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Anal Chem ; 96(19): 7348-7352, 2024 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38696329


Current commercially available liquid chromatography coupled to isotope ratio mass spectrometry systems (LC-IRMS) oxidize all eluent and thus can only operate with all-aqueous mobile phases, limiting their application to a small subset of analytes and mixtures that can be separated without organic solvents. We report a novel rotating-catalytic disc desolvation device with subsequent laser-activated photocatalytic analyte combustion to create CO2 for high precision carbon isotope ratio measurements compatible with both aqueous and organic liquid mobile phases. Sucrose, glucose, androsterone, or androsterone acetate in 20% and 50% H2O-CH3OH solutions were introduced by flow injection to the interface to IRMS for sugars and steroids, respectively. Sucrose δ13CVPDB linearity was excellent over 1-10 µg (33-655 nmol C) injections, using IRMS compatible He/1%O2 oxidation gas. The limit of precise isotope analysis (LOIA) of δ13CVPDB was 1 µg (35 nmol C) for sucrose and 10 µg (655 nmol C) for androsterone with average precisions of SD(δ13C) ± 0.8‰. Calibration was performed with and bracketed the δ13CVPDB isotope ratio range using androsterone-acetate and glucose. With further development to improve sensitivity and application to chromatography, the prototype proof-of-principle LC-IRMS shows promise to resolve a major drawback in current LC-IRMS systems and may open LC-IRMS to many more compounds than currently possible.