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Commun Earth Environ ; 5(1): 376, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39015622


Quaternary climate changes are driven in part by variations in the distribution and strength of insolation due to orbital parameters. Continental climate variability is well documented for the most recent glacial-interglacial cycles, yet few records extend further back in time. Such records are critically needed to comprehensively assess the entire spectrum of natural climate variability against the backdrop of anthropogenic warming. Here, we apply uranium isotope geochronology to calcite deposits to date groundwater-table changes in Devils Hole cave, Nevada. The deposits record multi-meter groundwater-table fluctuations over the last 750,000 years, reflecting the long-term evolution of hydroclimate in this presently arid region. During periods between glacial or interglacial extremes, the water table responded sensitively to variations in 65°N summer insolation, likely caused by the increasing extent of North American ice sheets during cold period, which steered moisture-laden trajectories towards the southwestern USA. These orbitally-driven hydroclimatic changes are superimposed on a tectonically-driven long-term decline in the regional groundwater table observed prior to 438,000 ± 14,000 years ago.

Commun Earth Environ ; 4(1): 98, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38665190


Estimating groundwater recharge under various climate conditions is important for predicting future freshwater availability. This is especially true for the water-limited region of the southern Great Basin, USA. To investigate the response of groundwater recharge to different climate states, we calculate the paleo recharge to a groundwater basin in southern Nevada over the last 350,000 years. Our approach combines a groundwater model with paleo-water-table data from Devils Hole cave. The minimum water-table during peak interglacial conditions was more than 1.6 m below modern levels, representing a recharge decline of less than 17% from present-day conditions. During peak glacial conditions, the water-table elevation was at least 9.5 m above modern levels, representing a recharge increase of more than 233-244% compared to present-day conditions. The elevation of the Devils Hole water-table is 3-4 times more sensitive to groundwater recharge during dry interglacial periods, compared to wet glacial periods. This study can serve as a benchmark for understanding long-term effects of past and future climate change on groundwater resources.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 13885, 2021 07 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34230539


A speleothem record from the north-eastern Yucatán peninsula (Mexico) provides new insights into the tropical hydro-climate of the Americas between 11,040 and 9520 a BP on up to sub-decadal scale. Despite the complex atmospheric reorganization during the end of the last deglaciation, the dominant internal leading modes of precipitation variability during the late Holocene were also active during the time of record. While multi-decadal variations were not persistent, Mesoamerican precipitation was dominated by changes on the decadal- and centennial scale, which may be attributed to ENSO activity driven by solar forcing. Freshwater fluxes from the remnant Laurentide ice sheet into the Gulf of Mexico and the North Atlantic have additionally modulated the regional evaporation/precipitation balance. In particular, this study underlines the importance of solar activity on tropical and subtropical climate variability through forcing of the tropical Pacific, providing a plausible scenario for observed recurrent droughts on the decadal scale throughout the Holocene.