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Anal Chem ; 92(16): 11388-11395, 2020 Aug 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32693575


Atom probe tomography (APT)-based isotopic analyses are becoming increasingly attractive for analysis applications requiring small volumes of material and sub-micrometer length scales, such as isotope geochemistry, nuclear safety, and materials science. However, there is an open question within the atom probe community as to the reliability of atom probe isotopic and elemental analyses. Using our proposed analysis guidelines, in conjunction with an empirical calibration curve and a machine learning-based adaptive peak fitting algorithm, we demonstrate accurate and repeatable uranium isotopic analyses, via atom probe mass spectrometry, on U3O8 isotopic reference materials. By using isotopic reference materials, each measured isotopic abundance value could be directly compared to a known certified reference value to permit a quantitative statement of accuracy. The isotopic abundance measurements for 235U and 238U in each individual APT sample were consistently within ±1.5% relative to the known reference values. The accuracy and repeatability are approaching values consistent with measurements limited primarily by Poisson counting statistics, i.e., the number of uranium atoms recorded.

Ultramicroscopy ; 216: 113018, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32526558


Atom probe tomography (APT) can theoretically deliver accurate chemical and isotopic analyses at a high level of sensitivity, precision, and spatial resolution. However, empirical APT data often contain significant biases that lead to erroneous chemical concentration and isotopic abundance measurements. The present study explores the accuracy of quantitative isotopic analyses performed via atom probe mass spectrometry. A machine learning-based adaptive peak fitting algorithm was developed to provide a reproducible and mathematically defensible means to determine peak shapes and intensities in the mass spectrum for specific ion species. The isotopic abundance measurements made with the atom probe are compared directly with the known isotopic abundance values for each of the materials. Even in the presence of exceedingly high numbers of multi-hit detection events (up to 80%), and in the absence of any deadtime corrections, our approach produced isotopic abundance measurements having an accuracy consistent with values limited predominantly by counting statistics.

Ultramicroscopy ; 159 Pt 1: 101-11, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26342554


In atom probe tomography (APT), some elements tend to field evaporate preferentially in multi-hit detection events. Boron (B) is one such element. It is thought that a large fraction of the B signal may be lost during data acquisition and is not reported in the mass spectrum or in the 3-D APT reconstruction. Understanding the relationship between the field evaporation behavior of B and the limitations for detecting multi-hit events can provide insight into the signal loss mechanism for B and may suggest ways to improve B detection accuracy. The present work reports data for nominally pure B and for B-implanted silicon (Si) (NIST-SRM2137) at dose levels two-orders of magnitude lower than previously studied by Da Costa, et al. in 2012. Boron concentration profiles collected from SRM2137 specimens qualitatively confirmed a signal loss mechanism is at work in laser pulsed atom probe measurements of B in Si. Ion correlation analysis was used to graphically demonstrate that the detector dead-time results in few same isotope, same charge-state (SISCS) ion pairs being properly recorded in the multi-hit data, explaining why B is consistently under-represented in quantitative analyses. Given the important role of detector dead-time as a signal loss mechanism, the results from three different methods of estimating the detector dead-time are presented. The findings of this study apply to all quantitative analyses that involve multi-hit data, but the dead-time will have the greatest effect on the elements that have a significant quantity of ions detected in multi-hit events.

J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol ; 97(6): 693-705, 1992.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28053453


Errors in the double variation teclinique of refractive index measurement are analyzed using a new approach. The ability to measure matching wavelength is characterized, along with the effect on the calculated refractive index. Refractive index accuracy and precision are very dependent on the specifics of each calibration set, particularly the difference in dispersion between the liquid and solid. Our best precision (±1 or 2×10-4) is attained only when the difference in dispersion between liquid and solid is small, and is dependent on an individual operator's ability to perceive changes in relief. This precision is impossible to achieve for the other glass/liquid combinations, where we are limited by a precision of approximately 1 nm in the selection of matching wavelength. A bias in the measurement of matching wavelength exists that affects the accuracy of the calculated refractive indices. The magnitude of the bias appears to be controlled by the bandpass of the graded interference filter. The errors in refractive index using a graded interference filter with a bandpass of 30 nm FWHM (full width at half maximum intensity) are an order of magnitude larger than the errors using a filter with a bandpass of 15 nm FWHM.