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Indian Dermatol Online J ; 10(2): 115-124, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30984584


BACKGROUND: Diet has an important role to play in the well-being of human body. AIMS: The study intends to establish the "hypothesis of conscious, selective, and self-destruction i.e., deregulated autophagy of skin and hair in low dietary protein scenario" by determining the facial profile, clinical presentation, and histopathological correlation of deficient protein intake and missing of meals in a tertiary care aesthetic skin institute. METHODS: A total of 98 patients of skin- and hair-related complaints were enrolled in the study and a histopathological correlation was established by skin and scalp biopsies in high and low protein groups. RESULTS: A significant number of subjects (68.4%) were taking less than half of the recommended daily allowance of proteins and faced problems like hair fall, acne, pigmentation, vitiligo, hirsutism, melasma, and premature aging. Subjects missing breakfast were found to have hypothyroidism, diffuse hairfall, autoimmune disorders like vitiligo, lichen planus, and alopecia areata. Histopathological images from submental area showed loose and fragmented collagen in high carbohydrate group in comparison to high protein group where thick, uniformly stained collagen bundles were found in dermis. Histopathology of scalp tissue showed chronic perifollicular inflammatory infiltrate and fibrosis in high carbohydrate group which was absent in histopathology specimen of high protein group. Patients taking early and nutrient-rich breakfast had higher mean protein intakes and less severe skin and hair problems suggesting a role of circadian rhythm as well. CONCLUSION: Dietary protein adequacy and early breakfast have significant role in preventing self-destruction or deregulated autophagy in trichology and cosmetic dermatology and may prevent various autoimmune, inflammatory, and metabolic diseases.

Indian J Dermatol ; 61(4): 403-7, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27512185


Acne vulgaris is usually considered as a skin disorder that primarily affects adolescents reaching a peak at the age of 14-17 years in females and 16-19 years in males. However, recent epidemiologic studies have shown that a significant number of female patients aged >25 years experience acne. As it is regarded as a disease of teenagers, adults are more apprehensive and experience social anxiety. Hence, adult onset acne has become a matter of concern.

Indian J Dermatol ; 60(6): 637, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26677305


Cutaneous metastasis (CM) of gastric adenocarcinoma (ADC) is rare and usually presents late in the course of the disease. We report a rare case of carcinoma en cuirasse (CEC) pattern of CM secondary to gastric malignancy in a 55-year-old male patient-the interesting part being that CM was the first-presenting sign, which on further histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation led to the diagnosis of hidden gastric carcinoma. The finding of signet ring cells (SRCs) on cutaneous biopsy further added a differential of the rare possibility of primary cutaneous tumors.