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Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(5)2023 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37184347


We report on progress implementing and testing cryogenically cooled platforms for Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments. Two cryogenically cooled experimental platforms were developed: an integrated platform fielded on the Z pulsed power generator that combines magnetization, laser preheat, and pulsed-power-driven fuel compression and a laser-only platform in a separate chamber that enables measurements of the laser preheat energy using shadowgraphy measurements. The laser-only experiments suggest that ∼89% ± 10% of the incident energy is coupled to the fuel in cooled targets across the energy range tested, significantly higher than previous warm experiments that achieved at most 67% coupling and in line with simulation predictions. The laser preheat configuration was applied to a cryogenically cooled integrated experiment that used a novel cryostat configuration that cooled the MagLIF liner from both ends. The integrated experiment, z3576, coupled 2.32 ± 0.25 kJ preheat energy to the fuel, the highest to-date, demonstrated excellent temperature control and nominal current delivery, and produced one of the highest pressure stagnations as determined by a Bayesian analysis of the data.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(4): 043106, 2020 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32357691


Sandia's Z Pulsed Power Facility is able to dynamically compress matter to extreme states with exceptional uniformity, duration, and size, which are ideal for investigating fundamental material properties of high energy density conditions. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a key atomic scale probe since it provides direct observation of the compression and strain of the crystal lattice and is used to detect, identify, and quantify phase transitions. Because of the destructive nature of Z-Dynamic Material Property (DMP) experiments and low signal vs background emission levels of XRD, it is very challenging to detect a diffraction signal close to the Z-DMP load and to recover the data. We have developed a new Spherical Crystal Diffraction Imager (SCDI) diagnostic to relay and image the diffracted x-ray pattern away from the load debris field. The SCDI diagnostic utilizes the Z-Beamlet laser to generate 6.2-keV Mn-Heα x rays to probe a shock-compressed material on the Z-DMP load. A spherically bent crystal composed of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite is used to collect and focus the diffracted x rays into a 1-in. thick tungsten housing, where an image plate is used to record the data.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10F102, 2018 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399823


X-ray diffraction measurements to characterize phase transitions of dynamically compressed high-Z matter at Mbar pressures require both sufficient photon energy and fluence to create data with high fidelity in a single shot. Large-scale laser systems can be used to generate x-ray sources above 10 keV utilizing line radiation of mid-Z elements. However, the laser-to-x-ray energy conversion efficiency at these energies is low, and thermal x-rays or hot electrons result in unwanted background. We employ polycapillary x-ray lenses in powder x-ray diffraction measurements using solid target x-ray emission from either the Z-Beamlet long-pulse or the Z-Petawatt (ZPW) short-pulse laser systems at Sandia National Laboratories. Polycapillary lenses allow for a 100-fold fluence increase compared to a conventional pinhole aperture while simultaneously reducing the background significantly. This enables diffraction measurements up to 16 keV at the few-photon signal level as well as diffraction experiments with ZPW at full intensity.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 105106, 2018 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399920


Amplification of the transverse scattered component of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) can contribute to optical damage in the large aperture optics of multi-kJ lasers. Because increased laser bandwidth from optical phase modulation (PM) can suppress SBS, high energy laser amplifiers are injected with PM light. Phase modulation distributes the single-frequency spectrum of a master oscillator laser among individual PM sidebands, so a sufficiently high modulation index ß can maintain the fluence for all spectral components below the SBS threshold. To avoid injection of single frequency light in the event of a PM failure, a high-speed PM failsafe system (PMFS) must be employed. Because PM is easily converted to AM, essentially all PM failsafes detect AM, with the one described here employing a novel configuration where optical heterodyne detection converts PM to AM, followed by passive AM power detection. Although the PMFS is currently configured for continuous monitoring, it can also detect PM for pulse durations ≥2 ns and could be modified to accommodate shorter pulses. This PMFS was deployed on the Z-Beamlet Laser (ZBL) at Sandia National Laboratories, as required by an energy upgrade to support programs at Sandia's Z Facility such as magnetized liner inertial fusion. Depending on the origin of a PM failure, the PMFS responds in as little as 7 ns. In the event of an instantaneous failure during initiation of a laser shot, this response time translates to a 30-50 ns margin of safety by blocking a pulse from leaving ZBL's regenerative amplifier, which prevents injection of single frequency light into the main amplification chain. The performance of the PMFS, without the need for operator interaction, conforms to the principles of engineered safety.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(10): 103503, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29092482


Many experiments on Sandia National Laboratories' Z Pulsed Power Facility-a 30 MA, 100 ns rise-time, pulsed-power driver-use a monochromatic quartz crystal backlighter system at 1.865 keV (Si Heα) or 6.151 keV (Mn Heα) x-ray energy to radiograph an imploding liner (cylindrical tube) or wire array z-pinch. The x-ray source is generated by the Z-Beamlet laser, which provides two 527-nm, 1 kJ, 1-ns laser pulses. Radiographs of imploding, thick-walled beryllium liners at convergence ratios CR above 15 [CR=ri(0)/ri(t)] using the 6.151-keV backlighter system were too opaque to identify the inner radius ri of the liner with high confidence, demonstrating the need for a higher-energy x-ray radiography system. Here, we present a 7.242 keV backlighter system using a Ge(335) spherical crystal with the Co Heα resonance line. This system operates at a similar Bragg angle as the existing 1.865 keV and 6.151 keV backlighters, enhancing our capabilities for two-color, two-frame radiography without modifying the system integration at Z. The first data taken at Z include 6.2-keV and 7.2-keV two-color radiographs as well as radiographs of low-convergence (CR about 4-5), high-areal-density liner implosions.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(10): 10E914, 2008 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19044569


When used for the production of an x-ray imaging backlighter source on Sandia National Laboratories' recently upgraded 26 MA Z Accelerator, the terawatt-class, multikilojoule, 526.57 nm Z-Beamlet laser (ZBL) [P. K. Rambo et al., Appl. Opt. 44, 2421 (2005)], in conjunction with the 6.151 keV (1s(2)-1s2p triplet line of He-like Mn) curved-crystal imager [D. B. Sinars et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3672 (2004); G. R. Bennett et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 10E322 (2006)], is capable of providing a high quality x radiograph per Z shot for inertial confinement fusion (ICF), complex hydrodynamics, and other high-energy-density physics experiments. For example, this diagnostic has recently afforded microgram-scale mass perturbation measurements on an imploding ignition-scale 1 mg ICF capsule [G. R. Bennett et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 205003 (2007)], where the perturbation was initiated by a surrogate deuterium-tritium (DT) fuel fill tube. Using an angle-time multiplexing technique, ZBL now has the capability to provide two spatially and temporally separated foci in the Z chamber, allowing "two-frame" imaging to be performed, with an interframe time range of 2-20 ns. This multiplexing technique allows the full area of the four-pass amplifiers to be used for the two pulses, rather than split the amplifiers effectively into two rectangular sections, with one leg delayed with respect to the other, which would otherwise double the power imposed onto the various optics thereby halving the damage threshold, for the same irradiance on target. The 6.151 keV two frame technique has recently been used to image imploding wire arrays, using a 7.3 ns interframe time. The diagnostic will soon be converted to operate with p-rather than s-polarized laser light for enhanced laser absorption in the Mn foil, plus other changes (e.g., operation at the possibly brighter 6.181 keV Mn 1s(2)-1s2p singlet line), to increase x-ray yields. Also, a highly sensitive inline multiframe ultrafast (1 ns gate time) digital x-ray camera is being developed [G. R. Bennett et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 10E322 (2006)] to extend the system to "four-frame" and markedly improve the signal-to-noise ratio. [At present, time-integrating Fuji BAS-TR2025 image plate (scanned with a Fuji BAS-5000 device) forms the time-integrated image-plane detector.].