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Int J Health Sci (Qassim) ; 16(3): 44-53, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35599940


Objective: The intervention of physical therapy in pediatric oncology is currently transmuting from a view based on the restriction of physical stress to an approach that advocates the practice of cardiorespiratory and motor interventions that provide a better prognosis for the patient. The objective of this study is to carry out a systematic review and to identify studies that address the performance of physical therapeutic practices in pediatric cancer patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: The stage of identification and selection of articles were carried out according to what was recommended by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analyzes, on PubMed, Medline, and Scopus platforms, based on the PICO acronym, and were classified by the PeDRO quality scale. Results: A total of 19,820 articles were found and six were acceptable according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study, accounting for a total of 634 patients evaluated in the respective study. Conclusion: There is a scarcity of studies that show the reality of physical therapy practice in pediatric and neonatal ICU, with a focus on cancer patients. Most of the articles found emphasize the physiotherapeutic approach in the management of ventilation in these patients. Within this context, they show positive outcomes with the highest number of discharges, reduced mortality, increased survival, and treatment of respiratory failure. In addition, the application of non-invasive ventilation modalities proved to be more prevalent and important, both in the variables mentioned above and in the prevention of complications, such as a lower rate of patients undergoing orotracheal intubation.

Acta fisiátrica ; 20(3): 118-123, setembro.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-704967


Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de manuseios do método fisioterapêutico de Reequilíbrio Tóraco-Abdominal (RTA) em parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios, em sinais clínicos de esforço respiratório, no comportamento e na dor de recém-nascidos (RN) prematuros com baixo peso internados em unidade de terapia intensiva. Método: Ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado com avaliador cego. Os RN foram caracterizados segundo: sexo, idade gestacional (IG), idade gestacional corrigida (IgC), peso, altura, índice de massa corpórea (IMC), tipo de parto, ventilação mecânica (VM), oxigenoterapia (O2) e Apgar. Através de sorteio foram divididos em dois grupos: G1 - grupo controle e G2 - grupo que recebeu RTA. Os RN foram avaliados antes e imediatamente após um dos procedimentos. Foram verificados os parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios de frequência respiratória (FR), frequência cardíaca (FC) e saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2), analisado o desconforto respiratório através do Boletim de silvermann-anderson (BSA), a dor através da Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) e o comportamento pela escala de Prechtl e Beinteman (EPB). O G1 permaneceu em repouso por 20 minutos e o G2 foi submetido a 20 minutos de intervenção, composta por 4 manuseios da técnica (apoio íleo-costal, apoio tóraco-abdominal, apoio abdominal inferior e apoio toraco-abdominal e abdominal inferior simultaneamente), cada um com 5 minutos de duração. Foram aplicados os testes qui-quadrado, teste de Wilcoxon e de Mann Whitney, para comparação intra e intergrupos, respectivamente. Adotou-se um nível de significância de 5% (p = 0,05). Resultados: Houve diminuição significativa da FR (54,08 ± 8,34rpm x 49,77 ± 2,82 rpm, p = 0,0277) e do BSA (0,62 ± 0,96 x 0,00 ± 0,60; p = 0,0431) nos RN submetidos ao RTA. Também verificou-se menor pontuação na escala EPB do G2 em comparação ao G1 (1,00 ± 0,00 x 1,54 ± 1,13, com p = 0,0492). As outras variáveis não diferiram entre os grupos. Conclusão: Os RN prematuros de baixo peso submetidos aos manuseios do método RTA apresentaram redução da FR e do desconforto respiratório. Não houve prejuízo alteração no comportamento dos neonatos com a aplicação da técnica.

Objective: To evaluate the effect of physical therapy method handlings Rebalancing thoracoabdominal movements (RTA) on cardiorespiratory parameters in clinical signs of respiratory effort, behavior and pain in the newborn (NB) premature infants with low birth weight infants in unit intensive care. Method: Controlled clinical trial, randomized and blinded. The infants were characterized according to sex, gestational age (GA), corrected gestational age (IgG), weight, height, body mass index (BMI), type of delivery, mechanical ventilation (MV), oxygen (O2) and Apgar score. By lottery were divided into two groups: G1 - the control group and G2 - the group that received RTA. The newborns were assessed before and immediately after the procedures. Cardiorespiratory parameters were tested for respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR) and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), respiratory distress analyzed by Silvermann-Anderson Bulletin (BSA), the pain through the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) and the behavior of the scale Prechtl and Beinteman (EPB). The G1 remained at rest for 20 minutes and G2 underwent 20 minutes of intervention, consisting of four handlings of the technique (support ileo-costal, support thoraco-abdominal, lower abdominal support and support thoraco-abdominal and lower abdominal simultaneously), each one with 5 minutes? duration. We applied the chi-square test, Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test for comparison within and between groups, respectively. We adopted a significance level of 5% (p = 0.005). Results: There was significant decrease in RF (54.08 ± 8.34 49.77 ± 2.82 rpm x rpm, p = 0.0277) and BSA (0.62 ± 0.96 vs. 0.00 ± 0.60, p = 0.0431) in newborns submitted to the RTA. Also it was verified lower scores on the EPB in G2 as compared to G1 (1.00 ± 0.00 x 1.54 ± 1.13, p = 0.0492). The other variables did not differ between groups. Conclusion: The low-weight premature newborns subjected to the method handlings RTA had reduced RF and respiratory distress. No damages were observed change in behavior of neonates with the method application.

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Trastornos Respiratorios/parasitología , Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/instrumentación