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J Magn Reson ; 360: 107633, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38394999


This study describes a technique to clean amplitude modulation (AM) noise of RF transmission waves, which is used to observe the sub-GHz CW-EPR spectrum. An RF transmitter amplifier that has the function of cleaning AM noise has been developed. Cleaning of the AM noise was owing to saturation of the output at the amplifier. Three stages of the amplifiers in series could effectively suppress the AM noise to about -176 dBc/Hz and -183 dBc/Hz at offset frequency of 10 kHz and 100 kHz, respectively at the carrier frequency of 750 MHz and the output power of 29 dBm. Since phase modulation (PM) noise is suppressed by phase sensitive detection, the AM noise in the transmission is dominant cause of the noise in the sub-GHz CW-EPR absorption spectrum using a reflection bridge, which depends on the quality factor of the resonator and the power of the RF transmission. The additive phase modulation (PM) noise of this amplifier was -171 dBc/Hz at an offset frequency of 100 kHz, which indicated that the frequency modulation (FM) of the transmission wave was not distorted with this amplifier. Therefore, conventional CW-EPR spectrometers that typically require FM for automatic frequency control or automatic tunning control can use this technique to increase sensitivity.

IUCrJ ; 7(Pt 1): 10-17, 2020 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31949900


With the emergence of X-ray free-electron lasers, it is possible to investigate the structure of nanoscale samples by employing coherent diffractive imaging in the X-ray spectral regime. In this work, we developed a refinement method for structure reconstruction applicable to low-quality coherent diffraction data. The method is based on the gradient search method and considers the missing region of a diffraction pattern and the small number of detected photons. We introduced an initial estimate of the structure in the method to improve the convergence. The present method is applied to an experimental diffraction pattern of an Xe cluster obtained in an X-ray scattering experiment at the SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free-electron LAser (SACLA) facility. It is found that the electron density is successfully reconstructed from the diffraction pattern with a large missing region, with a good initial estimate of the structure. The diffraction pattern calculated from the reconstructed electron density reproduced the observed diffraction pattern well, including the characteristic intensity modulation in each ring. Our refinement method enables structure reconstruction from diffraction patterns under difficulties such as missing areas and low diffraction intensity, and it is potentially applicable to the structure determination of samples that have low scattering power.

J Chem Phys ; 151(10): 104302, 2019 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31521098


Carbon 1s photoelectron angular distributions of an iodomethane molecule were measured relative to the recoil-frame determined by the momentum correlation between I+ and CH3 + at photoelectron energies of 3, 6.1, and 12 eV. The energy dependent behavior of the recoil-frame photoelectron angular distributions is reproduced reasonably well by the time-dependent density functional theory with B-spline methods. We discuss potential applications of the fully differential photoelectron angular distribution measurements in the molecular frame to three-dimensional molecular structural determinations identifying the directions and lengths of the bonds.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 2186, 2019 05 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31097703


The increasing availability of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) has catalyzed the development of single-object structural determination and of structural dynamics tracking in real-time. Disentangling the molecular-level reactions triggered by the interaction with an XFEL pulse is a fundamental step towards developing such applications. Here we report real-time observations of XFEL-induced electronic decay via short-lived transient electronic states in the diiodomethane molecule, using a femtosecond near-infrared probe laser. We determine the lifetimes of the transient states populated during the XFEL-induced Auger cascades and find that multiply charged iodine ions are issued from short-lived (∼20 fs) transient states, whereas the singly charged ones originate from significantly longer-lived states (∼100 fs). We identify the mechanisms behind these different time scales: contrary to the short-lived transient states which relax by molecular Auger decay, the long-lived ones decay by an interatomic Coulombic decay between two iodine atoms, during the molecular fragmentation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(22): 223201, 2018 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29906148


We show that electron and ion spectroscopy reveals the details of the oligomer formation in Ar clusters exposed to an x-ray free electron laser (XFEL) pulse, i.e., chemical dynamics triggered by x rays. With guidance from a dedicated molecular dynamics simulation tool, we find that van der Waals bonding, the oligomer formation mechanism, and charge transfer among the cluster constituents significantly affect ionization dynamics induced by an XFEL pulse of moderate fluence. Our results clearly demonstrate that XFEL pulses can be used not only to "damage and destroy" molecular assemblies but also to modify and transform their molecular structure. The accuracy of the predictions obtained makes it possible to apply the cluster spectroscopy, in connection with the respective simulations, for estimation of the XFEL pulse fluence in the fluence regime below single-atom multiple-photon absorption, which is hardly accessible with other diagnostic tools.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 6(15): 2944-9, 2015 Aug 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26267186


In recent years, free-electron lasers operating in the true X-ray regime have opened up access to the femtosecond-scale dynamics induced by deep inner-shell ionization. We have investigated charge creation and transfer dynamics in the context of molecular Coulomb explosion of a single molecule, exposed to sequential deep inner-shell ionization within an ultrashort (10 fs) X-ray pulse. The target molecule was CH3I, methane sensitized to X-rays by halogenization with a heavy element, iodine. Time-of-flight ion spectroscopy and coincident ion analysis was employed to investigate, via the properties of the atomic fragments, single-molecule charge states of up to +22. Experimental findings have been compared with a parametric model of simultaneous Coulomb explosion and charge transfer in the molecule. The study demonstrates that including realistic charge dynamics is imperative when molecular Coulomb explosion experiments using short-pulse facilities are performed.