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Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 25(2): 185-187, 1987 Dec.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12886070


This report deals with an imported case of calabar swelling suspective of loiasis, who had been in Nigeria, Africa for 2 years. This 33-year-old Korean technician was admitted to Severance Hospital, Yonsei University Medical Center, because of erythematous swellings on left hand and foot. His peripheral blood showed persistent eosinophilia (over 30 percent of WBC), increased IgE(1,000 unit/ml) and significantly high antifilarial antibody titer with enzyme immunoassay, although no microfilaria was detected on the peripheral blood films. Under the impression of Loa loa infection diethylcarbamazine was administered for a month. Four months later mobile swellings and eosinophilia disappeared, and anti-filarial antibody titers were normalized. It is assumed that the patient had suffered from Loa loa infection, which is the first report on loiasis in Korea.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 25(1): 59-68, 1987 Jun.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12886083


An epidemiological survey on Metagonimus yokogawai infection was performed in the eastern coast area of Kangwon province. Formalin-ether concentration technique and Stoll's dilution egg counting method were employed to figure out the prevalence and intensity of M. yokogawai infection and eating habits of inhabitants with raw freshwater fish. The results are summarized as follows: The prevalence rate of M. yokogawai infection was 6.6% among a total of 2,357 examinees; 8.6% (115 out of 1,345) in male and 4.0% (40 out of 1,012) in female. The prevalence rates were different by the streams where the examinees were residing: 17.8% along the area of Ohsip-cheon (stream), 11.8% along Maeup-cheon, 1.7% along Hwasang-cheon, 1.3% along Yeongok-cheon, 0.9% along Namdae-cheon, 0.9% along Sa-cheon and 0% in the other streams (Yongchon-cheon, Kangnung Namdae-cheon and Jusoo-cheon) in decreasing order. By social strata, the positive rate was 8.0% (122 out of 1,521) in general inhabitants and 3.9% (33 out of 836) in school children. By the intensity of infection by means of EPG counts in feces; the light infection (less than 400/EPG) was 74.1%, moderate infection (401-1,000/EPG) 17.3% and heavy infection (more than 1,001/EPG) 8.6%. Twelves out of 50 sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis) (24%) caught from the streams in eastern coast of Kangwon-Do were infected with metacercariae of M. yokogawai, and the number of larvae detected were 70.7 per fish in average. The metacercarial infection rate in fish were also different by the streams; 100% in Ohsip-cheon of Samcheok-Gun, 14.3% in Sa-cheon, 16.7% in Yeongok-cheon of Myeongju-Gun and 0% in Namdae-cheon of Yangyang-Gun, respectively. Six hundred ninety five (695) out of 1,396 inhabitants and school children (49.8%) were experienced in eating raw freshwater fishes (Plecoglossus altivelis, Tribolodon hakonensis, Coreoperca sp., Moroco sp., Carassius sp. & Cyprinus sp. and Zacco platypus). The data were assayed with the questionnaire collected from the examinees. In summarizing the above results, it is known that the Ohsip-cheon area of Samcheok-Gun is highly infected region, and the other areas of Kangnung Namdae-cheon, Yeongok-cheon and Yangyang Namdae-cheon are very lowly infected or non-infected regions for M. yokogawai infection.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 22(2): 259-266, 1984 Dec.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12891022


Present study was undertaken to elucidate the changes of the ultrastructure of Naegleria fowleri trophozoite in brain tissue of mice and culture medium. Naegleria fowleri, 0359 strain, which used in this study was cultured in axenic liquid medium, CGVS medium. Each mouse was inoculated with 1 x 10(5) amoebas intranasally under secobarbital anesthesia, and sacrificed on 7th day after the infection. Comparative observation of the ultrastructure of the amoebas in axenic culture and experimentally infected mice brain was done with transmission electron microscope. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The amoebas in mouse brain tissue were round in outline, whereas those of amoebas from axenic culture showed irregular appearance. 2. Mitochondria in the amoebas from axenic culture was oval, round and cylindrical shape and darkly stained, whereas those of the amoebas from mouse brain tissue showed dumbbell shape together with above forms. The stain was not unique, but light and/or dark. 3. Rough endoplasmic reticulum of amoebas in brain tissue was tubular, but from culture it was vesicular or tubular in shape. 4. Empty vacuoles were demonstrated in amoebas from culture, while food vacuoles with myelinated structures were abundant in those from tissue, suggesting a strong phagocytic activity. 5. Mouse brain tissue infected were extensively destroyed, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes were infiltrated predominantly with inflammatory lesion. Amoebas were observed in the vicinity of the capillary.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 22(1): 11-20, 1984 Jun.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12891026


A number of studies on the papillae of cercariae of trematodes reported that the papillar patterns (or chaetotaxy) of cercariae might be an excellent method to attain better understanding of the digenetic trematodes (Richard, 1971; Short and Cartrett, 1973; Bayssade-Dufour, 1979). The present study was aimed to determine the number, distribution pattern and structure of the sensory papillae of Metagonimus yokogawai cercariae, and to elucidate the chaetotaxy of this digenetic trematode. M. yokogawai cercariae were pipetted from a vial in which infected snails (Semisulcospira libertica) had been kept for 3 hours. The snails were collected from an endemic area of M. yokogawai, Boseong river in west-southern part of Korea. Observations of papillae were based on light microscopy of those stained with silver nitrate, and on scanning electron microscopy. The results are summarized as follows: All papillae observed were uniciliated. Cilia in anterior tip were shorter than the others in other portions. The body papillae were arranged in essentially symmetrical patterns. Total number of the papillae was 126(63 pairs) in average; anterior tip 40(20 pairs), ventral 20(10 pairs), lateral 42(21 pairs), and caudal 8(4 pairs). The chaetotaxy of M. yokogawai cercaria was; C(I) cycle (3+3C(I)V, 2+2C(I)L, 2+3C(I)D), C(II) cycle(2C(II)V, 1C(II)L, 2C(II)D), C(III) cycle (1+lC(III)V, 1C(III)L), C(IV) cycle (1C(IV)V, 1C(IV)L) in cephalic region: A(I)(lA(I)V, l+2A(I)L, 1A(I)D), A(II)(1A(II)V, 1+3A(II)L, lA(II)D), A(III) {lA(III)V, l+lA(III)L, lA(III)D) and A(IV)(lA(IV)V, 2A(IV)L) in antacetabular region: 1M(I)V and 2M(I)L in median: 1+lP(I)L, 1P(II)L, lP(II)D lP(III)L, lP(IV)L and 1P(IV)D in postacetabular region: 2-2-2-2 in caudal region.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 22(1): 72-77, 1984 Jun.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12891034


A case of congenital malaria infection has been studied in a 46-day old female Korean infant. Her mother suffered from malaria infection during pregnancy in Uppervolta, Africa, and returned to Korea at the 9th month of gestation for delivery. At 39 days of age, the clinical features characterized by fever, irritability, pallor, jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly were developed. The laboratory data revealed a hemolytic anemia with thrombocytopenia, hyperbilirubinemia and increased hepatic enzyme values. A peripheral blood smear demonstrated intraerythrocytic malarial parasites snd gametocytes of Plasmodium falcifarum. She was successfully treated with quinine sulfate (25 mg/kg/day in three doses for 5 days) and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (8 mg/kg/day in two doses for 5 days) orally, and repeated blood smear had been negative for malaria. This report also signifies the frst description of congenital malaria in Korea imported from Uppervolta in Africa. A brief review of related literature was made.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 21(2): 167-186, 1983 Dec.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12902647


An epidemiological study on Clonorchis sinensis infection along the Nam-river (total length; 186km) flowing in Gyeongsang-nam-do, southern part of Korea, was carried out. Formalin-ether concentration technique and Stoll's egg counting method were employed to figure out the prevalence of C. sinensis infection. For the detection of cercariae from Parafossarulus sp., the snail host of C. sinensis, each snail was placed in aerated tap water, and examined for expelled cercariae. For observing the metacercariae the fresh water fish favorably eaten in raw conditions were prepared by means of pressing the muscles between tow slide glasses and/or by digesting them with artificial gastric juice. The fresh water fish were fed to the rabbits to get the worms and to identify the morphology of adult C. sinensis. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Overall prevalence of C. sinensis infection was 38.7% form 5,291 examinees; 44.1% (1,408 out of 3,196) in male and 30.4% (637 out of 2,095) in female. 2. The prevalence rates were 42.0% at the upper stream, 41.2% around the vicinity of Jinyang-lake, 34.2% at Jinju city, 34.2% at middle stream and 40.3% at down stream regions, respectively. 3. By age, the highest positive rate (53.4~54.3%) was observed in 30 to 59 years of age. In this age group, the rate in males was 59.7~62.2%, and in females 42.2~44.4%. In the age group of less than 19years it was 7.5~20.9%. 4. By social strata, the positive rate was 16.5% in the primary school children, 22.6% in school students, 46.2% in teachers and local officers and 49.6% in the general inhabitants. 5. The quantitative examinations with the stool collected from clonorchiasis cases revealed that the light infection (less than 4,000/EPG) was 53.6%, moderate infection (4,001~10,000/EPG) 30.3% and heavy infection (more than 10,001/EPG) 16.1, respectively. More than half of total cases examined were light infection, and 73.2% of female examinees were lightly infected with this fluke. 6. The average value of EPG was 4,963 (male, 6,057; female, 2,557 and the highest value was obtained from the age group of 30 to 59 years (5,240~6,454). 7. The prevalence of Metagonimus yokogawai infection in humans was 5.5%, and 89.8% of metagonimiasis cases were double-infected with C. sinensis. The highest prevalence rate was observed in JInju city(11.2%). 8. Total of 5,005 Parafossarulus sp., the snail intermediate host of C. sinensis, were examined for the detection of cercariae. The cercarial expulsion rate was 0.34%, and the snails collected in Jin-yang-lake side and in the down stream expelled mainly the cercariae of C. sinensis. 9. About 788 cercariae/day (range: 127~1,503) were expelled daily from a snail naturally infected with C. sinensis. The snails which released more than 1,000 cercariae/day were 30.8% out of total collected. A snail uniquely released 5,840 cercariae/day in this study. 10. The other trematode cercariae besides C. sinensis were also detected, and the rates out of total snails were the cercariae of Loxogenes liberum 6.71%, Cyathocotyle orientalis 0.26%, Notocotylus attenuatus 2.52% and Mucobucaris 0.54%. 11. Ten out of 18 species of fresh water fish caught along the river harbored the vetacercariae of C. sinensis. The highest rate of metacercarial infection in fish wa detected in Pseudorabora parva(85.9%). The fish mainly eaten by the inhabitants along the Nam-river, and the metacercarial infection rates were: Zacco platypus 8.0%, Hemibarbus sp. 18.2~26.7%, Gnathopogon sp. 37.5%, Ischikauia steenackeri 42.9% and Pseudogobio esocinus 16.7%. 12. Out of 36 P. parva, the number of metacercariae were about 109 (range; 18~446) per fish and 27 per gram of flesh. The fish caught in spring harbored the highest number of metacercariae. As indecated above, the prevalence of C. sinensis infection in the inhabitants resding around the Nam-river was relatively high. The farther toward the upper stream areas, the higher was the positive rate of C. sinensis infection, and most of clonorchiasis cases were lightly infected. The snail hosts of C. sinensis distributed all around the Nam-river. Several species of freshwater fish were infected with the metacercariae of C. sinensis and the infection rates were relatively high. To prevent C. sinensis infection in the endemic areas, the effective health education system is suggested as a control measure, althought mass treatment is also expected to be useful, using chemotherapeutic agents such as "praziquantel", a recently developed anthelminthic for C. sinensis infection.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 21(1): 27-31, 1983 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12902666


Serum IgE level and Clonorchis specific IgE in individuals with Clonorchis sinensis were determined by radioimmunosorbent(RIST) and radioallergosorbent technique(RAST) respectively. Highly significant elevations of serum IgE (P<0.001) and specific IgE antibodies (P<0.01) were observed in area from individuals with clonorchiasis. The mean values of serum IgE in individuals with clonorchiasis and healthy individuals were 2,372 IU/ml and 364 IU/ml respectively and specific IgE antibodies of both groups were 52.0 and 4.4%. A close correlation(r=0.9451) between serum IgE level and specific IgE antibodies were observed and correlation (r=0.6056) between serum IgE and EPG and between specific IgE and EPG(r=0.5693) were also observed.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 19 Suppl: 5-93, 1981 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12902703


This review dealt with biology, host-parasite relationship, symptomatology, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment of Entamoeba histolytica infection and free livng amoeba.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 16(2): 65-68, 1978 Dec.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12902766


Anthelmintic effect of niclosamide [N-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)-5-chloro-salicylamide)] on Metagonimus infection was carried out to the cases in area of Seomjin-river. The drug, one tablet contains 0.5 g of niclosamide was supplied from Bu-gwang pharmaceutical company in Seoul. Sixty five cases were divided into three groups by the regimen: Group l given 2 g(4 tablets) for one day, Group II for two successive days and Group III for three successive days. Stool examination was done before and 2-3 weeks after the drug administration by formalin-ether concentration and Stoll's dilution egg counting techniques. The results were as follows: Egg negative conversion (cured) and egg reduction (more than 80% decrease) rates were 28.6%, 10.7% in group I, and 31.8%, 27.3% in group II. But of those in group III treated for three successive days, 73.3% was cured and 26.7% showed egg reduction, and the general egg reduction rate was 95.1%. The results in the present trial suggested that the niclosamide has anthelmintic efficacy when it is used in 2g for more than three successive days.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 16(2): 134-139, 1978 Dec.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12902774


The indirect fluorescent antibody test was performed to demonstrate the antibody production in the rabbits immunized with free-living amoebas; Acanthamoeba culbertsoni and Naegleria fowleri, and antibody titer changes by immunization duration. Rabbits were immunized with Acanthamoeba culbertsoni and Naegleria fowleri which were cultured axenically in CGVS medium. For experiments, rabbits were divided into two groups; small dose group received 10(4) intravenously with live or dead free-living amoebas trophozoites as an immunizing dose three times with one week interval, and large dose group received 10(6) live or dead trophozoites respectively. The control group received physiologic saline or medium for culture of free-living amoebas intravenously. Antiserum was collected 4 times at interval of 3 days in the first 10 days, and also up to 2 months later. In the group immunized with live Acanthamoeba culbertsoni, fluorescent antibody titer was higher than in the group of dead one, and also in the large dose group than in the small dose group. Antibody titer of anti-Naegleria fowleri serum in the large dose group showed no difference by the source of amoeba antigen; live or dead. But in the small dose group, antibody titer was higher in the immunized with live Naegleria fowleri than in the group with dead one. No cross reactivity was demonstrated between the Acanthamoeba and Naegleria. And no cross reaction was observed when the free-living amoebas antigens were tested against human sera of amoebiasis, paragonimiasis and clonorchiasis.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 16(1): 1-13, 1978 Jun.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12902778


Prevalence study of Metagonimus yokogawai infection, survey of intermediate hosts of Metagonimus yokogawai and food habits of raw sweetfish among inhabitants along Boseong river (120 km), Jeonra Nam Do (province) were carried out. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Among 360 examined, the egg positive case were 128(35.6%); male 112(46.7%), female 16(13.3%). 2. The prevalence rates were different by geographical areas; 42.4% in down stream, 49.4% in middle stream and 13.3% in upper stream. 3. By ages, highest rate, 53.6~59.1% was observed among 30~49 group (male 69.6~73.0%, female 15.8~35.5%). 4. Eggs per gram of feces were 2,084 (200~12,280) in average; down stream 1,708, middle stream 2,590, upper stream l,550. 5. By social strata, the prevalence showed differences; 24.8% in primary schoolchildren, 78.4% in school teacher and local officers, 30.6% in general inhabitants. 6. Clonorchis sinensis infected cases in the areas were 21(5.8%) out of 360 examined, and 90.5% of them showed mixed infection with Metagonimus yokogawai. 7. Cercariae of Metagonimus yokogawai from the lst intermediate host, Semisulcospira sp., in down and middle streams were detected from 32 snails (5.9%) out of 545 examined. 8. All the 22 Plecoglossus altivelis which were caught from the down stream were infected with metacercariae of Metagonimus yokogawai. The number of the metacercariae detected was 22,650 per fish in average, and the number increased from August to October. 9. Experiences of raw sweetfish intake of the inhabitants were found in 208(58.4%) among 356 interviewed by questionaire form (male 76.7%, female 20.7%). 10. Means of acquisition of the sweetfish were mostly by purchase 68.8%, and seasonally in summer. 11. Reason of the raw sweetfish intake was due to the flavor, 83.2%. The fish were mixed in soy sause with vinegar before the intake.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 15(2): 93-99, 1977 Dec.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913422


Fates of degranulated mast cells by challenge of the homologous antigen to the Clonorchis sinensis infected rats, and the extruded granules were examined by means of light and electron microscopy. The whole experiment was carried out six weeks after the Clonorchis infection and an observation was made at 1, 3, 5, 8, 12 hours after the antigen challenges. The abdomen of the infected rat was cut open by 2 centimeters and the antigen was directly inoculated to mesentery, then again sutured. According to the scheduled period, the rat was sacrificed. The challenged portion was cut out and followed by dying procedure. The results of the observation are summarized as follows: Degranulation was observed within one hour without noticeable change of the granules. Three hours after the inoculation, the shed granules were phagocytized by macrophage surrounding the mast cells. They were aggregated in the cytoplasm. In 5 days phagocytosis phenomenon were almost completed but still some granules were scattered in surroundings up to 12 hours. The nucleus of the degranulated cell appeared clearly in contrast to normal cells which were killed with granules. Membrane became to normal, and the granules which were not expelled out agglomerated in a large cavity. The above resulst suggest that the partially degranulated mast cells do not disintegrate, but recover to normal, and expelled granules are phagocytized by macrophages.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 13(2): 115-122, 1975 Dec.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913455


The present report deals with the behaviour of mast cells in mice in the course of Entamoeba histolytica infection by the strains. Mice weighing about l6 gm were used for three experimental groups; control, sham infection and experimental. The experimental group was infected with Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites directly into cecum by laparotomy. Strains isolated from three hepatic amoebic abscess cases were used. Mesenteric samples from the region of terminal ileum were fixed in methyl alcohol and stained with Pugh's solution. The ulcers in cecum were examined. Changes in number and structure of mesenteric mast cells and blood eosinophils were as follows. 1. The number of mast cell in mesenteric tissues of the infected group increased from first day of the infection and persisted up to 34th day of the observation period. 2. Degranulation and disruption of mast cells increased in the infected group compared with groups of the sham operation and the contro1, but showed no difference by the strains of Entamoeba histolytica. 3. The blood eosinophilia was observed in the infected group and persisted until the observation period. 4. Ulcers in cecum were found in all the infected groups. The results above indicate that mast cells are keenly related with the course of Entamoeba histolytica infection.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 12(1): 33-44, 1974 Jun.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913483


A survey on rats and rat-fleas was performed in costal area of Korea during 1972; Inchon, Kunsan, Yosu, Busan and other areas. The number of the caught rats was 1,448. Total number of collected fleas was 2,480. Geographical distribution were described. Flea index was in 1.71 total. Mothly flea indices were 0.35-0.84 in January to March, 2.13-2.59 in April to June, 0.58 in July and 1.82-4.91 in August to November. Mortality rate of X. cheopsis to various concentration of DDT in 1 hour exposure were 43.8 % in 4.0 %, 30.4 % in 1.0 %. In 24 hours exposure, the mortalities were 100 % in 4.0 %, 91.5 % in 2.0 %, 73.5 % in 1.0 % and 37.0 % in 0.5 % DDT.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 9(1): 25-38, 1971 Apr.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913622


A survey of intestinal parasites infection among Korean people has been carried out during July 1969 to December 1970. A total of 2,250 stool specimens (male 1,101, female 1,146) was collected from all the provinces and Seoul city in Korea. The specimens were examined routinely by direct fecal smear, zinc sulfate flotation and formalin-ether sedimentation techniques. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Of 2,250 specimens examined, l,803(80.l %) were positive for intestinal parasites. 2. The positive rates of intestinal helminths were 1,644(73.1 %) among 2,250; Ascaris lumbricoides 46.0 %, Trichocephalus trichiurus 46.8 percent, hookworm 6.8 %, Trichostrongylus orientalis 7.0 percent, Clonorchis sinensis 12.1 percent, Enterobius vermicularis 1.6 %, Hymenolepis nana 0.7 percent, Taenia species 0.3 %, Metagonimus yokogawai 0.04 percent, Fasciolidae 0.04 % and one case of lung fluke Paragonimu westermani. 3. The positive rstes of intestinal protozoa were 786(34.9 %); Entamoeba histolytica 6.4 %, Entamoeba coli 20.5 percent, Endolimax nana 10.0 %, Giardia lamblia 5.1 %, Trichomonas hominis 1.1 percent, Chilomastix mesnili 0.5 percent, Iodamoeba butschlii 0.6 percent, Enteromonas hominis 0.7 percent, Dientamoeba fragilis 0.1 % and one case of Isospora hominis. 4. Sexual distribution of helminths and protozoan infections showed higher rate in female than that of male, except C. sinensis, H. nana, Taenia species or G. lamblia. 5. Infections of T. trichiurus, hookworm, T. orientalis, C. sinensis, Taenia species, E. histolytica, E. coli and E. nana increased with age. Conversely, H. nana and G. lamblia infections were more predominent in younger ages.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 8(2): 48-50, 1970 Aug.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913513


A single dose of Tetramisole, 2.5 mg/kg body weight, was given to the infected cases of intestinal parasites. The number of cases were: Ascaris lumbriocides 96, hookworm 16, Trichostrongylus orientalis 10, Trichocephalus trichiurus 114 and Clonorchis sinensis 19. No dietary restriction before and after the administration of Tetramisole was required. 1. In Ascaris infection the egg negative conversion rate and the egg reduction rate were 92.7 per cent and 99.5 per cent, respectively. 2. In Trichostrongylus orientalis infections, 9 out of 10 cases were resulted egg negative after the single dose of Tetramisole, and hookworm, 12 out of 16 administered showed egg negative. However, there were no appreciable effectiveness to the cases of Trichocephalus trichiurus and Clonorchis sinensis. 3. Mild and transient side effects were noted in 75 cases (54.5%) out of 140 cases. The main symptoms were dizziness (25.5%), anorexia (25.5%), abdominal pain (18.6%), diarrhea (16.6%), headache (15.2%), nausea (14.4%) and fever (11.0%). From the above results, it is anticipated that Tetramisole is an effective anthelminthic for elimination of Ascaris, Trichostrongylus and hookworm.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 8(2): 58-62, 1970 Aug.
Artículo en Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913515


Total 9 cases of extraintestinal amoebiasis, amebic liver abscess and amebic lung abscess, were treated with metronidazole. The diagnosis and progress check were done by (1) stool examination, (2) size and pain of liver, (3) hematological examination, (4) urinanalysis, (5) X-ray or liver scanning (6) examination of aspirated pus from liver and (7) immobilization test of E. histolytica. Results are summarized as follows: 1. Amebic hepatitis: Metronidazole was given to 3 cases with daily dose of 0.9-1.2 gm for 3-7 days. Clinical symptoms were completely restored by the treatment. 2. Amebic lung abscess: One case was treated with metronidazole for 3 days with the daily dose 1.2 gm. X-ray findings showed remarkable improvement by the treatment. An additional administration of the drug for 6 days resulted complete resolution of the pneumonic changes. 3. Amebic liver abscess: Four cases were treated with metronidazole. The daily doses were 0.4-2.4 gm and continued for 2-10 days. Aspiration of the abscess for 1-10 times or continuous drainage of pus were performed during the course supplementarily. All cases were recovered to normal by the combining treatment. No remarkable side effect was noticed by the drug administration, and no relapse was experienced up to date.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 7(3): 121-128, 1969 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913525


The amebicidal activity of traditional anitiamoebic drug (emetine, carbasone, diodoquin, chloroquine, atabrine, chloramphenicol and tertracycline) and newly appeared chemicals(niridazole, metronidazole and No. 8603 substance) were assayed by in vitro experiment using five strains of human originated E, histolytica. The variety of amebicidal activity of drugs by the strains were discussed. 1)Ranges of amoebicidal activity of traditional antiamoebic drugs kept almost similar titers of previous reports at the concentration; 1:5,000 to 1:20,000 with emetine hydrochloride, 1:10.000 to 1:20,000 with carbarsone, 1:8,000 to 1:16,000 with diodoquin, 1:50,000 with chloroquine, 1:1,000 to 1: 4,000 with atabrine,1:1,000 to 1:2,000 with chloramphencol and 1:5,000 to 1:8,000 with tetracycline. The newly appeared chemicals showed higher amebicidal titres at the concentration; 1:500,000 to 1:5,000,000 with niridazole, 1:50,000 to 1:100,000 with metronidazol and 1:100,000 to 1:500,000 with No.8603 substance. 2)Emetine, chloramphenicol and No. 8603 substance showed amebicidal activities at lower concentration to intestine originated amebae (YS 14, YS 15 and NAMRU II strain) than to liver originated amebae (YS 24 and YS 25 strain), while carbarsone, chloroquine and metronidazole showed the activity at higher concentrations. Diodoquin showed lower amebicidal titres to trophozoite borne amebae (NAMRU II, YS 24 and YS 25 strain) than to cyst borne amebae(YS 14 and YS 15 strain), but niridazole showed converse results. The concentration of atabrine for amebicidal activity was not constant according to strains of the amoeba, but tetracycline showed almost settled titers.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 5(3): 147-151, 1967 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913556


A complete but abnormal form of Taenia worm was obtained from an 18-year-old male student in Cheju Island, Korea, which has been known as a heavy endemic area of Taenia saginata and few of T. solium. There was an apical hookless eminence in the scolex, longitudinal white line along the middle portion of entire strobila, double genital pores and several lateral buddings from the strobila. It was considered an abnormal form of Taenia species, probably T. saginata.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 4(2): 1-6, 1966 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913566


The clinical manifestations in filarial infection were examined during 1965-1966 from the known endemic areas: Yongju, a mountainous inland area and Cheju-Do, an island. 1. All the microfilaria which were found during the survey were Brugia malayi. 2. The principal symptom was cuticular hypertrophy (elephantiasis). It was found in 4 cases from Yongju among 707 villagers, 84 cases from Cheju-Do among 2,376 villagers. 3. Four microfilaremia cases (4.5%) were found among a total of 88 cases of elephantiasis. 4. In Cheju-Do, the higher incidence of elephantiasis was observed among people over 20 years old and the females showed much higher incidence than males (30 males and 54 females). 5. The cuticular hypertrophic changes (elephantiasis) appeared more often in the lower extremities(77%) than in the upper part of the body, and in the right side than in the left.