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Swiss J Palaeontol ; 143(1): 23, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38827169


Belemnite rostra are very abundant in Mesozoic marine deposits in many regions. Despite this abundance, soft-tissue specimens of belemnites informing about anatomy and proportions of these coleoid cephalopods are extremely rare and limited to a few moderately large genera like Passaloteuthis and Hibolithes. For all other genera, we can make inferences on their body proportions and body as well as mantle length by extrapolating from complete material. We collected data of the proportions of the hard parts of some Jurassic belemnites in order to learn about shared characteristics in their gross anatomy. This knowledge is then applied to the Bajocian genus Megateuthis, which is the largest known belemnite genus worldwide. Our results provide simple ratios that can be used to estimate belemnite body size, where only the rostrum is known.

Proc Biol Sci ; 291(2023): 20232832, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38747704


Asexual reproduction by means of splitting, also called fissiparity, is a common feature in some asterozoan groups, especially in ophiactid brittle stars. Most fissiparous brittle stars show six instead of the usual five rays, live as epibionts on host organisms, and use clonal fragmentation to rapidly colonize secluded habitats and effectively expand the margins of their distribution area. While the biology and ecology of clonal fragmentation are comparatively well understood, virtually nothing is known about the evolution and geological history of that phenomenon. Here, we describe an exceptional fossil of an articulated six-armed brittle star from the Late Jurassic of Germany, showing one body half in the process of regeneration, and assign it to the new species Ophiactis hex sp. nov. Phylogenetic inference shows that the fossil represents the oldest member of the extant family Ophiactidae. Because the Ophiactis hex specimen shows an original six-fold symmetry combined with a morphology typically found in epizoic ophiuroids, in line with recent fissiparous ophiactid relatives, we assume that the regenerating body half is an indication for fissiparity. Ophiactis hex thus shows that fissiparity was established as a means of asexual reproduction in asterozoan echinoderms by the Late Jurassic.

Equinodermos , Fósiles , Filogenia , Reproducción Asexuada , Animales , Fósiles/anatomía & histología , Equinodermos/anatomía & histología , Equinodermos/fisiología , Evolución Biológica , Alemania
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 24087, 2021 12 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34916533


Konservat-Lagerstätten-deposits with exceptionally preserved fossils-vary in abundance across geographic and stratigraphic space due to paleoenvironmental heterogeneity. While oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) may have promoted preservation of marine lagerstätten, the environmental controls on their taphonomy remain unclear. Here, we provide new data on the mineralization of fossils in three Lower Jurassic Lagerstätten-Strawberry Bank (UK), Ya Ha Tinda (Canada), and Posidonia Shale (Germany) -and test the hypothesis that they were preserved under similar conditions. Biostratigraphy indicates that all three Lagerstätten were deposited during the Toarcian OAE (TOAE), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) show that each deposit contains a variety of taxa preserved as phosphatized skeletons and tissues. Thus, despite their geographic and paleoenvironmental differences, all of these Lagerstätten were deposited in settings conducive to phosphatization, indicating that the TOAE fostered exceptional preservation in marine settings around the world. Phosphatization may have been fueled by phosphate delivery from climatically-driven sea level change and continental weathering, with anoxic basins acting as phosphorus traps.

Swiss J Palaeontol ; 140(1): 10, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34721282


Especially in Lagerstätten with exceptionally preserved fossils, we can sometimes recognize fossilized remains of meals of animals. We suggest the term leftover fall for the event and the term pabulite for the fossilized meal when it never entered the digestive tract (difference to regurgitalites). Usually, pabulites are incomplete organismal remains and show traces of the predation. Pabulites have a great potential to inform about predation as well as anatomical detail, which is invisible otherwise. Here, we document a pabulite comprising the belemnite Passaloteuthis laevigata from the Toarcian of the Holzmaden region. Most of its soft parts are missing while the arm crown is one of the best preserved that is known. Its arms embrace an exuvia of a crustacean. We suggest that the belemnite represents the remnant of the food of a predatory fish such as the shark Hybodus.

Swiss J Palaeontol ; 140(1): 7, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33815267


Exceptional fossil preservation is required to conserve soft-bodied fossils and even more so to conserve their behaviour. Here, we describe a fossil of a co-occurrence of representatives of two different octobrachian coleoid species. The fossils are from the Toarcian Posidonienschiefer of Ohmden near Holzmaden, Germany. The two animals died in the act of predation, i.e. one had caught the other and had begun to nibble on it, when they possibly sank into hypoxic waters and suffocated (distraction sinking). This supports the idea that primitive vampyromorphs pursued diverse feeding strategies and were not yet adapted to being opportunistic feeders in oxygen minimum zones like their modern relative Vampyroteuthis.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 7438, 2021 04 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33811229


Impact ejecta formation and emplacement is of great importance when it comes to understanding the process of impact cratering and consequences of impact events in general. Here we present a multidisciplinary investigation of a distal impact ejecta layer, the Blockhorizont, that occurs near Bernhardzell in eastern Switzerland. We provide unambiguous evidence that this layer is impact-related by confirming the presence of shocked quartz grains exhibiting multiple sets of planar deformation features. Average shock pressures recorded by the quartz grains are ~ 19 GPa for the investigated sample. U-Pb dating of zircon grains from bentonites in close stratigraphic context allows us to constrain the depositional age of the Blockhorizont to ~ 14.8 Ma. This age, in combination with geochemical and paleontological analysis of ejecta particles, is consistent with deposition of this material as distal impact ejecta from the Ries impact structure, located ~ 180 km away, in Germany. Our observations are important for constraining models of impact ejecta emplacement as ballistically and non-ballistically transported fragments, derived from vastly different depths in the pre-impact target, occur together within the ejecta layer. These observations make the Ries ejecta one of the most completely preserved ejecta deposit on Earth for an impact structure of that size.

Swiss J Palaeontol ; 140(1): 3, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33505352


Ammonoid soft parts have been rarely described. Here, we document the soft parts of a perisphinctid ammonite from the early Tithonian of Wintershof near Eichstätt (Germany). This exceptional preservation was enabled by the special depositional conditions in the marine basins of the Solnhofen Archipelago. Here, we document this find and attempt to homologize its parts with various organs such as the digestive tract, reproductive organs, the mantle cavity with gills, and the hyponome, with differing degrees of reservation. Alternative interpretations are also taken into account. We suggest that the soft parts were separated from the conch either taphonomically (following necrolytical processes affecting the attachment structures) or during a failed predation, where a predator (fish or coleoid) removed the soft parts from the conch but then dropped them. This find is interesting because it adds to the knowledge of ammonite anatomy, which is normally hidden in the conch. The reproductive organs show traces of what might have been spermatophores, thus supporting the hypothesis that the microconchs represented the males.

PLoS One ; 12(5): e0175426, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28489915


Trackways and tracemakers preserved together in the fossil record are rare. However, the co-occurrence of a drag mark, together with the dead animal that produced it, is exceptional. Here, we describe an 8.5 m long ammonite drag mark complete with the preserved ammonite shell (Subplanites rueppellianus) at its end. Previously recorded examples preserve ammonites with drag marks of < 1 m. The specimen was recovered from a quarry near Solnhofen, southern Germany. The drag mark consists of continuous parallel ridges and furrows produced by the ribs of the ammonite shell as it drifted just above the sediment surface, and does not reflect behaviour of the living animal.

Fósiles , Animales , Carbonato de Calcio , Alemania
Zoological Lett ; 2: 13, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27429789


BACKGROUND: Modern representatives of Polychelida (Polychelidae) are considered to be entirely blind and have largely reduced eyes, possibly as an adaptation to deep-sea environments. Fossil species of Polychelida, however, appear to have well-developed compound eyes preserved as anterior bulges with distinct sculpturation. METHODS: We documented the shapes and sizes of eyes and ommatidia based upon exceptionally preserved fossil polychelidans from Binton (Hettangian, United-Kingdom), Osteno (Sinemurian, Italy), Posidonia Shale (Toarcian, Germany), La Voulte-sur-Rhône (Callovian, France), and Solnhofen-type plattenkalks (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian, Germany). For purposes of comparison, sizes of the eyes of several other polychelidans without preserved ommatidia were documented. Sizes of ommatidia and eyes were statistically compared against carapace length, taxonomic group, and outcrop. RESULTS: Nine species possess eyes with square facets; Rosenfeldia oppeli (Woodward, 1866), however, displays hexagonal facets. The sizes of eyes and ommatidia are a function of carapace length. No significant differences were discerned between polychelidans from different outcrops; Eryonidae, however, have significantly smaller eyes than other groups. DISCUSSION: Fossil eyes bearing square facets are similar to the reflective superposition eyes found in many extant decapods. As such, they are the earliest example of superposition eyes. As reflective superposition is considered plesiomorphic for Reptantia, this optic type was probably retained in Polychelida. The two smallest specimens, a Palaeopentacheles roettenbacheri (Münster, 1839) and a Hellerocaris falloti (Van Straelen, 1923), are interpreted as juveniles. Both possess square-shaped facets, a typical post-larval feature. The eye morphology of these small specimens, which are far smaller than many extant eryoneicus larvae, suggests that Jurassic polychelidans did not develop via giant eryoneicus larvae. In contrast, another species we examined, Rosenfeldia oppeli (Woodward, 1866), did not possess square-shaped facets, but rather hexagonal ones, which suggests that this species did not possess reflective superposition eyes. The hexagonal facets may indicate either another type of superposition eye (refractive or parabolic superposition), or an apposition eye. As decapod larvae possess apposition eyes with hexagonal facets, it is most parsimonious to consider eyes of R. oppeli as apposition eyes evolved through paedomorphic heterochrony. CONCLUSION: Polychelidan probably originally had reflective superposition. R. oppeli, however, probably gained apposition eyes through paedomorphosis.

Biol Lett ; 12(1): 20150877, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26740564


Although the calcitic hard parts of belemnites (extinct Coleoidea) are very abundant fossils, their soft parts are hardly known and their mode of life is debated. New fossils of the Jurassic belemnitid Acanthoteuthis provided supplementary anatomical data on the fins, nuchal cartilage, collar complex, statoliths, hyponome and radula. These data yielded evidence of their pelagic habitat, their nektonic habit and high swimming velocities. The new morphological characters were included in a cladistic analysis, which confirms the position of the Belemnitida in the stem of Decabrachia (Decapodiformes).

Cefalópodos/anatomía & histología , Fósiles , Adaptación Biológica , Animales , Cefalópodos/clasificación , Filogenia , Natación
Nat Commun ; 6: 10015, 2015 Dec 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26658694


The Jurassic (∼201-145 Myr ago) was long considered a warm 'greenhouse' period; more recently cool, even 'icehouse' episodes have been postulated. However, the mechanisms governing transition between so-called Warm Modes and Cool Modes are poorly known. Here we present a new large high-quality oxygen-isotope dataset from an interval that includes previously suggested mode transitions. Our results show an especially abrupt earliest Middle Jurassic (∼174 Ma) mid-latitude cooling of seawater by as much as 10 °C in the north-south Laurasian Seaway, a marine passage that connected the equatorial Tethys Ocean to the Boreal Sea. Coincidence in timing with large-scale regional lithospheric updoming of the North Sea region is striking, and we hypothesize that northward oceanic heat transport was impeded by uplift, triggering Cool Mode conditions more widely. This extreme climate-mode transition provides a counter-example to other Mesozoic transitions linked to quantitative change in atmospheric greenhouse gas content.

Cladistics ; 31(3): 231-249, 2015 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34772264


A phylogenetic analysis of a total of 31 species: 27 fossil species from seven families (Glypheidae, Litogastridae, Mecochiridae, Pemphicidae, Erymidae, Clytiopsidae, Chimaerastacidae), and four extant species from three families (Glypheidae, Nephropidae, Stenopodidae) is proposed. Most of the genera considered are coded exclusively based upon their type species and, as much as possible, based upon the type specimens. The cladistic analysis demonstrates that the glypheidean lobsters (infraorder Glypheidea) form a monophyletic group including two superfamilies: Glypheoidea and Pemphicoidea new status. Glypheoidea includes three families: Glypheidae, Mecochiridae and Litogastridae. Litogastridae is the sister group of the clade Glypheidae + Mecochiridae. Pemphicoidea includes a single family: Pemphicidae. A new classification of Glypheidea is proposed and currently known genera are rearranged based upon the phylogenetic analysis.

Arthropod Struct Dev ; 43(1): 5-16, 2014 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24211515


The maxilliped venom claw is an intriguing structure in centipedes. We address open questions concerning this structure. The maxillipeds of fossil centipedes from the Carboniferous (about 300 million years old) have been described, but not been depicted previously. Re-investigation demonstrates that they resemble their modern counterparts. A Jurassic geophilomorph centipede (about 150 million years old) was originally described as possessing a rather leg-like maxilliped. Our re-investigation shows that the maxilliped is, in fact, highly specialized as in modern Geophilomorpha. A scenario for the evolution of the centipede maxilliped is presented. It supports one of the two supposed hypotheses of centipede phylogeny, the Pleurostigmophora hypothesis. Although this hypothesis appears now well established, many aspects of character evolution resulting from this phylogeny remain to be told in detail. One such aspect is the special joint of the maxilliped in some species of Cryptops. Cryptops is an in-group of Scolopendromorpha, but its maxilliped joint can resemble that of Lithobiomorpha or even possess a mixture of characters between the both. Detailed investigation of fossils, larger sample sizes of extant species, and developmental data will be necessary to allow further improvements of the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of centipedes.

Artrópodos/anatomía & histología , Evolución Biológica , Pezuñas y Garras/anatomía & histología , Animales , Venenos de Artrópodos/metabolismo , Artrópodos/clasificación , Artrópodos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Fósiles , Pezuñas y Garras/crecimiento & desarrollo , Filogenia
J Hum Evol ; 61(3): 332-9, 2011 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21665243


The paleobiogeography of hominoids exhibits a puzzling pattern of migrations between and within Africa and Eurasia. A precise dating of hominoid-bearing localities is therefore essential to reveal the timing, direction and possible causes of dispersals. Here, we present a bio-magnetostratigraphic analysis of the section of Engelswies (Southern Germany, Upper Freshwater Molasse, North Alpine Foreland Basin) where the oldest Eurasian hominoid was found. Our paleomagnetic results reveal a very short normal and a reverse magnetic polarity for the entire section. The polarity record is correlated to the Astronomical Tuned Neogene Time Scale using an integrated stratigraphic approach. This approach follows the chronostratigraphic framework for the Upper Freshwater Molasse, which combines magnetostratigraphy with biostratigraphic, lithostratigraphic and (40)Ar/(39)Ar dating results. According to this outcome, the reverse polarity of the Engelswies section most likely correlates to magnetochron C5Cr. The origin of the short normal polarity remains enigmatic. The magnetostratigraphic calibration and the evolutionary level of the Engelswies small mammal fauna suggest an age of 17.1-17.0Ma (Early Karpatian, Early Miocene) for the oldest Eurasian hominoid, and roughly confirm the estimates of Heizmann and Begun (2001). The estimated age suggests that the first hominoids in Eurasia are contemporaneous with Afro-Arabian afropithecins, and dispersal may have been facilitated by intra-Burdigalian (∼18-17Ma) sea-level low stands and the beginning of the Miocene Climate Optimum. The paleoclimatic and environmental reconstruction of the Engelswies locality indicates a lakeshore environment near dense subtropical rain forest vegetation, where paratropical temperatures (mean annual temperature around 20°C) and humid conditions (mean annual precipitation>1.100mm) prevailed.

Catarrinos/fisiología , Fenómenos Magnéticos , Paleontología , Animales , Evolución Biológica , Catarrinos/clasificación , Ambiente , Fósiles , Alemania , Mamíferos/clasificación , Filogenia
Proc Biol Sci ; 272(1563): 627-32, 2005 Mar 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15817437


A remarkable specimen of Mesolimulus from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Nusplingen, Germany, preserves the musculature of the prosoma and associated microbes in three dimensions in calcium phosphate (apatite). The musculature of Mesolimulus conforms closely to that of modern horseshoe crabs. Associated with the muscles are patches of mineralized biofilm with spiral and coccoid forms. This discovery emphasizes the potential of soft-bodied fossils as a source for increasing our knowledge of the diversity of fossil microbes in particular settings.

Biopelículas , Fosfatos de Calcio/química , Fósiles , Cangrejos Herradura/anatomía & histología , Cangrejos Herradura/química , Cangrejos Herradura/microbiología , Animales , Alemania , Paleontología