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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39255133


Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great potential in intelligent visualization systems, especially for domainspecific applications. Integrating LLMs into visualization systems presents challenges, and we categorize these challenges into three alignments: domain problems with LLMs, visualization with LLMs, and interaction with LLMs. To achieve these alignments, we propose a framework and outline a workflow to guide the application of fine-tuned LLMs to enhance visual interactions for domain-specific tasks. These alignment challenges are critical in education because of the need for an intelligent visualization system to support beginners' self-regulated learning. Therefore, we apply the framework to education and introduce Tailor-Mind, an interactive visualization system designed to facilitate self-regulated learning for artificial intelligence beginners. Drawing on insights from a preliminary study, we identify self-regulated learning tasks and fine-tuning objectives to guide visualization design and tuning data construction. Our focus on aligning visualization with fine-tuned LLM makes Tailor-Mind more like a personalized tutor. Tailor-Mind also supports interactive recommendations to help beginners better achieve their learning goals. Model performance evaluations and user studies confirm that Tailor-Mind improves the self-regulated learning experience, effectively validating the proposed framework.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38437130


Visual analytics supports data analysis tasks within complex domain problems. However, due to the richness of data types, visual designs, and interaction designs, users need to recall and process a significant amount of information when they visually analyze data. These challenges emphasize the need for more intelligent visual analytics methods. Large language models have demonstrated the ability to interpret various forms of textual data, offering the potential to facilitate intelligent support for visual analytics. We propose LEVA, a framework that uses large language models to enhance users' VA workflows at multiple stages: onboarding, exploration, and summarization. To support onboarding, we use large language models to interpret visualization designs and view relationships based on system specifications. For exploration, we use large language models to recommend insights based on the analysis of system status and data to facilitate mixed-initiative exploration. For summarization, we present a selective reporting strategy to retrace analysis history through a stream visualization and generate insight reports with the help of large language models. We demonstrate how LEVA can be integrated into existing visual analytics systems. Two usage scenarios and a user study suggest that LEVA effectively aids users in conducting visual analytics.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 30(1): 891-901, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37883278


The widespread adoption of Transformers in deep learning, serving as the core framework for numerous large-scale language models, has sparked significant interest in understanding their underlying mechanisms. However, beginners face difficulties in comprehending and learning Transformers due to its complex structure and abstract data representation. We present TransforLearn, the first interactive visual tutorial designed for deep learning beginners and non-experts to comprehensively learn about Transformers. TransforLearn supports interactions for architecture-driven exploration and task-driven exploration, providing insight into different levels of model details and their working processes. It accommodates interactive views of each layer's operation and mathematical formula, helping users to understand the data flow of long text sequences. By altering the current decoder-based recursive prediction results and combining the downstream task abstractions, users can deeply explore model processes. Our user study revealed that the interactions of TransforLearn are positively received. We observe that TransforLearn facilitates users' accomplishment of study tasks and a grasp of key concepts in Transformer effectively.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37027746


Open-domain question answering (OpenQA) is an essential but challenging task in natural language processing that aims to answer questions in natural language formats on the basis of large-scale unstructured passages. Recent research has taken the performance of benchmark datasets to new heights, especially when these datasets are combined with techniques for machine reading comprehension based on Transformer models. However, as identified through our ongoing collaboration with domain experts and our review of literature, three key challenges limit their further improvement: (i) complex data with multiple long texts, (ii) complex model architecture with multiple modules, and (iii) semantically complex decision process. In this paper, we present VEQA, a visual analytics system that helps experts understand the decision reasons of OpenQA and provides insights into model improvement. The system summarizes the data flow within and between modules in the OpenQA model as the decision process takes place at the summary, instance and candidate levels. Specifically, it guides users through a summary visualization of dataset and module response to explore individual instances with a ranking visualization that incorporates context. Furthermore, VEQA supports fine-grained exploration of the decision flow within a single module through a comparative tree visualization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of VEQA in promoting interpretability and providing insights into model enhancement through a case study and expert evaluation.