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Anal Chim Acta ; 1240: 340744, 2023 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36641153


Sulfur isotope ratios are often used as biogeochemical tracers to gain understanding of abiotic and biological processes involved in the sulfur cycle in both modern and ancient environments. There is however a lack of matrix-matched well-characterized isotopic reference materials that are essential for controlling the accuracy and precision. This study therefore focused on expanding and complementing the currently available sulfur isotope ratio data by providing the bulk sulfur isotopic composition, as determined using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), for a comprehensive set of commercially and/or readily available biological and geological reference materials. A total 7 isotopic reference materials and 41 elemental reference materials were studied. These reference materials include standards of terrestrial and marine animal origin, terrestrial plant origin, human origin, and geological origin. Different sample preparation protocols, including digestion and subsequent chromatographic isolation of S, were evaluated and the optimum approach selected for each matrix type. For achieving enhanced robustness, the sample preparation and sulfur isotope ratio measurements were done at two different laboratories for selected reference materials, while at one of the laboratories the measurements were additionally performed using two different MC-ICP-MS instruments. Determined δ34SVCDT and δ33SVCDT values compared well between the different laboratories, as well as between the different generation MC-ICP-MS instruments, and for standards that were previously characterized, our data are similar to literature values. The δ34SVCDT ranges determined for the different categories of the reference materials - terrestrial animal origin: +2 to +9‰, marine animal origin: +15 to +20‰, human origin: +6 to +10‰, terrestrial plant origin: -20 to +7‰, and geological origin: -12 to +21‰ - fit the expected values based on previous studies of similar types of matrices well. No significant mass-independent fractionation is observed when considering the expanded uncertainties for Δ33SV-CDT.

Azufre , Animales , Humanos , Espectrometría de Masas/métodos , Isótopos de Azufre/análisis , Análisis Espectral
Sci Total Environ ; 808: 152059, 2022 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34863743


Due to the straightforward and non-invasive sampling, ease of transport and long-term storage and access to time-resolved information, determination of element concentrations and isotope ratios in hair and nails finds increasing use. Multi-isotopic information preserved in keratinous tissues allows one to reveal dietary, physiological and environmental influences, but progress in this area is still limited by complicated and time-consuming analytical procedures and challenges in accuracy assessment. In this study, longitudinal distributions of δ34S, 87Sr/86Sr, 207,208Pb/206Pb, δ66Zn, δ56Fe, δ65Cu, δ26Mg, and δ114Cd were obtained for hair and nails collected from nine subjects with different age, biological sex, diet and/or place of residence. For S and Zn, the distribution along hair strands revealed a trend towards a heavier isotopic signature from the proximal to the distal end, with a maximum difference within the hair of a single subject of 1.2‰ (Δ34S) and 0.4‰ (Δ66Zn). For Fe, Cu, Mg and Cd, a shift towards either a lighter (Cu) or heavier (Fe, Mg and Cd) isotopic composition is accompanied by increasing concentration towards the distal hair end, indicating possible isotope fractionation during deposition or external contamination with a different isotopic composition. Pb and Sr isotope ratios are relatively stable throughout the hair strands despite notable concentration increases towards the distal end, likely reflecting external contamination. The isotopic composition of Sr points to tap water as a probable main source, explaining the relative stability of the ratio for individuals from the same geographical location. For Pb, isotopic compositions suggest tap water and/or indoor dust as possible sources. Similar δ34S, 87Sr/86Sr, 207,208Pb/206Pb, δ66Zn, δ56Fe, and δ65Cu observed for hair, fingernails and toenails sampled from the same individual suggest that keratinous tissues are conservative receivers of internal and external inputs and can be used complementary. Seasonal variation in δ34S, 207,208Pb/206Pb, and δ65Cu was observed for fingernails.

Isótopos , Uñas , Polvo , Cabello , Humanos , Queratinas
Anal Bioanal Chem ; 412(23): 5637-5646, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32613566


In this work, a method for species-specific isotopic analysis of sulfur via capillary electrophoresis hyphenated on-line with multicollector ICP-MS (CE/MC-ICP-MS) was developed. Correction for the mass bias caused by instrumental mass discrimination was realized via external correction with multiple-injection sample-standard bracketing. By comparing the isotope ratio measurement results obtained using the newly developed on-line CE/MC-ICP-MS method with those obtained via traditional MC-ICP-MS measurement after analyte/matrix separation by anion exchange chromatography for isotopic reference materials and an in-house bracketing standard, the most suitable data evaluation method could be identified. The repeatability for the sulfate-δ34S value (calculated from 18 measurements of a standard conducted over seven measurement sessions) was 0.57‰ (2SD) and thereby only twice that obtained with off-line measurements (0.30‰, n = 68). As a proof of concept for analysis of samples with a real matrix, the determination of the sulfur isotopic composition of naturally present sulfate was performed for different river systems. The CE/MC-ICP-MS results thus obtained agreed with the corresponding off-line MC-ICP-MS results within the 2SD ranges, and the repeatability of consecutive δ34S measurements (n = 3) was between 0.3‰ and 1.3‰ (2SD). Finally, the isotopic analysis of two different S-species in a river water sample spiked with 2-pyridinesulfonic acid (PSA) was also accomplished. Graphical abstract The CE/MC-ICP-MS method developed allows for species-specific S isotopic analysis in samples containing multiple species. Mass bias is corrected for by multiple-injection sample-standard bracketing, while the repeatability (2SD) of the resulting 34δ-values is <1‰.