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Zookeys ; 1100: 103-116, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36760391


Halorhynchusremii Chamorro & Steiner, sp. nov. is described from Madagascar. This new species is the third known species of the genus and the first for Africa. Halorhynchusremii is compared to other psammophilous, anophthalmous onycholipine cossonines. Transoceanic dispersal between Australia and Madagascar and sand burrowing adaptation are briefly discussed. A key to the species is provided.

JMIR Form Res ; 5(10): e31862, 2021 Oct 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34694234


BACKGROUND: Approximately two-thirds of patients with major depressive disorder do not achieve remission during their first treatment. There has been increasing interest in the use of digital, artificial intelligence-powered clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) to assist physicians in their treatment selection and management, improving the personalization and use of best practices such as measurement-based care. Previous literature shows that for digital mental health tools to be successful, the tool must be easy for patients and physicians to use and feasible within existing clinical workflows. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine the feasibility of an artificial intelligence-powered CDSS, which combines the operationalized 2016 Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments guidelines with a neural network-based individualized treatment remission prediction. METHODS: Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the study was adapted to be completed entirely remotely. A total of 7 physicians recruited outpatients diagnosed with major depressive disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition criteria. Patients completed a minimum of one visit without the CDSS (baseline) and 2 subsequent visits where the CDSS was used by the physician (visits 1 and 2). The primary outcome of interest was change in appointment length after the introduction of the CDSS as a proxy for feasibility. Feasibility and acceptability data were collected through self-report questionnaires and semistructured interviews. RESULTS: Data were collected between January and November 2020. A total of 17 patients were enrolled in the study; of the 17 patients, 14 (82%) completed the study. There was no significant difference in appointment length between visits (introduction of the tool did not increase appointment length; F2,24=0.805; mean squared error 58.08; P=.46). In total, 92% (12/13) of patients and 71% (5/7) of physicians felt that the tool was easy to use; 62% (8/13) of patients and 71% (5/7) of physicians rated that they trusted the CDSS. Of the 13 patients, 6 (46%) felt that the patient-clinician relationship significantly or somewhat improved, whereas 7 (54%) felt that it did not change. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm that the integration of the tool does not significantly increase appointment length and suggest that the CDSS is easy to use and may have positive effects on the patient-physician relationship for some patients. The CDSS is feasible and ready for effectiveness studies. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT04061642;

Zookeys ; (728): 1-455, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29416389


This catalogue includes all valid family-group (8 subfamilies, 52 tribes, 14 subtribes), genus-group (349 genera, 86 subgenera), and species-group names (2825 species, 215 subspecies) of darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) known to occur in North America and their available synonyms. Data on extant, subfossil and fossil taxa are given. For each name the author and year and page number of the description are provided, with additional information (e.g., type species for genus-group names, author of synonymies for invalid taxa) depending on the taxon rank. Several new nomenclatural acts are included. One new genus, Lepidocnemeplatia Bousquet and Bouchard, is described. Spelaebiosis Bousquet and Bouchard [for Ardoinia Özdikmen, 2004], Blapstinus marcuzzii Aalbu [for Blapstinus kulzeri Marcuzzi, 1977], and Hymenorus campbelli Bouchard [for Hymenorus oculatus Doyen and Poinar, 1994] are proposed as new replacement names. Supporting evidence is provided for the conservation of usage of Tarpela micans (Fabricius, 1798) nomen protectum over Tarpela vittata (Olivier, 1793) nomen oblitum. The generic names Psilomera Motschulsky, 1870 [= Stenomorpha Solier, 1836], Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [= Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829], Ooconibius Casey, 1895 and Euconibius Casey, 1895 [= Conibius LeConte, 1851] are new synonyms (valid names in square brackets). The following 127 new synonymies of species-group names, listed in their original combination, are proposed (valid names, in their current combination, placed in square brackets): Bothrasida mucorea Wilke, 1922 [= Pelecyphorus guanajuatensis (Champion, 1884)]; Parasida zacualpanicola Wilke, 1922 [= Pelecyphorus asidoides Solier, 1836]; Stenosides kulzeri Pallister, 1954, Stenosides bisinuatus Pallister, 1954, and Parasida trisinuata Pallister, 1954 [= Pelecyphorus dispar (Champion, 1892)]; Asida favosa Champion, 1884 and Asida similata Champion, 1884 [= Pelecyphorus fallax (Champion, 1884)]; Ologlyptus bicarinatus Champion, 1884 [= Pelecyphorus indutus (Champion, 1884)]; Parasida laciniata Casey, 1912 and Parasida cristata Pallister, 1954 [= Pelecyphorus liratus (LeConte, 1854)]; Parasida esperanzae Wilke, 1922 and Parasida mixtecae Wilke, 1922 [= Pelecyphorus longipennis (Champion, 1884)]; Parasida tolucana Casey, 1912 [= Pelecyphorus scutellaris (Champion, 1884)]; Parasida purpusi Wilke, 1922 [= Pelecyphorus tristis (Champion, 1884)]; Astrotus nosodermoides Champion, 1892 [= Pelecyphorus erosus (Champion, 1892)]; Astrotus seticornis var. humeralis Champion, 1884 [= Pelecyphorus seticornis (Champion, 1884)]; Pactostoma breviuscula Casey, 1912, Pactostoma exoleta Casey, 1912, Pactostoma luteotecta Casey, 1912, Pactostoma monticola Casey, 1912, Pactostoma obtecta Casey, 1912, and Pactostoma sigillata Casey, 1912 [=Pelecyphorus anastomosis (Say, 1824)]; Ologlyptus canus Champion, 1884 and Ologlyptus sinuaticollis Champion, 1884 [= Pelecyphorus graciliformis (Solier, 1836)]; Gonasida elata reducta Casey, 1912, Gonasida elata prolixa Casey, 1912, and Gonasida aucta Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus elatus compar (Casey, 1912)]; Gonasida alaticollis Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus elatus difformis (LeConte, 1854)]; Gonasida gravida Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus elatus elatus (LeConte, 1853)]; Pelecyphorus aegrotus limbatus Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus aegrotus aegrotus (LeConte, 1861)]; Pelecyphorus corporalis Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus reptans Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus socer Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus abscissus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus fumosus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus parvus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus morbillosus pacatus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus morbillosus sobrius Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus piceus Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus piceus crudelis Casey, 1912, Pelecyphorus snowi Casey, 1912, and Pelecyphorus subtenuis Casey, 1912 [= Philolithus morbillosus (LeConte, 1858)]; Bothrasida sanctae-agnae Wilke, 1922 [= Stenomorpha funesta (Champion, 1884)]; Asida flaccida Horn, 1896 [= Stenomorpha embaphionides (Horn, 1894)]; Asida angustula Casey, 1890, Stethasida stricta Casey, 1912, Stethasida muricatula languida Casey, 1912, Stethasida pertinax Casey, 1912, Stethasida socors Casey, 1912, Stethasida angustula inepta Casey, 1912, Stethasida tenax Casey, 1912, and Stethasida vegrandis Casey, 1912 [= Stenomorpha muricatula (LeConte, 1851)]; Stethasida obsoleta expansa Casey, 1912, Stethasida obsoleta opacella Casey, 1912, Stethasida brevipes Casey, 1912, Stethasida torpida Casey, 1912, Stethasida convergens Casey, 1912, Stethasida discreta Casey, 1912, Stethasida longula Casey, 1912, Stethasida adumbrata Casey, 1912, Stethasida occulta Casey, 1912, Stethasida tarsalis Casey, 1912, Stethasida unica Casey, 1912, and Pelecyphorus laevigatus Papp, 1961 [= Stenomorpha obsoleta (LeConte, 1851)]; Trichiasida eremica Wilke, 1922 [= Stenomorpha difficilis (Champion, 1884)]; Trichiasida lineatopilosa Casey, 1912 [= Stenomorpha hirsuta (LeConte, 1851)]; Trichiasida tenella Casey, 1912 [= Stenomorpha hispidula (LeConte, 1851)]; Trichiasida duplex Casey, 1912 [= Stenomorpha villosa (Champion, 1884)]; Alaudes squamosa Blaisdell, 1919, Alaudes testacea Blaisdell, 1919, and Alaudes fallax Fall, 1928 [= Alaudes singularis Horn, 1870]; Edrotes barrowsi Dajoz, 1999 [=Edrotes ventricosus LeConte, 1851]; Nyctoporis tetrica Casey, 1907 and Nyctoporis maura Casey, 1907 [= Nyctoporis aequicollis Eschscholtz, 1831]; Nyctoporis pullata Casey, 1907 [= Nyctoporis sponsa Casey, 1907]; Eleodes tibialis forma oblonga Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes tibialis Blaisdell, 1909]; Eleodes (manni var.) variolosa Blaisdell, 1917 [= Eleodes constrictus LeConte, 1858]; Eleodes cordata forma sublaevis Blaisdell, 1909, Eleodes cordata forma intermedia Blaisdell, 1909, Eleodes cordata forma oblonga Blaisdell, 1909, Eleodes cordata forma elongata Blaisdell, 1909, and Eleodes (cordata var.) adulterina Blaisdell, 1917 [= Eleodes cordata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes hornii var. monticula Blaisdell, 1918 and Eleodes manni sierra Blaisdell, 1925 [= Eleodes fuchsii Blaisdell, 1909]; Eleodes parvicollis var. squalida Blaisdell, 1918 [= Eleodes parvicollis Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes reflexicollis Mannerheim, 1843 and Eleodes parvicollis forma farallonica Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes planata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes indentata Blaisdell, 1935 [= Eleodes rotundipennis LeConte, 1857]; Eleodes intricata Mannerheim, 1843 [= Eleodes scabrosa Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes horni fenyesi Blaisdell, 1925 [= Eleodes tenebrosa Horn, 1870]; Eleodes cordata var. horrida Blaisdell, 1918 [= Eleodes tuberculata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes oblonga Blaisdell, 1933 [= Eleodes versatilis Blaisdell, 1921]; Eleodes dentipes marinae Blaisdell, 1921 [= Eleodes dentipes Eschscholtz, 1829]; Eleodes carbonaria forma glabra Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes carbonaria carbonaria (Say, 1824)]; Eleodes granosa forma fortis Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes granosa LeConte, 1866]; Eleodes pilosa forma ordinata Blaisdell, 1909 [= Eleodes pilosa Horn, 1870]; Trogloderus costatus pappi Kulzer, 1960 [= Trogloderus tuberculatus Blaisdell, 1909]; Trogloderus costatus mayhewi Papp, 1961 [= Trogloderus vandykei La Rivers, 1946]; Bolitophagus cristatus Gosse, 1840 [= Bolitotherus cornutus (Fabricius, 1801)]; Eleates explanatus Casey, 1890 [= Eleates depressus (Randall, 1838)]; Blapstinus sonorae Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus brevicollis LeConte, 1851]; Blapstinus falli Blaisdell, 1929 [= Blapstinus castaneus Casey, 1890]; Blapstinus brunneus Casey, 1890 and Blapstinus coronadensis Blaisdell, 1892 [=Blapstinus histricus Casey, 1890]; Blapstinus hesperius Casey, 1890 [=Blapstinus intermixtus Casey, 1890]; Blapstinus cinerascens Fall, 1929 [= Blapstinus lecontei Mulsant and Rey, 1859]; Blapstinus niger Casey, 1890 and Blapstinus cribricollis Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus pimalis Casey, 1885]; Blapstinus arenarius Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus pratensis LeConte, 1859]; Blapstinus gregalis Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus substriatus Champion, 1885]; Blapstinus hydropicus Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus sulcatus LeConte, 1851]; Blapstinus hospes Casey, 1890 [= Blapstinus vestitus LeConte, 1859]; Notibius reflexus Horn, 1894 [= Conibius opacus (LeConte, 1866)]; Notibius affinis Champion, 1885 [=Conibius rugipes (Champion, 1885)]; Conibius parallelus LeConte, 1851 [= Conibius seriatus LeConte, 1851]; Nocibiotes rubripes Casey, 1895 [=Nocibiotes caudatus Casey, 1895]; Nocibiotes gracilis Casey, 1895 and Nocibiotes acutus Casey, 1895 [=Nocibiotes granulatus (LeConte, 1851)]; Conibius alternatus Casey, 1890 [= Tonibius sulcatus (LeConte, 1851)]; Pedinus suturalis Say, 1824 [= Alaetrinus minimus (Palisot de Beauvois, 1817)]; Menedrio longipennis Motschulsky, 1872 [= Tenebrio obscurus Fabricius, 1792]; Hymenophorus megops Hatch, 1965 and Telesicles magnus Hatch, 1965 [= Hymenorus sinuatus Fall, 1931]; Andrimus concolor Casey, 1891 and Andrimus convergens Casey, 1891 [= Andrimus murrayi (LeConte, 1866)]; Mycetochara marshalli Campbell, 1978 [= Mycetochara perplexata Marshall, 1970]; Phaleria globosa LeConte, 1857 [= Phaleria picta Mannerheim, 1843]. The following subspecies of Trogloderus costatus LeConte, 1879 are given species rank: Trogloderus nevadus La Rivers, 1943, Trogloderus tuberculatus Blaisdell, 1909, and Trogloderus vandykei La Rivers, 1946. The following taxa, previously thought to be junior synonyms, are considered valid: Amphidora Eschscholtz, 1829; Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829; Helops confluens (Casey, 1924). Two new combinations are proposed: Stenomorpha spinimana (Champion, 1892) and Stenomorpha tenebrosa (Champion, 1892) [from the genus Parasida Casey, 1912]. The type species [placed in square brackets] of the following 12 genus-group taxa are designated for the first time: Lagriola Kirsch, 1874 [Lagriola operosa Kirsch, 1874]; Locrodes Casey, 1907 [Emmenastus piceus Casey, 1890]; Falacer Laporte, 1840 [Acanthopus cupreus Laporte, 1840 (= Helops contractus Palisot de Beauvois, 1812)]; Blapylis Horn, 1870 [Eleodes cordata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Discogenia LeConte, 1866 [Eleodes scabricula LeConte, 1858]; Metablapylis Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes nigrina LeConte, 1858]; Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes longicollis LeConte, 1851]; Scaptes Champion, 1886 [Scaptes squamulatus Champion, 1886 (= Asida tropica Kirsch, 1866)]; Aspidius Mulsant and Rey, 1859 [Blaps punctata Fabricius, 1792]; Cryptozoon Schaufuss, 1882 [Cryptozoon civile Schaufuss, 1882]; Halophalerus Crotch, 1874 [Phaleria rotundata LeConte, 1851]; Dignamptus LeConte, 1878 [Dignamptus stenochinus LeConte, 1878]. Two species previously known from South America [Nilio lebasi J. Thomson and Platydema erotyloides Chevrolat] are reported for the first time from North America.

ResumenEste catálogo incluye todos los grupos válidos de nivel famili (8 subfamilias, 52 tribus, 14 subtribus), de nivel género (349 géneros, 86 subgéneros) y de nivel especie (2825 especies, 215 subespecies) de tenebriónidos (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) presentes en América del Norte y sus sinónimos disponibles. Se dan datos sobre los táxones existentes, subfósiles y fósiles. Para cada nombre, el autor, el año y el número de página de la descripción se complementan con información adicional dependiendo de la categoría del taxon (por ejemplo, especies tipo para nombres de nivel género, autor de sinonimias para táxones no válidos).Se incluyen varios nuevos actos nomenclaturales. Un nuevo género, Lepidocnemeplatia Bousquet y Bouchard, se describe. Spelaebiosis Bousquet y Bouchard [para Ardoinia Özdikmen, 2004], Blapstinus marcuzzii Aalbu [para Blapstinus kulzeri Marcuzzi, 1977] e Hymenorus campbelli Bouchard [para Hymenorus oculatus Doyen y Poinar, 1994] se proponen como nuevos nombres de reemplazo. Se proporciona evidencia de uso para la conservación de Tarpela micans (Fabricius, 1798) nomen protectum sobre Tarpela vittata (Olivier, 1793) nomen oblitum. Los nombres genéricos Psilomera Motschulsky, 1870 [= Stenomorpha Solier, 1836], Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [= Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829], Ooconibius Casey, 1895 y Euconibius Casey, 1895 [= Conibius LeConte, 1851] sonnuevos sinónimos (nombres válidos en corchetes). Se proponen las siguientes 127 nuevas sinonimias de nombres de nivel especie (ver lista en el «Resumen¼), enumerados en su combinación original (nombres válidos, listados en su combinación actual, colocados entre corchetes). Las siguientes subespecies de Trogloderus costatus LeConte, 1879 reciben categoría de especie: Trogloderus nevadus La Rivers, 1943, Trogloderus tuberculatus Blaisdell, 1909 y Trogloderus vandykei La Rivers, 1946. Los siguientes táxones, que anteriormente se consideraban sinónimos más modernos, se consideran válidos: Amphidora Eschscholtz, 1829, Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829, Helops confluens (Casey, 1924). Se proponen dos nuevas combinaciones: Stenomorpha spinimana (Champion, 1892) y Stenomorpha tenebrosa (Champion, 1892) [del género Parasida Casey, 1912]. Las especies tipo [colocadas entre corchetes] de los siguientes 12 táxones del nivel génerosse designan por primera vez: Lagriola Kirsch, 1874 [Lagriola operosa Kirsch, 1874]; Locrodes Casey, 1907 [Emmenastus piceus Casey, 1890]; Falacer Laporte, 1840 [Acanthopus cupreus Laporte, 1840 (= Helops contractus Palisot de Beauvois, 1812)]; Blapylis Horn, 1870 [Eleodes cordata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Discogenia LeConte, 1866 [Eleodes scabricula LeConte, 1858]; Metablapylis Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes nigrina LeConte, 1858]; Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes longicollis LeConte, 1851]; Scaptes Champion, 1886 [Scaptes squamulatus Champion, 1886 (= Asida tropica Kirsch, 1866)]; Aspidius Mulsant y Rey, 1859 [Blaps punctata Fabricius, 1792]; Cryptozoon Schaufuss, 1882 [Cryptozoon civile Schaufuss, 1882]; Halophalerus Crotch, 1874 [Phaleria rotundata LeConte, 1851]; Dignamptus LeConte, 1878 [Dignamptus stenochinus LeConte, 1878]. Dos especies previamente conocidas de América del Sur [Nilio lebasi J. Thomson y Platydema erotyloides Chevrolat] se mencionan por primera vez de América del Norte.

RésuméCe catalogue liste tous les noms de niveau famille (8 sous-familles, 52 tribus, 14 sous-tribus), genre (349 genres, 86 sous-genres), et espèce (2825 espèces, 215 sous-espèces) de Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera:) recensés en Amérique du Nord ainsi que leurs synonymes disponibles. Le catalogue inclut les taxons actuels, subfossiles et fossiles. L'auteur ainsi que l'année et la pagination de la description sont inclus pour chaque nom scientifique et, pour certains de ces noms, des renseignements additionnels (par exemple, l'espèce-type pour les noms de niveau genre, l'auteur de la synonymie des noms invalides des niveaux genre et espèce).Plusieurs nouveaux actes nomenclaturaux sont proposés. On décrit un nouveau genre, Lepidocnemeplatia Bousquet et Bouchard. Spelaebiosis Bousquet et Bouchard [pour Ardoinia Özdikmen, 2004], Blapstinus marcuzzii Aalbu [pour Blapstinus kulzeri Marcuzzi, 1977] et Hymenorus campbelli Bouchard [pour Hymenorus oculatus Doyen and Poinar, 1994] sont des nouveaux noms de remplacement. On fournit les évidences nécessaires pour conserver l'usage actuel du nom Tarpela micans (Fabricius, 1798) nomen protectum sur celui de Tarpela vittata (Olivier, 1793) nomen oblitum. Les noms génériques Psilomera Motschulsky, 1870 [= Stenomorpha Solier, 1836], Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [= Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829], Ooconibius Casey, 1895 et Euconibius Casey, 1895 [= Conibius LeConte, 1851] sont des nouveaux synonymes (noms valides placés entre crochets). On propose 127 nouveaux synonymes de noms de niveau espèce (voir la liste dans « Abstract ¼), listés par leur combinaison originelle (noms valides, listés par leur combinaison actuelle, placés entre crochets). On élève au rang d'espèce les sous-espèces suivantes de Trogloderus costatus LeConte, 1879: Trogloderus nevadus La Rivers, 1943, Trogloderus tuberculatus Blaisdell, 1909, et Trogloderus vandykei La Rivers, 1946. On redonne le statut de taxons valides aux entités suivantes considérées à tort comme invalides: Amphidora Eschscholtz, 1829, Xysta Eschscholtz, 1829, et Helops confluens (Casey, 1924). On propose les combinaisons nouvelles suivantes: Stenomorpha spinimana (Champion, 1892) et Stenomorpha tenebrosa (Champion, 1892) [auparavant placés dans le genre Parasida Casey, 1912]. On désigne pour la première fois l'espèce type [placée entre crochets] des 12 noms suivants de niveau genre: Lagriola Kirsch, 1874 [Lagriola operosa Kirsch, 1874]; Locrodes Casey, 1907 [Emmenastus piceus Casey, 1890]; Falacer Laporte, 1840 [Acanthopus cupreus Laporte, 1840 (= Helops contractus Palisot de Beauvois, 1812)]; Blapylis Horn, 1870 [Eleodes cordata Eschscholtz, 1829]; Discogenia LeConte, 1866 [Eleodes scabricula LeConte, 1858]; Metablapylis Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes nigrina LeConte, 1858]; Steneleodes Blaisdell, 1909 [Eleodes longicollis LeConte, 1851]; Scaptes Champion, 1886 [Scaptes squamulatus Champion, 1886 (= Asida tropica Kirsch, 1866)]; Aspidius Mulsant and Rey, 1859 [Blaps punctata Fabricius, 1792]; Cryptozoon Schaufuss, 1882 [Cryptozoon civile Schaufuss, 1882]; Halophalerus Crotch, 1874 [Phaleria rotundata LeConte, 1851]; Dignamptus LeConte, 1878 [Dignamptus stenochinus LeConte, 1878]. Deux espèces, auparavant documentées seulement de l'Amérique du Sud [Nilio lebasi J. Thomson and Platydema erotyloides Chevrolat], sont rapportées pour la première fois d'Amérique du Nord.

Zookeys ; (415): 311-27, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25009432


THIS STUDY DESCRIBES AND ILLUSTRATES THE LARVAE AND PUPAE OF TWO NORTH AMERICAN DARKLING BEETLES (COLEOPTERA: Tenebrionidae) in the subfamily Stenochiinae, Glyptotus cribratus LeConte from the southeastern United States, and Cibdelis blaschkei Mannerheim from California. Both species inhabit forested regions where adults and larvae occur in soft rotten dry wood of dead branches on living trees or in sections recently fallen from them. Species identity was confirmed by rearing of adults and pupae and the discovery of both in pupal cells with associated exuvia. Specimen label data and notes on habitats are provided. Antipredator defense structures and behaviour are noted for larvae and pupae of both species.

Psychol Trauma ; 5(3): 268-276, 2013 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24795790


In 2006, following the shooting at Dawson College, the authorities implemented an intervention plan. This provided an opportunity to analyze the responses to services offered, and afforded a learning opportunity, which led to the proposal of an extensive multimodal short- and long-term psychological plan for future needs. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered 18 months after the event, involving the participation of 948 students and staff. Mental health problems and the perception of services offered after the shooting were investigated, using standardized measures. Second, focus groups and individual interviews were conducted among a subgroup of participants (support team members; teachers and employees; students and parents) and permitted to gather data on services received and services required. Individual report of events, the extent of psychological impact and services offered and received were analyzed in terms of the following dimensions: intervention philosophy, training, ongoing offer of services and finally, detection and outreach. A significant incidence of disorders and a high rate of exacerbation of preexisting mental disorders were observed within the 18 months following the shooting. Postimmediate and short-term intervention appeared adequate, but the long-term collective vision toward community support and availability of mental health services were lacking. Lessons learned from this evaluation and other school shootings suggest that preparedness and long-term community responses are often overlooked. A multimodal extensive plan is proposed based on a theoretical model from which interventions strategies could be drawn.

Cladistics ; 22(2): 102-131, 2006 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34892870


A phylogenetic analysis of Adephaga is presented. It is based on 148 morphological characters of adults and larvae and focussed on a placement of the recently described Meruidae, and the genus-level phylogeny of the smaller aquatic families Gyrinidae, Haliplidae and Noteridae. We found a sister group relationship between Gyrinidae and the remaining adephagan families, as was found in previous studies using morphology. Haliplidae are either the sister group of Dytiscoidea or the sister group of a clade comprising Geadephaga and the dytiscoid families. Trachypachidae was placed as the sister group of the rhysodid-carabid clade or of Dytiscoidea. The monophyly of Dytiscoidea including Meru is well supported. Autapomorphies are the extensive metathoracic intercoxal septum, the origin of the metafurca from this structure, the loss of Mm. furcacoxalis anterior and posterior, and possibly the presence of an elongated subcubital setal binding patch. Meruidae was placed as sister group of the Noteridae. Synapomorphies are the absence of the transverse ridge of the metaventrite, the fusion of abdominal segments III and IV, the shape of the strongly asymmetric parameres, and the enlargement of antennomeres 5, 7 and 9. The Meru-noterid clade is the sister group of the remaining Dytiscoidea. The exact position of Aspidytes within this clade remains ambiguous: it is either the sister group of Amphizoidae or the sister group of a clade comprising this family and Hygrobiidae + Dytiscidae. The sister group relationship between Spanglerogyrinae and Gyrininae was strongly supported. The two included genera of Gyrinini form a clade, and Enhydrini are the sister group of a monophylum comprising the remaining Enhydrini and Orectochilini. A branching pattern (Peltodytes + (Brychius + Haliplus)) within Haliplidae was confirmed. Algophilus, Apteraliplus and the Haliplus-subgenus Liaphlus form a clade. The generic status of the two former taxa is unjustified. The Phreatodytinae are the sister group of Noterinae, and Notomicrus (+ Speonoterus), Hydrocoptus, and Pronoterus branch off successively within this subfamily. The search for the larvae of Meru and a combined analysis of morphological and molecular data should have high priority.

Community Ment Health J ; 38(1): 51-9, 2002 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11892856


Outpatients with long-term psychotic disorders from two clinical case management programs were interviewed one-on-one to determine their satisfaction with specific aspects of such services. Patients answered standardized questionnaires and two open-ended satisfaction questions. The close follow-up provided by these programs led us to expect high patient satisfaction, and most patients were very satisfied with their clinical case managers. Lower functioning patients, followed by more intensive clinical case management, were equally satisfied to those followed by a less intensive program. However, many patients revealed dissatisfaction with explanations about clinical treatment and services.

Manejo de Caso , Satisfacción del Paciente , Trastornos Psicóticos/psicología , Adulto , Servicios Comunitarios de Salud Mental , Continuidad de la Atención al Paciente , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Trastornos Psicóticos/rehabilitación , Garantía de la Calidad de Atención de Salud , Quebec