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Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1507, 2023 Mar 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36932096


Stacking of graphene with hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) can dramatically modify its bands from their usual linear form, opening a series of narrow minigaps that are separated by wider minibands. While the resulting spectrum offers strong potential for use in functional (opto)electronic devices, a proper understanding of the dynamics of hot carriers in these bands is a prerequisite for such applications. In this work, we therefore apply a strategy of rapid electrical pulsing to drive carriers in graphene/h-BN heterostructures deep into the dissipative limit of strong electron-phonon coupling. By using electrical gating to move the chemical potential through the "Moiré bands", we demonstrate a cyclical evolution between metallic and semiconducting states. This behavior is captured in a self-consistent model of non-equilibrium transport that considers the competition of electrically driven inter-band tunneling and hot-carrier scattering by strongly non-equilibrium phonons. Overall, our results demonstrate how a treatment of the dynamics of both hot carriers and hot phonons is essential to understanding the properties of functional graphene superlattices.

Nano Lett ; 21(18): 7534-7541, 2021 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34472869


In this study, an electrostatically induced quantum confinement structure, so-called quantum point contact, has been realized in a p-type trilayer tungsten diselenide-based van der Waals heterostructure with modified van der Waals contact method with degenerately doped transition metal dichalcogenide crystals. Clear quantized conductance and pinch-off state through the one-dimensional confinement were observed by dual-gating of split gate electrodes and top gate. Conductance plateaus were observed at a step of e2/h in addition to quarter plateaus such as 0.25 × 2e2/h at a finite bias voltage condition indicating the signature of intrinsic spin-polarized quantum point contact.

Nanotechnology ; 31(20): 205205, 2020 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32000160


Although semiconductor to metal phase transformation of MoTe2 by high-density laser irradiation of more than 0.3 MW cm-2 has been reported, we reveal that the laser-induced-metal (LIM) phase is not the 1T' structure derived by a polymorphic-structural phase transition but consists instead of semi-metallic Te induced by photo-thermal decomposition of MoTe2. The technique is used to fabricate a field effect transistor with a Pd/2H-MoTe2/LIM structure having an asymmetric metallic contact, and its contact properties are studied via scanning gate microscopy. We confirm that a Schottky barrier (a diffusion potential) is always formed at the Pd/2H-MoTe2 boundary and obstacles a carrier transport while an Ohmic contact is realized at the 2H-MoTe2/LIM phase junction for both n- and p-type carriers.

ACS Omega ; 4(2): 4082-4090, 2019 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31459617


We use transient electrical measurements to investigate the details of self-heating and charge trapping in graphene transistors encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and operated under strongly nonequilibrium conditions. Relative to more standard devices fabricated on SiO2 substrates, encapsulation is shown to lead to an enhanced immunity to charge trapping, the influence of which is only apparent under the combined influence of strong gate and drain electric fields. Although the precise source of the trapping remains to be determined, one possibility is that the strong gate field may lower the barriers associated with native defects in the h-BN, allowing them to mediate the capture of energetic carriers from the graphene channel. Self-heating in these devices is identified through the observation of time-dependent variations of the current in graphene and is found to be described by a time constant consistent with expectations for nonequilibrium phonon conduction into the dielectric layers of the device. Overall, our results suggest that h-BN-encapsulated graphene devices provide an excellent system for implementations in which operation under strongly nonequilibrium conditions is desired.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(20): 205803, 2018 May 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29595526


Using a semiclassical approach that simultaneously incorporates the spin Hall effect (SHE), spin diffusion, quantum well states, and interface spin-orbit coupling (SOC), we address the interplay of these mechanisms as the origin of the spin-orbit torque (SOT) induced by in-plane currents, as observed in the normal metal/ferromagnetic metal bilayer thin films. Focusing on the bilayers with a ferromagnet much thinner than its spin diffusion length, such as Pt/Co with ∼10 nm thickness, our approach addresses simultaneously the two contributions to the SOT, namely the spin-transfer torque (SHE-STT) due to SHE-induced spin injection, and the inverse spin Galvanic effect spin-orbit torque (ISGE-SOT) due to SOC-induced spin accumulation. The SOC produces an effective magnetic field at the interface, hence it modifies the angular momentum conservation expected for the SHE-STT. The SHE-induced spin voltage and the interface spin current are mutually dependent and, hence, are solved in a self-consistent manner. The result suggests that the SHE-STT and ISGE-SOT are of the same order of magnitude, and the spin transport mediated by the quantum well states may be an important mechanism for the experimentally observed rapid variation of the SOT with respect to the thickness of the ferromagnet.