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Plants (Basel) ; 12(19)2023 Oct 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37836220


Maclura is a plant genus little known and used, species of which have been mainly used in the recovery of soils, for medicinal purposes such as dental infection treatments, and as wood for making furniture and construction. The overexploitation of this genus has placed certain species in endangered extinction status in some countries, such as Brazil. In addition, the scarce research and information limit the development, cultivation, and management of its species regarding their biochemical composition, which includes bioactive compounds such as the phenolic and flavonoid compounds found in some species such as M. pomifera, M. cochinchinensis, and M. tinctoria. The plants' antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative activities have been attributed to these compounds. Other biochemical components such as ashes, insoluble lignin, holocellulose, and the high content of lipids and carbohydrates have been identified to be used to produce biofuels, with characteristics very similar to fuels derived from petroleum. This review aims to analyze the current knowledge on the plant genus Maclura, exploring its biochemical compounds and potential applications, including as a food additive, antioxidant supplement, in agriculture, for therapeutic purposes, aquaculture, and the cosmetic and industrial sector.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 12(16)2022 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36014684


The objective of this paper was to report the effect of ionic liquids (ILs) in the elaboration of nanofibers of cellulose bagasse from Agave tequilana Weber var. azul by the electrospinning method. The ILs used were 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCl), and DMSO was added as co-solvent. To observe the effect of ILs, this solvent was compared with the organic solvent TriFluorAcetic acid (TFA). The nanofibers were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray, Fourier transform-infrared using attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). TEM showed different diameters (ranging from 35 to 76 nm) of cellulose nanofibers with ILs (CN ILs). According to X-ray diffraction, a notable decrease of the crystalline structure of cellulose treated with ILs was observed, while FTIR-ATR showed two bands that exhibit the physical interaction between cellulose nanofibers and ILs. TGA revealed that CN ILs exhibit enhanced thermal properties due to low or null cellulose crystallinity. CN ILs showed better characteristics in all analyses than nanofibers elaborated with TFA organic solvent. Therefore, CN ILs provide new alternatives for cellulose bagasse. Due to their small particle size, CN ILs could have several applications, including in food, pharmaceutical, textile, and material areas, among others.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(3): 439-448, sep.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360038


RESUMEN La producción de orégano es de relevancia económica en el noroeste de México. Sin embargo, los productores para obtener altos rendimientos recurren a la fertilización química, pero su mal uso, agudiza la salinidad. Lippia palmeri crece de manera natural en suelos áridos, pobres en materia orgánica, alta salinidad y temperatura en el noroeste de México. En el contexto de una agricultura sustentable, los microorganismos mantienen la fertilidad del suelo e incrementan la productividad de la planta. Actualmente existe interés en proponer biofertilizantes en la agricultura de alta intrusión salina y elevadas temperaturas para el cultivo de orégano. Las Halobacterias Promotoras del Crecimiento de Plantas (HPCP), se han destacado por beneficiar a los cultivos nutrimentalmente y mitigar el efecto de la salinidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en identificar termo- y halo-tolerantes HPCP asociadas a la rizosfera de L. palmeri; se evaluó la actividad solubilizadora de fosfatos, producción de ácidos orgánicos, sideróforos y fijación de nitrógeno; se identificaron mediante el gen ARNr-16S aquellas con alta actividad evaluándose su efecto en la germinación y longitud radicular. Quince diferentes colonias sobresalieron al crecer en NaCl (0.25, 0.50 y 0.75 M) a 35 y 45 °C, destacando tres bacterias identificadas: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus subtilis y Bacillus licheniformis. El efecto en la longitud radicular es significativo por la aplicación de B. amyloliquefaciens. Estudios relacionados con la promoción vegetal deben ser considerados en posteriores estudios. Este es el primer informe de B. amyloliquefaciens como una bacteria fijadora de nitrógeno asociada a L. palmeri.

ABSTRACT The production of oregano is of economic relevance in northwestern Mexico. However, to obtain high yields, producers resort to chemical fertilization, but its misuse increases salinity. Lippia palmeri Watts is a species of oregano that naturally grows in arid soils with poor organic matter, high salinity and temperature in the northwestern Mexico. In the context of sustainable agriculture, microorganisms activate soil fertility and increase plant productivity. Currently there is interest in proposing biofertilizers in the agriculture with high saline intrusion and temperatures for the cultivation of oregano. The Plant Growth Promoting Halobacteria (HPCP) have stood out by the beneficiary of the nutritious crops and mitigate the effect of the salinity. The goal of this work was to identify HPCP associated to the rhizosphere of L. palmeri, thermo and halotolerant; phosphate solubilizing activity, organic acid production, siderophores and nitrogen fixation were evaluated; the highest activity colonies were identified by the rRNA-16S gene and the effect on germination and root length was evaluated. Fifteen different colonies stood out when growing in NaCl (G.25, G.5G and G.75 M) at 35 and 45 °C, from which three bacteria were identified: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis. The effect on root length was significant for B. amyloliquefaciens. Studies related to plant promotion should be involved in subsequent studies. This is the first report of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens as a nitrogen fixing bacteria associated with Lipia palmeri.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(1): 116-126, ene.-abr. 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152675


ABSTRACT This review focuses on the potential of halophytes for food, fodder and biofuels production, as well as their impacts on the environment and societies. Moreover, to open new areas in production systems using novel technologies such as halophytes in a desert agriculture. We are faced with the crisis and the shortage of freshwater in arid, semi-arid and desert regions. For this reason, we have to apply sustainable systems for human food, fodder and biofuels. Halophytes are naturally resistant to salt and develop on the coastal coast and arid-saline areas. We present a complete summary of the current situation of human population growth and food demand, a sustainable alternative such as halophilic crops of agro-industrial importance compared with conventional crops and how they can be incorporated into agriculture sustainable in arid, desert and coastal areas, basing the above on success stories.

RESUMEN Esta revisión se centra en el potencial de las halófitas para la producción de alimentos, forrajes y biocombustibles, así como en sus impactos en el medio ambiente y en las sociedades. Asimismo, en las nuevas áreas que buscan sistemas de producción utilizando tecnologías novedosas como las halófitas en agricultura en el desierto. Nos encontramos ante una crisis de escasez de agua dulce en regiones áridas, semiáridas y desérticas. Por esta razón, tenemos que aplicar sistemas sostenibles para alimento humano, forraje y biocombustibles. Las halofítas son naturalmente resistentes a la sal y se desarrollan en litorales costeros y zonas árido-salinas. Presentamos un resumen completo de la situación actual del crecimiento de la población humana y de la demanda de alimentos, de los cultivos halófilos de importancia agroindustrial como una alternativa sustentable, comparados con los convencionales, y de la forma como se pueden incorporar en una agricultura sustentable en zonas áridas, desérticas y costeras, fundamentando lo anterior con casos de éxito.

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 70(1): 50-59, marz. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1129607


La medicina tradicional y estudios realizados a diferentes especies del género Prosopis, del desierto sonorense, indican que es una fuente para la cualificación de compuestos bioactivos, con poder antioxidante y ácidos grasos (linoleico y linolénico) de la semilla. La actividad biológica, es atribuible a alcaloides, flavonoides, terpenos y compuestos fenólicos, para lo cual, se realizó el perfil fitoquímico en los extractos acuoso, etanólico, hexanico y clorofórmico (mediante técnicas colorimétricas), actividad antioxidante (método: 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH)), fenoles totales (utilizando el reactivo de Folin-Ciocalteau) y perfil de ácidos grasos (cromatografía de gases) de la semilla de Prosopis spp. La extracción del aceite se realizó mediante Soxhlet. Se encontraron saponinas en todos los extractos, mientras que, en el etanólico, hexanico y clorofórmico, terpenos y esteroles. En el extracto etanólico se encontraron quinonas y en el acuoso aminoácidos libres. El valor más alto de la actividad antioxidante de EC50 fue de 3.272,41 ± 5,97, para el extracto etanólico, indicando su potencial como antioxidante. El contenido de fenoles totales, fue hexano> etanol > cloroformo> acuoso (81,95; 119,83; 125,18 y 127,57 mg equivalentes de ácido gálico/g de extracto seco). Los ácidos grasos en mayor proporción fueron los insaturados con 71,41 % (ácido linoleico: 42,68 %; oleico: 28.73 %) y ácidos grasos saturados: ácido palmítico (13.42 %) y estérico (4,73 %). Se concluye que este tipo de extractos presentan metabolitos importantes para la dieta, presentan actividad antioxidante y ácidos grasos esenciales para el organismo(AU)

Traditional medicine and studies with different species of the Prosopis genus, from the Sonoran Desert, is a source for the qualification of bioactive compounds, with antioxidant power and fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic) of the seed. The biological activity is attributable to alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes and phenolic compounds, for which, the phytochemical profile was performed in the aqueous, ethanolic, hexane and chloroform extracts (using colorimetric techniques), antioxidant activity (method: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH)), total phenols (using the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent) and fatty acid profile (gas chromatography). The oil was extracted using Soxhlet. Saponins were found in all extracts, while, in ethanolic, hexanic and chloroform, terpenes and sterols. In the ethanolic extract quinones were found and in the aqueous free amino acids. The highest value of the antioxidant activity of EC50 was 3,272.41 ± 5.97, for the ethanolic extract, indicating its potential as an antioxidant. The total phenolic content was hexane> ethanol> chloroform> aqueous (81.95, 119.83, 125.18 and 127.57 mg equivalent of gallic acid / g of dry extract). The fatty acids in greater proportion were unsaturated with 71.41 % (linoleic acid: 42.68 %; oleic: 28.73 %) and saturated fatty acids: palmitic acid (13.42 %) and stearic (4.73 %). It is concluded that this type of extracts have important metabolites for the diet, have antioxidant activity and essential fatty acids for the body(AU)

Prosopis , Compuestos Fenólicos , Ácidos Grasos , Fitoquímicos , Semillas , Flavonoides/análisis , Alcaloides/análisis
J Econ Entomol ; 112(3): 1055-1061, 2019 05 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30918973


For more than four decades, the presence of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius complex as a pest and transmitter of begomoviral diseases has been one of the most important phytopathological events in cultivated species worldwide. In addition, the number of whitefly species, as well as the viruses they transmit, has been increasing over time. In the state of Baja California Sur (BCS), Mexico, the diversity of B. tabaci has been delimited to MEAM1 and NW species, affecting mainly tomato, pepper, and squash. However, the relationship of these species with the dispersion of the begomoviruses previously detected in the study area is still unknown. In a 5-yr study (2012-2016), these species of whiteflies and begomoviruses were identified. Moreover, the recurrence, seasonal distribution, and impact they have on the spread of the begomoviral diseases were assessed. The identification of whiteflies was done targeting the mtCOI by PCR-DNA barcoding assay. For begomoviruses identification, a set of degenerate and specific primers targeting the IR region and CP gene were used. To determine seasonal abundance, monitoring was performed every 15 d by means of yellow traps. The MEAM1 species in all localities was observed with the highest peak population (>10 whiteflies/trap) from March to April. The guidelines for naming begomovirus species for the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) establish that the names when they are preceded by the acronym the whole name is in lowercase, not italicized (e.g. bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV)); when the name goes alone without the acronym then its capitalizes the first letter (e.g. Bean golden mosaic virus) and when these are referred to in a taxonomic sense they are italicized and the first letter is capitalized (e.g. Bean golden mosaic virus). This study provides details of the distribution and occurrence of MEAM1 species and diversity of begomoviruses that could be useful in disease management in BCS and worldwide.

Hemípteros , Solanum lycopersicum , Animales , Incidencia , México , Estaciones del Año
Front Plant Sci ; 6: 549, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26257756


Any improvement in agricultural systems that results in higher production should also reduce negative environmental impacts and enhance sustainability. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of two different production systems, one open-field and the other shade-enclosure with four bocashi doses, in order to find the best environmental option in terms of yield, physiological and morphometric characteristics in one oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) cultivar. In this study a completely randomized block design was used with four replications and evaluated for photosynthetic and transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll, leaf area and temperature, aerial and roots fresh and dry biomass, fresh and dry yield. The results showed that oregano adapted best to the shade-enclosure with increase yield of fresh and dry leaf weight of 165% and 118%, respectively, when compared to open-field. Also, higher doses of bocashi improved yield in both environments but more so in shade-enclosure. Soil moisture retention was higher in shade-enclosure which was reflected in physiological variables for soil matric potential, transpiration, stomatal conductivity, photosynthesis being significantly higher in shade-enclosure compared to open-field, thus improving yield. It seems that oregano plants can be grown and perform better under shade-enclosure than open-field and bocashi is a suitable organic fertilizer.

BMC Plant Biol ; 15: 118, 2015 May 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25957869


BACKGROUND: Despite the ecological and socioeconomic importance of wild Capsicum annuum L., few investigations have been carried out to study basic characteristics. The peninsula of Baja California has a unique characteristic that it provides a high degree of isolation for the development of unique highly diverse endemic populations. The objective of this study was to evaluate for the first time the growth type, associated vegetation, morphometric traits in plants, in fruits and mineral content of roots, stems and leaves of three wild populations of Capsicum in Baja California, Mexico, near biosphere reserves. RESULTS: The results showed that the majority of plants of wild Capsicum annuum have a shrub growth type and were associated with communities consisting of 43 species of 20 families the most representative being Fabaceae, Cactaceae and Euphorbiaceae. Significant differences between populations were found in plant height, main stem diameter, beginning of canopy, leaf area, leaf average and maximum width, stems and roots dry weights. Coverage, leaf length and dry weight did not show differences. Potassium, sodium and zinc showed significant differences between populations in their roots, stems and leaves, while magnesium and manganese showed significant differences only in roots and stems, iron in stems and leaves, calcium in roots and leaves and phosphorus did not show differences. Average fruit weight, length, 100 fruits dry weight, 100 fruits pulp dry weight and pulp/seeds ratio showed significant differences between populations, while fruit number, average fruit fresh weight, peduncle length, fruit width, seeds per fruit and seed dry weight, did not show differences. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that this study of traits of wild Capsicum, provides useful information of morphometric variation between wild populations that will be of value for future decision processes involved in the management and preservation of germplasm and genetic resources.

Capsicum/anatomía & histología , Capsicum/crecimiento & desarrollo , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Carácter Cuantitativo Heredable , Análisis de Varianza , Capsicum/fisiología , Ecotipo , Frutas/anatomía & histología , Frutas/metabolismo , Geografía , Humedad , México , Minerales/metabolismo , Hojas de la Planta/metabolismo , Raíces de Plantas/metabolismo , Tallos de la Planta/metabolismo , Transpiración de Plantas , Lluvia , Especificidad de la Especie , Luz Solar , Temperatura
ScientificWorldJournal ; 2014: 810192, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25097888


Pseudomonas putida is plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that have the capacity to improve growth in plants. The purpose of this study was to determine growth and anthocyanin pigmentation of the bracts in two poinsettia Euphorbia pulcherrima cultivars (Prestige and Sonora Marble) using three strains of P. putida, as well as a mixture of the three (MIX). Comparison with the control group indicated for the most part that Prestige grew better than the Sonora Marble cultivars with the PGPR strains. Prestige with the MIX strain grew better compared to control for the number of cyathia (83 versus 70.4), volume of roots (45 versus 3 cm(3)), number of leaves (78 versus 58), and area of leaf (1,788 versus 1,331 cm(2)), except for the number of flowers (8.8 versus 11.6). To the naked eye, coloration of plants appeared identical in color compared to the control group. For all plants with P. putida strains, there was less anthocyanin pigment, but biomass was always greater with PGPR strains. Nevertheless, to the naked eye, the coloration of the plants appeared identical in color compared to the control group. This is the first study reporting the positive effects of P. putida rhizobacteria treatments on growth of poinsettia cultivars.

Antocianinas/metabolismo , Euphorbiaceae/microbiología , Pseudomonas putida/fisiología , Euphorbiaceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Euphorbiaceae/metabolismo , Pseudomonas putida/patogenicidad
Plant Physiol Biochem ; 48(8): 724-30, 2010 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20447830


Capsicum annuum var. aviculare to Tarahumara and Papago Indians and farmers of Sonora desert is a promising biological and commercial value as a natural resource from arid and semiarid coastal zones. Traditionally, apply synthetic fertilizers to compensate for soil nitrogen deficiency. However, indiscriminate use of these fertilizers might increase salinity. The inoculation by plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) represents an alternative as potential bio fertilizer resources for salty areas. Seeds ecotypes from four areas of Sonora desert (Mazocahui, Baviacora, Arizpe, La Tortuga), in order to inoculate them with one species of PGPB and AMF. Two germination tests were carried out to study the effect of salinity, temperature regime (night/day) and inoculation with PGPB and AMF growth factors measured on germination (percentage and rate), plant height, root length, and produced biomass (fresh and dry matter). The results indicated that from four studied ecotypes, Mazocahui was the most outstanding of all, showing the highest germination under saline and non-saline conditions. However, the PGPB and AMF influenced the others variables evaluated. This study is the first step to obtain an ideal ecotype of C. a. var. aviculare, which grows in the northwest of México and promoting this type of microorganisms as an efficient and reliable biological product. Studies of the association of PGPB and AMF with the C. a. var. aviculare-Mazocahui ecotype are recommended to determine the extent to which these observations can be reproduced under field conditions.

Bacterias/crecimiento & desarrollo , Capsicum/crecimiento & desarrollo , Micorrizas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Raíces de Plantas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Semillas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Adaptación Fisiológica/efectos de los fármacos , Biomasa , Capsicum/clasificación , Capsicum/microbiología , Germinación/efectos de los fármacos , Klebsiella pneumoniae/crecimiento & desarrollo , México , Raíces de Plantas/microbiología , Salinidad , Cloruro de Sodio/farmacología , Especificidad de la Especie , Temperatura