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Chem Sci ; 2024 Aug 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39149220


A photoredox catalytic strategy has been developed to enable the functionalization of a variety of commercially available, structurally different radical precursors by the use of a bench-stable isonitrile as an efficient cyanating reagent. Specifically, a radical-based reaction has provided a mild and convenient procedure for the cyanation of primary, secondary and tertiary radicals derived from widely accessible sp3-hybridized carboxylic acids, alcohols and halides under visible light irradiation. The reaction tolerates a variety of functional groups and it represents a complementary method for the cyanation of structurally different scaffolds that show diverse native functionalities, expanding the scope of previously reported methodologies.

Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 8(1): [8], 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551363


Introducción: La enfermedad crónica infantil se refiere a condiciones en pacientes pediátricos que generalmente son de duración prolongada, no se resuelven por sí solas, y están asociadas con deficiencia o discapacidad. Esta condición usualmente afecta las actividades normales del niño y requiere hospitalizaciones frecuentes, atención médica domiciliaria y/o atención médica extensa, lo que suele afectar además de quien lo padece a sus cuidadores, quienes con frecuencia presentan características asociadas a estrés y agotamiento llegando a provocar enfermedades físicas y mentales como parte del "síndrome de sobrecarga del cuidador". Metodología: Se realizó una encuesta a cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos del Hospital Pediátrico Doctor Hugo Mendoza, el instrumento de recolección incluye 9 ítems que evalúa la presencia y gravedad de síntomas depresivos en las últimas 2 semanas previas a la entrevista, y los datos fueron analizados en el Programa estadístico SPSS. El estudio contó con la aprobación del comité de ética institucional del Hospital y los participantes otorgaron su consentimiento voluntario explícito antes de la recopilación de datos. Resultados: Al aplicar la clasificación de la escala del BAI, se evidencia que, del total de cuidadores encuestados, el 76.7% parecía sufrir de ansiedad muy baja, un 20.9% de ansiedad moderada y 2.3% de ansiedad severa. Se aplicó la la escala PHQ9, una escala que mide la presencia de síntomas depresivos y mostró que el 41.9 % presenta un nivel leve, 39.5% un nivel mínimo, 16.3% un nivel moderado y por último solo 2.3% un nivel moderado-grave de síntomas depresivos. Discusión: En nuestro estudio hubo igual distribución de hombres y de mujeres. Conclusión: El diagnóstico infantil no juega un papel determinante en la aparición de la ansiedad y la depresión.

Introduction: Chronic childhood disease refers to conditions in pediatric patients that are generally of prolonged duration, do not resolve on their own, and are associated with deficiency or disability. This condition normally affects the normal activities of the child and requires frequent hospitalizations, home health care and/or extensive medical care, which will affect, in addition to those who will usually suffer from it, their caregivers, who often have characteristics associated with stress and exhaustion, reaching causing physical and mental illness as part of "caregiver overload syndrome". Methodology: A survey was conducted on caregivers of pediatric patients at the Doctor Hugo Mendoza Pediatric Hospital, the collection instrument includes 9 items that assess the presence and severity of depressive symptoms in the last 2 weeks prior to the interview, and the data were analyzed in the statistical program SPSS. The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee of the Hospital and the participants gave their explicit voluntary consent before data collection. Results: When applying the classification of the BAI scale, it is evident that, of the total number of caregivers surveyed, 76.7% seemed to suffer from very low anxiety, 20.9% from moderate anxiety and 2.3% from severe anxiety. The PHQ9 scale was applied, a scale that measures the presence of depressive symptoms and showed that 41.9% present a mild level, 39.5% a minimum level, 16.3% a moderate level and finally only 2.3% a moderate-severe level of depressive symptoms. Discussion: In our study there was equal distribution of men and women. Conclusion: Childhood diagnosis does not play a determining role in the appearance of anxiety and depression.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Salud Mental , Carga del Cuidador , Enfermedad Crónica , República Dominicana
Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 22(1): 145-149, Jan.-Apr. 2023. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528699


Resumen Objetivo: El síndrome respiratorio severo por coronavirus del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo tipo 2 es el microorganismo responsable de causar el COVID-19, una patología con afectación predominantemente respiratoria que posee un comportamiento similar a los procesos virales respiratorios más comunes. El incremento de número de casos de Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo tipo 2 reportados en cada país ha causado un desplazamiento de las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRAs) causadas por otros patógenos hasta un 70% el número de casos reportado durante la pandemia. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, con recolección de datos retrospectiva de fuente secundaria utilizando como fuente de información los boletines epidemiológicos semanales desde la semana 1 del mes de Enero 2019 a la semana 53 del mes de Diciembre del 2020 del Sistema nacional de vigilancia Epidemiológica del Ministerio de Salud Pública a través de la Dirección General de Epidemiología. Resultados: Se observa disminución de los casos de infección respiratoria aguda con un incremento respectivo en los casos de COVID-19 al comparar los años 2019 y 2020. La provincia con mayor número de casos fue el Distrito Nacional. Conclusión: Es necesario evaluar el comportamiento del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo tipo 2 con relación a otros patógenos para identificar si las infecciones respiratorias agudas retornarán a un estado previo a la pandemia, cuando el uso de mascarillas ya no sea necesario, Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo tipo 2 será el patógeno prevalente.

Abstract Objective: Severe respiratory syndrome due to coronavirus type 2 is the microorganism responsible for causing COVID-19, a pathology with predominantly respiratory involvement that has a similar behavior to the most common respiratory viral processes. The increase in the number of severe acute respiratory syndrome type 2 cases reported in each country has caused a displacement of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) caused by other pathogens up to 70% of the number of cases reported during the pandemic. Material and methods: This study is descriptive and cross-sectional with retrospective data collection from secondary sources using as a source of information the weekly epidemiological bulletins from week 1 of January 2019 to week 53 of December 2020 of the National Epidemiological Surveillance System of the Ministry of Public Health through the General Directorate of Epidemiology. Results: A decrease in cases of acute respiratory infection with a respective increase in cases of COVID-19 was observed when comparing the years 2019 and 2020. The province with the highest number of cases was the National District. Conclusion: The behavior of severe acute respiratory syndrome type 2 relative to other pathogens needs to be evaluated to identify whether acute respiratory infections will return to a pre-pandemic state when facemask use is no longer necessary severe acute respiratory syndrome type 2 will be the prevalent pathogen.

Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 952023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441828


Introducción: En de la población adulta predomina la enfermedad pulmonar, pero el coronavirus infantil grave parece más tipificado por una respuesta inflamatoria inmunomediada, con o sin síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico asociado. Objetivo: Examinar un paciente pediátrico con accidente cerebrovascular, como consecuencia de la enfermedad producida por el coronavirus tipo 2. Presentación del caso: Lactante femenina de 6 meses, que se presentó a emergencia con historia de fiebre de 39 oC, sin predominio de horario, de 10 días de evolución que no cedió con antipiréticos tipo acetaminofén, y dificultad respiratoria en los 3 días previos a su presentación en emergencia del hospital. Antecedentes familiares patológicos positivos, por la enfermedad del coronavirus en su padre. En la radiografía de tórax se observó infiltrado alveolar derecho y se ingresó con diagnóstico de neumonía por síndrome respiratorio agudo grave por coronavirus tipo 2. La tomografía de cráneo registró foco isquémico frontal parasagital derecho y parietal izquierdo; posteriormente se confirmó con resonancia magnética, en cuyo informe se definió la presencia de infartos en fase aguda a nivel frontal derecho y parietal izquierdo. Conclusiones: Se expuso una manifestación infrecuente en población pediátrica asociada a la enfermedad por coronavirus. La tasa de eventos tromboembólicos en el curso de las infecciones virales no es baja, y por coronavirus no es la excepción. Se requieren mayores estudios y pruebas para determinar el papel del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo por coronavirus tipo 2 en el accidente cerebrovascular pediátrico(AU)

Introduction: Pulmonary disease predominates in the adult population, but severe infantile coronavirus appears more typified by an immune-mediated inflammatory response, with or without associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Objective: To examine a pediatric patient with stroke resulting from coronavirus type 2 disease. Case presentation: 6-month-old female infant presenting to emergency with history of fever of 39 ℃ with no hourly predominance, of 10 days of evolution that did not subside with acetaminophen-type antipyretics and respiratory distress in the three days prior to presentation to hospital emergency. Positive family history of coronavirus disease in his father. Chest X-ray showed right alveolar infiltrate and she was admitted with a diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome pneumonia due to coronavirus type 2. The cranial tomography recorded a right frontal parasagittal and left parietal ischemic focus, later confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging whose report defined the presence of acute phase infarcts at the right frontal and left parietal levels. Conclusions: An infrequent manifestation in pediatric population associated with coronavirus disease is exposed. The rate of thromboembolic events in the course of viral infections is not low and coronavirus is no exception. Further studies and evidence are required to determine the role of severe acute respiratory syndrome due to coronavirus type 2 in pediatric stroke(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Lactante , Neumonía/diagnóstico , Convulsiones/diagnóstico , Cráneo/diagnóstico por imagen , Accidente Cerebrovascular/diagnóstico , Disentería Amebiana/diagnóstico , COVID-19/etiología , Benzodiazepinas/uso terapéutico , Midazolam/uso terapéutico , Ceftriaxona/uso terapéutico , Claritromicina/uso terapéutico , Acetaminofén/uso terapéutico
Transfusion ; 62(11): 2363-2369, 2022 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36151933


BACKGROUND: Recently, real-world data confirmed the effectiveness of caplacizumab in the treatment of acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP); however, limitations as different treatment protocols from multicenter experiences and the front-line use of rituximab could overshadow the real impact of the addition of caplacizumab. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: We report the clinical characteristics and response to treatment of 30 consecutive cases of aTTP treated under a homogeneous therapeutic protocol with the only exception of the addition of caplacizumab in the last 10 cases (caplacizumab group), whose primary outcome we compare with the previous 20 cases (control group). RESULTS: Caplacizumab was started at a median of 2.5 days after diagnosis (interquartile range [IQR] 1-4) and maintained for a median of 37.5 days (IQR 32-39). Safety was in line with previous reports with 30% of patients showing mild adverse events, the most common bleeding. The caplacizumab group achieved platelet count normalization after a median of 3 (IQR 2-5) versus 4 (IQR 2-8.5) days in the control group (p = .067). The caplacizumab group required a lower median number of plasma exchanges, 10 (IQR 9-11) versus 16.5 (IQR 11-20) in the control group (p = .0053) and a shorter length of hospitalization, 12 (IQR 12-14) vs. 22 (IQR 15-27) days (p = .0025). There were no refractory cases and no deaths in the caplacizumab group compared to five refractory cases and three aTTP-related death (15%) in the control group. DISCUSSION: Our experience confirms improvement in the outcomes with a decrease in refractoriness and mortality since the introduction of caplacizumab.

Púrpura Trombocitopénica Trombótica , Anticuerpos de Dominio Único , Humanos , Púrpura Trombocitopénica Trombótica/diagnóstico , Anticuerpos de Dominio Único/uso terapéutico , Intercambio Plasmático
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr (Engl Ed) ; 69(6): 418-425, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35787355


BACKGROUND: Metabolic hepatic steatosis (metHS) is the most frequent cause of chronic liver disease in our environment. The "gold standard" for its diagnosis continues to be liver biopsy, but this is an invasive technique, is not risk-free, and has great interobserver variability, so noninvasive diagnostic methods are necessary. OBJECTIVE: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of non-invasive methods based on clinical and analytical data compared to liver biopsy, and to analyse their concordance with each other in the overall cohort and in subpopulations at risk of metHS. METHODS: Prospective observational study of 245 patients aged 19-80 years diagnosed with metHS by liver biopsy. Steatosis indices were calculated: FLI (Fatty Liver Index), LAP (Liver Accumulation Product), HSI-(Hepatitis Score Index) and fibrosis indices: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease fibrosis score (NFS), fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4) and Hepamet Fibrosis Score (HFS). RESULTS: The non-invasive steatosis indices showed high sensitivity, and those of fibrosis, high specificity. To assess steatosis, FLI was the most sensitive index in all subpopulations (89-97%), except in women. To assess fibrosis, HFS offers maximum sensitivity in diabetics (86.7%) and is the index with the highest negative predictive value overall. The COR curves for non-invasive indices in steatosis and fibrosis compared to liver biopsy showed greater areas under the curve for the fibrosis indices, with NFS and HFS offering greater diagnostic accuracy (area > 0.8, p < 0.05). HFS also offers high diagnostic sensitivity in the diabetic population. CONCLUSIONS: Non-invasive indices of steatosis are more sensitive and those of fibrosis more specific than liver biopsy. NFS and HFS offer the highest diagnostic accuracy, with HFS having the highest negative predictive value.

Enfermedad del Hígado Graso no Alcohólico , Biopsia , Femenino , Fibrosis , Humanos , Enfermedad del Hígado Graso no Alcohólico/patología , Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas
Environ Res ; 211: 113082, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35300963


COVID-19 has led to an unprecedented health and economic crisis worldwide. Many governments of the world have accelerated an adoption of public policies to address this crisis; however, a trade-off between the economy and public health exists. Previous studies in this area have mainly focused on the impact of COVID-19 on human life and the environment. This work adds to the literature by analyzing how individual environmental concern can affect citizens' preferences for public policies that deal with COVID-19. A data set of 26,131 participants from 26 countries was used to test the research model. Results indicate that environmental concern is positively associated with a preference for long-term oriented altruistic policies, and it shapes the relationship between economic and health problems at the country level on our dependent variable. Specifically, as the level of environmental concern increases, the negative effect of COVID-19's economic problems on the preference for long-term altruistic policies is diminished. In turn, in the case of health problems, the impact on the preference for long-term altruistic policies increases as environmental concern increases. Also, both individual-level and country-level characteristics affect citizens' preferences for policies related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiología , Humanos , Modelos Teóricos , Pandemias , Políticas , Salud Pública
Hum Hered ; 2022 Feb 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35172313


Enamel hypoplasia causes reduction in the thickness of affected enamel and is one of the most common dental anomalies. This defect is caused by environmental and/or genetic factors that interfere with tooth formation, emphasizing the importance of investigating enamel hypoplasia on an epidemiological and genetic level. A genome-wide association of enamel hypoplasia was performed in multiple cohorts, overall comprising 7,159 individuals ranging in age from 7-82 years. Mixed-models were used to test for genetic association while simultaneously accounting for relatedness and genetic population structure. Meta-analysis was then performed. More than 5 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms were tested in individual cohorts. Analyses of the individual cohorts and meta-analysis identified association signals close to genome-wide significance (P < 510-8), and many suggestive association signals (510-8 < P < 510-6) near genes with plausible roles in tooth/enamel development. The strongest association signal (P = 1.5710-9) was observed near BMP2K in one of the individual cohorts. Additional suggestive signals were observed near genes with plausible roles in tooth development in the meta-analysis, such as SLC4A4 which can influence enamel hypoplasia. Additional human genetic studies are needed to replicate these results and functional studies in model systems are needed to validate our findings.

Rev Gastroenterol Peru ; 41(2): 107-111, 2021.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34724692


Terbinafine is a drug that can induce acute liver damage. We present the case of a 40-year-old male patient who developed liver dysfunction after 35 days of terbinafine treatment for onychomycosis. The anatomopathological study showed: acute hepatitis in resolution, in addition to ductopenia and cholestasis. These findings, without a history of viral or autoimmune hepatitis, are consistent with the diagnosis of drug-induced liver damage (DILI). In this report we present the first case in our country of a patient who is affected by an acute liver disease: terbinafine-induced liver injury, to which SARS-CoV-2 infection was later associated in the context of a pandemic.

COVID-19 , Enfermedad Hepática Inducida por Sustancias y Drogas , Hepatitis Autoinmune , Onicomicosis , Adulto , Antifúngicos , Enfermedad Hepática Inducida por Sustancias y Drogas/diagnóstico , Enfermedad Hepática Inducida por Sustancias y Drogas/etiología , Humanos , Masculino , Naftalenos , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2 , Terbinafina
BMC Oral Health ; 21(1): 377, 2021 07 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34311721


BACKGROUND: Dental caries is one of the most common chronic diseases and is influenced by a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Most previous genetic studies of caries have focused on identifying genes that contribute to dental caries in specific ethnic groups, usually of European descent. METHODS: The aim of this study is to conduct a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify associations affecting susceptibility to caries in a large multiethnic population from Argentina, the Philippines, Guatemala, Hungary, and the USA, originally recruited for studies of orofacial clefts (POFC, N = 3686). Ages of the participants ranged from 2 to 12 years for analysis of the primary dentition, and 18-60 years for analysis of the permanent dentition. For each participant, dental caries was assessed by counts of decayed and filled teeth (dft/DFT) and genetic variants (single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) were genotyped or imputed across the entire genome. Caries was analyzed separately for the primary and permanent dentitions, with age, gender, and presence/absence of any type of OFC treated as covariates. Efficient Mixed-Model Association eXpedited (EMMAX) was used to test genetic association, while simultaneously accounting for relatedness and stratification. RESULTS: We identified several suggestive loci (5 × 10-8 < P < 5 × 10-6) within or near genes with plausible biological roles for dental caries, including a cluster of taste receptor genes (TAS2R38, TAS2R3, TAS2R4, TASR25) on chromosome 7 for the permanent dentition analysis, and DLX3 and DLX4 on chromosome 17 for the primary dentition analysis. Genome-wide significant results were seen with SNPs in the primary dentition only; however, none of the identified genes near these variants have known roles in cariogenesis. CONCLUSION: The results of this study warrant further investigation and may lead to a better understanding of cariogenesis in diverse populations, and help to improve dental caries prediction, prevention, and/or treatment in future.

Labio Leporino , Fisura del Paladar , Caries Dental , Adolescente , Adulto , Niño , Preescolar , Índice CPO , Caries Dental/epidemiología , Caries Dental/genética , Femenino , Estudio de Asociación del Genoma Completo , Proteínas de Homeodominio , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Filipinas , Factores de Transcripción , Adulto Joven
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 41(2)abr. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508573


La terbinafina es un fármaco que puede inducir daño hepático agudo. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 40 años que desarrolló disfunción hepática después de 35 días de tratamiento con terbinafina por onicomicosis. El estudio anátomo patológico demostró: hepatitis aguda en resolución, además de ductopenia y colestasis. Estos hallazgos, sin el antecedente de hepatitis viral o autoinmune, son consistentes con el diagnóstico de daño hepático inducido por drogas (DILI). En este reporte presentamos el primer caso en nuestro país de un paciente que es afectado por una enfermedad hepática aguda: injuria hepática inducida por terbinafina, al cual se le asoció posteriormente infección por SARS-CoV-2 en el contexto de una pandemia.

Terbinafine is a drug that can induce acute liver damage. We present the case of a 40-year-old male patient who developed liver dysfunction after 35 days of terbinafine treatment for onychomycosis. The anatomopathological study showed: acute hepatitis in resolution, in addition to ductopenia and cholestasis. These findings, without a history of viral or autoimmune hepatitis, are consistent with the diagnosis of drug-induced liver damage (DILI). In this report we present the first case in our country of a patient who is affected by an acute liver disease: terbinafine-induced liver injury, to which SARS-CoV-2 infection was later associated in the context of a pandemic.

Waste Manag ; 113: 251-260, 2020 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32554295


This study explores how an individual's reported waste-related behaviors are affected by environmental attitudes and perceived effectiveness when facing a descriptive norm conflict (i.e., when the individual is the only person behaving pro-environmentally). The influence of the sociodemographic characteristics of gender, age, and education level is also examined. The reported behaviors relate to the 3Rs of waste management: reducing (buying minimally packaged products), reusing (buying products with reusable packaging), and recycling behaviors (separating glass, plastic, and paper). Based on a nationally representative sample of Spanish residents aged over 17 years (n = 2487), this study uses logistic regression analysis to assess the relationships between variables. The results show a positive relationship between environmental attitudes and the five reported waste-related behaviors. There is also a positive association between perceived effectiveness of one's own behavior (when nobody else acts pro-environmentally) and the five waste-related behaviors. Regarding sociodemographic characteristics, the results suggest that women, older individuals, and highly educated people engage more in these 3R behaviors. Building on these findings, policy and managerial implications are provided. For example, campaigns to promote environmental attitudes and the effectiveness of pro-environmental behaviors could focus on reducing and reusing behaviors, which entail the purchase of green products. Finally, some directions for future research are discussed.

Actitud , Reciclaje , Adolescente , Materiales de Construcción , Femenino , Humanos , Embalaje de Productos , España
PLoS One ; 15(3): e0230534, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32196525


Dermatoglyphic patterns on the fingers often differ in syndromes and other conditions with a developmental component, compared to the general population. Previous literature on the relationship between orofacial clefts-the most common craniofacial birth defect in humans-and dermatoglyphics is inconsistent, with some studies reporting altered pattern frequencies and/or increased asymmetry and others failing to find differences. To investigate dermatoglyphics in orofacial clefting, we obtained dermatoglyphic patterns in a large multiethnic cohort of orofacial cleft cases (N = 367), their unaffected family members (N = 836), and controls (N = 299). We categorized fingerprint pattern types from males and females who participated at five sites of the Pittsburgh Orofacial Cleft study (Hungary, United States of America (Pennsylvania, Texas), Spain, and Argentina). We also calculated a pattern dissimilarity score for each individual as a measure of left-right asymmetry. We tested for group differences in the number of arches, ulnar and radial loops, and whorls on each individual's hands, and in the pattern dissimilarity scores using ANOVA. After taking sex and site differences into account, we did not find any significant pattern count differences between cleft and non-cleft individuals. Notably, we did observe increased pattern dissimilarity in individuals with clefts, compared to both their unaffected relatives and controls. Increased dermatoglyphic pattern dissimilarity in individuals with nonsyndromic orofacial clefts may reflect a generalized developmental instability.

Encéfalo/anomalías , Labio Leporino/diagnóstico , Fisura del Paladar/diagnóstico , Dermatoglifia , Análisis de Varianza , Labio Leporino/genética , Fisura del Paladar/genética , Estudios de Cohortes , Familia , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Fenotipo , Factores Sexuales
Med. interna (Caracas) ; 36(2): 98-104, 2020. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1140294


El coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 podría transmitirse verticalmente de la madre al feto y causar infección perinatal. Hay conocimiento muy limitado sobre el impacto clínico de COVID-19 en el escenario materno, fetal y neonatal. Objetivos: determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los trabajadores de la salud sobre diferentes aspectos de COVID-19 en recién nacidos y madres lactantes; también evaluar sus conocimientos sobre la transmisión vertical en este grupo de pacientes.El virus se ha aislado en leche materna, pero se necesitan más estudios al respecto. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, de tipo exploratorio sobre una enfermedad (COVID-19) por un grupo poblacional (TS), en un intervalo finito de tiempo (15/4/2020 al 22/4/2020). Resultados: Para ello se elaboró una encuesta con diferentes variables relacionadas con COVID-19 y los trabajadores de salud mostraron conocimientos asertivos acerca de la transmisión vertical, atención del recién nacido y lactancia materna en COVID-19(AU)

SARS-CoV-2 could be transmitted vertically from the mother to the fetus and cause perinatal infection. There is very limited knowledge about the clinical impact of COVID-19 in the maternal, fetal, and neonatal settings. Objective: Find out the level of knowledge in HCW about COVID-19 in newborn and Breastfeeding Mothers. Results. In the present study, the 617 health workers who answered the survey showed assertive knowledge about vertical transmission, diagnosis, newborn care and breastfeeding within the COVID-19 scenario(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Infecciones por Coronavirus/complicaciones , Infecciones por Coronavirus/prevención & control , Lactancia Materna , Salud Pública , Personal de Salud
Magn Reson Imaging ; 55: 140-144, 2019 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30321663


OBJECTIVE: To determine if gadolinium (Gd) can be rechelated once released from Gd-based contrast agents (GBCAs) and deposited in vivo. Despite extensive research comparing GBCAs and GBCA formulations as well as the ongoing debate about their risks of deposition and the role of Gd release, it remains unknown if retained Gd can be eliminated by administering chelating agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rats were injected intravenously with 10 doses of 1 mmol/kg gadodiamide and treated with intravenous Zn-DTPA (30 µmol/kg) concomitantly or 1, 4 or 8 h after GBCA administration (N = 3 rats per group). After euthanization, tissues were harvested three days after the last dose of gadodiamide and tissue Gd concentrations were assessed by ICP-MS. Additionally, a simulation of a single 0.1 mmol/kg gadopentetate dose with 30 µmol/kg DTPA given either concomitantly or within the first 24 h after GBCA was run; simulated tissue Gd concentrations were compared with those observed in rats to determine if simulated trends were accurate. RESULTS: Concomitant DTPA did not produce a significant reduction in Gd concentration in any organ for rats. There was a time-dependent trend in liver Gd reduction. The 1 h timepoint was associated with a non-significant increase in kidney, brain and femur Gd relative to untreated controls. There were no significant deviations from the model-predicted Gd changes. DISCUSSION: Both the simulation and rat study did not identify major benefits for chelation at the doses given, despite the simulation assuming all Gd deposited in tissues is unchelated. The potential redistribution in the rat study provide a compelling result that may impact the clinical relevance of further work investigating rechelation of Gd. Future work should further describe the three-dimensional dose-time-response relationship for preventing Gd deposition, and how that relates to long-term Gd toxicities.

Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagen , Quelantes/administración & dosificación , Gadolinio DTPA/administración & dosificación , Gadolinio/administración & dosificación , Hígado/diagnóstico por imagen , Animales , Encéfalo/efectos de los fármacos , Medios de Contraste/administración & dosificación , Esquema de Medicación , Femenino , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador , Hígado/efectos de los fármacos , Ácido Pentético/administración & dosificación , Ratas , Ratas Sprague-Dawley
United European Gastroenterol J ; 6(10): 1508-1518, 2018 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30574321


BACKGROUND: There are few large prospective cohort studies evaluating predictors of outcomes in acute pancreatitis. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the role of age and co-morbid disease in predicting major outcomes in acute pancreatitis. METHODS: Data points were collected according to a predefined electronic data collection form. Acute pancreatitis and its complications were defined according to the revised Atlanta classification. Univariable and multivariable analyses were conducted using Cox proportional hazard regression and multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: From June 2013-February 2015, 1655 adult patients were recruited from 23 centres across Spain. Co-morbid disease, obesity, open surgical necrosectomy within 30 days, and pancreatic necrosis were independently associated with both 30-day mortality and persistent organ failure (p < 0.05 for all). Age was not associated with persistent organ failure, however the extreme of age (>85 years) was associated with mortality (p < 0.05). Co-morbid disease and obesity were not independently associated with a prolonged length of stay or other markers of morbidity on adjusted analysis (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Comorbidity and obesity are important determinates of mortality and persistent organ failure in acute pancreatitis, but in the absence of organ failure they do not appear to independently contribute to morbidity. This has important implications for severity classification and predictive models of severity in acute pancreatitis.

AAPS PharmSciTech ; 20(1): 8, 2018 Dec 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30560428


The present work investigated the physical and thermal characteristics of three polymorphic forms (namely, PF1, PF2, and PF3) of a diethyl ester analog of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (C2E2) produced under varying conditions. The identity of each form of C2E2 was confirmed by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and mass spectroscopy. The different polymorphic forms exhibited solubilities ranging from 40 to 150 mg/mL. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and electron microscopy confirmed that all three forms were crystalline, two of which being scaly, and the third being well-formed. Infrared and Raman spectroscopy revealed differences in the C = O bonding region while differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) showed widely different melting points with only one thermal event for each compound. The comparison of the melting points and heats of fusion show that the PF1 is monotropically related to both PF2 and PF3, while PF2 and PF3 are enantropically related. Our finding indicates that PF3 is the thermodynamically stable polymorph and will be used for in vitro and in vivo experiments.

Ácido Pentético/química , Administración Oral , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética , Solubilidad , Termodinámica
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 69(4): 260-269, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-985511


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the prevalence of thyroid autoimmunity in a hospital-based population of pregnant women, and to explore its frequency in euthyroid and hypothyroid women, as well as the association between autoimmunity and the presence of obstetric complications. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Accesible population: pregnant women seen at Centros Hospitalarios del Caribe (CEHOCA) in the city of Santa Marta, Magdalena (Colombia), between August 1 and October 31, 2017. Convenience sampling. Sample size: 120 subjects. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (T4), free triiodothyronine (T3), thyroglobulin (TG) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies were determined. Descriptive statistics were used. Prevalence was calculated as the number of women with positive TG or TPO antibodies/number of women surveyed. Categorization by type of positive antibody and thyroid function (normal or hypothyroidism) was also done. Results: In women with uncomplicated pregnancies, the frequency of thyroid autoimmunity was 14.29%. Five patients (4.5%) had positive TPO antibodies, 14 patients (12.61%) had positive TG antibodies, while 3 of the women were positive for the two types of antibodies. Antithyroglobulin antibodies were the most frequent. Autoimmunity was found in 13.5% of euthyroid women, and in 18.2% of the women with subclinical hypothyroidism. No association was found between the presence of antibodies and miscarriage, pregnancy-associated hypertension or preterm delivery. Conclusions: The presence of antithyroid antibodies was found in 1 out of every 7 pregnant women as a sign of autoimmunity. Further observations are required in order to determine frequencies and normality ranges in the local population, as well as the clinical significance of this thyroid autoimmunity.

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir la prevalencia de autoinmunidad tiroidea en una población de gestantes de base hospitalaria, y hacer una exploración a la frecuencia en pacientes eutiroideas o hipotiroideas, y de la asociación entre autoinmunidad y la presencia de complicaciones obstétricas. Materiales y métodos: estudio de corte transversal, descriptivo. Población accesible: gestantes atendidas en Centros Hospitalarios del Caribe (CEHOCA), de la ciudad de Santa Marta, Magdalena (Colombia), entre el 1 de agosto y el 31 de octubre de 2017. Muestreo por conveniencia. Tamaño muestral: 120 sujetos. Se determinó hormona tiroestimulante (TSH), T4 libre, T3 libre, anticuerpos antitiroglobulina (ATG) y antiperoxidasa (ATPO). Se utilizó estadística descriptiva. La prevalencia se calculó como número de mujeres con anticuerpos ATG o ATPO positivos/número de mujeres encuestadas, además se categorizó por tipo de anticuerpo positivo y función tiroidea (normal o hipotiroidismo). Resultados: en las gestantes con embarazo sin mención de complicación la frecuencia de autoinmunidad tiroidea fue del 14,29 %. Cinco pacientes (4,5 %) presentaron anticuerpos ATPO positivos, 14 pacientes (12,61 %) anticuerpos ATG positivos, en tanto que 3 embarazadas mostraron positividad para ambos tipos de anticuerpos. Los anticuerpos antitiroglobulina fueron los más frecuentes. Se halló autoinmunidad en el 13,5 % de las gestantes eutiroideas, y en el 18,2 % de las pacientes con hipotiroidismo subclínico. No se encontró asociación entre la presencia de anticuerpos y la presencia de aborto, hipertensión asociada al embarazo o parto pretérmino. Conclusiones: una de cada 7 gestantes mostró presencia de anticuerpos antitiroideos como signo de autoinmunidad. Son necesarias más observaciones a fin de poder establecer frecuencias y rangos de normalidad en la población local y el significado clínico de esta autoinmunidad tiroidea.

Humanos , Mujeres Embarazadas , Glándula Tiroides , Tiroxina , Triyodotironina , Tirotropina , Colombia , Anticuerpos
Health Educ Res ; 33(5): 361-374, 2018 10 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30085038


Despite its potentially harmful effects, adolescent binge drinking is becoming increasingly common worldwide. To enable the design of more effective school information campaigns, the underlying factors of heavy alcohol use must be carefully analysed. This study investigated how individual, social and contextual factors relate to adolescent binge drinking. It also explored whether adolescents' exposure to information campaigns at school moderates the relationships between perceived parental and peer alcohol consumption and adolescent binge drinking. We used data from a Spanish nationwide representative sample of 47 803 students aged 14-18 years, of whom 25 576 had engaged in binge drinking behaviours. Data were collected every 2 years between 2006 and 2012. For the multilevel estimation in 2012, the sample comprised 10 577 students. Whilst perceived problems associated with binge drinking and perceived difficulty in accessing alcohol were associated with low levels of binge drinking, adolescents' perceptions of parental and peer consumption were associated, to a greater degree, with high levels of binge drinking. School information campaigns moderated the relationship between parental consumption and adolescent binge drinking but not the relationship between peer consumption and adolescent binge drinking. We conclude by highlighting implications for policymakers and offering possible directions for future research.

Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas/psicología , Consumo Excesivo de Bebidas Alcohólicas/psicología , Educación en Salud/organización & administración , Servicios de Salud Escolar/organización & administración , Consumo de Alcohol en Menores/psicología , Adolescente , Conducta del Adolescente , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Padres/psicología , Grupo Paritario , Percepción , Medio Social , España