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Plants (Basel) ; 12(11)2023 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37299140


Invasive plants affect ecosystems across various scales. In particular, they affect the quality and quantity of litter, which influences the composition of decomposing (lignocellulolytic) fungal communities. However, the relationship among the quality of invasive litter, lignocellulolytic cultivated fungal community composition, and litter decomposition rates under invasive conditions is still unknown. We evaluated whether the invasive herbaceous Tradescantia zebrina affects the litter decomposition in the Atlantic Forest and the lignocellulolytic cultivated fungal community composition. We placed litter bags with litter from the invader and native plants in invaded and non-invaded areas, as well as under controlled conditions. We evaluated the lignocellulolytic fungal communities by culture method and molecular identification. Litter from T. zebrina decomposed faster than litter from native species. However, the invasion of T. zebrina did not alter decomposition rates of either litter type. Although the lignocellulolytic fungal community composition changed over decomposition time, neither the invasion of T. zebrina nor litter type influenced lignocellulolytic fungal communities. We believe that the high plant richness in the Atlantic Forest enables a highly diversified and stable decomposing biota formed in conditions of high plant diversity. This diversified fungal community is capable of interacting with different litter types under different environmental conditions.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(9)2023 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37176804


The balance between precipitation and evapotranspiration (ET) has direct effect on vegetation, and any change in its structure and composition can influence it. The aim of this study is to determine experimentally the daily evapotranspiration (ET) of the invasive species, Hedychium coronarium, and to compare with a group of four native species of the riparian forest. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with three different treatments: (1) only the invasive species; (2) only native species; and (3) a mixture of invasive and native species. In each lysimeter, pressure transducers recorded the water level at every 15 min along 14 months. Daily ET was calculated by the method of Gribovszki et al. (2008) and varied according to the treatment, indicating that different species (invasive or native) use the water differently. The maximum accumulated daily ET occurred for mixture treatment (2540.16 mm), while the treatment with the invasive plant presented the lowest value (2172.53 mm). H. coronarium, in monodominant stands, can reduce evapotranspiration on invaded areas and increase it when immersed in the riparian forest.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(3)2023 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36771745


Movements of organisms through distinct places can change the dynamics of ecological interactions and make the habitat conducive to the spread of diseases. Faced with a cyclical scenario of invasions and threats in a One Health context, we conducted a scientometric study to understand how disturbances in environments with invaded vegetation affect the incidence of parasites and disease prevalence rates. The search was carried out in Web of Science and Scopus databases, with keywords delimited by Boolean operators and based on the PRISMA protocol. Thirty-sixarticles were full-read to clarify the interaction between diseases and invaded areas. The analysis covered publications from 2005 to 2022, with a considerable increase in the last ten years and a significant participation of the USA on the world stage. Trends were found in scientific activities, and we explored how invasive species can indirectly damage health, as higher concentrations of pathogens, vectors, and hosts were related to structurally altered communities. This paper reveals invaded plants threats that enhance disease transmission risks. It is likely that, with frequent growth in the number of introduced species worldwide due to environmental disturbances and human interventions, the negative implications will be intensified in the coming years.