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Life (Basel) ; 14(1)2024 Jan 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38255731


We have previously shown in model studies that rapid quenches of systems of monomers interacting to form polymer chains can fix nonequilibrium chemistries with some lifelike properties. We suggested that such quenching processes might have occurred at very high rates on early Earth, giving an efficient mechanism for natural sorting through enormous numbers of nonequilibrium chemistries from which the most lifelike ones could be naturally selected. However, the model used for these studies did not take account of activation barriers to polymer scission (peptide bond hydrolysis in the case of proteins). Such barriers are known to exist and are expected to enhance the quenching effect. Here, we introduce a modified model which takes activation barriers into account and we compare the results to data from experiments on quenched systems of amino acids. We find that the model results turn out to be sensitive to the width of the distribution of barrier heights but quite insensitive to its average value. The results of the new model are in significantly better agreement with the experiments than those found using our previous model. The new parametrization of the model only requires one new parameter and the parametrization is more physical than the previous one, providing a chemical interpretation of the parameter p in our previous models. Within the model, a characteristic temperature Tc emerges such that if the temperature of the hot stage is above Tc and the temperature of the cold stage is below it, then the 'freezing out', in a quench, of a disequilibrium ensemble of long polymers is expected. We discuss the possible relevance of this to models of the origin of life in emissions from deep ocean rifts.

Phys Rev E ; 102(6-1): 062412, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33465996


For prebiotic chemistry to succeed in producing a starting metastable, autocatalytic and reproducing system subject to evolutionary selection it must satisfy at least two apparently contradictory requirements: Because such systems are rare, a search among vast numbers of molecular combinations must take place naturally, requiring rapid rearrangement and breaking of covalent bonds. But once a relevant system is found, such rapid disruption and rearrangement would be very likely to destroy the system before much evolution could take place. In this paper we explore the possibility, using a model developed previously, that the search process could occur under different environmental conditions than the subsequent fixation and growth of a lifelike chemical system. We use the example of a rapid change in temperature to illustrate the effect and refer to the rapid change as a "quench"borrowing terminology from study of the physics and chemistry of glass formation. The model study shows that interrupting a high-temperature nonequilibrium state with a rapid quench to lower temperatures can substantially increase the probability of producing a chemical state with lifelike characteristics of nonequilibrium metastability, internal dynamics and exponential population growth in time. Previously published data on the length distributions of proteomes of prokaryotes may be consistent with such an idea and suggest a prebiotic high-temperature "search" phase near the boiling point of water. A rapid change in pH could have a similar effect. We discuss possible scenarios on early Earth which might have allowed frequent quenches of the sort considered here to have occurred. The models show a strong dependence of the effect on the number of chemical monomers available for bond formation.