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Int J Neonatal Screen ; 6(1): 1, 2020 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33073001


Pompe disease (PD) is a rare, autosomal-recessively inherited deficiency in the enzyme acid α-glucosidase. It is a spectrum disorder; age at symptom onset and rate of deterioration can vary considerably. In affected infants prognosis is poor, such that without treatment most infants die within the first year of life. To lose a baby in their first year of life to a rare disease causes much regret, guilt, and loneliness to parents, family, and friends. To lose a baby needlessly when there is an effective treatment amplifies this sadness. With so little experience of rare disease in the community, once a baby transfers to their home they are subject to a very uncertain and unyielding diagnostic journey while their symptomology progresses and their health deteriorates. With a rare disease like PD, the best opportunity to diagnose a baby is at birth. PD is not yet included in the current newborn screening (NBS) panel in Australia. Should it be? In late 2018 the Australian Pompe Association applied to the Australian Standing committee on Newborn Screening to have PD included. The application was not upheld. Here we provide an overview of the rationale for NBS, drawing on the scientific literature and perspectives from The Australian Pompe Association, its patients and their families. In doing so, we hope to bring a new voice to this very important debate.

Ann Transl Med ; 7(13): 293, 2019 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31392205


The Pompe model is the term used by the Pompe community to describe the relationship that exists between the patient community, the medical/scientific community, and industry. The development of the Pompe model represented a new paradigm for the involvement of patients in new treatments-and also for scientists and pharmaceutical companies. It saw patients developing a sense of agency, of involvement in the process of treatment development rather than powerless recipients or (if lucky) occasional spectators. At the same time, as described below, it benefited the other partners in the process with the result that the different components of the model added up to more than the sum of their parts. However, in order for this to happen, each part had to undergo a transformation in mindset. The development of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) for Pompe disease represented a unique set of circumstances and individuals that helped to bring about this change and, in doing so, created a model that has had far wider applications.