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Nanophotonics ; 13(14): 2443-2451, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38836105


The investigation of strong coupling between light and matter is an important field of research. Its significance arises not only from the emergence of a plethora of intriguing chemical and physical phenomena, often novel and unexpected, but also from its provision of important tool sets for the design of core components for novel chemical, electronic, and photonic devices such as quantum computers, lasers, amplifiers, modulators, sensors and more. Strong coupling has been demonstrated for various material systems and spectral regimes, each exhibiting unique features and applications. In this perspective, we will focus on a sub-field of this domain of research and discuss the strong coupling between metamaterials and photonic cavities at THz frequencies. The metamaterials, themselves electromagnetic resonators, serve as "artificial atoms". We provide a concise overview of recent advances and outline possible research directions in this vital and impactful field of interdisciplinary science.

Opt Express ; 32(5): 8447-8458, 2024 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38439500


Field-effect transistors are capable of detecting electromagnetic radiation from less than 100 GHz up to very high frequencies reaching well into the infrared spectral range. Here, we report on frequency coverage of up to 30THz, thus reaching the technologically important frequency regime of CO2 lasers, using GaAs/AlGaAs high-electron-mobility transistors. A detailed study of the speed and polarization dependence of the responsivity allows us to identify a cross over of the dominant detection mechanism from ultrafast non-quasistatic rectification at low Terahertz frequencies to slow rectification based on a combination of the Seebeck and bolometric effects at high frequencies, occurring at about the boundary between the Terahertz frequency range and the infrared at 10THz.

ACS Nano ; 18(6): 4765-4774, 2024 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38301137


Graphene has recently been shown to exhibit ultrafast conductivity modulation due to periodic carrier heating by either terahertz (THz) waves, leading to self-induced harmonic generation, or the intensity beat note of two-color optical radiation. We exploit the latter to realize an optoelectronic photomixer for coherent, continuous-wave THz detection, based on a photoconductive antenna with multilayer CVD-grown graphene in the gap. While for biased THz emitters the dark current would pose a serious detriment for performance, we show that this is not the case for bias-free THz detection and demonstrate detection up to frequencies of at least 700 GHz at room temperature, even without optimized tuning of the doping. We account for the photocurrent and photomixing response using detailed simulations of the time-dependent carrier distribution, which also indicate significant potential for enhancement of the sensitivity, to become competitive with well-established semiconductor photomixers.

Nano Lett ; 24(3): 935-942, 2024 Jan 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38165655


Frequency-selective or even frequency-tunable terahertz (THz) photodevices are critical components for many technological applications that require nanoscale manipulation, control, and confinement of light. Within this context, gate-tunable phototransistors based on plasmonic resonances are often regarded as the most promising devices for the frequency-selective detection of THz radiation. The exploitation of constructive interference of plasma waves in such detectors promises not only frequency selectivity but also a pronounced sensitivity enhancement at target frequencies. However, clear signatures of plasmon-assisted resonances in THz detectors have been revealed only at cryogenic temperatures so far and remain unobserved at application-relevant room-temperature conditions. In this work, we demonstrate the sought-after room-temperature resonant detection of THz radiation in short-channel gated photodetectors made from high-quality single-layer graphene. The survival of this intriguing resonant regime at room temperature ultimately relies on the weak intrinsic electron-phonon scattering in monolayer graphene, which avoids the damping of the plasma oscillations present in the device channel.

Opt Express ; 31(24): 39624-39637, 2023 Nov 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38041279


Dark modes represent a class of forbidden transitions or transitions with weak dipole moments between energy states. Due to their low transition probability, it is difficult to realize their interaction with light, let alone achieve the strong interaction of the modes with the photons in a cavity. However, by mutual coupling with a bright mode, the strong interaction of dark modes with photons is possible. This type of mediated interaction is widely investigated in the metamaterials community and is known under the term electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). Here, we report strong coupling between a plasmonic dark mode of an EIT-like metamaterial with the photons of a 1D photonic crystal cavity in the terahertz frequency range. The coupling between the dark mode and the cavity photons is mediated by a plasmonic bright mode, which is proven by the observation of a frequency splitting which depends on the strength of the inductive interaction between the plasmon bright and dark modes of the EIT-like metamaterial. In addition, since the plasmonic dark mode strongly couples with the cavity dark mode, we observes four polariton modes. The frequency splitting by interaction of the four modes (plasmonic bright and dark mode and the two eigenmodes of the photonic cavity) can be reproduced in the framework of a model of four coupled harmonic oscillators.

Opt Express ; 31(24): 40856-40870, 2023 Nov 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38041376


Fourier imaging is an indirect imaging method which records the diffraction pattern of the object scene coherently in the focal plane of the imaging system and reconstructs the image using computational resources. The spatial resolution, which can be reached, depends on one hand on the wavelength of the radiation, but also on the capability to measure - in the focal plane - Fourier components with high spatial wave-vectors. This leads to a conflicting situation at THz frequencies, because choosing a shorter wavelength for better resolution usually comes at the cost of less radiation power, concomitant with a loss of dynamic range, which limits the detection of higher Fourier components. Here, aiming at maintaining a high dynamic range and limiting the system costs, we adopt heterodyne detection at the 2nd sub-harmonic, working with continuous-wave (CW) radiation for object illumination at 600 GHz and local-oscillator (LO) radiation at 300 GHz. The detector is a single-pixel broad-band Si CMOS TeraFET equipped with substrate lenses on both the front- and backside for separate in-coupling of the waves. The entire scene is illuminated by the object wave, and the Fourier spectrum is recorded by raster scanning of the single-detector unit through the focal plane. With only 56 µW of power of the 600-GHz radiation, a dynamic range of 60 dB is reached, sufficient to detect the entire accessible Fourier space spectrum in the test measurements. We present a detailed comparison between plane-to-plane imaging and Fourier imaging, and show that, with both, a lateral spatial resolution of better than 0.5 mm, at the diffraction limit, is reached.

Opt Express ; 31(9): 15089-15106, 2023 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37157358


We demonstrate the use of spectrograms of the field-induced second-harmonic (FISH) signal generated in ambient air, to reconstruct the absolute temporal electric field of ultra-broadband terahertz-infrared (THz-IR) pulses with bandwidths exceeding 100 THz. The approach is applicable even with relatively long (150-femtosecond) optical detection pulses, where the relative intensity and phase can be extracted from the moments of the spectrogram, as demonstrated by transmission spectroscopy of very thin samples. Auxiliary EFISH/ABCD measurements are used to provide the absolute field and phase calibration, respectively. We take into account the beam-shape/propagation effects about the detection focus on the measured FISH signals, which affect the field calibration, and show how an analysis of a set of measurements vs. truncation of the unfocused THz-IR beam can be used to correct for these. This approach could also be applied to the field calibration of ABCD measurements of conventional THz pulses.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(7)2023 Mar 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37050531


We present the characterization of a Zero-bias Schottky diode-based Terahertz (THz) detector up to 5.56 THz. The detector was operated with both a table-top system until 1.2 THz and at a Free-Electron Laser (FEL) facility at singular frequencies from 1.9 to 5.56 THz. We used two measurement techniques in order to discriminate the sub-ns-scale (via a 20 GHz oscilloscope) and the ms-scale (using the lock-in technique) responsivity. While the lock-in measurements basically contain all rectification effects, the sub-ns-scale detection with the oscilloscope is not sensitive to slow bolometric effects caused by changes of the IV characteristic due to temperature. The noise equivalent power (NEP) is 10 pW/Hz in the frequency range from 0.2 to 0.6 THz and 17 pW/Hz at 1.2 THz and increases to 0.9 µW/Hz at 5.56 THz, which is at the state of the art for room temperature zero-bias Schottky diode-based THz detectors with non-resonant antennas. The voltage and current responsivity of ∼500 kV/W and ∼100 mA/W, respectively, is demonstrated over a frequency range of 0.2 to 1.2 THz with the table-top system.

Opt Lett ; 47(19): 4969-4972, 2022 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36181163


We investigate the coherent coupling of metamaterial resonators with hydrogen-like boron acceptors in Si at cryogenic temperatures. When the resonance frequency of the metamaterial, chosen to be in the range 7-9 THz, superimposes the transition frequency from the ground state of the acceptor to an excited state, Rabi splitting as large as 0.4 THz is observed. The coherent coupling shows a feature of cooperative interaction, where the Rabi splitting is proportional to the square root of the density of the acceptors. Our experiments may help to open a possible route for the investigation of quantum information processes employing strong coupling of dopants in cavities.

Opt Express ; 30(8): 13659-13672, 2022 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35472974


When a metamaterial (MM) is embedded in a one-dimensional photonic crystal (PC) cavity, the ultra-strong coupling between the MM plasmons and the photons in the PC cavity gives rise to two new polariton modes with high quality factor. Here, we investigate by simulations whether such a strongly coupled system working in the terahertz (THz) frequency range has the potential to be a better sensor than a MM (or a PC cavity) alone. Somewhat surprisingly, one finds that the shift of the resonance frequency induced by an analyte applied to the MM is smaller in the case of the dual resonator (MM and cavity) than that obtained with the MM alone. However, the phase sensitivity of the dual resonator can be larger than that of the MM alone. With the dielectric perturbation theory - well established in the microwave community - one can show that the size of the mode volume plays a decisive role for the obtainable frequency shift. The larger frequency shift of the MM alone is explained by its smaller mode volume as compared with the MM-loaded cavity. Two main conclusions can be drawn from our investigations. First, that the dielectric perturbation theory can be used to guide and optimize the designs of MM-based sensors. And second, that the enhanced phase sensitivity of the dual resonator may open a new route for the realization of improved THz sensors.

Sensors (Basel) ; 21(12)2021 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34198603


In this roadmap article, we have focused on the most recent advances in terahertz (THz) imaging with particular attention paid to the optimization and miniaturization of the THz imaging systems. Such systems entail enhanced functionality, reduced power consumption, and increased convenience, thus being geared toward the implementation of THz imaging systems in real operational conditions. The article will touch upon the advanced solid-state-based THz imaging systems, including room temperature THz sensors and arrays, as well as their on-chip integration with diffractive THz optical components. We will cover the current-state of compact room temperature THz emission sources, both optolectronic and electrically driven; particular emphasis is attributed to the beam-forming role in THz imaging, THz holography and spatial filtering, THz nano-imaging, and computational imaging. A number of advanced THz techniques, such as light-field THz imaging, homodyne spectroscopy, and phase sensitive spectrometry, THz modulated continuous wave imaging, room temperature THz frequency combs, and passive THz imaging, as well as the use of artificial intelligence in THz data processing and optics development, will be reviewed. This roadmap presents a structured snapshot of current advances in THz imaging as of 2021 and provides an opinion on contemporary scientific and technological challenges in this field, as well as extrapolations of possible further evolution in THz imaging.

Holografía , Imágen por Terahertz , Inteligencia Artificial , Análisis Espectral , Radiación Terahertz
Nanoscale Adv ; 3(6): 1717-1724, 2021 Mar 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36132567


We report the successful implementation of antenna-coupled terahertz field-effect transistors (TeraFETs) as homodyne detectors in a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM) operating with radiation at 246.5 GHz. The devices were fabricated in Si CMOS foundry technology with two different technologies, a 90 nm process, which provides a better device performance, and a less expensive 180 nm one. The high sensitivity enables s-SNOM demodulation at up to the 10th harmonic of the cantilever's oscillation frequency. While we demonstrate application of TeraFETs at a fixed radiation frequency, this type of detector device is able to cover the entire THz frequency range.

Opt Express ; 28(22): 33673-33681, 2020 Oct 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33115026


We explore the tilted-pulse-front excitation technique to control the superradiant emission of terahertz (THz) pulses from large-area photonconductive semiconductor switches. Two cases are studied. First, a photoconductive antenna emitting into free space, where the propagation direction of the optically generated THz beam is controlled by the choice of the tilt angle of the pump pulse front. Second, a THz waveguide structure with an integrated photoconductive window for the generation of THz radiation, where the injection of the THz radiation into a waveguide mode is optimized by the pulse front tilt. By providing long interaction lengths, such a waveguide-based optical-pump/THz-probe set-up may provide a new platform for the study of diverse short-lived optically induced excitations.

Sensors (Basel) ; 20(15)2020 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32707924


This work presents, to our knowledge, the first completely passive imaging with human-body-emitted radiation in the lower THz frequency range using a broadband uncooled detector. The sensor consists of a Si CMOS field-effect transistor with an integrated log-spiral THz antenna. This THz sensor was measured to exhibit a rather flat responsivity over the 0.1-1.5-THz frequency range, with values of the optical responsivity and noise-equivalent power of around 40 mA/W and 42 pW/ Hz , respectively. These values are in good agreement with simulations which suggest an even broader flat responsivity range exceeding 2.0 THz. The successful imaging demonstrates the impressive thermal sensitivity which can be achieved with such a sensor. Recording of a 2.3 × 7.5-cm 2 -sized image of the fingers of a hand with a pixel size of 1 mm 2 at a scanning speed of 1 mm/s leads to a signal-to-noise ratio of 2 and a noise-equivalent temperature difference of 4.4 K. This approach shows a new sensing approach with field-effect transistors as THz detectors which are usually used for active THz detection.

Diagnóstico por Imagen , Cuerpo Humano , Radiación Terahertz , Diseño de Equipo , Humanos , Relación Señal-Ruido
Light Sci Appl ; 9: 97, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32549977


Plasma waves play an important role in many solid-state phenomena and devices. They also become significant in electronic device structures as the operation frequencies of these devices increase. A prominent example is field-effect transistors (FETs), that witness increased attention for application as rectifying detectors and mixers of electromagnetic waves at gigahertz and terahertz frequencies, where they exhibit very good sensitivity even high above the cut-off frequency defined by the carrier transit time. Transport theory predicts that the coupling of radiation at THz frequencies into the channel of an antenna-coupled FET leads to the development of a gated plasma wave, collectively involving the charge carriers of both the two-dimensional electron gas and the gate electrode. In this paper, we present the first direct visualization of these waves. Employing graphene FETs containing a buried gate electrode, we utilize near-field THz nanoscopy at room temperature to directly probe the envelope function of the electric field amplitude on the exposed graphene sheet and the neighboring antenna regions. Mapping of the field distribution documents that wave injection is unidirectional from the source side since the oscillating electrical potentials on the gate and drain are equalized by capacitive shunting. The plasma waves, excited at 2 THz, are overdamped, and their decay time lies in the range of 25-70 fs. Despite this short decay time, the decay length is rather long, i.e., 0.3-0.5 µm, because of the rather large propagation speed of the plasma waves, which is found to lie in the range of 3.5-7 × 106 m/s, in good agreement with theory. The propagation speed depends only weakly on the gate voltage swing and is consistent with the theoretically predicted 1 4 power law.

Opt Express ; 27(17): 24455-24468, 2019 Aug 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31510334


Light-matter interaction in the strong coupling regime is of profound interest for fundamental quantum optics, information processing and the realization of ultrahigh-resolution sensors. Here, we report a new way to realize strong light-matter interaction, by coupling metamaterial plasmonic "quasi-particles" with photons in a photonic cavity, in the terahertz frequency range. The resultant cavity polaritons exhibit a splitting which can reach the ultra-strong coupling regime, even with the comparatively low density of quasi-particles, and inherit the high Q-factor of the cavity despite the relatively broad resonances of the Swiss-cross and split-ring-resonator metamaterials used. We also demonstrate nonlocal collective interaction of spatially separated metamaterial layers mediated by the cavity photons. By applying the quantum electrodynamic formalism to the density dependence of the polariton splitting, we can deduce the intrinsic transition dipole moment for single-quantum excitation of the metamaterial quasi-particles, which is orders of magnitude larger than those of natural atoms. These findings are of interest for the investigation of fundamental strong-coupling phenomena, but also for applications such as ultra-low-threshold terahertz polariton lasing, voltage-controlled modulators and frequency filters, and ultra-sensitive chemical and biological sensing.

ACS Omega ; 4(26): 21962-21966, 2019 Dec 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31891075


Surface plasmon polaritons on (silver) nanowires are promising components for future photonic technologies. Here, we study near-field patterns on silver nanowires with a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope that enables the direct mapping of surface waves. We analyze the spatial pattern of the plasmon signatures for different excitation geometries and polarization and observe a plasmon wave pattern that is canted relative to the nanowire axis, which we show is due to a superposition of two different plasmon modes, as supported by electromagnetic simulations including the influence of the substrate. These findings yield new insights into the excitation and propagation of plasmon polaritons for applications in nanoplasmonic devices.

Opt Express ; 24(14): 15261-73, 2016 Jul 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27410803


We investigate the nonlinear transmission of a ~280-layer turbostratic graphene sheet for near-infrared amplifier laser pulses (775 nm, Ti:sapphire laser) with a duration of 150-fs and 20-fs. Saturable absorption is observed in both cases, however it is not very strong, amounting to ~13% transmittance change for the 20-fs (150-fs) pulses at a peak intensity of 30 GW/cm2 (4 GW/cm2). The dependence on incident peak intensity is reproduced well using a theoretical model for the time-dependent saturable absorption, where the excited carriers vacate the photo-excited energy range within 3-5 fs, which we attribute to energy redistribution due to carrier-carrier scattering. This is also supported by spectrally resolved measurements for the 20-fs pulses, which show a marked dependence of the degree of saturation on the photon energy. A key result is that the shorter pulses do not yield a lower saturation fluence, due to the combined effects of the broader excitation bandwidth, and the rapid and broad energy redistribution. We also predict the potential performance of multilayer graphene samples for removing pedestal and pre-pulse structure from ultrafast high-energy pulses.

Nano Lett ; 14(10): 5834-8, 2014 Oct 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25203787


We present terahertz (THz) detectors based on top-gated graphene field effect transistors (GFETs) with integrated split bow-tie antennas. The GFETs were fabricated using graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The THz detectors are capable of room-temperature rectification of a 0.6 THz signal and achieve a maximum optical responsivity better than 14 V/W and minimum optical noise-equivalent power (NEP) of 515 pW/Hz(0.5). Our results are a significant improvement over previous work on graphene direct detectors and are comparable to other established direct detector technologies. This is the first time room-temperature direct detection has been demonstrated using CVD graphene, which introduces the potential for scalable, wafer-level production of graphene detectors.

Opt Express ; 21(6): 6826-36, 2013 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23546064


We compare different tilted-pulse-front pumping schemes for single-cycle THz generation in LiNbO(3) crystals both theoretically and experimentally in terms of conversion efficiency. The conventional setup with a single lens as an imaging element has been found to be highly inefficient in the case of sub-50 fs pump pulses, mainly due to the resulting chromatic aberrations. These aberrations are avoided in the proposed new setup, which employs two concave mirrors in a Keplerian telescope arrangement as the imaging sequence. This partially compensates spherical aberrations and results in a ca. six times higher conversion efficiency in the case of 35-fs optical pump pulse duration compared to the single-lens setup. A THz field strength of 60 kV/cm was obtained using 0.5 mJ pump pulses. The divergence of the THz beam has been found experimentally to depend on the pump imaging scheme employed.

Láseres de Estado Sólido , Niobio/química , Óxidos/química , Diseño Asistido por Computadora , Diseño de Equipo , Análisis de Falla de Equipo , Radiación Terahertz