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Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries ; 43(1): 83-90, 2023 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35079212


Background: Brazil ranks fifth in the world in the number of adults with diabetes, and third for type 1 diabetes. Conducting educational actions on this topic in public schools in this country is extremely important, since it can assist in the early adoption of good life habits and in a better care for students in this condition. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention about diabetes for students and school staff. Methods: This is an interventional non-randomized longitudinal study, in which interviews were conducted before and after a playful intervention with the use of theater play and games for students and plus a training for the school staff. Results: A total of 89 participants completed the study, being 73 students aged 7 to 12 years old, and 16 school staff. As a result, there was a positive change in knowledge and perception of diabetes by the students. The greatest changes in the answers among the participants, at the post-intervention period, were related to the possibility of consuming something with sugar by those with diabetes, and particularly how to cope in hypoglycemia situations by the school staff. Conclusions: Actions like these must be encouraged within the school environment, especially in countries with high prevalence of diabetes.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33041, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440734


Resumo Objetivo: Verificar a percepção sobre o diabetes dos alunos de escolas públicas. Métodos: Estudo descritivo transversal, com entrevista aos alunos sobre diabetes (sinais e sintomas, alimentação e questões sobre o autocuidado no ambiente escolar), com análise de conteúdo para a questão aberta, expressa em número de ocorrências, e demais resultados em frequência, média e desvio padrão. Resultados: 302 estudantes, com 9,1±1,5 anos e 54% do sexo feminino. Termos associados a consequências negativas tiveram 91 ocorrências para "o que é diabetes". Para 95,4% dos entrevistados a pessoa com diabetes não pode comer doces, e para 32,8% o diabetes é transmitido de uma pessoa para outra. Apenas 34,8% afirmaram que o colega com diabetes pode participar de atividades físicas/recreativas, e 32,1% responderam que ele não poderia lanchar junto com os demais. Somente 29,2% dos entrevistados reconheceram que o colega com diabetes precisaria ter consigo algo com açúcar para momentos em que se sinta mal. Conclusões: Estes achados reforçam a necessidade de melhorar o conhecimento e a percepção dos estudantes sobre o diabetes no ambiente escolar, propiciando condições mais harmoniosas e seguras de manejo do diabetes nestes espaços.

Abstract Objective: To verify the students' perception about diabetes in public schools. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, with students' interview to access their diabetes knowledge (signs and symptoms, food, and diabetes self-care at school). Content analysis was used for the open question, expressed by number of occurrences, and frequencies, means and standard deviations for the other results. Results: 302 students, with 9,1±1,5 years and 54% female. For "what is diabetes" there were 91 occurrences associated with negative consequences. For 95.4% of interviewees, people with diabetes cannot eat sweets, and for 32.8% diabetes is transmitted from person to person. Only 34.8% stated that the classmate with diabetes can participate in physical/recreational activities; and 32.1% replied that he/she could not have a snack with the others. Only 29.2% of the interviewees recognized that the classmate with diabetes would need to have something with sugar to eat/drink in case he/she feel bad. Conclusions: These results reinforce the need for action of diabetes education to improve students' knowledge and perception about diabetes in the school, as well as better management for students with this condition at that environment.
