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Pregnancy Hypertens ; 2(3): 243, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26105330


INTRODUCTION: Migration and trophoblast invasion are controlled functionally along with the active participation of cytokines and growth factors. Two important intracellular signaling pathways are the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK-STAT) and extracellular regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2). These pathways have been associated with the regulation of gene expression, cellular proliferation, differentiation, angiogenesis, embryo development and invasion in tumor and trophoblast cells. OBJECTIVES: The aim of our study is to characterize and analyze the regulation and crosstalks of STAT1 and ERK1/2 in trophoblast cells and the identification of activating cytokines. METHODS: The trophoblast derived cell line HTR-8/svneo and a choriocarcinoma cell line (JEG-3) were stimulated with interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-11, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GMC-SF), leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) or oncostatine M (OSM). The the expression and phosphorylation of STAT1(tyr705) and ERK1/2 were analyzed by gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. Expression of STAT1 was inhibited by administration of 50µM fludarabine (2-fluoro-ara-AMP) for 2, 4, 8, 24, 48 or 72h or by using small interfering RNA (siRNA). The full activation of STAT1 was assessed by using an STAT1 DNA-binding assay. Finally, proliferation and invasion assays were performed (Grant Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst A/10172477). RESULTS: LIF and OSM induce STAT1 and ERK1/2 phosphorylation in HTR-8 and JEG-3 cells. Fludarabine inhibits the so induced phosphorylation of STAT1 when administered 48 or 72h before stimulation. Simultaneously, ERK phosphorylation increases. In contrast, silencing of STAT1 by application of specific siRNA induces reduction of ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Fludarabine reduces STAT1 DNA-binding capacity. LIF and OSM increase proliferation. Silencing of STAT1 slightly decreases invasiveness of analyzed cells. CONCLUSION: STAT1 in trophoblast cells can be activated by placental cytokines. Suppression of STAT1 by fludarabine or siRNA influences activity of ERK1/2 which indicates a crosstalk between both pathways. Current studies will clarify the reason for the different effects on ERK1/2 in trophoblastic cells.

Pregnancy Hypertens ; 2(3): 244, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26105331


INTRODUCTION: The impact of preeclampsia (PE) of pregnancy is seen as a global concern. Despite their importance, PE does not have well-established causes. Several studies point to obesity as a predisposing factor for PE [1]. In a systematic review Duckitt and Harrington showed that in women with BMI⩾30 the relative risk of developing PE is equal to 2.1 [2]. Bianco et al. demonstrated that the chance of patients with BMI⩾35 developing PE is more than 4 times [3]. Furthermore, it is believed that the intracellular accumulation of triglycerides cause mitochondrial dysfunction, more electron transport and generation of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) [4], causing a harmful effect on the endothelium. OBJECTIVES: To compare the incidence of potential lipotoxicity markers among normal pregnant women and with pre-eclampsia. METHODS: A case-control study, including pregnant women from October 2011 to January 2012 at Hospital Guilherme Álvaro in Santos/Brazil. The study group consisted of 27 mothers with pre-eclampsia, according to the criteria of NHBPEP (2000) and the control group consisted of 27 mothers with normal pregnancy, who gave birth vaginally, at term without hypertension. The exclusion criteria were diagnosis of collagen diseases, smoking, diabetes, twin pregnancy and fetal malformations. Blood samples were collected immediately after delivery and the results were analyzed in conjunction with maternal data, according to the following variables: age, body mass index (BMI), serum cholesterol total and fractions, glucose, triglyceride and creative protein. Analysis of SF data was performed by calculating the odds ratio adopting an hypothesis rejection level of 0.05. RESULTS: The PE group had BMI>30 (or), serum triglycerides>150 (or) and LDL cholesterol>100 (or) more frequently than normal mothers, and as regards statistical significance comparing the age of the women, glucose level, HDS cholesterol, there was no significant difference between the groups. CONCLUSION: In pregnancy, lipotoxicity reduces the ability of trophoblastic invasion, causing maternal systemic endothelial and placental dysfunction causing alterations in metabolic functions. All such changes maintain a close relationship with the pathophysiology of PE. Monitoring pregestational period of obese patients or those with lipid disorders is part of the medical arsenal against PE by monitoring and advising on the best time to conceive.

Pregnancy Hypertens ; 2(3): 265, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26105367


INTRODUCTION: The maternity mortality rate in the Santos lowlands region, priority region of São Paulo/Brazil, is higher when compared to regions in the state of São Paulo. The hypertensive disorders are implicated in approximately 20% of death. Severe preeclampsia (PE) is recognized as the frequent diagnosis associated with maternal and fetal ominous outcomes. The recognition of potential risk support antenatal intervention which could anticipate the installation of catastrophic results. Identifying the epidemiological profile of women who may present with this evolution can guide public health policies and actions of the professionals involved in caring for these women avoiding preformed concepts and contributing to the recognition of local reality situation. OBJECTIVES: Identify the epidemiological profile of women affected by severe PE. METHODS: A descriptive study involving 46 pregnant women admitted to specialized hospital for high-risk pregnancy with the diagnosis of severe PE according to the criteria of NHBPEP (2000), as: blood pressure ⩾160/110mmHg, proteinuria 2.0g/24h or +2 dipstick, serum creatinine >1.2mg/dl (new onset), platelets <100,000/mm(3), microangiopathic hemolysis (increased lactate dehydrogenase), elevated alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase, persistent headaches or other cerebral or visual disturbance, persistent epigastric pain or eclampsia in the period from January/2008 to November/2010. RESULTS: The average age of the pregnant women was 25.5years (±6.5), 11 women were multiparous and nulliparous and 35 (76.1%), the average gestational age at admission was 34 4/7, developing to eclampsia and/or HELLP syndrome were 07 women (15.2%), admission often occurred before the installation of labor in (93.5%) had a previous diagnosis of chronic hypertension (30.4%) and in all cases magnesium sulfate administration with an average length of 32h (±16.6h). CONCLUSION: The occurrence of severe PE was more common in nulliparous women at the age of 25years, admitted in prematurity and not in preterm labor. The outcome of seizure and/or HELLP has a considerable impact. The association of chronic hypertension with severe PE is more than 1/4 of the cases. These data are equivalent to other areas of Brazil and may contribute to emphasize the practice of prenatal acting that can recognize and pre-comment possible adverse developments and attitudes aimed at intercepting the process.

Pregnancy Hypertens ; 2(3): 266, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26105369


INTRODUCTION: Maternal death is the death of a woman during pregnancy within 42days after delivery. It is one of the most serious violations of human rights of women, because it is a preventable tragedy in 92% of cases and occurs mainly in developing countries. Brazil, a country of continental dimensions has the challenge of reducing maternal deaths; one of the priority regions is Santos, a city in the state of São Paulo. It is felt that efforts are made to the adoption of care that can minimize risks during complicated pregnancy with hypertensive disorders, but not always this service is offered proportionally to postpartum. Perhaps the erroneous concept that the delivery is capable of quickly balancing the harm of maternal hypertensive disorders is implicated in reducing postpartum surveillance, exposing this group of women to undesirable outcomes. OBJECTIVES: Analyze the percentage of postpartum maternal deaths until 42days after delivery for hypertensive disorders in Santos in the period of 1999-2009. METHODS: Data were provided by the Ministry of Health of Brazil in (accessed February 2012). The number of maternal deaths was divided into maternal death in pregnancy, delivery and abortion and maternal death in puerperium up to 42, considering all causes of maternal death and identifying the proportion of deaths due to hypertensive syndromes. RESULTS: According to the general causes of death, more women die during pregnancy, delivery and abortion (69.7%) than postpartum (30.3%) and hypertensive disorders account for 20% of these outcomes. Analyzing the proportion of deaths due to hypertensive disorders in each period, we observed that during pregnancy the disorder accounts for 16.5% of all causes, however, the percentage reaches 30.3% in the puerperium. CONCLUSION: The increase of death in postpartum due to hypertensive syndromes, regarding all general causes, shows the necessary action to be done by the professional team to offer continuity care in and out of hospital in this period, considering that the challenges persist even after delivery.

Pregnancy Hypertens ; 2(3): 306, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26105446


INTRODUCTION: The trophoblastic migration/invasion are controlled by cytokines and growth factors that use intracellular pathways of signal to promote the regulation of gene expression, proliferation, cells differentiation, angiogenesis and embryonic development. The most important mediator of cytokine in trophoblastic invasion is the Janus-Kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT). STATs are amino acids, compounds of 700-850 variable long-chain with isoforms α and ß and molecular weight between 83-113kDa. The role of these factors in the pregnancy set up may contribute to adopt interventions that could contribute to prophylaxis and/or treatment of abnormalities in the course of gestation when installed early. OBJECTIVES: Search on database the role of STAT in the process of trophoblastic invasion with emphasis on subunits STAT1 and STAT3. METHODS: This is a review performed on PubMed database. Have been included Studies found from 1992 (the year of discovery of STATs) until July 2011, without language restriction. The descriptors were: "Signal transducers and activators of transcription "and" Trophoblast". In the end we excluded bibliographical review. RESULTS: Five of the six selected papers studied the role of STAT3 in the physiology of the trophoblastc invasion process. One of them, indirectly by selection process of lactobacilli of vaginal flora endogenous, during change of vaginal pH on pregnancy, altering the release of greater or lesser number of Interleukin-10 which modulates the activation JAK/STAT. Among them, one of the study refers to involvement of STAT1 in the immunomodulation of interface fetus-mother. CONCLUSION: STAT3 is directly involved in the process of trophoblast invasion either in its endometrium adherence to, angiogenesis, invasion and regulation of invasion. And STAT1 is involved in immunomodulation through its suppression by trophoblast STAT utron. Several soluble factors that are generally present in the decidua, especially hepatocyte growth factor, granulocyte macrophagocytic-colony stimulating factors, interleukin-6, interleukin-11 and inhibition leukemia factor , which have been described by using the JAK-STAT activating STAT1 and STAT3 for intracellular signaling and from this process may influence the invasion trophoblast.

Pregnancy Hypertens ; 2(3): 315, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26105461


INTRODUCTION: The hypertensive pregnancy disorders affect 7.5% of Brazilian women, being a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, affecting 6-10% of primigravidae. They represent a significant cause of prematurity birth, with elective responsible for 20-30% of premature births, with higher incidence of neonatal morbidity due to high rates of complications in short and long term. OBJECTIVES: Identify the repercussions in a short time, on caused by elective obstetric parity decisions in women with hypertensive neonatals pregnancy syndromes. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of medical records of pregnant women admitted to Hospital Guilherme Álvaro, in the city of Santos/SP - Brazil, between Jan/2005 to Jan/2012. Calculations were performed for dichotomous variables and an epidemiological analysis with data obtained on pregnant women with hypertension with a single fetus, subjected to delivery before 37 weeks. Classification of Hypertensive Syndromes followed the criteria of the NHBPEP - 2000, after blood pressure measurements were calibrated following standard technique: Chronic hypertension (CH), Pre-eclampsia, superimposed pre-eclampsia and late gestational hypertension and multiple births were excluded, premature labor and fetal malformations, totaling 102 cases. RESULTS: Throughout the study, it was observed that 67.6% are appropriate for gestational age, birth weight 1500-2500grams (43.1%). Support in the neonatal were excluded ICU was necessary in the vast majority (75.7%), and length of stay exceeding 28 days in 29.3% of cases. The main indication was respiratory distress syndrome (63.6%) requiring intubation orotraquel and jaundice in 18.2% of premature infants was a common comorbidity (39.4%). Even with all the support in-hospital, the neonatal mortality was present in 8.1% of cases. The main indication of the resolution was for obstetric maternal complications (61.8%) where pre-eclampsia and preeclampsia superimposed were expressions which caused more frequent (42.2 and 40.2% respectively), showing the level of proteinuria between two -4.9g (32.1%). Gestational age at delivery was 32-34 weeks (43.1%), corticosteroid therapy was not performed (54.9%) and cesarean delivery was (94.1%). The most frequent age group was 20-34 years (53.9%), Caucasian (54.9%), primigravida (62.7%) and less than five prenatal visits (36.3%) were performed. CONCLUSION: The hypertensive pregnancy are risk factors for preterm elective delivery and is more frequent before 34 weeks, resulting in high perinatal morbidity and mortality, especially in cases of preeclampsia with severe clinical presentation and long hospital stays, with consequent costs and conducting excessive procedures in the neonate. Enable early referral to specialist services and consequent prenatal follow up, enables the adoption of early action, such as clinical support in a timely manner to facilitate the handling of cases which are still stable, optimizing the opportunity for administration of antenatal corticosteroids. It is necessary to review decisions about the mode of delivery in prematurity related to hypertension cases, with the aim of increasing the occurrence of vaginal deliveries.

Pregnancy Hypertens ; 2(3): 318-9, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26105468


INTRODUCTION: The decision of a woman to get pregnant at later age of her reproductive cycle has be a phenomenon around the world. Epidemiology data show frequent increase of clinical complications in direct proportion in advanced age motherhood, hypertensive disturbances being more prevalent. OBJECTIVES: Analyse the prevalence of hypertensive syndromes in pre-determined age groups at Hospital Guilherme Álvaro in Santos, São Paulo, Brazil showing the different segments in each one. METHODS: From data collected in the outpatient department of Hospital Guilherme Álvaro of High Risk Pre-natal between 04/06/2008 and 30/05/2011, a prevalence transversal study was carried out where data were obtained from 628 patients aged between 16 and 46years. Procedures of homogeny analysts were set out, always collecting data such as age and disorder for high risk gestation. According to age, patients were divided into groups: precocious (up to 19years old), middle age (between 20 and 34) and late pregnancies (over 35). RESULTS: In the precocious pregnancies, clinical illnesses/no hypertension (31%) were observed in first place, 25% (8) twin pregnancy in second place, 19% (6) showed hypertensive disturbances. Concerning pregnancies between 20 and 34years old, 36% (144 patients) showed hypertensive syndromes, 23% (92 patients) showed endocrine disturbances, 22% (90 patients) showed clinical illnesses/no hypertension, and 9% twin pregnancy. Regarding late pregnancies, the most frequent disturbance was isolated hypertensive syndromes: 44% (88 patients) in first place, only endocrine disturbances, 24% (47 patients) in second place followed by association between hypertensive syndromes and endocrinopathy with 13% (26 patients). CONCLUSION: About precocious pregnancies, greater prevalence showed clinical illnesses/no hypertension, whereas middle age and late pregnancies showed greater hypertensive syndrome prevalence, results, which are compatible with other studies, have been observed that due to advance of age, hypertensive syndromes are more frequent. For late pregnancies, the prevalence of clinical illnesses/no hypertension was a lower percentage regarding the other two groups: precocious pregnancies (31%=10 women), middle age pregnancies (22%=90 women), and late pregnancies (2%=7 women). Considering the fact that the occurrence of pregnancy is more and more late in life, it can be concluded that the professionals must be prepared to attend pregnancies on women with hypertensive disturbances and their eventual complications.

Pregnancy Hypertens ; 2(3): 329, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26105487


INTRODUCTION: Preeclampsia is a public health problem which may manifest as pre-eclampsia (hypertension, proteinuria and/or edema) and eclampsia (convulsive crises and rarely coma in pregnant women with previous pre-eclampsia). But the pathology of hypertensive disease of pregnancy can present different clinical forms. Within that spectrum is HELLP syndrome: hemolysis (H), elevated liver enzymes (EL) and thrombocytopenia (LP). OBJECTIVES: To assess the diagnostic criteria in the literature adopted for HELLP syndrome. METHODS: A literature review on the Virtual Health Library with the keywords "HELLP syndrome" and "diagnosis" found 674 citations. Six hundred and thirty-four dismissed for failing to engage with the proposed question, and 43 articles remained. Twenty seven articles were excluded because of the language, unable in Latin America, letters, case report and articles published prior to 1999. Sixteen original articles were included. Eleven reviews, one prospective study, two cohorts, one retrospective cohort study and a cross. Studies were classified according to degree of recommendation and level of evidence. RESULTS: The term clinical and laboratory markers were varied and their cut-off levels differ among the authors. The appearance of eclampsia, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and significant proteinuria and other maternal morbidities were more frequent in patients with HELLP syndrome. The levels of lactic dehydrogenase, AST, and uric acid were further elevated in women with HELLP syndrome guarding correlation with the prognosis of the case. There is no consensus for the interpretation of laboratory values that may represent the most widespread occurrence of parameters: hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia. Other morbidities may have clinical signs, symptoms and laboratory abnormalities that mimic the syndrome. CONCLUSION: There are many questions to establish standard diagnostic criteria for all patients with HELLP syndrome, necessitating studies consistent with significant population numbers to establish the main signs and symptoms and try to reach consensus on the best markers for the diagnosis and its proper indexes cutting.

Pregnancy Hypertens ; 2(3): 335-6, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26105497


INTRODUCTION: Preeclampsia (PE) affects 5-8% of all pregnant women and can trigger a severe gestational hypertension framework and eventually develop into eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Anticipating the damage would be important in order to establish procedures that can reduce adverse outcomes. For this reason, many researches are undertaken to identify ways to make a diagnosis of preeclampsia as early as possible. It has been highlighted in literature the study: the sFlt1 (soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1) has been implicated in the precocious diagnosis of pre eclampsia. The sFlt1 is an anti-angiogenic factor produced in response to oxidative stress derived from the deleterious effects of pre-eclampsia. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to evaluate the role of Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 in the diagnosis of preeclampsia. METHODS: This is a review conducted in the database PubMed and Lilacs. For this purpose, we used the following MeSH, "Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-1" OR "FLT1 protein, human" AND "Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis" in PubMed and "Pre-eclampsia" AND "SFLT1A" in Lilacs, resulting in 84 papers. After reading the abstracts of these studies, we selected the articles analyzed taking into consideration the criteria for inclusion and exclusion. We excluded publications that were not in the period under study (2008 to July 2011) and by study design. Including only case-control, cohort and prospective observational. For a critical analysis of the material, we used the following indicators: researcher, years, central theme, participants, study design and primary outcome. RESULTS: The final results of this study were composed of seven articles and are shown for each target outcome. These vary according to gestational age at which PE is installed and the marker studied (sFlt1 alone or its relation to PlGF - sFlt1/PIGF). Six studies showed greater levels of sFlt1 for the preeclampsia groups when compared to the control group. Significantly differences in antiangiogenic factors seric levels were not found among preeclamptic and eclamptic patients. When associated with another factor, like PIGF, a greater efficacy in the diagnosis of early preeclampsia is shown. Of the studies analyzed, only one (Lynch et al) showed no significant difference between the values of sFlt-1 in groups of early PE, late PE and control for gestational ages between 10 and 15 weeks. As for the relation sFlt-1/PIGF, five studies have considered it even better for PE diagnosis when compared to sFlt-1 isolated. CONCLUSION: The dosage of sFlt1 may be a relevant resource for the early diagnosis of preeclampsia before the installation of target organ damage, especially if measured in the period between 12 and 28 weeks of gestational age. Whereas sFlt-1 manifests itself before the 20th week, that may be interesting clinical point of view since it is this phase that settles the most severe cases, when the adoption of care could prevent further risks. The relationship sFlt1/PIGF, was more appropriate than the measurement of sFlt1 alone. Additional studies are needed to: amplification of the number of women evaluated, establishing gestational age appropriate for study, serum standard and need to consider the relationship between sFlt1 and other factors pro and/or anti-angiogenic.