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Sci Rep ; 10(1): 18214, 2020 Oct 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33106511


Randomness and frustration are believed to be two crucial criteria for the formation of spin glass state. However, the spin freezing occurs in some well-ordered crystals below the related temperature Tf due to the instability of each spin state, which induces the variation of either magnetic moment value or exchange energy. Here we explore the new mechanism of the in-site originated disorder in antiferromagnets Gd0.73La0.27B6 and GdB6, which is caused by the random mutual shifts of Gd3+ spins from the centrally symmetrical positions in the regular cubic lattice. The universal scaling of ESR linewidth temperature dependencies to the power law ΔH(T) ~ ((T - TD)/TD)α with α = - 1.1 ± 0.05 in the paramagnetic phase of both compounds demonstrates the identity of the origin of magnetic randomness. In Gd0.73La0.27B6 the resulting random spin configurations freeze at Tf ≈ 10.5 K where the maximum of magnetization is observed. Below Tf the splitting of ZFC and FC magnetization curves takes place as well as the magnetic state depends on the antecedent sample history. In the case of GdB6 the coherent displacement of Gd ions compete with these random shifts forming an antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase at TN = 15.5 K, which prevails over the spin freezing at Tf ≈ 13 K, expected from the ESR data. The observation of the hysteresis of the ESR spectrum in the AFM phase suggests that its properties may be determined by the competition of two types of AFM orders, which results in formation of stable magnetic domains with nonequivalent positions of AFM Gd pairs at T < 10 K.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 7125, 2018 May 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29740044


Introducing of topological insulator concept for fluctuating valence compound - samarium hexaboride - has recently initiated a new round of studies aimed to clarify the nature of the ground state in this extraordinary system with strong electron correlations. Here we discuss the data of magnetic resonance in the pristine single crystals of SmB6 measured in 60 GHz cavity experiments at temperatures 1.8-300 K. The microwave study as well as the DC resistivity and Hall effect measurements performed for the different states of SmB6 [110] surface prove definitely the existence of the layer with metallic conductivity increasing under lowering temperature below 5 K. Four lines with the g-factors g ≈ 2 are found to contribute to the ESR-like absorption spectrum that may be attributed to intrinsic paramagnetic centers on the sample's surface, which are robust with respect to the surface treatment. The temperature dependence of integrated intensity I(T) for main paramagnetic signal is found to demonstrate anomalous critical behavior I(T) ~ (T* - T)ν with characteristic temperature T * = 5.34 ± 0.05 K and exponent ν = 0.38 ± 0.03 indicating possible magnetic transition at the SmB6 [110] surface. Additional resonant magnetoabsorption line, which may be associated with either donor-like defects or cyclotron resonance mode corresponding to the mass m c ~ 1.2m0, is reported.

Sci Rep ; 6: 39196, 2016 12 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27982072


Electron spin resonance (ESR) in strongly correlated metals is an exciting phenomenon, as strong spin fluctuations in this class of materials broaden extremely the absorption line below the detection limit. In this respect, ESR observation in CeB6 provides a unique chance to inspect Ce3+ magnetic state in the antiferroquadrupole (AFQ) phase. We apply the original high frequency (60 GHz) experimental technique to extract the temperature and angular dependences of g-factor, line width and oscillating magnetization. Experimental data show unambiguously that the modern ESR theory in the AFQ phase considering the Γ8 ground state of Ce3+ ion completely fails to predict both the g-factor magnitude and its angular dependence. Alignment of the external magnetic field along [100] axis induces a strong (more than twofold) broadening of ESR line width with respect to the other crystallographic directions and results also in the anomalous temperature dependences of the g-factor and oscillating magnetization. In this experimental geometry the latter parameter surprisingly exceeds total static magnetization by 20% at T* ~ 2.5 K. We argue that the unusual physical picture of ESR in CeB6 may be strongly affected by spin fluctuations and dynamic collective effects predominantly pronounced in [100] direction.