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PLoS One ; 17(7): e0270690, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35834534


The genus Stenella is comprised of five species occurring in all oceans. Despite its wide distribution, genetic diversity information on these species is still scarce especially in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Some features of this genus can enhance opportunities for potential introgressive hybridization, e.g. sympatric distibution along the Brazilian coast, mixed known associations among species, karyotype uniformity and genome permeability. In this study we analyzed three genes of the mitochondrial genome to investigate the genetic diversity and occurrence of genetic mixture among eighty specimens of Stenella. All species exhibited moderate to high levels of genetic diversity (h = 0.833 to h = 1.000 and π = 0.006 to π = 0.015). Specimens of S. longirostris, S. attenuata and S. frontalis were clustered into differentiated haplogroups, in contrast, haplotypes of S. coeruleoalba and S. clymene were clustered together. We detected phylogenetic structure of mixed clades for S. clymene and S. coeruleoalba specimens, in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, and also between S. frontalis and S. attenuata in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, and between S. frontalis and S. longirostris in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. These specimes were morphologically identified as one species but exhibited the maternal lineage of another species, by mitochondrial DNA. Our results demonstrate that ongoing gene flow is occurring among species of the genus Stenella reinforcing that this process could be one of the reasons for the confusing taxonomy and difficulties in elucidating phylogenetic relationships within this group.

Delfines , Stenella , Animales , Océano Atlántico , ADN Mitocondrial/química , ADN Mitocondrial/genética , Delfines/genética , Filogenia
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 5(1a): 91-98, 2005. tab, mapas
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-459534


O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Parque Metropolitano de Pituaçu (PMP), um fragmento de Mata Atlântica secundária com 425 ha, localizado nas coordenadas geográficas 12°56'S;38°24'W. Foi analisado o efeito de borda sobre a composição, diversidade e riqueza em espécies de aranhas do PMP. Foram utilizados dois métodos: coleta manual noturna (CMN) e guarda-chuva entomológico (GE). Foram escolhidos 12 pontos arbitrariamente, seis de borda e seis de centro, totalizando 24h e 240 arbustos. A riqueza foi estimada pelo índice de Bootstrap através do software EstimateS e a diversidade pelo índice de Shannon-Wiener (H). Foi aplicado o índice de similaridade de Jaccard para estimar o grau de semelhança entre a composição de espécies dos ambientes. As análises estatísticas foram feitas a partir do software Bioestat 2.0 e Diversity©, utilizando-se para a comparação da riqueza estimada entre os ambientes, o teste ANOVA: um critério. Foram coletados 948 espécimes, sendo 272 indivíduos adultos, agrupados em 20 famílias e 80 espécies. A Partir do índice de riqueza Bootstrap estimou-se para o método de coleta GE 32 espécies para o centro e 34 para a borda, quanto a CMN foi estimado 45 espécies para o centro e 53 para a borda, verificando-se que em ambos os métodos de amostragem não houve diferença significativa entre as áreas (ANOVA, p>0,05). Com relação à diversidade, observou-se que em ambos os métodos de coleta que o índice de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener foi maior na borda que no centro, apontando diferenças bastante significativas, entre os ambientes de borda e centro. O índice de similaridade de Jaccard em relação à composição de espécies entre borda e centro foi de 32,2 por cento para CMN e 20,9 por cento para GE apresentando assim um baixo grau de similaridade na composição dessas espécies entre as áreas. Dentre as espécies dominantes no ambiente de centro as aranhas construtoras de teia foram mais abundantes, fato este que não foi observado na borda...

The Pituaçu Metropolitan Park (PMP) is a secondary Atlantic rainforest remnant with 425ha. New studies on ecology dynamics can help its management plan implementation and conservation. This paper analyses the border effect over the composition, diversity and richness of spider species in the PMP. The methods used were: nocturnal manual collection (CMN), and beating trays (GE). Twelve sampling units were randomly chosen (6 on the border and 6 on the interior) totalling an effort of 24 hours and 240 shrubs. Spider richness was estimated using Bootstrap, diversity using Shannon - Wiener (H). The similarity index of Jaccard was used to estimate the level of equality between the species composition in each unit. The statistical analysis were carried out using EstimateS©, Biostat 2.0© and Diversity© packages. Comparisons betwenn spider richness were made using ANOVA. A total of 948 specimens were collected. Of these, 272 were adults, belonging to 80 species and 20 families. Bootstrap estimated 32 species for GE in the center and 34 on the border. Concerning CMN, estimates were of 45 species in the center and 53 on the border, verifying that for both sampling methods there was no significant difference between the areas (ANOVA p>0,05). In relation to diversity, Shannon-Wiener index found that for both sampling methods the diversity was higher on the border than in the center. These results show that there is a significant difference between the habitats located on the border and in the center. Jaccard similarity index resulted in 32,2 percent for CMN and 20,9 percent for GE between the border and centre, indicating that there is a low level of similarity between the species composition of these areas. Among the dominant species in the center habitat, the orbweaving spiders were dominant, which was not observed on the remnant's border, where the runner spiders were dominant. The presence of a higher diversity of spider species on the border of...