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Zootaxa ; 4374(3): 375-394, 2018 Jan 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29689806


Seven new species of the economically important sharpshooter genus Acrogonia Stål are described and illustrated: A. falcata sp. nov. (French Guiana and state of Amazonas, Brazil), A. felixi sp. nov. (department of Loreto, Peru), A. quintasi sp. nov. (state of Pará, Brazil), A. distincta sp. nov. (state of Amazonas, Brazil), A. dentata sp. nov. (department of San Martin in Peru, French Guiana, and states of Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará, and Rondônia in Brazil), A. luizi sp. nov. (province of Pastaza in Ecuador and state of Amazonas in Brazil), and A. lobulata sp. nov. (province of Orellana, Ecuador). In addition to the external morphology, color pattern, and male genitalia, detailed descriptions and illustrations of the female genitalia are provided for three of the new species (A. dentata, A. luizi, and A. lobulata). Females of the other four new species are unknown. Acrogonia includes now 39 species, being among the most species-rich genera of the Proconiini.

Hemípteros , Estructuras Animales , Animales , Brasil , Ecuador , Femenino , Guyana Francesa , Masculino , Perú
Zootaxa ; 4244(4): 515-534, 2017 Mar 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28610099


Eight new species of the agriculturally important sharpshooter genus Acrogonia Stål, 1869 are described and illustrated from Brazil (one of them also recorded from Peru): A. amazonensis sp. nov. (state of Amazonas), A. clarae sp. nov. (states of Amazonas and Amapá), A. barbara sp. nov. (state of Mato Grosso), A. youngi sp. nov. (department of Madre de Dios in Peru and state of Acre), A. albertoi sp. nov. (state of Pará), A. tenuis sp. nov. (state of Mato Grosso), A. filiformis sp. nov. (states of Pará and Mato Grosso), and A. interrupta sp. nov. (state of Mato Grosso). In addition to the external morphology, color pattern and male genitalia, this paper includes detailed descriptions and illustrations of the female genitalia of three new species (A. barbara, A. filiformis and A. tenuis). The first ovipositor valvulae of A. tenuis are quite peculiar because they bear a large basal lobe and a projection on the median portion of the ventral margin, both displaying setae. Females of the other five new species are not known.

Hemípteros , Estructuras Animales , Animales , Brasil , Femenino , Genitales Femeninos , Masculino , Perú
Zookeys ; (484): 53-70, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25829841


The South American sharpshooter genus Subrasaca comprises 14 species. Some species of this genus are quite common in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. In this paper, a phylogenetic analysis of Subrasaca, based on a matrix of 20 terminal taxa and 72 morphological characters of the head, thorax, and male and female genitalia, is presented. The analysis yielded six equally most parsimonious trees (197 steps, CI = 0.6091, RI = 0.5722, and RC = 0.3486). The results suggest that Subrasaca is a monophyletic taxon, although the genus branch is not robust. The clade showing the highest bootstrap and Bremer scores is formed by species with longitudinal dark brown to black stripes on the forewings (Subrasacabimaculata, Subrasacaconstricta, Subrasacacurvovittata, and Subrasacaflavolineata), followed by Subrasacaatronasa + Subrasacaaustera.

Zootaxa ; 3637: 450-61, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26046210


The species of Subrasaca Young, 1977 with longitudinal dark brown to black stripes on the forewings are reviewed. Two new taxa are described and illustrated: S. constricta sp. nov. (from the State of Bahia, NE. Brazil, new record for the genus) and S. bimaculata sp. nov. (from the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo, SE. Brazil and the State of Paraná, S. Brazil). Two other species from SE. Brazil are treated: S. flavolineata (Signoret, 1855) is redescribed and Tettigonia curvovittata Stål, 1862, previously considered a junior synonym of S. flavolineata, is recognized as a valid Subrasaca species (new combination) and also redescribed. In addition to the external morphology, color pattern, and male genitalia, this paper includes the first detailed description and illustrations of the female genitalia of a Subrasaca species.

Hemípteros/clasificación , Estructuras Animales/anatomía & histología , Estructuras Animales/crecimiento & desarrollo , Animales , Brasil , Femenino , Hemípteros/anatomía & histología , Hemípteros/crecimiento & desarrollo , Masculino , Tamaño de los Órganos
Zootaxa ; 3722: 372-84, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26171533


Three new species of the Neotropical sharpshooter genus Subrasaca Young, 1977 from Southeastern and Southern Brazil are described and illustrated: S. diminuta sp. nov. (State of São Paulo and State of Paraná), S. rubra sp. nov. (State of Minas Gerais and State of São Paulo), and S. rachelae sp. nov. (State of Espirito Santo). Subrasaca nigriventris (Signoret, 1855) is reinterpreted, redescribed and illustrated based on specimens from Southeastern Brazil (State of Rio de Janeiro). In addition to the external morphology, color pattern, and male genitalia, this paper includes detailed descriptions and illustrations of the female genitalia. A key to males of all known Subrasaca species is provided.

Hemípteros/clasificación , Estructuras Animales/anatomía & histología , Estructuras Animales/crecimiento & desarrollo , Animales , Tamaño Corporal , Brasil , Femenino , Genitales Masculinos/anatomía & histología , Genitales Masculinos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Hemípteros/anatomía & histología , Hemípteros/crecimiento & desarrollo , Masculino , Tamaño de los Órganos
Acta amaz ; 40(3): 451-470, set. 2010. mapas, graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-560516


Quintais são espaços de fácil acesso e cômodos para os moradores cultivarem uma diversidade de espécies que desempenham funções de estética, lazer, alimentação e medicinal, dentre outras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de descrever a composição florística e a respectiva utilização em quintais urbanos de Mirassol D'Oeste, MT, (15º 45'30"S e 058º16'36"W), com a coleta de dados envolvendo: entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas aplicadas a 29 moradores; coleta simultânea do material botânico das espécies indicadas, incorporação destas no Laboratório de Botânica da UNEMAT, Cáceres e análise da freqüência absoluta e relativa das espécies mais citadas e encontradas nos quintais. Foram registradas 397 denominações locais de plantas (etnoespécies), 275 taxa reunidos em 79 famílias destacando-se com maior número de espécies: Solanaceae (23), Asteraceae (17), Lamiaceae (14), Rosaceae (12) e Verbenaceae (9). Os atributos alimentar e ornamental representam, individualmente, 35% das espécies e o medicinal, 29%. Algumas plantas detêm até quatro potencialidades. Do universo vegetal conhecido e utilizado localmente as espécies nativas correspondem a 8%, resultado considerado baixo comparando-se aos obtidos em populações mato-grossenses radicadas no Cerrado e Pantanal. Essa população manifesta por meio de suas práticas uma tradição agrícola em interface às características de uma sociedade urbano - industrial coabitando em espaços comuns, o quintal.

A home garden is a small track of ground next to or surrounding a house where its residents can cultivate a diversity of plants, whose function is aesthetic, leisure, food, medicinal among others. The aim of this work was to study the floristic composition of urban homegardens in the city of Mirassol D'Oeste, state of Mato Grosso, coordinate 15º45'30"S and 58º16'36"W. For colleting data we interviewed 29 residents using structured and semi-structured interviews; and, simultaneously collected botanical species which we analysed at the Mato Grosso State University Botanical Laboratory, in Cáceres. We made statistical analyses using absolute frequency and relative frequency to quantify and specify the botanical species found in the gardens. We registered a total of 397 ethnobotanical species and grouped 275 taxa in 79 botanical families. The highest numbers among them were 23 species of Solanaceae, 17 Asteraceae, 14 Lamiaceae , 12 Rosaceae and 9 species of Verbenaceae. Food and ornamental attributes represented 35 % of the species and medicinal 29% . Some species had up to four potentialities. From the known plant universe used locally, native species corresponded to 8%. This percentage was considered low when compared to that of the population living in the Pantanal and cerrado areas. This population demonstrated an interface between agricultural tradition and the characteristics of urban-industrial society living in common spaces: the homegardens.

Humanos , Producción de Cultivos , Etnobotánica/clasificación , Jardines/clasificación , Brasil