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Opt Express ; 32(7): 12040-12053, 2024 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38571038


The effect of doping concentration on the temperature performance of the novel split-well resonant-phonon (SWRP) terahertz quantum-cascade laser (THz QCL) scheme supporting a clean 4-level system design was analyzed using non-equilibrium Green's functions (NEGF) calculations. Experimental research showed that increasing the doping concentration in these designs led to better results compared to the split-well direct-phonon (SWDP) design, which has a larger overlap between its active laser states and the doping profile. However, further improvement in the temperature performance was expected, which led us to assume there was an increased gain and line broadening when increasing the doping concentration despite the reduced overlap between the doped region and the active laser states. Through simulations based on NEGF calculations we were able to study the contribution of the different scattering mechanisms on the performance of these devices. We concluded that the main mechanism affecting the lasers' temperature performance is electron-electron (e-e) scattering, which largely contributes to gain and line broadening. Interestingly, this scattering mechanism is independent of the doping location, making efforts to reduce overlap between the doped region and the active laser states less effective. Optimization of the e-e scattering thus could be reached only by fine tuning of the doping density in the devices. By uncovering the subtle relationship between doping density and e-e scattering strength, our study not only provides a comprehensive understanding of the underlying physics but also offers a strategic pathway for overcoming current limitations. This work is significant not only for its implications on specific devices but also for its potential to drive advancements in the entire THz QCL field, demonstrating the crucial role of e-e scattering in limiting temperature performance and providing essential knowledge for pushing THz QCLs to new temperature heights.

Opt Express ; 31(14): 22274-22283, 2023 Jul 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37475342


We present a highly diagonal "split-well resonant-phonon" (SWRP) active region design for GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As terahertz quantum cascade lasers (THz-QCLs). Negative differential resistance is observed at room temperature, which indicates the suppression of thermally activated leakage channels. The overlap between the doped region and the active level states is reduced relative to that of the split-well direct-phonon (SWDP) design. The energy gap between the lower laser level (LLL) and the injector is kept at 36 meV, enabling a fast depopulation of the LLL. Within this work, we investigated the temperature performance and potential of this structure.

Nano Lett ; 22(22): 9077-9083, 2022 Nov 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36367359


The effect of terahertz (THz) pulse generation has revolutionized broadband coherent spectroscopy and imaging at THz frequencies. However, THz pulses typically lack spatial structure, whereas structured beams are becoming essential for advanced spectroscopy applications. Nonlinear optical metasurfaces with nanoscale THz emitters can provide a solution by defining the beam structure at the generation stage. We develop a nonlinear InAs metasurface consisting of nanoscale optical resonators for simultaneous generation and structuring of THz beams. We find that THz pulse generation in the resonators is governed by optical rectification. It is more efficient than in ZnTe crystals, and it allows us to control the pulse polarity and amplitude, offering a platform for realizing binary-phase THz metasurfaces. To illustrate this capability, we demonstrate an InAs metalens, which simultaneously generates and focuses THz pulses. The control of spatiotemporal structure using nanoscale emitters opens doors for THz beam engineering and advanced spectroscopy and imaging applications.

ACS Photonics ; 9(7): 2536, 2022 Jul 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35880069


[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.1c01908.].

ACS Photonics ; 9(4): 1136-1142, 2022 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35571261


Ultrafast optical excitation of select materials gives rise to the generation of broadband terahertz (THz) pulses. This effect has enabled the field of THz time-domain spectroscopy and led to the discovery of many physical mechanisms behind THz generation. However, only a few materials possess the required properties to generate THz radiation efficiently. Optical metasurfaces can relax stringent material requirements by shifting the focus onto the engineering of local electromagnetic fields to boost THz generation. Here we demonstrate the generation of THz pulses in a 160 nm thick nanostructured GaAs metasurface. Despite the drastically reduced volume, the metasurface emits THz radiation with efficiency comparable to that of a thick GaAs crystal. We reveal that along with classical second-order volume nonlinearity, an additional mechanism contributes strongly to THz generation in the metasurface, which we attribute to surface nonlinearity. Our results lay the foundation for engineering of semiconductor metasurfaces for efficient and versatile THz radiation emitters.

Opt Express ; 29(21): 34695-34706, 2021 Oct 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34809253


We report a terahertz quantum-cascade vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser (QC-VECSEL) emitting around 1.9 THz with up to 10% continuous fractional frequency tuning of a single laser mode. The device shows lasing operation in pulsed mode up to 102 K in a high-quality beam, with the maximum output power of 37 mW and slope efficiency of 295 mW/A at 77 K. Challenges for up-scaling the operating wavelength in QC metasurface VECSELs are identified.

Opt Lett ; 46(13): 3159-3162, 2021 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34197405


Despite their wide use in terahertz (THz) research and technology, the application spectra of photoconductive antenna (PCA) THz detectors are severely limited due to the relatively high optical gating power requirement. This originates from poor conversion efficiency of optical gate beam photons to photocurrent in materials with sub-picosecond carrier lifetimes. Here we show that using an ultra-thin (160 nm), perfectly absorbing low-temperature grown GaAs metasurface as the photoconductive channel drastically improves the efficiency of THz PCA detectors. This is achieved through perfect absorption of the gate beam in a significantly reduced photoconductive volume, enabled by the metasurface. This Letter demonstrates that sensitive THz PCA detection is possible using optical gate powers as low as 5 µW-three orders of magnitude lower than gating powers used for conventional PCA detectors. We show that significantly higher optical gate powers are not necessary for optimal operation, as they do not improve the sensitivity to the THz field. This class of efficient PCA THz detectors opens doors for THz applications with low gate power requirements.

Opt Lett ; 46(8): 1864-1867, 2021 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33857089


Wavelength beam-combining of four terahertz (THz) distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) is demonstrated using low-cost THz components that include a lens carved out of a plastic ball and a mechanically fabricated blazed grating. Single-lobed beams from predominantly single-mode QCLs radiating peak power in the range of 50-170mW are overlapped in the far field at frequencies ranging from 3.31-3.54THz. Collinear propagation with a maximum angular deviation of 0.3∘ is realized for the four beams. The total power efficiency for the focused and beam-combined radiation is as high as 25%. This result could pave the way for future commercialization of beam-combined monolithic THz QCL arrays for multi-spectral THz sensing and spectroscopy at standoff distances.

Opt Express ; 27(16): 22877-22889, 2019 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31510572


Single-mode THz quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) have been realized using a wide variety of techniques to obtain a combination of large power output, good beam quality with single-lobed beams, and low far-field divergence. Beam shaping using external components has not been previously exploited due to limited commercial availability of THz optical components and also the accompanying large loss from most THz optical materials. Here, we demonstrate that excellent beam characteristics could be obtained for a THz QCL by integration of a surface-emitting distributed-feedback (DFB) QCL with a simple lens within the vacuum chamber of a cryocooler. Plano-convex lenses are made from inexpensive plastic balls and integrated in proximity with a 3.4 THz DFB QCL. With appropriately chosen lens parameters, dual-lobed Airy beams are generated that autofocus into a high-intensity single-lobed beam with large focusing efficiency. A simple and general method to generate one-dimensional autofocusing Airy beams is thus demonstrated that is applicable at any wavelength. THz laser beams with high peak intensity (57 mW/mm2 in a spot-size of 1 mm2) or low-divergence (1.4∘×1.8∘ for a beam with 118 mW peak power) are realized at 62 K in a compact electrically operated Stirling cooler. A high brightness of 5.4×106 Wsr -1m -2 is estimated for the focused beams by measuring the beam propagation ratios (M 2 parameters).

Nano Lett ; 19(5): 2888-2896, 2019 05 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30946590


Terahertz (THz) photoconductive devices are used for generation, detection, and modulation of THz waves, and they rely on the ability to switch electrical conductivity on a subpicosecond time scale using optical pulses. However, fast and efficient conductivity switching with high contrast has been a challenge, because the majority of photoexcited charge carriers in the switch do not contribute to the photocurrent due to fast recombination. Here, we improve efficiency of electrical conductivity switching using a network of electrically connected nanoscale GaAs resonators, which form a perfectly absorbing photoconductive metasurface. We achieve perfect absorption without incorporating metallic elements, by breaking the symmetry of cubic Mie resonators. As a result, the metasurface can be switched between conductive and resistive states with extremely high contrast using an unprecedentedly low level of optical excitation. We integrate this metasurface with a THz antenna to produce an efficient photoconductive THz detector. The perfectly absorbing photoconductive metasurface opens paths for developing a wide range of efficient optoelectronic devices, where required optical and electronic properties are achieved through nanostructuring the resonator network.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(10): 107402, 2019 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30932659


We demonstrate amplification of longitudinal optical (LO) phonons by polar-optical interaction with an electron plasma in a GaAs structure coupled to a metallic metasurface using two-color two-dimensional spectroscopy. In a novel scheme, the metamaterial resonator enhances broadband terahertz fields, which generate coherent LO phonons and drive free electrons in the conduction band of GaAs. The time evolution of the LO phonon amplitude is monitored with midinfrared pulses via the LO-phonon-induced Kerr nonlinearity of the sample, showing an amplification of the LO phonon amplitude by up to a factor of 10, in agreement with a theoretical estimate.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(7): 073901, 2018 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30068119


We describe the development of a broadband (0.3-10 THz) optical pump-terahertz probe spectrometer with an unprecedented combination of temporal resolution (≤200 fs) operating in external magnetic fields as high as 25 T using the new Split Florida-Helix magnet system. Using this new instrument, we measure the transient dynamics in a gallium arsenide four-quantum well sample after photoexcitation at 800 nm.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 2507, 2018 06 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29955051


A frequency mixer is a nonlinear device that combines electromagnetic waves to create waves at new frequencies. Mixers are ubiquitous components in modern radio-frequency technology and microwave signal processing. The development of versatile frequency mixers for optical frequencies remains challenging: such devices generally rely on weak nonlinear optical processes and, thus, must satisfy phase-matching conditions. Here we utilize a GaAs-based dielectric metasurface to demonstrate an optical frequency mixer that concurrently generates eleven new frequencies spanning the ultraviolet to near-infrared. The even and odd order nonlinearities of GaAs enable our observation of second-harmonic, third-harmonic, and fourth-harmonic generation, sum-frequency generation, two-photon absorption-induced photoluminescence, four-wave mixing and six-wave mixing. The simultaneous occurrence of these seven nonlinear processes is assisted by the combined effects of strong intrinsic material nonlinearities, enhanced electromagnetic fields, and relaxed phase-matching requirements. Such ultracompact optical mixers may enable a plethora of applications in biology, chemistry, sensing, communications, and quantum optics.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 1964, 2018 05 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29760454


The original PDF version of this Article contained an error in Equation 1. The 'Λ' was missing from the denominator. This has been corrected in the PDF version of the Article. The HTML version was correct from the time of publication.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 1407, 2018 04 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29643341


A surface-emitting distributed feedback (DFB) laser with second-order gratings typically excites an antisymmetric mode that has low radiative efficiency and a double-lobed far-field beam. The radiative efficiency could be increased by using curved and chirped gratings for infrared diode lasers, plasmon-assisted mode selection for mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers (QCLs), and graded photonic structures for terahertz QCLs. Here, we demonstrate a new hybrid grating scheme that uses a superposition of second and fourth-order Bragg gratings that excite a symmetric mode with much greater radiative efficiency. The scheme is implemented for terahertz QCLs with metallic waveguides. Peak power output of 170 mW with a slope-efficiency of 993 mW A-1 is detected with robust single-mode single-lobed emission for a 3.4 THz QCL operating at 62 K. The hybrid grating scheme is arguably simpler to implement than aforementioned DFB schemes and could be used to increase power output for surface-emitting DFB lasers at any wavelength.

Opt Express ; 24(21): 24117-24128, 2016 Oct 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27828242


A terahertz vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting-laser (VECSEL) is demonstrated using an active focusing reflectarray metasurface based on quantum-cascade gain material. The focusing effect enables a hemispherical cavity with flat optics, which exhibits higher geometric stability than a plano-plano cavity and a directive and circular near-diffraction limited Gaussian beam with M2 beam parameter as low as 1.3 and brightness of 1.86 × 106 Wsr-1m-2. This work initiates the potential of leveraging inhomogeneous metasurface and reflectarray designs to achieve high-power and high-brightness terahertz quantum-cascade VECSELs.

Sci Rep ; 6: 32978, 2016 09 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27615416


Terahertz quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) with a broadband gain medium could play an important role for sensing and spectroscopy since then distributed-feedback schemes could be utilized to produce laser arrays on a single semiconductor chip with wide spectral coverage. QCLs can be designed to emit at two different frequencies when biased with opposing electrical polarities. Here, terahertz QCLs with bidirectional operation are developed to achieve broadband lasing from the same semiconductor chip. A three-well design scheme with shallow-well GaAs/Al0.10Ga0.90As superlattices is developed to achieve high-temperature operation for bidirectional QCLs. It is shown that shallow-well heterostructures lead to optimal quantum-transport in the superlattice for bidirectional operation compared to the prevalent GaAs/Al0.15Ga0.85As material system. Broadband lasing in the frequency range of 3.1-3.7 THz is demonstrated for one QCL design, which achieves maximum operating temperatures of 147 K and 128 K respectively in opposing polarities. Dual-color lasing with large frequency separation is demonstrated for a second QCL, that emits at ~3.7 THz and operates up to 121 K in one polarity, and at ~2.7 THz up to 105 K in the opposing polarity. These are the highest operating temperatures achieved for broadband terahertz QCLs at the respective emission frequencies, and could lead to commercial development of broadband terahertz laser arrays.

Opt Express ; 23(15): 19689-97, 2015 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26367626


A 2.1 THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) based on a scattering-assisted injection and resonant-phonon depopulation design scheme is demonstrated. The QCL is based on a four-well period implemented in the GaAs/Al0.15Ga0.85As material system. The QCL operates up to a heat-sink temperature of 144 K in pulsed-mode, which is considerably higher than that achieved for previously reported THz QCLs operating around the frequency of 2 THz. At 46 K, the threshold current-density was measured as ∼ 745 A/cm2 with a peak-power output of ∼10 mW. Electrically stable operation in a positive differential-resistance regime is achieved by a careful choice of design parameters. The results validate the robustness of scattering-assisted injection schemes for development of low-frequency (ν < 2.5 THz) QCLs.

Sci Rep ; 5: 13494, 2015 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26391400


Electrostatic gates are of paramount importance for the physics of devices based on high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) since they allow depletion of electrons in selected areas. This field-effect gating enables the fabrication of a wide range of devices such as, for example, quantum point contacts (QPC), electron interferometers and quantum dots. To fabricate these gates, processing is usually performed on the 2DEG material, which is in many cases detrimental to its electron mobility. Here we propose an alternative process which does not require any processing of the 2DEG material other than for the ohmic contacts. This approach relies on processing a separate wafer that is then mechanically mounted on the 2DEG material in a flip-chip fashion. This technique proved successful to fabricate quantum point contacts on both GaAs/AlGaAs materials with both moderate and ultra-high electron mobility.

Opt Express ; 23(13): 17091-100, 2015 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26191717


Slope efficiency (SE) is an important performance metric for lasers. In conventional semiconductor lasers, SE can be optimized by careful designs of the facet (or the modulation for DFB lasers) dimension and surface. However, photonic wire lasers intrinsically suffer low SE due to their deep sub-wavelength emitting facets. Inspired by microwave engineering techniques, we show a novel method to extract power from wire lasers using monolithically integrated antennas. These integrated antennas significantly increase the effective radiation area, and consequently enhance the power extraction efficiency. When applied to wire lasers at THz frequency, we achieved the highest single-side slope efficiency (~450 mW/A) in pulsed mode for DFB lasers at 4 THz and a ~4x increase in output power at 3 THz compared with a similar structure without antennas. This work demonstrates the versatility of incorporating microwave engineering techniques into laser designs, enabling significant performance enhancements.