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Heliyon ; 9(8): e18909, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37664743


As major depressive disorder (MDD) is such a diverse condition, there are currently no clear ways for determining its severity, endophenotype, or therapy response. The distinctive nature of depression, the variability of analysis in literature and the large number of conceptually complicated biomarkers are some of the many reasons for the lack of progress. Markers are involved in the process of neurotrophic, metabolic, and inflammation as well as neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter systems' components. Some clinical indicators are strong enough so that can be measured using assessments of proteomic, genetic, metabolomics, neuroimaging, epigenetic and transcriptomic. Markers of oxidative stress, endocrine, inflammatory, proteomic, and growth indicators are currently among the promising biologic systems/markers identified in this analysis. This narrative review examines succinct studies which investigated cytokines of inflammatory factors, peripheral factors of development, metabolic and endocrine markers as pathophysiological biomarkers of MDD, and treatment responses. Endocrine and metabolic alterations have also been linked to MDD in various studies. So, this study summarizes all of the numerous biomarkers that are significant in the detection or treatment of MDD patients. The paper also provides an overview of various biomarkers which are important for the regulation and its effects on MDD.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37754659


This qualitative study explored the commonalities and differences among the experiences of visible minority Transnational Carer-Employees (TCEs) before and after COVID-19. TCEs are immigrants who live and work in the country of settlement while providing caregiving across international borders. Purposive and snowball sampling resulted in the participation of 29 TCEs of Pakistani, Syrian, African, and South American origin living in London, Ontario. Thematic analysis of the dataset using the ATLAS.ti software, Version 23.2.1., generated three themes: (1) feelings associated with transnational care; (2) employment experiences of TCEs; and (3) coping strategies for well-being. The results of the secondary analysis conducted herein suggested that there are more similarities than differences across the four cohorts. Many participants felt a sense of satisfaction at being able to fulfill their care obligations; however, a different outlook was observed among some Syrian and African origin respondents, who disclosed that managing care and work is overwhelming. Most TCEs also reported facing limited job options because of language barriers. While various interviewees experienced a lack of paid work and reduced income after COVID-19, a distinct perspective was noted from African descent TCEs as they expressed facing increased work demands after the pandemic. Participants additionally revealed four common coping strategies such as keeping busy, praying, family support, and staying active. Study implications include the promotion of Carer-Friendly Workplace Policies (CFWPs) that can facilitate the welfare of unpaid caregivers. This research is important as it may inform policymakers to create opportunities that may not only foster economic stability of TCEs and the Canadian economy, but also contribute towards a more equitable society.