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Struct Dyn ; 6(3): 034301, 2019 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31123698


The ultrafast electronic decay of HCl molecules in the time domain after resonant core excitation was measured. Here, a Cl-2p core electron was promoted to the antibonding σ* orbital initiating molecular dissociation, and simultaneously, the electronic excitation relaxes via an Auger decay. For HCl, both processes compete on similar ultrashort femtosecond time scales. In order to measure the lifetime of the core hole excitation, we collinearly superimposed 40 fs soft x-ray pulses with intense terahertz (THz) radiation from the free-electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH). Electrons emitted from the molecules are accelerated (streaked) by the THz electric field where the resulting momentum change depends on the field's phase at the instant of ionization. Evaluation of a time-shift between the delay-dependent streaking spectra of photo- and Auger electrons yields a decay constant of (11 ± 2) fs for LMM Auger electrons. For further validation, the method was also applied to the MNN Auger decay of krypton. Reproduction of the value already published in the literature confirms that a temporal resolution much below the duration of the exciting x-ray pulses can be reached.