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Neurol Int ; 14(1): 62-74, 2022 Jan 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35076595


Pregnant women constitute a vulnerable population, with 25.3% of pregnant women classified as suffering from a psychiatric disorder. Since childbearing age typically aligns with the onset of mental health disorders, it is of utmost importance to consider the effects that antipsychotic drugs have on pregnant women and their developing fetus. However, the induction of pharmacological treatment during pregnancy may pose significant risks to the developing fetus. Antipsychotics are typically introduced when the nonpharmacologic approaches fail to produce desired effects or when the risks outweigh the benefits from continuing without treatment or the risks from exposing the fetus to medication. Early studies of pregnant women with schizophrenia showed an increase in perinatal malformations and deaths among their newborns. Similar to schizophrenia, women with bipolar disorder have an increased risk of relapse in antepartum and postpartum periods. It is known that antipsychotic medications can readily cross the placenta, and exposure to antipsychotic medication during pregnancy is associated with potential teratogenicity. Potential risks associated with antipsychotic use in pregnant women include congenital abnormalities, preterm birth, and metabolic disturbance, which could potentially lead to abnormal fetal growth. The complex decision-making process for treating psychosis in pregnant women must evaluate the risks and benefits of antipsychotic drugs.

NPJ Parkinsons Dis ; 6: 7, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32284961


Parkinson disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is 1.5 times more common in males than in females. While motor progression tends to be more aggressive in males, little is known about sex difference in cognitive progression. We tested the hypothesis that there are sex differences in cognitive dysfunction in non-demented PD. We evaluated 84 participants (38 females) with PD and 59 controls (27 females) for demographic variables and cognitive function, including attention, working memory, executive function, and processing speed. Multivariate ANOVA revealed no significant differences between groups for demographic variables, including age, years of education, global cogntition, daytime sleepiness, predicted premorbid IQ, UPDRS score, PD phenotype, or disease duration. For cognitive variables, we found poorer performance in males versus females with PD for measures of executive function and processing speed, but no difference between male and female controls. Specifically, PD males showed greater deficits in Verbal Fluency (category fluency, category switching, and category switching accuracy), Color Word Interference (inhibition), and speed of processing (SDMT). There were no differences in measures of working memory or attention across sex and inconsistent findings for switching. Our data indicate that males with PD have significantly greater executive and processing speed impairments compared to females despite no differences in demographic variables or other measures of disease severity. Our findings are consistent with the steeper slope of disease progression reported in males with PD.