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Integr Org Biol ; 6(1): obae007, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38715720


Flight control requires active sensory feedback, and insects have many sensors that help them estimate their current locomotor state, including campaniform sensilla (CS), which are mechanoreceptors that sense strain resulting from deformation of the cuticle. CS on the wing detect bending and torsional forces encountered during flight, providing input to the flight feedback control system. During flight, wings experience complex spatio-temporal strain patterns. Because CS detect only local strain, their placement on the wing is presumably critical for determining the overall representation of wing deformation; however, how these sensilla are distributed across wings is largely unknown. Here, we test the hypothesis that CS are found in stereotyped locations across individuals of Manduca sexta, a hawkmoth. We found that although CS are consistently found on the same veins or in the same regions of the wings, their total number and distribution can vary extensively. This suggests that there is some robustness to variation in sensory feedback in the insect flight control system. The regions where CS are consistently found provide clues to their functional roles, although some patterns might be reflective of developmental processes. Collectively, our results on intraspecific variation in CS placement on insect wings will help reshape our thinking on the utility of mechanosensory feedback for insect flight control and guide further experimental and comparative studies.

Integr Org Biol ; 2(1): obaa024, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33791565


Birds (Aves) exhibit exceptional and diverse locomotor behaviors, including the exquisite ability to balance on two feet. How birds so precisely control their movements may be partly explained by a set of intriguing modifications in their lower spine. These modifications are collectively known as the lumbosacral organ (LSO) and are found in the fused lumbosacral vertebrae called the synsacrum. They include a set of transverse canal-like recesses in the synsacrum that align with lateral lobes of the spinal cord, as well as a dorsal groove in the spinal cord that houses an egg-shaped glycogen body. Based on compelling but primarily observational data, the most recent functional hypotheses for the LSO consider it to be a secondary balance organ, in which the transverse canals are analogous to the semicircular canals of the inner ear. If correct, this hypothesis would reshape our understanding of avian locomotion, yet the LSO has been largely overlooked in the recent literature. Here, we review the current evidence for this hypothesis and then explore a possible relationship between the LSO and balance-intensive locomotor ecologies. Our comparative morphological dataset consists of micro-computed tomography (µ-CT) scans of synsacra from ecologically diverse species. We find that birds that perch tend to have more prominent transverse canals, suggesting that the LSO is useful for balance-intensive behaviors. We then identify the crucial outstanding questions about LSO structure and function. The LSO may be a key innovation that allows independent but coordinated motion of the head and the body, and a full understanding of its function and evolution will require multiple interdisciplinary research efforts.