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J Environ Qual ; 37(3): 915-24, 2008.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18453414


A new method to diagnose the environmental sustainability of specific orchard management practices was derived and tested. As a significant factor for soil quality, the soil carbon (C) management in the topsoil of the tree-row of an integrated and organic apple orchard was selected and compared. Soil C management was defined as land management practices that maintain or increase soil C. We analyzed the impact of the soil C management on biological (microbial biomass C, basal respiration, dehydrogenase activity, respiratory quotient) and physical (aggregate stability, amount of plant-available water, conductive mean pore diameter near water saturation) soil properties. Soil in the alley acted as a reference for the managed soil in the tree row. The total and hot-water-extractable C amounts served as a combined proxy for the soil C management. The soil C management accounted for 0 to 81% of the degradation or enhancement of biophysical soil properties in the integrated and organic system. In the integrated system, soil C management led to a loss of C in the top 0.3 m of the tree row within 12 yr, causing a decrease in microbial activities. In the tree row of the organic orchard, C loss occurred in the top 0.1 m, and the decrease in microbial activities was small or not significant. Regarding physical soil properties, the C loss in the integrated system led to a decrease of the aggregate stability, whereas it increased in the organic system. Generally, the impact of soil C management was better correlated with soil microbial than with the physical properties. With respect to environmental soil functions that are sensitive to the decrease in microbial activity or aggregate stability, soil C management was sustainable in the organic system but not in the integrated system.

Carbono/química , Productos Agrícolas , Malus , Suelo/análisis , Fenómenos Biofísicos , Biofisica , Nueva Zelanda , Microbiología del Suelo
J Environ Manage ; 79(3): 232-41, 2006 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16202508


Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is a persistent organic pollutant (POP) previously used as a timber treatment chemical to prevent sap stain and wood rot. Commonly used in wood treatment industries for the last 50 years, there are now many sites worldwide that are contaminated with PCP. Although persistent, PCP is a mobile contaminant and therefore has a propensity to leach and contaminate surrounding environments. Both willow (Salix sp., 'Tangoio') and poplar (Populus sp. 'Kawa') growing in an open-ended plastic greenhouse were found to tolerate soil PCP concentrations of 250 mg kg(-1) or less and both species stimulated a significant increase in soil microbial activity when compared to unplanted controls. Both poplar and willow could not survive PCP concentrations above 250 mg kg(-1) in soil. Pentachlorophenol degradation occurred in both planted and unplanted pots, but a higher rate of degradation was observed in the planted pots. Soil contaminated by wood-treatment activities often contains co-contaminants such as B, Cr, Cu and As, that are also used as timber preservatives. An additional column leaching experiment, done along side the potted trial, found that PCP, B, Cr, Cu and As were all present in the column leachate. This indicates that although Cu, Cr and As are generally considered immobile in the soil, they were mobilised under our column conditions. If a contaminated site were to be hydraulically 'sealed' using plants, a reticulation irrigation system should be installed to capture any contaminant leachate resulting from heavy rains. This captured leachate can either be independently treated, or reapplied to the site. Our data demonstrate a reduction in soil hydraulic conductivity with repeated application of leachate containing PCP and metal compounds but the soil did not become anaerobic. This would need to be considered in site remediation design.

Metales Pesados/metabolismo , Pentaclorofenol/metabolismo , Populus/metabolismo , Salix/metabolismo , Contaminantes del Suelo/metabolismo , Microbiología del Suelo
Sci Total Environ ; 364(1-3): 113-23, 2006 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16150477


There have been conflicting reports as to the extent that copper-chromium-arsenic (CCA) treatments leach from timber. In New Zealand, vineyards utilise CCA-treated posts at a rate of 579 posts per hectare. This represents a potential CCA burden on the soil of 12, 21, and 17 kg/ha, respectively, for the three elements. Given a replacement rate of 4% per year, the use of CCA-treated posts may result in an accumulation of these elements in the soil, possibly leading to groundwater contamination. We undertook a general survey to determine the extent of CCA leaching from treated vineyard posts. Treated Pinus radiata posts were sampled at six sites around the Marlborough region of New Zealand to represent a range of post ages and soil types. For each post, above- and belowground wood samples were taken. As well, the soil adjacent to the post was sampled at a 50 mm horizontal and 100 mm vertical distances from the post. The belowground wood samples of the posts had significantly lower CCA concentrations than the aboveground portions, which were not significantly different from new posts. This indicates leaching. Soils surrounding the posts had significantly higher CCA concentrations than control soils. Higher CCA concentrations were measured under the posts than laterally. Some 25% of the samples exceeded 100 mg/kg As, the Australian National Environment Protection Council (ANEPC) guideline level for As in agricultural soil, and 10% exceeded 100 mg/kg Cr, the ANEPC limit for chromium. At one site, we found a significant positive correlation between post age and CCA-leaching. The CCA issue could be eliminated by using alternative posts, such as steel, concrete, or untreated woods such as Eucalyptus or beech. Alternatively, CCA-treated posts could, for example, be lacquered or otherwise protected, to reduce the rate of CCA leaching.

Agricultura , Arseniatos/química , Cromo/química , Cobre/química , Contaminantes del Suelo/análisis , Madera , Arseniatos/análisis , Cromo/análisis , Cobre/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Nueva Zelanda , Solubilidad , Vitis , Vino