) isoform, localized in intermembrane and intra-cristae space, is vital for mitochondria nucleotide exchange and ATP export. AK2 deficiency disrupts cell energetics, causes severe human diseases, and is embryonically lethal in mice, signifying the importance of catalyzed phosphotransfer in cellular energetics. Suppression of AK phosphotransfer and AMP generation in cancer cells and consequently signaling through AMPK could be an important factor in the initiation of cancerous transformation, unleashing uncontrolled cell cycle and growth. Evidence also builds up that shift in AK isoforms is used later by cancer cells for rewiring energy metabolism to support their high proliferation activity and tumor progression. As cell motility is an energy-consuming process, positioning of AK isoforms to increased energy consumption sites could be an essential factor to incline cancer cells to metastases. In this review, we summarize recent advances in studies of the significance of AK isoforms involved in cancer cell metabolism, metabolic signaling, metastatic potential, and a therapeutic target.

Cancers (Basel) ; 12(4)2020 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32231083


This study aimed to characterize the ATP-synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation in colorectal cancer (CRC) and premalignant colon polyps in relation to molecular biomarkers KRAS and BRAF. This prospective study included 48 patients. Resected colorectal polyps and postoperative CRC tissue with adjacent normal tissue (control) were collected. Patients with polyps and CRC were divided into three molecular groups: KRAS mutated, BRAF mutated and KRAS/BRAF wild-type. Mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized tissue samples was observed using high resolution respirometry. ADP-activated respiration rate (Vmax) and an apparent affinity of mitochondria to ADP, which is related to mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) permeability, were determined. Clear differences were present between molecular groups. KRAS mutated CRC group had lower Vmax values compared to wild-type; however, the Vmax value was higher than in the control group, while MOM permeability did not change. This suggests that KRAS mutation status might be involved in acquiring oxidative phenotype. KRAS mutated polyps had higher Vmax values and elevated MOM permeability as compared to the control. BRAF mutated CRC and polyps had reduced respiration and altered MOM permeability, indicating a glycolytic phenotype. To conclude, prognostic biomarkers KRAS and BRAF are likely related to the metabolic phenotype in CRC and polyps. Assessment of the tumor mitochondrial ATP synthesis could be a potential component of patient risk stratification.

Biochem Cell Biol ; : 1-10, 2018 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30058357


The aim of this work was to explore the key bioenergetic properties for mitochondrial respiration in the widely-used Caco-2 cell line and in human colorectal cancer (HCC) postoperational tissue samples. Oxygraphy and metabolic control analysis (MCA) were applied to estimate the function of oxidative phosphorylation in cultured Caco-2 cells and HCC tissue samples. The mitochondria of Caco-2 cells and HCC tissues displayed larger functional activity of respiratory complex (C)II compared with CI, whereas in normal colon tissue an inverse pattern in the ratio of CI to CII activity was observed. MCA showed that the respiration in Caco-2 and HCC tissue cells is regulated by different parts of electron transport chain. In HCC tissues, this control is performed essentially at the level of respiratory chain complexes I-IV, whereas in Caco-2 cells at the level of CIV (cytochrome c oxidase) and the ATP synthasome. The differences we found in the regulation of respiratory chain activity and glycose index could represent an adaptive response to distinct growth conditions; this highlights the importance of proper validation of results obtained from in-vitro models before their extrapolation to the more complex in-vivo systems.