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Physiother Can ; 71(3): 261-269, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31719722


Purpose: We explored the perspectives of experts on increasing the recruitment of Indigenous students into Canadian physical therapy (PT) programmes. Methods: For this qualitative interpretivist study, we conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with individuals with expertise in encouraging Indigenous students to pursue higher education, recruiting them into PT programmes, or both. Data were organized using NVivo and analyzed using the DEPICT method, which included inductive and deductive coding to develop broader themes. Results: Analyzing the participants' perspectives revealed three themes, which could be layered sequentially, so that each informed the next: (1) building insight by increasing awareness of structural forces and barriers; (2) changing thinking, using a paradigm shift, from the dominant Eurocentric orientation to a view that respects the sovereignty and self-determination of Indigenous peoples; and (3) informing action by recommending practical strategies to facilitate the recruitment of Indigenous students into Canadian PT programmes. Conclusions: This is the first study to provide evidence of the structural considerations, barriers to, and facilitators of increasing the recruitment of Indigenous students into Canadian PT programmes.

Objectif : explorer les points de vue des experts pour recruter plus d'étudiants autochtones au sein des programmes de physiothérapie canadiens. Méthodologie : dans le cadre de cette étude d'interprétation qualitative, les chercheurs ont réalisé des entrevues semi-structurées approfondies avec des personnes qui possèdent des compétences pour encourager les étudiants autochtones à faire des études supérieures et pour les recruter dans des programmes de physiothérapie. Ils ont organisé les données à l'aide du logiciel NVivo et les ont analysées à l'aide de la méthode DEPICT, qui inclut un codage inductif et déductif pour établir des thèmes plus vastes. Résultats : l'analyse des points de vue des participants a fait ressortir trois thèmes, qui pourraient être superposés séquentiellement pour que chacun éclaire le suivant, comme suit : 1) favoriser les prises de conscience en faisant mieux connaître les forces et obstacles structurels; 2) faire évoluer les mentalités par un changement de paradigme afin de passer de l'orientation eurocentrique dominante à une vision qui respecte la souveraineté et l'autodétermination des peuples autochtones et 3) éclairer les actions en recommandant des stratégies pratiques pour faciliter le recrutement d'étudiants autochtones au sein des programmes de physiothérapie canadiens. Conclusions : c'est la première étude à fournir des données probantes sur les facteurs structurels, les obstacles et les incitations liés au recrutement d'un plus grand nombre d'étudiants autochtones au sein des programmes de physiothérapie canadiens.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29423311


STUDY DESIGN: Qualitative follow-up study. OBJECTIVES: Intensive locomotor training can improve physical and psychological functioning for individuals with spinal cord injury. Few studies have examined long-term effects of locomotor training. Specifically, there is a lack of qualitative follow-up that provide insight into participants' perceptions of the effects of locomotor training on level of function and daily life. This study aimed to gain insight into participants' perceptions of intensive locomotor training and whether participation influenced the level of function and community living 1-2 years after training. SETTING: Tertiary rehabilitation facility in Ontario, Canada. METHODS: Participants were six individuals who had lived with spinal cord injury between 1.9 and 2.7 years at the time of the interviews and had completed locomotor training during the subacute phase of injury. Semi-structured interviews explored participants' daily experiences and level of function after locomotor training. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Three themes were identified. (1) Outcomes: Personalized Adapted Locomotor Training led to transferable gains from the program to daily functioning and eased transitions out of the rehabilitation hospital. (2) Continuing the rehabilitation journey: following disappointment after training ended, recovery was perceived incomplete regardless of current functional status. Endeavors were now directed to maintaining gains achieved during the program. (3) Challenges: since discharge from Personalized Adapted Locomotor Training, participants identified changes in their psychological well-being and the risk of falls as challenges. CONCLUSIONS: Personalized Adapted Locomotor Training was a positive experience. The identified challenges present future opportunities for the improved delivery of intensive locomotor training programs.
