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Entropy (Basel) ; 24(12)2022 Nov 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36554162


Emerging wireless technologies are envisioned to support a variety of applications that require simultaneously maintaining low latency and high reliability. Non-orthogonal multiple access techniques constitute one candidate for grant-free transmission alleviating the signaling requirements for uplink transmissions. In open-loop transmissions over fading channels, in which the transmitters do not have access to the channel state information, the existing approaches are prone to facing frequent outage events. Such outage events lead to repeated re-transmissions of the duplicate information packets, penalizing the latency. This paper proposes a multi-access broadcast approach in which each user splits its information stream into several information layers, each adapted to one possible channel state. This approach facilitates preventing outage events and improves the overall transmission latency. Based on the proposed approach, the average queuing delay of each user is analyzed for different arrival processes at each transmitter. First, for deterministic arrivals, closed-form lower and upper bounds on the average delay are characterized analytically. Secondly, for Poisson arrivals, a closed-form expression for the average delay is delineated using the Pollaczek-Khinchin formula. Based on the established bounds, the proposed approach achieves less average delay than single-layer outage approaches. Under optimal power allocation among the encoded layers, numerical evaluations demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly minimizes average sum delays compared to traditional outage approaches, especially under high arrival rates.

Entropy (Basel) ; 24(9)2022 Sep 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36141207


A double-sided variant of the information bottleneck method is considered. Let (X,Y) be a bivariate source characterized by a joint pmf PXY. The problem is to find two independent channels PU|X and PV|Y (setting the Markovian structure U→X→Y→V), that maximize I(U;V) subject to constraints on the relevant mutual information expressions: I(U;X) and I(V;Y). For jointly Gaussian X and Y, we show that Gaussian channels are optimal in the low-SNR regime but not for general SNR. Similarly, it is shown that for a doubly symmetric binary source, binary symmetric channels are optimal when the correlation is low and are suboptimal for high correlations. We conjecture that Z and S channels are optimal when the correlation is 1 (i.e., X=Y) and provide supporting numerical evidence. Furthermore, we present a Blahut-Arimoto type alternating maximization algorithm and demonstrate its performance for a representative setting. This problem is closely related to the domain of biclustering.

Entropy (Basel) ; 24(5)2022 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35626522


Fifth generation mobile communication systems (5G) have to accommodate both Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) and enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) services. While eMBB applications support high data rates, URLLC services aim at guaranteeing low-latencies and high-reliabilities. eMBB and URLLC services are scheduled on the same frequency band, where the different latency requirements of the communications render their coexistence challenging. In this survey, we review, from an information theoretic perspective, coding schemes that simultaneously accommodate URLLC and eMBB transmissions and show that they outperform traditional scheduling approaches. Various communication scenarios are considered, including point-to-point channels, broadcast channels, interference networks, cellular models, and cloud radio access networks (C-RANs). The main focus is on the set of rate pairs that can simultaneously be achieved for URLLC and eMBB messages, which captures well the tension between the two types of communications. We also discuss finite-blocklength results where the measure of interest is the set of error probability pairs that can simultaneously be achieved in the two communication regimes.

Entropy (Basel) ; 24(2)2022 Jan 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35205521


Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a promising technology for future beyond-5G wireless networks, whose fundamental information-theoretic limits are yet to be fully explored. Considering regular sparse code-domain NOMA (with a fixed and finite number of orthogonal resources allocated to any designated user and vice versa), this paper extends previous results by the authors to a setting comprising two classes of users with different power constraints. Explicit rigorous closed-form analytical inner and outer bounds on the achievable rate (total class throughput) region in the large-system limit are derived and comparatively investigated in extreme-SNR regimes. The inner bound is based on the conditional vector entropy power inequality (EPI), while the outer bound relies on a recent strengthened version of the EPI. Valuable insights are provided into the potential performance gains of regular sparse NOMA in practically oriented settings, comprising, e.g., a combination of low-complexity devices and broadband users with higher transmit power capabilities, or combinations of cell-edge and cell-center users. The conditions for superior performance over dense code-domain NOMA (taking the form of randomly spread code-division multiple access), as well as a relatively small gap to the ultimate performance limits, are identified. The proposed bounds are also applicable for the analysis of interference networks, e.g., Wyner-type cellular models.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(1)2021 Jan 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33477571


In this paper we review the theoretical and practical principles of the broadcast approach to communication over state-dependent channels and networks in which the transmitters have access to only the probabilistic description of the time-varying states while remaining oblivious to their instantaneous realizations. When the temporal variations are frequent enough, an effective long-term strategy is adapting the transmission strategies to the system's ergodic behavior. However, when the variations are infrequent, their temporal average can deviate significantly from the channel's ergodic mode, rendering a lack of instantaneous performance guarantees. To circumvent a lack of short-term guarantees, the broadcast approach provides principles for designing transmission schemes that benefit from both short- and long-term performance guarantees. This paper provides an overview of how to apply the broadcast approach to various channels and network models under various operational constraints.

Entropy (Basel) ; 22(2)2020 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33285926


This tutorial paper focuses on the variants of the bottleneck problem taking an information theoretic perspective and discusses practical methods to solve it, as well as its connection to coding and learning aspects. The intimate connections of this setting to remote source-coding under logarithmic loss distortion measure, information combining, common reconstruction, the Wyner-Ahlswede-Korner problem, the efficiency of investment information, as well as, generalization, variational inference, representation learning, autoencoders, and others are highlighted. We discuss its extension to the distributed information bottleneck problem with emphasis on the Gaussian model and highlight the basic connections to the uplink Cloud Radio Access Networks (CRAN) with oblivious processing. For this model, the optimal trade-offs between relevance (i.e., information) and complexity (i.e., rates) in the discrete and vector Gaussian frameworks is determined. In the concluding outlook, some interesting problems are mentioned such as the characterization of the optimal inputs ("features") distributions under power limitations maximizing the "relevance" for the Gaussian information bottleneck, under "complexity" constraints.

Entropy (Basel) ; 22(2)2020 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33285957


This paper analyzes the multiplexing gains (MG) achievable over Wyner's soft-handoff model under mixed-delay constraints, that is, when delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant data are simultaneously transmitted over the network. In the considered model, delay-sensitive data cannot participate or profit in any ways from transmitter or receiver cooperation, but delay-tolerant data can. Cooperation for delay-tolerant data takes place over rate-limited links and is limited to a fixed number of cooperation rounds. For the described setup, inner and outer bounds are derived on the set of MG pairs that are simultaneously achievable for delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant data. The bounds are tight in special cases and allow us to obtain the following conclusions. For large cooperation rates, and when both transmitters and receivers can cooperate, it is possible to simultaneously attain maximum MG for delay-sensitive messages and maximum sum MG for all messages. For comparison, in scheduling schemes (also called time-sharing schemes), the largest achievable sum MG decreases linearly with the MG of delay-sensitive messages. A similar linear decrease is proved for any coding scheme, not only for scheduling schemes, if only transmitters or only receivers can cooperate (but not both) and if delay-sensitive messages have moderate MG. In contrast, if the MG of delay-sensitive messages is small, the maximum sum MG can be achieved even with only transmitter or only receiver cooperation. To summarise, when cooperation rates are high and both transmitters and receivers can cooperate or when delay-sensitive messages have small MG, then transmitting delay-sensitive messages causes no penalty on the sum-MG. In other regimes, this penalty increases proportionally to the delay-tolerant MG in the sense that increasing the delay-sensitive MG by Δ penalises the largest achievable delay-tolerant MG by 2 Δ and thus the sum MG by Δ .

Entropy (Basel) ; 21(2)2019 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33266915


In this work, the capacity of multiple-input multiple-output channels that are subject to constraints on the support of the input is studied. The paper consists of two parts. The first part focuses on the general structure of capacity-achieving input distributions. Known results are surveyed and several new results are provided. With regard to the latter, it is shown that the support of a capacity-achieving input distribution is a small set in both a topological and a measure theoretical sense. Moreover, explicit conditions on the channel input space and the channel matrix are found such that the support of a capacity-achieving input distribution is concentrated on the boundary of the input space only. The second part of this paper surveys known bounds on the capacity and provides several novel upper and lower bounds for channels with arbitrary constraints on the support of the channel input symbols. As an immediate practical application, the special case of multiple-input multiple-output channels with amplitude constraints is considered. The bounds are shown to be within a constant gap to the capacity if the channel matrix is invertible and are tight in the high amplitude regime for arbitrary channel matrices. Moreover, in the regime of high amplitudes, it is shown that the capacity scales linearly with the minimum between the number of transmit and receive antennas, similar to the case of average power-constrained inputs.

Entropy (Basel) ; 21(3)2019 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33266988


We consider the problem of channel coding over multiterminal state-dependent channels in which neither transmitters nor receivers but only a helper node has a non-causal knowledge of the state. Such channel models arise in many emerging communication schemes. We start by investigating the parallel state-dependent channel with the same but differently scaled state corrupting the receivers. A cognitive helper knows the state in a non-causal manner and wishes to mitigate the interference that impacts the transmission between two transmit-receive pairs. Outer and inner bounds are derived. In our analysis, the channel parameters are partitioned into various cases, and segments on the capacity region boundary are characterized for each case. Furthermore, we show that for a particular set of channel parameters, the capacity region is entirely characterized. In the second part of this work, we address a similar scenario, but now each channel is corrupted by an independent state. We derive an inner bound using a coding scheme that integrates single-bin Gel'fand-Pinsker coding and Marton's coding for the broadcast channel. We also derive an outer bound and further partition the channel parameters into several cases for which parts of the capacity region boundary are characterized.

Entropy (Basel) ; 21(4)2019 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33267147


In modern implementations of Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN), the fronthaul transport network will often be packet-based and it will have a multi-hop architecture built with general-purpose switches using network function virtualization (NFV) and software-defined networking (SDN). This paper studies the joint design of uplink radio and fronthaul transmission strategies for a C-RAN with a packet-based fronthaul network. To make an efficient use of multiple routes that carry fronthaul packets from remote radio heads (RRHs) to cloud, as an alternative to more conventional packet-based multi-route reception or coding, a multiple description coding (MDC) strategy is introduced that operates directly at the level of baseband signals. MDC ensures an improved quality of the signal received at the cloud in conditions of low network congestion, i.e., when more fronthaul packets are received within a tolerated deadline. The advantages of the proposed MDC approach as compared to the traditional path diversity scheme are validated via extensive numerical results.

Entropy (Basel) ; 21(8)2019 Jul 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33267446


This paper investigates the problem of secret key generation over a wiretap channel when the terminals observe correlated sources. These sources are independent of the main channel and the users overhear them before the transmission takes place. A novel outer bound is proposed and, employing a previously reported inner bound, the secret key capacity is derived under certain less-noisy conditions on the channel or source components. This result improves upon the existing literature where the more stringent condition of degradedness is required. Furthermore, numerical evaluation of the achievable scheme and previously reported results for a binary model are presented; a comparison of the numerical bounds provides insights on the benefit of the chosen scheme.
